Skills and Competencies as Representable Metaknowledge for Tele-learning Design by Gilbert Paquette CIRTA-LICEF Research Center Télé-université, Montréal, Canada Abstract Problems, skills and competency are important interrelated concepts we need to investigate anew, especially in the context of tele-learning systems’ design. Because they involve generic skills, competency statements can only be described at the metaknowledge level, more precisely as generic processes related to domain-specific knowledge. To describe both levels of knowledge and their interrelation, we have developed a graphical knowledge representation language and a tool, MOT, central to our instructional engineering methodology (MISA). We will present here an integrated taxonomy of skills that draws upon three fields of knowledge: education, software engineering and artificial intelligence. This taxonomy will help us support some of the main instructional design products in MISA: standardized representable competency statements, multi-level knowledge models, process-based learning scenarios and, finally, actors, roles and resources in a telelearning system. INTRODUCTION A search on the Internet is sufficient to show the renewed importance given to competency-based learning and training. Ministries of education, school boards and teacher training institutes present competency profiles to define school programs or required qualities from the teachers, especially in the use of technologies in education. Consulting companies present their expertise by enumerating competencies, marketing their services in this way. Other companies offer services or computerized tools to help their prospective customers define or manage the competence of their staff, identified as the main asset of an organization in a knowledge management perspective. Governmental bodies or professional associations use competency-based approaches to define conditions to the exercise of a profession and to orient their vocational training programs. Problems, skills and competency are important interrelated concepts we need to investigate anew, especially in the context of tele-learning systems’ design. We seek an integrated view of these concepts for competency-based instructional design, especially in the context of tele-learning. We can achieve this integrated view by modeling generic skills and specialized knowledge in different byt interrelated knowledge domains. Theses domains will be labeled respectively as meta-knowledge domain and application domain. Meta-knowledge representation To describe both levels of knowledge and their interrelation, we have developed a graphical knowledge representation language and a tool, MOT, central to our instructional engineering methodology (MISA). We have described in Paquette 2000 the main features of the MISA method. Some aspects of the MOT system have been presented in Paquette 1994, 1999. Drawing upon three fields of knowledge and corresponding viewpoints, education, software engineering and artificial intelligence, we will present here an integrated taxonomy of skills that is instrumental for instructional design. This taxonomy will serve to support some of the main instructional design products in our instructional design methodology: standardized competency statements, multi-level knowledge models, process-based learning scenarios and, finally, actors, roles and resources at delivery time in a telelearning system. 1. PROBLEMS, SKILLS AND METAKNOWLEDGE Competencies can be defined by associating an actor with the general skills he/she can apply to an application knowledge model to solve a corresponding class of problems. To solve classification, diagnosis or construction problems for example, it is necessary to achieve some corresponding task and, for this, to mobilize corresponding classification, diagnosis or construction skills. A competency statement linking skills to knowledge in an application domain is defining, at the same time, learning and teaching goals as well as intellectual processes for the resolution of a class of problems related to the skills. In this section, we will define skills as active metaknowledge enabling us to represent them in a knowledge model linked to an application model. Both skills and application knowledge, and their relationships, thus become objects to be learned. 1.1 Competencies: skills related to knowledge From the literature on competency profiles, we have hypothesized the following principles that help situate this concept into the theory of action framework.1 . The persons whose competencies are described are not simple operators or factors to be evaluated; they are actors endowed with intentions, situated in a cognitive and social context. The heart of a competency lies in the association between skills, seen as generic cognitive processes, and specific knowledge; we seek here to avoid the atomization of competence into the traditional categories of knowledge, skills and attitudes2. Competencies are components of a person’s mental model resulting from active meta-knowledge enacted on specialized knowledge in a application domain, allowing to act on the later in various ways; this approach integrates the cognitive and meta-cognitive aspects that must be both present for thoughtful human action and competencies. Competencies also describe outcomes qualified by the level of excellence of the observed performance and confirmed by social reward, as in current models for educational objectives. Competency definitions can thus be used for the assessment of learners as well as developmental objectives. To concretize operationaly these ideas, we will now considered three domains offering different viewpoints on the notion of skills: educational objectives, software engineering and artificial intelligence. Bélisle et Linard 1996, group under the term « action theory » work in cognitive science by authors such as Vygotsky, Leontiev, Piaget, Searle and Bruner. 1 2 Following Romiszowski 1981, attitudes are here considered as affective or social skills. 1 Meta-knowledge representation 1.2 Competencies and skills as educational objectives We can reinterpret the taxonomies of educational objectives in the light of knowledge representation 3. The taxonomies of objectives in the cognitive domain Bloom 1956 and in the affective domain Krahtwohl et al 1964 have had a large influence on educational research and practice. From our viewpoint, they identify intellectual skills such as memorization, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation and also attitudes and values related to learning. These authors’ intentions were to define operational training objectives to help to monitor their acquisition and assessment. Romiszowski [1981] has proposed a definition of skills more in line with action theory and cognitive science. Skills are « intellectual or physical actions, or even reactions, that a person produces in a competent manner to reach a goal. To do so, knowledge stored in memory is used (...). Any skill may be composed of four activities: perception, planning, prerequisite knowledge recall, and finally, execution of the action (performance) ».4 Another interesting aspect of the classification of skills proposed by Romiszowski is the integration of cognitive, affective, social and psychomotor skills. Rather than categorizing skills according to the type of individual response to a stimulus (new knowledge, affective attitudes, social behavior or motor actions), Romiszowski characterizes them according to their functions in the information processing cycle. He presents a four-phase cycle of skills with twelve sub-skills. As we can see on table 1, this approach can be related to the work of Polya 1957 that describes the problem solving process through phases like “understand the problem”, “generate a solution plan”, “execute the plan”, “assess and generalize the solution”. Phase Skill Description Attention Capability to concentrate on a task (External stimuli reception) Perceptual acuteness Capability to recognize the stimulus Discrimination Capability to recognize the stimulus among other similar ones Recall from memory (Internal memory operations) Interpretation Knowledge of the stimulus language Procedure recall Presence of an adequate algorithm in memory Schema recall Presence of relevant concepts and principles in memory Planning (Internal processing operations) Analysis Capability to restructure the problem Synthesis Capability to generate alternative solutions Evaluation Capability to assess alternate implications Performance (External expression operations) Initiation Capability to make decisions and act accordingly Continuation Capability to carry through with action Control Capability to self-adapt and self-correct Perception Table 1 – An skill’s taxonomy in the field of education Romiszowski 1981 1.3 Skills as generic problem solving processes The notion of generic problems or tasks was already present in one of the first reference books about expert systems [Hayes-Roth et al, 1983]; in this work, we find a first classification of generic problems 3 This applies also to the notion of “Learning types” introduced in Reigeluth 1999 4 Romiszowski 1981, page 253 2 Meta-knowledge representation into ten categories. In other pioneering studies on generic tasks, [Chandrasekaran 1987] describes these through a problem description and a resolution method, a specific algorithm. It introduces the idea of combining a small number of generic methods to solve large classes of more complex problems. Other work on generic problems [McDermott 1988], and the « components of expertise » approach [Steels 1990] must also be mentioned. The KADS method [Scheiber et al, 1993; Breuker and Van de Velde, 1994] is a synthesis of these studies. It actually constitutes one of the most complete methodologies encompassing knowledge acquisition for expert systems, but also project management, organizational analysis and software engineering. In KADS, an engineering software project materializes by building seven models. Four of them are of interest here: the « domain model », the « inference model », the « task model » and the « strategic model ». In the « inference model », we find a decomposition of the generic task in a task tree. Inference diagrams are associated to the leaves of the task tree. The « task model » provides algorithmic control principles, rules to manage the tasks tree. The « strategic model », hardly developed in KADS, corresponds to heuristic principles that guide tasks execution. Together, these three models correspond to the notion of generic process, applicable to various application « domain model », another of the seven KADS models. A generic problem is characterized by one or several goals or products to achieve; initial data and a number of operations leading to the transformation of data into results or goals. The KADS method defines eight classes of generic problems, presented in table 2. Generic task Generic problem Input (data) Products (goal) Classify Determine an object’s category Classes hierarchy; Object’s Classes containing the object attributes Diagnose Determine the cause of the problem Symptoms, system’s component model Defective components Predict Determine the future state of the system System’s components; attributes that will vary States: classes of the system’s possible instances Supervise Determine a deviation class between a system’s instance and another which is said to be normal System’s components and Classes grouping instances attributes; normal instances according to the difference with the norm Repair Modify a system’s component so it is in working order System’s model; maintenance standards Modified model Plan Break down the task into interrelated steps Deliverables, sub-tasks, time constraints Process: sequence of tasks, input and output Design Build an object (artifact) Artifact properties, constraints to be met Object model Model Build a behavioral system model Goals, constraints, components, viewpoints. Model of a system’s processes and evolution strategies Table 2 – Generic problems and tasks in software and cognitive engineering To each generic problem corresponds a generic task, which is a generic procedure with input and results as indicated in table 2. Breaking down this generic procedure into sub-procedures results in the KADS method tasks tree. After a number of levels, terminal-level tasks (the « leaves ») are reached, to which the KADS method associates an inference schema that completes the « task model ». 3 Meta-knowledge representation Similarly, a skill can be broken down into sub-tasks, which are other skills. Each skill also has its input and products, which is a type of knowledge resulting from applying the skill. For instance, «diagnose a component system » has an input, a component system (a “part-of” hierarchy), and generates a list of faulty components. Such a process is generic in the sense that it applies to types of knowledge in many domains, rather than to knowledge in a particular domain. Also, these skills may be compared with one another through specialization links: « diagnose a car breakdown » is a kind of diagnosis skill. In sum, skills can be represented as generic or meta-processes. 1.4 Skills as active metaknowledge Skills, generic problems and tasks can only be interpreted in the meta-knowledge domain. Although many studies involve meta-knowledge, the term is not always explicitly used. These studies can be found in various domains such as mathematical logic [Thayse 1988], scientific methodology [Popper 1961], problem sovling and its teaching [Polya 1967], education [Romisowski 1987, Merrill 1994], software and cognitive engineering [Chandrasekaran 1987, Schreiber et al 1993], artificial intelligence [Pitrat 1991]. Pitrat, a pioneer of Artificial Intelligence in France, has produced an important synthesis in which he distinguishes several meta-knowledge categories and proposes the following definition: « metaknowledge is knowledge about knowledge, rather than knowledge from a specific domain such as mathematics, medicine or geology. » [Pitrat 1993]. According to this definition, meta-knowledge is at the heart of the learning process, which consists in transforming information into knowledge: by associating values to application knowledge such as : truth, usefulness, importance, knowledge priority, competence of an individual towards a knowledge object, etc. by describing « intellectual acts » or cognitive processes facilitating knowledge processing in application domains: memorization, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, etc. by representing strategies to acquire, process and use knowledge: memorization techniques, heuristic principles for problem solving, project management strategies, etc. [Romisowki 1981] expresses very well the simultaneous phenomenon of knowledge acquisition in a particular domain, and the building of meta-knowledge and skills : « The learner follows two kinds of objectives at the same time - learning specific new knowledge and learning to better analyze what he already knows, to restructure knowledge, to validate new ideas and formulate new knowledge », an idea expressed in another way by Pitrat : « meta-knowledge is being created at the same time as knowledge ». When learning new knowledge, a person uses meta-knowledge (at least minimally) without necessarily being aware of it. However, using meta-knowledge should really be a learner’s conscious act. These objectives justify the inclusion of meta-knowledge within a knowledge model that represents a learning system’s contents, i.e. that provides a structured representation of « learning objects». Jacques Pitrat define the notion of active meta-knowledge, as opposed to passive meta-knowledge (knowledge properties, knowledge about an individual’s knowledge). Active meta-knowledge is knowledge that “physically” handles other knowledge. Pitrat 1990] defines six types of active metaknowledge: Knowledge acquisition consists in examining and diagnosing available information and knowledge, completing it, if incomplete or inconsistent with other knowledge previously acquired, and reformulating it, as needed, so it may be stored in memory. Knowledge discovery regroups a set of operations like instanciation, specialization or analogy, which allow transformation of acquired knowledge into new knowledge. 4 Meta-knowledge representation Knowledge storage consists in deciding where and how to register knowledge in a structured way in memory so it can become quickly available when needed, following the shortest association chains, without having to systematically scan memory. Knowledge search is essentially a set of knowledge reconstruction operations to extract from memory the knowledge needed to solve a problem or accomplish a task. Knowledge use regroups a set of operations required to apply knowledge that has been extracted or reconstructed from memory, in order to build a solution for a problem, designing and managing solution plans and results explanation. Knowledge expression is the inverse of acquisition, to communicate acquired knowledge to another information processing system, generally a human being; these operations enable a person to choose what to say and how to say it, according to a model of the intended receiver. In form ation s I/P I/P Acqui re I/P C onstructe d kn owle dge Discove r I/P I/P I/P Evaluate d kn owle dge Store I/P I/P I/P Me ta-knowle dge - Active : me ta-proce sse s Acce ss proce ss - Passive : knowle dge prope rtie s and kn owl edge on the kn owl edge I/P of se lf an d othe rs I/P Knowl e dge from the applicati on domain I/P I/P Se arch Extracte d kn owle dge I/P I/P I/P Use Expre ss I/P I/P C ommu nicate d kn owle dge Applie d kn owle dge Figure 1 – Relations between active meta-knowledge objects Figure 1 shows relations between different kinds of active meta-knowledge. Discovery is the only metaknowledge that produces new knowledge from raw data or structured information. Acquisition is the meta-knowledge that allows integration of self-discovered or externally provided knowledge. The resulting knowledge is structured, reorganized and assessed, assigning meta-concepts values such as validity and interest. Storage meta-knowledge integrates new knowledge from the particular application domain together with the associated meta-values, as well as the active meta-knowledge facilitating subsequent knowledge search. These operations increase the knowledge base available to a cognitive system. Reverse operations may then be used for memory search, and, later on, to express and use knowledge. 5 Meta-knowledge representation 2. REPRESENTING A SKILL AS METAKNOWLEDGE The goal of this article is to show that skills and competencies need to be described precisely at the metaknowledge level. We will summarize here the MOT graphical representation language that we will use as a tool to describe skills and competencies in relation to an application domain. 2.1 The MOT representation system A basic MOT model is composed of six types of knowledge and seven types of links between them. Knowledge is represented by geometric figures that identify its type. We distinguish abstract knowledge (concepts, procedures, principles) from their corresponding sets of facts (examples, traces, statements). Relations between these entities are represented by oriented links with symbol (C, S, P, I/P, R, I and A) representing the type of relation. The instance (I) link relates an abstract knowledge to a group of facts obtained by giving values to all the attributes (variables); its origin is a concept, a procedure or a principle, and its destination are, respectively, examples, traces or statements. The composition link (C) connects a knowledge unit to one of its components or parts. Any object’s attributes may be specified as component of the object. The specialization link (S) connects one abstract knowledge object to a second one that is more general than the first one. The precedence link (P) connects two procedures or principles, where the first must be terminated or evaluated before the second one can begin or be applied. The input-product link (I/P) connects a concept to a procedure, the concept being the input of the procedure, or a procedure to a concept that is the product of the procedure. The regulation link (R) is directed from a principle towards a concept, a procedure or another principle. In the first case, the principle defines the concept by specifying definition or integrity constraints or it establishes a law or relation between two or more concepts. On the other hand, a regulation link, from a principle to a procedure or another principle means that the principle exerts external control on the execution of a procedure or the selection of other principles. The application link (A) is used to associate an object defined as meta-knowledge in another domain, to knowledge in an application domain. We will show that this link is central to the representation of competencies and their relation to skills and application knowledge. 2.2 Representation of meta-knowledge Every domain such as physics, sociology or law is made of knowledge and facts. The domain that studies knowledge per se is particularly important for learning. Knowledge from this domain will be called metaknowledge or generic knowledge. Since meta-knowledge is also knowledge (about knowledge), we can also distinguish between three categories of abstract meta-knowledge and their corresponding meta-facts, as we do for knowledge. Meta-concepts represent knowledge attributes. They are concepts that define value systems to apply to knowledge from various domains. For instance, when one claims that some knowledge in physics or economics is a priority, is valid or is useful, he uses a concept of priority, validity or usefulness that does not belong to physics nor economics, but to the domain that studies knowledge. Instanciating such a meta-concept to knowledge in an application domain results in the assignment of a meta-value to the knowledge we want to talk about. As a result, we get meta-examples in various domains such as: « the concept of atom is essential », « the break-even point calculation procedure is useful in micro-economics » . 6 Meta-knowledge representation Meta-procedures are operations on knowledge. They are actions on knowledge or facts in various domains where they are applied. Classification, defined as a set of operations to determine the smallest class of a taxonomy to which a particular object belongs, is an example of a meta-procedure. It is composed of operations intended to determine of what class the object is an example; we first consider the first-level in the taxonomy, then we examine the second-level sub-classes and so on, up to the terminal classes of the taxonomy. To instanciate such a meta-procedure consists in choosing the taxonomy and the object we want to classify within the taxonomy, for example, a taxonomy of vertebrates and a bat, or a taxonomy of professions and a given individual. The result is a meta-trace of specific operations in the application domain: « the bat satisfies the definition of vertebrate, of mammal, of cheiropter » or « the individual satisfies the definition of the members of a liberal profession, of law professionals, of lawers ». Meta-principles are generic statements that apply to various domains aiming to control the use of other meta-knowledge objects or to establish relations between them. Depending if they are action or relational principles, they can be described as « knowledge control principles » or « knowledge association principles ». One example is the following principle: “ to solve a complex problem, first solve a particular case of it”. Instanciating such a meta-principle is in fact choosing knowledge, here a problem, to which the meta-principle will be applied. Results are meta-statements like « to build a general procedure for compound interest calculation, first solve the problem using an interest rate of 10% », or « To diagnose a car breakdown, first diagnose the state of the electrical system ». Figure 2 shows how we assign a generic process (a skill) such as simulation to a search procedure in the Internet domain, using an A link from the generic process, instanciated in the Internet application domain, to a procedure in this domain. We also use another A link to assign a meta-value to a knowledge, tagging it as very important knowledge. Figure 2 – A simulation meta-process applied (link A) to the Internet domain. In the application domain of figure 2, the main knowledge unit is a procedure. It defines the main purpose of a possible learning unit “Search for information on the Internet”. This procedure is decomposed into sub-procedures using C links. One of them is “Execute the request”: it has a “Request” concept as input and produces (through an I/P link) a list of “Interesting Web sites”. These are in turn used as inputs to another sub-procedure, “Identify interesting information”, which precedes the final procedure: “Transfer 7 Meta-knowledge representation information in a text editor”. The “Refine the request” sub-procedure is regulated (R link) by principles helping a user to refine a request. The application (A) link on the main procedure shows that the learner will have to apply a generic skill: «Simulate a process» to the Internet domain. Figure 3 describes a graphic model for that meta-knowledge. The MOT graph provides a precise definition of the “Simulate a process” skill, adding to it more details such as inputs and outputs of sub-processes. If needed, we could add more details to the model by adding some of the control principles that heuristically could help achieve the generic task. The principles would have to be stated in sub-models of the process. Also, procedures and concepts in the model could be described with more detail. Notice that the instance “Simulate a process in the Internet domain” appears on both figures, linking the two models by a co-reference link (a meta-link embedded in the MOT system). On figure 2 it is a metafact from the a viewpoint in the Internet domain because it is defined in a meta-knowledge domain. On figure 3, it is shown as an instance (a trace) of the meta-process “Simulate a process” which gives a precise and inspectable definition of the skill. Figure 3 – Graph of a meta-process: “Simulate a process”5 3. AN INTEGRATED TAXONOMY OF SKILLS We will now use the knowledge representation technique just outlined to define an integrated taxonomy of skills. We first present a comparison between the taxonomies presented in section one and then discuss the properties of this taxonomy. 3.1 A general to specific taxonomy We have built a taxonomy of meta-processes representing skills, as well as problems and tasks, for our learning system engineering method MISA [Paquette 1999]. Table 3 presents the first three layers of this 5 The numbers in the figure refer to the skills taxonomy presented in the next section . 8 Meta-knowledge representation taxonomy and compares it to the taxonomies presented in section 1. Although these taxonomies have different purposes and terminologies, they roughly correspond. A first layer of skills (or meta-processes) in our taxonomy corresponds to four general processes generally agreed upon as representing basic information processing phases. The second layer includes ten generic processes that can be ordered from simple to complex, as we will see later on. Third layer skills correspond to more specialized skills that are widely used in instructional design. We can of course extend this specialization hierarchy to more layers. From layer to layer, we get more and mode specialized skills until every aspect of a skill is totally instanciated in a particular application domain such as in the following chain, from general to specific: Reproduce – Analyze – Diagnose – Diagnose a health problem – Diagnose a heart problem in a child. Skills taxonomy layers Creation Reproduction Reception 1 2 3 Generic problems (KADS) Cognitive objectives (Bloom) 1- Pay Attention 2- Integrate 2.1 Identify 2.2 Memorize 3Instantiate/ Specify 3.1 Illustrate 3.2 Discriminate 3.3 Explicitate Memorize Skills cycle (Romiszowski) Attention, Perceptual acuity, Perceptual discrimination Knowledge search and storage Understand Interpretation Knowledge use, Knowledge expression Apply Recall procedures Recall schemata 4- Transpose/ Translate 5- Apply 5.1 Use 5.2 Simulate 6- Analyze 6.1 Deduce 6.2 Classify 6.3 Predict 6.4 Diagnose Knowledge discovery Prediction, Supervision, Classification, Diagnosis Analyze Restructure Generate alternatives Repair 7- Repair 8- Synthesize Selfmanagement Active metaknowledge (Pitrat Planning, Design, Modeling 8.1 Induce 8.2 Plan 8.3 Model/ Construct Knowledge acquisition 9- Evaluate 10Self- manage Synthesize Evaluate 10.1 Influence 10.2 Self-control Think of implications, act on a decision, see through the action, selfcorrect Table 3 - Comparative multi-layered taxonomy of skills, problems and metaknowledge According to this taxonomy, “5.2 - Simulate a process”, a skill used in the example on figure 2 and 3, is a specialization of the “Apply” skill. Each of the skills in this taxonomy is described very precisely by its inputs and its products and by a detailed generic process similar to figure 3 showing how the inputs are transformed into specific products. The “Simulate a process” skill is compared below to the “8.3 Construct a process” skill which is a specialization of the second layer “Synthesize” skill. 9 Meta-knowledge representation Skill Input Product Simulate a process A process, its procedures, inputs, products and control principles. A trace of the procedure: set of facts obtained through the application of the procedures in a particular case Construct a process Generic process -Choose input objects -Select the first procedure to execute -Execute it and produce a first result -Select a next procedure and execute it -Use the control principles to control the flow of execution Definition A description of the process: its -Give a name to the procedure to be constructed constraints to be inputs, products, sub-procedures -Relate it to specified input and product satisfied such as with their input and output, and -Decompose the procedure certain inputs, control principles. -Continue to a point where well understood steps products and/or steps are attained. Table 4 – Examples of two skills as meta-processes From the description of the two generic skills on table 4, we can see that a pedagogical scenario on the same subject of “Information search on the Internet” but with a different skill objective such as “Construct a process” would be very different from the one based on the “Simulate a process” skill. In the first case, a kind of walk-through of the process is sufficient, while in the second case, we could need a project-based scenario where learners and engaged in a more complex problem-solving activity. 3.3 Ordering skills from simple to complex The question whether skills are ordered from simple to complex is not a simple one. Between, The definitions presented in table 5 supports this hypothesis for skills in the first layer: reception skills involve only attention and memory operations, reproduction skills are essentially instantiation from more general knowledge, creation skills produce new knowledge from more specialized ones and, finally, self management skills involves explicit meta-cognitive operations. Name of skill Definition Examples Receive Input = internal or external stimulus; Reproduce Product = facts or knowledge located or stored in memory Input = knowledge and models; Produce/ Create Self-manage Products = facts obtained through instancing or knowledge obtained through reformulation Pay attention to an event, to a movement, to an emotion, to a social context; Identify knowledge, associated impressions; Memorize knowledge, impressions. Use examples to explain or illustrate a concept, a procedure or a principle; Use a model to explain facts; Simulate a process. Products = new knowledge or models resulting from analysis and synthesis Input = knowledge, models, generic facts; Product = knowledge, models, meta- knowledge linked to domain model Classify objects according to a taxonomy; Repair defective system components ; Plan a project; Model and build a system. Assess knowledge validity or self competence; Initiate a change process after assessing the situation; Apply a generic strategy to improve learning and performance. Input = knowledge and models; Table 5 – Comparison of the more general skills, from simple to complex On the other hand, the skills on the third layer of the taxonomy are probably not ordered from simple to complex. For example, the integrate sub-skills are simply inverse operations for simple retrieval and storage, while the four analyze sub-skills or the three synthesize sub-skills on table 3 are much on the same level of complexity. So it seems that as we move from general to more specific layers, the skills in a layer are less likely to be ordered form simple to complex. On table 3, we have assigned numbers to the second layer. We have now to show evidence that this layer can be ordered from simple to complex. 10 Meta-knowledge representation This assertion is not evident and was sometimes disputed in the case of taxonomies presented in section 1. For example, the authors of the KADS method have preferred to put emphasis on the organization of sequences of generic tasks than of a hierarchical order among them6. On the other hand, Bloom has insisted on the hierarchical organization between educational outcomes: “Our attempt to order the educational behavior from simple the complex is based on the idea that a given simple behavior can become integrated with another simple behavior to form a more complex behavior. Consequently, our classification can be perceived as that behavior of type A forms a class, behavior of type AB another class and behavior of type ABC still another class”. One finds a similar preoccupation in the elaboration of the taxonomy of the affective domain. “This organization of constituents seems to describe a process according to which certain phenomenon or value progress from one level of simple awareness to a level where it drives or controls the behavior of a person.”7 Experimental studies have tried to verify this hypothesis. Tests have been given in a large number of students containing questions connected to various complexity levels in both taxonomies. With this experimental setting, one should notice a bigger percentage of failure for questions related to the higher taxonomy levels. As far as the taxonomy of the cognitive domain, according to Martin and Briggs8, some studies support to a certain extent the hypothesis of the organization of levels. The evidence is stronger in the first levels than in the more advanced levels. One finds the same kind of conclusions in the case of the taxonomy of the emotional domain, even though there are less studies to support this. We suspect that the limited evidence coming from certain studies is due to the absence of a metaknowledge representation scheme for skills. For example, certain studies note similar results for analysis on one hand, and for evaluation and the synthesis on the other hand. But if one distinguishes synthesis from analysis by the ascent in abstraction, and if one distinguishes evaluation both from synthesis and analysis by the use of meta-values that are properties of knowledge, it is likely that one can maintain the hypothesis of an increasing order of complexity for Bloom’s taxonomy as well as for the second layer of our taxonomy. We will give here a clear definition of a skill’s complexity: A skill A is more complex than a skill B if the generic process representing B appears as a sub-process in the model of the generic process A. Figure 3 gives an example of this definition. The “Simulate a process” skill (level of complexity 5) is decomposed into four sub-processes such as: produce examples of the input concept (instantiate: level 3), identify the next applicable procedure (identify: level 2), assemble the simulation trace (transpose: level 4), and finally execute the procedure using its execution principles, a specialization of the application skill (same level as simulation). Figure 4 present another example of simple to complex ordering within the second layer of the taxonomy. A generic process for self-control and adaptation (10.2) is here presented. It starts by obtaining a description of a project or a process of change in a particular domain, as well as some criteria for success appropriate for this domain. At the beginning, the actor plans (8.2) the activities in a project and influences (10.1) the participants so that they coordinate themselves to achieve the activities of the project and perform according to the success criteria. Afterwards, progress is constantly estimated and re-evaluated. If unforeseen problems arise, it is necessary for the actor to adapt himself to re-order the course of events, to redefine the roles of the participants or to adapt the criteria of success. The principles of control and adaptation rule the transition 6 Breuker and Van de Velde 1994 op cit, pp.57-61 7 Bloom 1956, op. cit. p. 18 and Krathwohl et al 1964, op. cit. p. 27 8 Martin et Briggs 1986 op. cit. pp. 69-71 et pp. 79-81 11 Meta-knowledge representation between sub-processes, for example by specifying when one has to estimate progress and success or when one has to adjust the criteria or end the generic process. Periodically, the actor evaluates (9) the distance from the goal with regard to the success criteria available at a given moment. If the group is far from the goal, the actor begins to reorganize so as to increase the chances of success. He can also modify the criteria of success. This representation of a level 10 skills shows that it is more complex that the level 8 or 9 skills that are invoked as sub-processes. Control and adaptation principles Success criteria Project definition: object, events, participants, goals I/P C I/P A (10.2) Control and adapt a project S R C C (8.2) Pl an the e ve nts C C C Goal achi e ve d C Evaluation principles S (10.1) Infl ue nce the parti cipants R C P C C C A A (6.4) Vé rify i f goal achi e ve d I/P Ne w crite ri a P (9) Eval u ate progre ss Unfore se e n e ve n ts R P P C I/P Adapt to un fore se e n e ve n ts P A S Criteria adjustment principles I/P Goal sti l l far away I/P End the proje ct P P R C Productions achieved I/P (7) Ajust succe ss cri te ria (7) Pe rse ve re and adapt course of acti on Figure 4 – A meta-process for control and adaptation 3.4 Integrating cognitive, affective, social and psycho-motor domains The generic process on figure 4 shows a strong emphasis on affective and social skills. For example, “To persevere and to adapt the course of action” is a sub-process where affective and social skills are deeply involved. We can indicate this by labels C, P, A and S representing a cognitive, psycho-motor, affective or social skills. More over this generic process can be applied in domains as different as a research project (cognitive skills), a psychosomatic therapy (change of the emotional attitudes), organizational change (social skill) or sports training (psychomotor skill). This kind of integration is a fundamental feature of our skills taxonomy. Figure 5 shows another example where a diagnosis meta-process model is represented together with two very different instanciations in a cognitive and an affective application domain. At the metaknowledge level, the diagnosis process takes a component model of a situation as input and returns a list or faulty element to correct. First, a sub-model is selected to focus on a probably faulty submodel. Then this model is decomposed to generate hypothesis or faulty candidates. Each hypothesis is 12 Meta-knowledge representation tested with attributes compared to some norms. If the corresponding component is faulty, it is added to the list; if not, a new hypothesis must be generated and tested. The only difference between the two applications is the nature of the input and output of the diagnosis process. In the first case, it is applied to the model of a hardware system with components being pieces of equipment down to very small part that can be deficient; the output is a list of faulty parts. In the second case, it is applied to an affective situation where the components are facts and opinions that people have expressed on a certain event that has caused guilt to occur in a person; the results can be acts that should not have been made, or opinions that are not supported by facts or are clearly exaggerated. Figure 5 – A diagnostic skill applied to a cognitive and an affective situation This example shows us that skills in our taxonomy are described mainly by their functions in the process by which a person perceives and transforms knowledge, acts, reacts or interact in a given situation, rather than according to the type of stimulus or response: cognitive acts, motor actions, affective or social attitudes. Contrary to their traditional use in the definition of the educational objectives, skills are here learning goals, (meta-) knowledge that one can represent, analyze or evaluate in itself or in relation to knowledge of various domains. Skills as meta-knowledge must be present in domain knowledge (as meta-traces) if we want to be able to propose them as targets of learning activities, in the same way as the knowledge in a specific domain. It may seem ambitious to propose a taxonomy integrating the cognitive, psychomotor, emotional and social domains, while so many practitioners in education use taxonomies of skills separated for each of 13 Meta-knowledge representation these meta-domains. We believe on the contrary that in instructional engineering, it is important to integrate them. As underlined by Martin and Briggs: "This subdivision is relatively arbitrary because the psychologists and the educators agree that, in the reality of educational practice, no real separation between the cognitive, emotional and psychomotor states is possible "9. Martin and Briggs quote in support to this assertion several other authors, notably some having produced important taxonomies such as [Bloom 1975] and [Gagné 1970]. Although recent developments in neuro-physiology suggest that regions of the brain are specialized in cognition, emotions or psychomotor commands, research in this domain shows evidence of an integration between the various constituents of the brain in each of our activities. As an example, Daniel Goleman underlines that "our emotional faculties drive us constantly in our choices; they work of concert with the rational spirit and allow - or forbid - the exercise of the very thought processes. Also, the cognitive brain plays an executive role in our feelings." 10 In Paquette et al 2000 we have built a complete table showing examples in the cognitive, affective, social and psycho-motor meta-domains for each of the 10 major skills on the second layer of the taxonomy. It shows that this taxonomy can be interpreted in each of the four meta-domains (cognitive, psycho-motor, affective or social). For example, we can repair theories and movements, as well as attitudes or social relations. What differentiate these four meta-domains is essentially the type of input to a skill and its resulting production. If the stimuli or the result concerns rational thought, motor capacities, affectivity or social interactions, we will label the skill to be cognitive, psychomotor, affective or social. More generally, we could say that somebody is "intelligent" on the rational, physical, emotional or social dimension if it he or she is capable of applying in most of cases, all types of skills for that dimension. This is basically what the American psychologist Howard Gardner suggests by taking into account multiple intelligences as the basic conceptual structure of the intellect.11 4. USE OF THE TAXONOMY FOR INSTRUCTIONAL ENGINEERING We will now briefly outline some applications to instructional engineering of the skills taxonomy presented above. We will first present a way to standardize the interpretation of competency profiles, our starting point in this paper. Then, we will use a meta-knowledge approach to define learning needs and help focus content definition. We will use a skills representation as a basis for a learning scenario and to identify the roles and resources of different actors in a tele-learning system Paquette 2001. 4.1 Giving an operational meaning to competency profiles We present here a process to analyze a group of existing of competency statements or to build them in a standard way. This process contains following sub-processes: determine one or several target actors for which the competency is defined; identify the tasks of these actors, as well as the corresponding knowledge and represent them in a knowledge model; identify the skills required by the actors to be applied to the knowledge. 9 Martin et Briggs 1986, p. 10 10 Goleman 1997 op cit, p.53 11 Gardner 1993 14 Meta-knowledge representation To illustrate this process, we will use as a case study a competency profile of a multimedia director resulting from a general analysis of the domain of multimedia trades having lead to fourteen actor definitions and their corresponding competency profiles12. Figure 6 – A multimedia competency profile representation and raw data analysis results Figure 6 shows part of a competency model we have built in MOT+, each individual competency statement being defined by an its actor, skill and knowledge components. Here the statement would read “A multimedia director must be able to elaborate a production method for a multimedia project”. There are of course other competency statements like this in the model. Furthermore, the model is linked to description of qualities required for the job and a task description that will help identify sub-skills for this job profile. A knowledge model for this domain is essentially procedural based on the tasks definition, but it can be completed by concepts and principles required to achieve the tasks. In this model, three main processes must be governed by the multimedia director: the elaboration of the method of production, the management of the creation / production process and the quality control of the product. The first of this process is presented on figure 7. The central task of this model is to elaborate a method of production and a definition of the project from expectations and requirements of the customer. Besides this knowledge, it requires from the multimedia director the use of knowledge on the technical and graphic feasibility of the project, on the production steps of a multimedia project, on the possible audio-visual support, on the tools for multimedia creation on PC, MAC AND UNIX, on various approaches to develop, implement and deliver a Web site and finally, on the use, potential and limits of the Internet and multimedia technologies . To each kind of knowledge, we can associate a skill selected from our taxonomy. For example, for the production method, a suited skill is " to construct", for the definition of the project, "to plan ", and so on. 12 These competency profiles can be consulted at 15 Meta-knowledge representation Technical and A graphic feasability Évaluate T rac e A Client needs and expectations Plan T rac e A T rac e Simulate A Production steps IP IP Project def inition IP T rac e Discriminate A Audio-visual support IP Élaboration procedure IP IP Production method A A IP T rac e Explicitate A Creation tools on PC, MAC, UNIX Approaches to develop, A implement and deliver a web site T rac e IP IP T rac e A Transpose Construct Uses, potential and limits of multimedia and Internet technology Figure 7 – Sub-skills identification for a main competency statement for a multimedia director Table 6 presents the overall result of this competency analysis process. It shows the initial competency statement we started from, the reformulation that results from our analysis, and the decomposition of each statement in a standard interpretation. This interpretation now has a precise meaning given by the definition and the meta-models in the skills taxonomy. These can be used for instructional design or other purpose. Also, the process has revealed missing or ill-defined competency statements. Competency statement Initial formulation Reformulation Interpretation Skill Type Parent skill Knowledge component Discovered through the process Model a production method Model C 8Synthesize Production method Discovered through the process Plan a project definition Plan C 8Synthesize Project definition Capacity to evaluate the technical and graphical feasibility of a project Evaluate the technical and graphical feasibility of a project Évaluate C 9Évaluate Technical and graphical feasibility of a project Knowledge of each production step Simulate a production process Simulate C 5- Apply Production steps Knowledge of audio-visual support Discriminate between properties of audio-visual support Discriminate C 3Instanciate Properties of audiovisual support Knowledge of the use, potential and limits of Internet and multimedia technologies Transpose in the project the use, potential and limits of Internet and multimedia technologies Transpose C 4Transpose Use, potential and limits of Internet and MM technologies Superficial knowledge of multimedia creation tools (PC/Mac/Unix) Explicitate the main properties of multimedia creation tools (PC/Mac/Unix) Explicitate C 3Instanciate Main properties of multimedia creation tools (PC/Mac/Unix) Knowledge on approaches to develop, implement and deliver a web site Transpose to the project a useful way to develop, implement and deliver a web site Transpose in a useful way C 4Transpose Approaches to develop, implement and deliver a web site Table 6 – Standard interpretation of competency statements from a meta-knowledge point of view 16 Meta-knowledge representation 4.2 Focusing knowledge modeling for content definition We will now illustrate a method to guide the modeling of a knowledge domain.. For this, we need the concept of learning need. The identification of learning needs is an important element of the initial phases of analysis and design of a learning system. Learning need is a meta-concept applicable in all the domains of knowledge and it can be defined precisely in the meta-knowledge domain. 13 It rests on an evaluation of the distance between the current competency of a learner or a group of learners and a target competency to be achieved at the end of the learning process. Target competencies are found in competency profiles as discussed above. So, if one wants to propose a plan for training persons to become multimedia directors, it is necessary to estimate the distance between its current competencies and the ones defined in a typical profile for a multimedia director. To estimate this distance, we can use a scale to evaluate the progress in the acquisition of a competency. In MISA, we use such a scale to associate to every competence of an actor (skill + knowledge) a value between 0 and 10 subdivided into four levels: sensitization [from 0 to 2,5], familiarization (from 2,5 to 5], mastery (from 5 to 7,5] and expertise (from 7,5 to 10]. Competency scale– For each target population State : Value : 0 Sensitization 2,5 Familiarization Mastery 5 Expertise 7,5 10 A : Construct a production method B : Discriminate between audio-visual supports C : Simulate a production process D : Plan a project definition Figure 8 – Learning needs for an actor (multimedia director) on a competency scale Figure 8 presents a progress scale for the competencies of an actor, for example a multimedia director. Competence A, " To build a production method ", presents a rather important gap (around 4,2), because the multimedia director has to master this competence (5,8), while the persons for whom training is intended have reached on average a simple sensitization level (1,6). On the other hand, competency B, " To discriminate between the properties of audio-visual aids ", presents a smaller learning need of about 1.6, representing a progress from one level of familiarization to the other. MISA proposes to guide knowledge modeling in a domain by means of elaboration principles similar to elaboration theory Reigeluth 1983. We develop a model by successive levels taking into account the learning needs assigned to so-called "principal knowledge". A principal knowledge is one to which a skill and a competency have been assigned in a model, thus enabling the evaluation of learning needs. We then apply the following heuristic principles. A knowledge for which the learning need is large (for at least one group of learners) will deserve to be clarified by indicating some of its components, inputs and products, and its regulating principles. It will be developed into a sub-model on possibly many levels until we reach a state where the learning needs are small for each knowledge unit (no new knowledge can become principal). On the contrary, if the learning need is very small for a principal knowledge, it can be removed from the model unless it serves a clarification purpose towards other knowledge units around it. 13 Such a meta-concept has been implemented in different ways, first in the didactic engineering workbench (AGD) [Paquette et al 1994], and then into the succeeding versions of the MISA method [Paquette et al 1999] 17 Meta-knowledge representation To define learning needs and guide the modeling process, we need to assign skills to knowledge using the A link. Here are some skill selection principles based on the second layer of the skills taxonomy. If a knowledge is fundamental to actors in the target population and these actors have to reach an advanced level of expertise to be able to advise other persons, the level of skill should be high: 7Repair , 8-Synthesize , 9-Evaluate or 10-Self-manage. If a knowledge is important to actors in the target population, requiring from them a large level of autonomy, the level of skill should be above average: 5-Apply/Use, 6-Analyze , 7-Repair, 8Synthesize. If a knowledge is useful to actors in the target population, requiring its regular use, the level of skill should be average: 3-Instanciate , 4-Transpose , 5- Apply/Use or 6-Analyse. If a knowledge is sometimes useful to actors in the target population, asking them to retain only the main elements, the level of skill can be weak: 1-Pay attention, 2-Integrate or 3-Instanciate. 4.3 Building process-based learning scenario We will now use the simulation generic process, presented of figure 3, to build a learning scenario based on the “Simulate a production process” competency for a multimedia director. To do this, we lay out a graph corresponding to the generic simulation process, but taking a “learning activity” viewpoint. As shown on figure 9, the graph is instantiated in a way that the vocabulary of the specific application domain (multimedia production) is used. It is also formulated in an “assignment style” displaying six activities. Globally, based on the generic simulation process input and product, the learning scenario starts on a description of the process to simulate and ends on producing essentially a trace report. Documents on the multimedia production processes Activité 1: Choose a process to simulate I/P Activity 4: Execute a production task I/P Activity 2: Choose a typical multimedia project Production tasks and principles I/P I/P I/P C* Tasks' products I/P A task description Case to be simulated I/P Activity 3: Identif y a production task Project report I/P I/P Activity 6: Produce a project report on the process I/P I/P P P No P Activity 5: Verify is the process is complete P Yes Figure 9– A learning scenario: simulate the “Search the Internet” process Of course this scenario is not yet complete. For example, we could add some collaboration assignments and a description of the method for learner evaluation. But the important thing here is that the generic process will form the backbone of the learner’s assignments. In that way, we make sure that he exercises the right skill, simulating a process, while working on the specific knowledge domain, thus building specific domain knowledge and meta-knowledge at the same time. 18 Meta-knowledge representation 4.4 Defining actors and resources in a telelearning system We now use a learning scenario as a basis to build an assistance scenario describing the activities and products of other actors in a telelearning system such as a trainer, a content expert, a designer or a manager. To identify the assistance activities ruled by these actors, we go back to the generic process which gave birth to the learning scenario and we determine the principles governing the execution of the generic process. Figure 10 supplements the generic simulation process on figure 3 with generic principles controling each of the sub-processes. Simulation execution principles Description principles R Simulate a proce ss I/P I/P (3) Produce examples of the input concepts C (2) Identify the next applicable procedure I/P Procedure identification principles I/P Assemble the simulation trace I/P I/P Products of the procedure Execute the procedure using its execution principles I/P C P Example generation principles Simulation trace of the procedure Execution principlesCof the simulated procedure C C R R R R Description of the process to be simulated I/P Presentation principles There are more procedures R Completeness principles (when to stop) C P R There are no more Figure 10 – Meta-principles for the management of simulation processes The statement of these principles will be the base of the assistance scenario presented on figure 11. On table 7, we first state some of the principles on figure 10 and decide on a corresponding type of assistance to the learners. Meta-procedure Description of the simulated process Generation of examples (cases to be simulated) Identification of procedures to be applied Execution of procedures Completeness of the simulation Examples of meta-principles Inputs and products of the simulated process have to be clearly identified. Simulated process must be decomposed into its main procedures, if necessary on more than 2 levels. Principles governing the execution of the process must be identified. Every example has to contain a value for each of the inputs of the process to be simulated. Examples have to cover all the possible cases of execution of the procedure. Type of assistance Case studies on a method to describe simulated procedure For each of the examples, build a structured list with the products of already executed procedures and add them to inputs. Eliminate from the preceding list the products which are not inputs of a still unexecuted procedure. Always choose procedures giving the greatest number of new products for still unexecuted procedures Once a procedure to be executed has been chosen, use its execution principles to obtain new products. Execution depends especially on the domain of application. If the simulated process is sequential, in parallel or a decision tree, the simulation is completed when every possible branch was executed for at least an example, If the process is iterative, it contains execution principles telling when to stop cycling; the simulation is completed when each of these stop principles have been tested for at least an example. Texts presenting in detail these principles as well as examples of execution traces Interactive advisor giving help adapted to the examples supplied by the learner Interaction by e-mail with a content expert Presentation of these completeness principles and dialogue with a trainer to assess completeness of a simulation 19 Meta-knowledge representation Presentation of the execution traces Contextual help on the presentation of these standards accompanied with examples. Presentation must contain the description of the process to be simulated Simulated examples must be regrouped in categories according to the structure of the process. For every example, present the succession of executed procedures and their products. Table 7 – Examples of meta-principles and corresponding assistance Figure 11 presents, the scenario of assistance superposed to the learning scenario of figure 9, every form of assistance correspond to a principle stated in table 7. It shows three actors giving different forms of Content ex pert R Case studies on a method to select and describe a procedure Designer R Interact by email Activity 1: Choose a process to simulate I/P I/P I/P Prepare a learning material I/P Interactive advise on ex amples processed by learners I/P I/P Tex t presenting ex amples of simulations and the identification of procedures to be I/P Activity 2: Choose a typical multimedia project I/P Activity 6: Produce a project report on the process Activity 4: Execute a production task Activity 3: Identify a production task Activity 5: Verify is the process is complete I/P Presentation and discussion of completeness principels Learner/Content ex pert interactions I/P I/P Frequently asked questions and ex emples on presentation norms Trainer R Use a f orum software R I/P Maintain a FAQ assistance to the learners. Figure 11 – Assistance scenario for the simulation of a multimedia production process This assistance scenario puts in evidence different activities of assistance (in inverted text on the figure) producing help resources for each of six learning activities (the other details of the learning on figure 10 were omitted here). Three of these assistance resources are materials prepared by a designer, being use as inputs to the first three learning activities. Another type of assistance in activity 4, is an interaction by e-mail with a content expert in multimedia production. Two other forms of assistance, in activities 5 and 6, involve a trainer animating a forum on the completeness principles of a simulation and also managing a FAQ (frequently asked questions) on the presentation norms for the final report. The choice of these assistance activities, as well as the learning activities that they support, result from the generic process representing a skill associated to a principal knowledge in the learning unit. More exactly, each of these forms of assistance draws its content from the principles describing how this skill can be applied to knowledge processed in the learning unit. A skill’s generic process and its execution principles 20 Meta-knowledge representation thus define the content of the assistance supplied by a person playing the role of a facilitator, directly or through different types of teaching equipments or tools. DISCUSSION It is our firm belief that knowledge, skills and competencies have to be represented in a standardized and easily interpretable graphic language. We are not pretending that the MOT language outlined here is the best way to do it in every circumstance, nor that it should be imposed on designers, trainers or learners. This would considerably impoverish the knowledge building activity that is central to learning, training and designing and needs multiple representations. But the MOT language is general enough to represent application domain knowledge as well as generic skill and other meta-knowledge, and also their interrelations. We have accumulated considerable evidence of this in the last ten years through projects where this representation method has served as an alternative to more specialized graphic methods Jonassen et al 1993 such as conceptual maps, procedural task representation, causal and influence diagrams, decision trees and rule-based diagrams, etc. We have, for example, used the language to model the instructional processes and principles in our instructional engineering method (MISA) or to describe the ways actors rule processes and interact with resources in a computerized school. Our hope is that the graphic language and the few examples outlined here will succeed in open up new research directions where precise and inspectable representations can be given to competencies, skills and problem taxonomies, thus favoring a larger exchange of instructional design knowledge. Libraries of skills and knowledge models are central to the way we build designs for learning and tele-learning environments. Because we need to reuse and adapt models from different sources in a computerized support system (ADISA) Paquette 2001, an interchange graphic language was needed, in a similar way that XML provide an interchange format between ways to store and retrieve data and metadata. The most stimulating aspect of a skills taxonomy built at the meta-knowledge level concerns the opportunity given to research teams to create a relatively complete set of representable, reusable and significant components in this huge and challenging puzzle of learning systems engineering. 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