National Schools’ Observatory GCSE Astronomy Notes on Unit 2 Assessment Criteria The following notes are intended to help you understand what might be required in terms of the assessment criteria for the GCSE Astronomy. Please Note: NSO is not in a position to comment officially on Edexcel’s assessment criteria, and what follows is a guide to help ensure that your students can get the most out of using the NSO resources for Unit 2. Official advice should always be obtained directly from Edexcel. Mark Range Descriptor Comments Design 0 No procedure designed. 1 Outline a simple procedure for the observations, using basic astronomical terminology. 2-3 4-5 Astronomical knowledge and understanding used to decide on the most appropriate site, time, equipment for observations. Information about the equipment available to students via NSO is available on the NSO website. This information could be used as part of the design process and should be included in the student’s write up. Spelling, punctuation and grammar used with reasonable accuracy. Limited use of astronomical terminology. NSO will provide a range of observing programmes for each of the Unit 2 tasks. Students should demonstrate that they understand why they picked one programme over another, and why they chose to obtain data in the way that they did. Detailed astronomical knowledge and understanding used to design the most appropriate observing programme with a range of sites, times and instruments evaluated. For the highest marks students should be able to justify, using astronomical knowledge, why they chose the Liverpool Telescope or other NSO equipment that they will use for their investigation. Spelling, punctuation and grammar used with considerable accuracy. Good range of astronomical terminology used correctly. Typically they would compare a number of facilities available to them and possibly even refer to preliminary data obtained. Observation 0 1 No observations completed. Simple observations completed, providing some data. A few observational details included. All NSO observations come with full details of the parameters used for each observation in the FITS header of each image. Mark Range 2-3 Descriptor Sound observations completed and recorded, providing adequate data for the task. Clear and accurate observational details included. 4-5 Excellent programme of observations completed and recorded, providing conclusive data for the task. Full observational details included clearly and accurately. Comments Conditions at the observing site in La Palma are included on the NSO website for each image obtained. This includes data about the weather as well as the Students should clearly present any measurements made from images. Software that can be used to analyse images is provided on the NSO website. This includes LTImage which can perform most of the functions you will need. Analysis 0 No analysis on the observations. 1 Simple comments on what is shown by the observations, using basic astronomical terminology. Conclusions or calculations derived from observational data used to address the task set. 2-3 Spelling, punctuation and grammar used with reasonable accuracy. Limited use of astronomical terminology. Full analysis of the observational data, resulting in clear conclusions related to the task set. 4-5 Spelling, punctuation and grammar used with considerable accuracy. Good range of astronomical terminology used correctly. NSO data can be analysed using any standard astronomical software that can handle FITS files. The data provided by NSO is the same as the data used by astronomers. LTImage can provide the majority of functions needed to complete the analysis of the data obtained by students, and other software that can also be used in detailed on the NSO website. Students should include full details of how their data supports the task they were aiming to complete, and make note of any anomalous results that were not expected. Evaluation 0 No evaluation of the observation. 1 Simple comment on the accuracy of the observations, using basic astronomical terminology. Supported statement of the accuracy of the observational data obtained. 2-3 Feasible suggestions for improvements or extensions to the observations. Spelling, punctuation and grammar used with reasonable accuracy. Limited use of astronomical terminology. Evaluation can often be difficult, especially if everything goes according to plan. However, with the comprehensive data supplied by the NSO for each observation, it should be possible for students to evaluate how good the data is that has been obtained, and possibly suggest how the data could have been better. They may also be able to suggest how the design of their procedure could have been improved. Mark Range Descriptor Clearly reasoned quantitative assessment of the accuracy of the observational data obtained. 4-5 Detailed suggestions for improvements or extensions to the observations. Spelling, punctuation and grammar used with considerable accuracy. Good range of astronomical terminology used correctly. Comments During the evaluation the student might want to consider how they could extend the task, and whether the facilities offered by the NSO are suitable for the extended task.