Guide for Writing Constitutions

Campus Life
350 LSU Student Union ● Baton Rouge, LA 70803
(225) 578-5160 ● (225) 578-9311 -- Fax ●
Greek Life
472 LSU Student Union ● Baton Rouge, LA 70803
(225) 578-2171 ● (225) 578-2450 -- Fax ●
Introduction and Requirements
Campus Life requires all student organizations to submit a constitution as part of the registration process
(Student Organization Policy Manual, Policy 6 - Constitution & Bylaw Requirements). Registered student
organizations are also required to review and/or update their constitution every three years.
What is a Constitution?
An organization's constitution is the document containing basic rules that govern the organization. A
constitution should contain statements concerning enduring aspects of the organization and should be clear and
concise. Items subject to frequent revision should be included in the bylaws.
How to Use this Guide
The following outline and questions are designed to help registered student organization leaders write a
constitution for their organization. Guideline questions are provided within each article to help you consider and
make decisions about certain aspects of the constitution. All required text is bolded, and sample text for each
section is provided in italics.
LSU Requirements
Registered student organizations at LSU are required to include a set of basic policies, membership
requirements, officer requirements, and amendment procedures that are set forth by the University. This
information is noted and bolded throughout the guide.
Organizations governed by a national organization may submit the national organization’s constitution as well as
local bylaws that include LSU’s requirements for basic policies, membership, officers and amendments.
Organizations whose national organizations do not allow them to adopt local bylaws must submit a statement
agreeing to follow LSU’s requirements for basic policies, membership, officers and amendments.
An organization and constitution will not be approved until any revisions needed to the constitution are
submitted in the form of a fully updated constitution, and approved.
Revised 11-5-12
Ordinarily, every constitution contains articles covering basic subjects. It is possible that the particular nature of
an organization may require additional rules that should be added to the below list for that organization. The
basic subjects are:
Basic Policies
Officers & Their Election
Executive Committee
Standing and Special Committees
Parliamentary Authority
Annual Requirements
*Modified from Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (10th ed.), p. 13, I. 1-16.
This section should be a statement of the group's establishment and purpose of the
Constitution. The preamble should contain the name of the organization.
We, the members of The Tiger Club do hereby establish this Constitution
in order that our purpose be realized to its fullest extent.
Article I – Name
What is the exact title to be used in addressing this organization? Please note the guidelines on
using the University name (LSU Policy Statement 93 – Use of University Name and Indicia). The
general rule is that the organization’s name must precede the name of the University (ex. Tiger
Club at LSU).
The name of the organization will be The Tiger Club at Louisiana State
University and A & M College at Baton Rouge, henceforth referred to as The Tiger Club.
Article II – Purpose
What is the purpose? Is it fostering a broad educational goal? Is it a social, cultural, or political
organization? Why was the group founded?
The Tiger Club is established for the expressed purpose of developing leadership skills as well as
an awareness of social responsibilities to encourage students to participate in public affairs.
Revised 11-5-12
Article III – Basic Policies
The LSU Basic Polices for registered student organizations must be included in the local
constitution (or local bylaws if using a national constitution) of all registered student
organizations at LSU. The Basic Polices must be listed exactly as they are stated below.
The following are basic policies of this organization:
Section 1.
The organization shall be non-commercial.
Section 2.
The name of the organization or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not
be used in connection with a commercial concern.
Section 3.
The organization shall cooperate with Louisiana State University to support the improvement
of education in ways that will not interfere with administration of the University.
Section 4.
The organization may cooperate with other organizations and agencies, but persons
representing the organization in such matters shall make no commitments that bind the
Section 5.
The organization agrees to abide by all University polices and local, state and federal laws.
Article IV – Membership
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3.
The LSU Membership Polices for registered student organizations must be included in the local
constitution (or local bylaws if using a national constitution) of all registered student
organizations at LSU. The Membership Polices must be listed exactly as they are stated below.
Additional information can be included as long as it does not conflict with the LSU Membership
Any LSU student, faculty member or staff member who subscribes to the purpose and basic
policies of the organization may become a member of this organization, subject only to
compliance with the provisions of the constitution.
Active membership is restricted to LSU students. Associate membership is restricted to LSU
faculty and staff. Associate members are non-voting members.
How does one become an active member? Define active member. Do active members have to
attend a certain number of meetings or events in a semester? Do members have to be current
with their dues? Is there an application process for membership?
Section 4.
How will membership be tracked? When will members be enrolled? Who is responsible for this
Section 5.
Are there any dues? How and when will the dues of the organization be determined? Voluntary
withdrawal of membership may be provided for. Can a member remain in the organization if
she/he fails to pay dues?
Revised 11-5-12
Section 6.
Section 3.
If the organization becomes inactive, what will happen to the monies left after all debts have
been paid?
Only active members of the organization shall be eligible to participate in its business meetings
and elections or to serve in any of its elective or appointive positions. A student can become an
active member after paying the annual dues of the organization. Active members must attend
75% of all meetings and 75% of all events each semester. A failure to comply with this
requirements will result in removal of active membership status.
Section 4.
The organization shall conduct an annual enrollment of members, but persons may be admitted
to membership at any time.
Section 5.
If dues are required by the organization, each member of the organization shall pay annual dues.
The amount of said dues for the coming academic year shall be determined by a vote of the
members present at the last regular meeting of the current academic year.
Section 6.
In the event this organization becomes inactive, all monies left in the treasury after all
outstanding debts and claims have been paid shall be donated to “Name of charitable
Article V – Officers and Their Election
Section 1.
Section 2.
Revised 11-5-12
The LSU Officer Polices for registered student organizations must be included in the local
constitution (or local bylaws if using a national constitution) of all registered student
organizations at LSU. LSU Officer Polices must be listed exactly as they are stated below.
Additional information can be included as long as it does not conflict with the LSU Officer
To be eligible to be elected to, appointed to, or to hold an office or be a standing committee
chairperson, a student must:
A. Undergraduate students must be enrolled as full‐time students at Louisiana State
University (Baton Rouge); graduate students must be enrolled as part‐time (with at
least 6 hours) or fulltime students at LSU;
B. Students must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA and be in good academic standing
with the University;
C. Students must not be on disciplinary probation or deferred suspension. This includes
newly elected officers, as well as continuing officers. Students may continue
organizational membership if on disciplinary probation.
D. Students must meet all other academic standards established by the student
organization and included in the organization’s constitution and/or bylaws.
E. Graduating seniors who are not registered full‐time may still hold office in a student
organization during the semester in which they are scheduled to graduate.
Which officer positions will the organization have?
Section 3.
What are their duties? What are the duties of the faculty advisor?
Section 4.
How are officers elected? What type of ballot? When are they elected (time of year, academic
semester), and for what period? When do officers assume their positions? Will there be any
term limits? Note: Campus Life recommends holding elections at the end of the first semester of
the academic year, or at least a month before the academic year ends to allow for a transition
period between officers.
Section 5.
Will there be a nominations committee? How many people will serve on the committee? When
will they meet? Will nominations from the floor be accepted?
Do the nominees have to accept or decline their nominations?
Section 6.
Will the officers constitute an executive board? Description of any standing committees should
be included, ordinarily in the by-laws.
Section 7.
What will happen in the event that a vacancy should occur in any office?
Section 8.
How may officers be removed?
Section 2.
The officers of this organization shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer,
and a membership chair.
Section 3.
A. The president shall preside at all meetings of the association and of the executive
committee; shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the membership or
the executive committee; and shall coordinate the work of the officers and committee,
in order that projects be promoted.
B. The vice-president shall act as aide to the president and shall perform the duties of the
president in the absence or inability of that officer to serve. (Other duties may be added).
C. The secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the organization and of the
executive committee and shall perform other duties as may be delegated.
D. The treasurer shall receive all monies of the organization; shall keep an accurate record
of receipts and expenditures; shall pay out local funds in accordance with the approved
budget as authorized by the organization. The treasurer shall present a financial
statement at meetings of the organization once a month and at other times when
requested by the executive committee. The treasurer’s accounts shall be examined
annually by an auditor or an auditing committee of not less than three members, who,
satisfied that the treasurer’s annual report is correct, should sign a statement of that
fact at the end of the report. The auditing committee shall be appointed by the executive
committee at least two weeks before the meeting.
E. The membership chair will be responsible for conducting an enrollment of active
members at the beginning of each semester, and enrolling any eligible members
throughout the year. They will update all members and officers with Campus Life.
F. The faculty advisor shall serve as a resource and support mechanism for the officers and
members of the organization. The faculty advisor should attend regular and executive
board meetings and other events as necessary.
Section 4.
Revised 11-5-12
Officers shall be elected by ballot annually at the last regular meeting of the fall
B. Officers shall assume their official duties at the close of the last regular meeting of the
fall semester and shall serve for a term of one year and/or until their successors are
C. A person shall not be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same
Section 5.
There shall be a nominating committee consisting of five (5) members elected by the
organization at its second regular meeting. Following the report of the nominating committee,
nominations may be made from the floor provided that the consent of the nominee has been
Section 6.
A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the non-expired term by a person elected by
majority vote of the remaining members of the executive committee.
Section 7.
Any officer of the Tiger Club in violation of the Organization's purpose or constitution may be
removed from office by the following process:
A. A written request by at least three members of the Organization.
B. Written notification to the officer of the request, asking the officer to be present at the
next meeting and prepared to speak.
C. A two –thirds (2/3) majority vote of active members or of members in good standing is
necessary to remove the officer.
Article VI – Executive Committee
Section 1.
Who should comprise the Executive Committee?
Section 2.
What are the duties of the Executive Committee?
Section 3.
When will the Executive Committee hold its meetings?
Section 1.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the organization, and the chairperson of
each standing committee.
Section 2.
The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to transact necessary business between regular
organization meetings and such business as may be referred to it by the organization to approve
the plans of work of each standing committee chairperson; and to present a report at the regular
meeting of the organization.
Section 3.
Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held every other week during the
academic year, the time to be determined by the Committee at its first meeting of the year.
Article VII – Standing and Special Committees
Section 1.
Revised 11-5-12
Who will create the standing committees? Will a chairperson be appointed for the committees?
Will there be a term limit for the chairperson?
Section 2.
What are the duties of the chairperson? Will the work of the committee be subject to approval
from the Executive Committee? How will vacancies in the chairperson’s position be filled?
Section 3.
Will the president of the organization (or other officer) serve as an ex-officio member of the
Section 1.
Standing committees shall be created by the Executive Committee as may be required to
promote the objects and interests of the organization. The chairperson of the standing
committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. Their terms in office shall be one
Section 2.
The chairperson of each standing committee shall present plans of work to the Executive
Committee, and no work shall be undertaken without the approval of the Executive Committee.
Any vacancies occurring in the chairpersonship of a standing committee shall be filled by the
Executive Committee.
Section 3.
The vice-president shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating
Article VIII – Meetings
Section 1.
When will the meetings of the organization be held? When will date changes be publicized?
Section 2.
How many members should be present for business to occur at meetings?
Section 3.
Will there be any limits on conducting business transactions for the organization?
Section 1.
Section 2.
Regular meetings of this organization shall be held on the first Monday of each month, unless
otherwise provided by the organization or Executive Committee by a change of date no less than
five (5) business days prior to the date of the scheduled meeting.
At least 51% percent of active members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business in any meeting of the organization.
Article IX – Parliamentary Authority
How will the meetings and activities of the organization be governed? Will a guiding document
be used? Will these procedures be strictly followed?
The most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the meetings and
other activities of the organization in all matters to which applicable and attainable, and which
they are not inconsistent with this constitution (and its by-laws).
Revised 11-5-12
Article X – Amendments
Section 1.
Section 2.
Any amendments made to the constitution shall be subject to the approval of the Dean of
Students or his/her designee. This must be clearly stated in the local constitution of all
registered student organizations at LSU.
This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization by a two thirds
vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment
shall have been given at the previous meeting and that the proposed amendment shall be
subject to approval of Campus Life.
How are amendments to be proposed and by whom? Do you want to provide for a delay before
voting on amendments? How are your amendments to be voted upon?
A committee may be appointed to submit a revised constitution for the existing constitution only
by a majority vote at a meeting of the association, or by a two-thirds vote of the Executive
Committee. The requirements for adoption of a revised constitution shall be the same as in the
case of an amendment.
Article XI – Annual Requirements
Student Organizations must complete certain requirements annually in order to remain active.
The organization will update officer and advisor information on the Student Org Community on
an annual basis no later than two weeks after new officer elections are held, and will comply
with the Campus Life Annual Requirements Policy (Policy 1, Student Organization Policy Manual)
to remain active.
Bylaws (Optional)
Constitutions may also include a "Provision for Bylaws" Article or a clause pertaining to the establishment of
bylaws. Bylaws are less permanent rules and statements about the organization.
The Bylaws might include some of the following items:
Standing committees of the organization.
Ad Hoc Committees of the organization which are established for a single purpose, or 1-year
commitment. Such committees will be eliminated from the Bylaws once abolished or defunct.
Policies pertaining to the time, location of organizational meetings.
Election procedures, dates, terms of offices.
Structures/purposes of committees.
Revised 11-5-12