FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS CONTACT: A. J. Glaser (970) 484-9048 HUNT DIMMING PROVIDES SCALABILITY IN ITS DIGITAL DIMMING SYSTEMS Simplicity™ Series digital dimming systems are scalable, which allows the system to grow and adapt to the future needs of the end-user. FORT COLLINS, CO, October 27, 2004 … HUNT Dimming, the Fort Collins, CO-based lighting controls manufacturer, has announced added scalability to its Simplicity Series Digital Dimming Systems. Scalability in a product design allows for cost-effective adaptability based on future needs of the owner. Specific to dimming, it is the capability of a dimming system to accept additional loads and controls, building upon an existing system, to minimize future material and labor costs to the equipment owner. The Simplicity Series Digital Dimming Panels and Control Stations provide flexibility with a design that allows for dimming panels, in circuit increments of 6 or 12, to be added or deleted from the original lighting layout. This allows a building owner the flexibility to install, for instance, 24 circuits of immediately needed dimming control; and wait to install an additional 12 circuits of future control until it is actually required. The HUNT Dimming system is designed in a modular fashion and utilizes a ‘plug-and-play’ concept that allows for later building additions to leverage the existing dimming equipment. The Simplicity Series Digital Dimming Panels contain 12 individually addressable outputs. Each circuit is rated at 20A and is capable of being dimmed or switched. As few as six and as many as 12 power modules can be provided per dimming panel. Each dimming module is multi-rated to control incandescent, fluorescent (phase-control), low voltage (electronic or magnetic), neon, cold-cathode, fan-speed and non-dim (or switched) sources. Panels are available in either 120V or 277V ratings, and are UL and cUL Listed. For additional information, contact HUNT Dimming at (970) 484-9048 or visit ### ABOUT HUNT DIMMING: HUNT Dimming has been a quality manufacturer of architectural dimming systems and wallbox dimmers since 1960. The company manufactures a full-line of innovative dimming solutions that are flexible in design to accommodate owner, specifier, and contractor needs. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS CONTACT: A. J. Glaser (970) 484-9048 HUNT DIMMING PROVIDES SCALABILITY IN ITS DIGITAL DIMMING SYSTEMS HUNT Dimming, the Fort Collins, CO-based lighting controls manufacturer, has announced its Simplicity Series Digital Dimming Systems are scalable, which allows the system to cost-effectively grow and adapt to the future needs of the end-user.