
European Symposium on Adolescent Research & Research Method Workshop
30th November 2015 (Monday): Symposium
1st December 2015 (Tuesday): Workshop
Venue: Whitelands College, University of Roehampton, London
You are cordially invited to the European Symposium on Adolescent Research & Research
Method Workshop, hosted by the University of Roehampton and the European Association for
Research on Adolescence (EARA)
Call for Abstract for Poster Presentation
Abstracts for poster presentations are warmly invited on any of the following themes:
- Adolescent socialization (adolescents and parents, peer groups, employment, subculture)
- Adolescents at risk (substance abuse, risky sexual behaviour)
- Adolescent mental health (well-being, stress and coping, handicaps, intervention)
- Adolescent identity formation (identity, social cognition, gender role, ethnicity)
Confirmed Keynote Speakers
Prof Figen Çok (TED University Faculty of Education, Ankara, Turkey)
“Contemporary Adolescence Research and European Association for Research on Adolescence”
Prof Inge Seiffge-Krencke (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany)
“Identity Stress Across the Globe: Challenges not only for migrant youth”
Prof Nick Emler (Surrey University, UK)
“Studying the mundane details of everyday life”
Prof Martyn Barrett (University of Surrey, UK)
“Competences for democratic culture: A new Council of Europe initiative on youth citizenship
Prof Marion Kloep & Prof Leo Hendry (University of Glamorgan & University of Aberdeen)
“Demonising the demagogues: A critical look at some recent trends in adolescent research”
Dr Olympia Palikara (University of Roehampton, UK)
“Academic achievement in adolescents with language impairment: Factors supporting positive
Prof Cecilia Essau (University of Roehampton, UK)
“Anxiety and depression in adolescents”
For all information, contact:
Prof Cecilia A. Essau
Department of Psychology, University of Roehampton
New methods of analyzing longitudinal data: Within- and Between-person modelling
Facilitators: Dr Loes Keijsers
(Utrecht University, The Netherlands & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)
In the one-day workshop, Loes Keijsers will provide hands-on tools to get the most out of
longitudinal data.
In the morning, she will describe the need and methods for analyzing development and
associations at the within-person level for providing better answers to theoretical questions
regarding human development. She will also explain the background and details of statistical
techniques, such as latent growth curve modeling to study development, and multi-level structural
equation modeling to assess within-person associations.
In the afternoon, there will be ample opportunity to practice these techniques in Mplus or R. A
basic understanding of regression analyses and preferably structural equation modeling is helpful.
Participants are asked to bring their own laptop and install an Mplus demo version or R. Data can
be provided, but analyzing your own data is also an option.
Workshop Registration Fees
Symposium = Free
Workshop = £ 60.00