Wave Propagation and Polarization Transverse Electromagnetic Modes: A mode is a particular field configuration. TEM mode: E and H fields are contained in a local plane (equiphase plane). Plane waves: Equiphase planes are parallel. Uniform plane wave: The field amplitudes are uniform over the equiphase plane. Uniform Plane Waves in an unbounded Lossless Medium: Wave Impedance: Ex: Given the E field for a uniform plane wave Find H ? Ans: Phase and Group Velocities, Power and Energy Densities: Phase Velocity: Energy Densities: Group Velocity: Time Average Power Density: Standing Waves: First traveling wave + Second traveling wave = Standing wave. For The instantenous field expression: The standing Wave Ratio (SWR): Pure standing wave (|Γ|=1): Uniform Plane Waves – Oblique Angle: The E field does not have a y-component: Transverse electric to y (TEy) mode. The phase constants, and or The planes of constant phases, Ex: For TMy wave, write the E and H field expressions, assuming the amplitudes are E0+ and E0- Ans: Wave Impedance: Phase and Group Velocities: (Phase and Group Velocities of a uniform plane wave) Power and Energy Densities: where Ex: For TMy wave, derive expressions fort he average power density along β+ direction and for the directional power densities along the +x and z directions. Ans: where Transverse Electromagnetic Modes in Lossy Media: