Directive of the Dean for doctoral degree study programme at the Czech Technical University in Prague – Faculty of Biomedical Engineering Chapter 1 General provisions 1. Doctoral degree studies at the Czech Technical University in Prague – Faculty of Biomedical Engineering (hereinafter referred to as the „FBMI“) are realized within the frame of an accredited doctoral study programme Biomedical and Clinical Technique as a full-time or a part-time study programme. 2. The conditions shall be determined particularly by the internal regulations of the CVUT in Prague which include: Study and Examination Code for the students of the CVUT in Prague (hereinafter referred to as the „IR CVUT“) Acceptance Code of the CVUT in Prague Disciplinary Code for student of the CVUT in Prague Scholarship Code of the CVUT in Prague Conditions of Study for Foreigners at the CVUT in Prague and this directive. 3. The study is realized according to the individual plan led by the supervisor. The technical part of the doctoral study programme is realized at the training workplaces which are usually appropriate specialized departments and workplaces their level (hereinafter referred to as the „Departments“). Chapter 2 Branch Board 1. The study is led by the branch board of the study programme (hereinafter referred to as the „BB“), which also serves as the branch board for particular fields of study. 2. The BB observes the IR CVUT. Chapter 3 Supervisor 1. The role, rights and liabilities of a supervisor are governed by the IR CVUT. 2. The supervisor guarantees dissertability of the dissertation topics, which he/she announces. 3. The supervisor and the student complete an individual study plan (hereinafter referred to as the „ISP“) within a month after the start of the academic year and this plan shall be submitted to the head of the BB. The ISP shall be filled into a standard form. After the approval, the ISP becomes binding and shall be saved in student’s personal file at the Department for Science and Research of the FBMI (hereinafter referred to as the DSR). 4. The supervisor controls continually, if the student follows the ISP. At the end of each semester, the supervisor submits a written classification of the student completed into a standard form to the head of the BB. The classification shall be saved in student’s personal file at the DSR. Chapter 4 Admission 1. Conditions for acceptance are governed by the Acceptance Code of the CVUT. 2. The acceptance procedure is similar to a selection procedure. It shall be announced by the Dean and it should include workplaces, dissertation topics and deadlines. The acceptance shall be decided by the acceptance commission. 3. The supervisor is invited to the acceptance procedure of those students, who are being accepted to his/her dissertation topics. He/she has the veto privilege during making decision on acceptance of these students. 4. During the admission exam, the applicant is obliged to state, whether he/she has studied a doctoral study programme, where, which field of study, from when to when. Chapter 5 Registration 1. The registration for the first semester is realized at the DSR on days which are stated in the letter of acceptance. 2. Full-time students are obliged to come for registration to the DSR on mentioned days to be registered for the following academic year and they have to submit a statement of doctoral studies. 3. If the student does not come to the registration on the set day and does not apologize for absence within five days, it shall be considered for non-performance of requirements of the study programme and the student loses the student status according to the § 56 sect. 1 b) of the Act. 111/98 Coll. on Higher Education (hereinafter referred to as the „Act on Higher Education“) a Chapter 20 sect. 5 b) of the IR of the CVUT. This procedure is governed by § 68 of the At on Higher Education. In case that the student apologizes within five days in written and the dean accepts this apology, a new date shall be determined. 4. Part-time students may sent their request for registration by post on the basis of a report about the results of the regular control carried out by the branch board provided by the appropriate department. 5. According to the § 54 sect. 2 of the Act on Higher Education, a doctoral student is not a student when he/she interrupts the studies. After the time, for which the studies were interrupted, has elapsed, the student has the right to register for the study programme again. In case the student does not register by the deadline and does not apologize within the following five days, the section 3 of this Chapter shall be applied. Chapter 6 Individual study plan 1. The ISP shall be composed by the supervisor and the student and shall be submitted to the head of the BB for approval. It shall be filled in a prescribed form within one month after the start of the studies. 2. The ISP specifies the study block, which contains: 3. - 4 – 6 subject, which have to be completed by an exam; one exam has to be passed until the end of the second semester, all exams until the end of the fourth semester. The subjects may be chosen from the list of the subjects stated in the Curricula for doctoral studies with regard to the topic of the dissertation. - language studies completed by an exam in the English language, which has to be successfully passed until the end of the fourth semester; - regularly checked progress achieved during work on the dissertation; analysis until the end of the fourth semester; - teaching in subjects related to the topic of the dissertation in the extent of 4 lessons per week during 2 years of the studies; - at least one publication in a renowned reviewed magazine; has to be completed until the date of the final acceptance of the dissertation. 4. Submission of the following certificates shall be acknowledged as the English language exam: - state language exam - general - Cambridge FCE and higher - TOEFL 500 points and more The exam on the English language may be compensated by the discussion about the study which would be in the English language. 5. A student who has been accepted to study in a doctoral programme at the FBMI and has studies a doctoral study programme at the CVUT or at another university in the CR or abroad, the Dean may allow the finished subject to be acknowledged, while the attention has to be to their content, extent, completion and time since the subject was studied. This decision may be made on the recommendation of the supervisor and after the head of the BB has expressed his/her opinion. 6. The observance of the ISP shall be controlled by the supervisor at the end of each semester and the results of the control shall be forwarded to the head of the department in a prescribed form and after his/her approval to the head of the BB. The Dean shall consider this evaluation when determining the scholarships for the following period. Chapter 7 Study 1. The study is a written preparation for the dissertation. Its subject is: - summary of existing dissertation topics in the world; - achieved results while working on the dissertation (may be replaced by student’s publications); - suggestions for further dissertation preparations. 2. The result of the discussion is one of the following options: - consent to the results of the study, which means a consent with further studying; - disapproval to the results of the study – the student may revise the study and submit it for repeated discussion by the deadline determined by the BB, at the latest within 3 months after the unsuccessful discussion; - disapproval to the results of the study and realizing that the results are so insufficient that it is not probable that the student may successfully complete the studies; the Dean may end the studies. Chapter 8 Extension of the studies, conversion from the full-time form to the part-time form 1. Full-time studies may be extended exceptionally, to the limit of 2 semesters. The studies may be extended for a student who has fulfilled all requirements according to the Chapter 6, par. 2. 2. The request for extension of the studies according to the par.1 may be submitted by the student to the Dean 2 months before the planned completion at the latest. He/she shall state the reasons in the request. The supervisor and the head of the Department shall express their opinion. The head of the Department also submits a plan for scholarship which should be paid during the further studies and states its source. 3. Extension of the part-time studies is approved by the Dean according to the student’s request recommended by the supervisor and the head of the Department. The student also submits adjusted ISP approved by the head of the BB. The studies may be extended up to the maximal time of the studies. 4. During the full-time studies, the student may be converted to the part-time studies on his/her own request and with the consent of the supervisor. 5. After the termination of the studies, or after extension of two semesters, the student may be converted from the full-time to the part-time programme. This conversion is conditioned by fulfillment of all student’s duties arising from the ISP. Chapter 9 Comprehensive doctoral exam and discussion about the dissertation 1. The comprehensive doctoral exam is governed by the Chapter 34 of the Study and Exam Code for students of the CVUT in Prague. 2. The dissertation is governed by the Chapter 32 of the Study and Exam Code for students of the CVUT 3. The comprehensive doctoral exam always takes place prior to the discussion about the dissertation and does not take place on the same day. Chapter 10 Duties of the students Each student of the FBMI is obliged to: 1. follow the Act No. 111/98 Coll. on Higher Education, the status of the CVUT and all internal regulations of the CVUT and this regulation of the Dean. 2. monitor the official board of the FBMI (also on and all other information media of the FBMI (particularly e-mail, KOS etc.) during the studies and he/she is obliged to follow the directions stated on them. 3. participate in the introductory training in the SHPW and fire prevention. To participate in the instructions and introduction to the operation terms and possible risks in the laboratories of the FBMI. Chapter 11 Final provisions 1. This directive comes into effect on 1.3.2007. 2. This directive has been discussed by the Academic senate of the FBMI on 19.2.2007. Kladno, 26.2.2007 Prof. Ing. Miroslava Vrbová, CSc. Dean