Herd Data Sheet

Who is your Extension Educator?
Who is your herd health veterinarian?
Are you a full time __________ part time _________farmer? If part-time, what are your
other occupations?
What is your primary goal in your beef production enterprise?
What are some secondary goals?
What do you expect to gain by joining the IRM program?
Breeding Herd Information
Number of cows and heifers to calve this year:
Number of replacement heifers to be bred for the 1st time this year? _____________
AI ______ or bull _______
Female breed type(s):
Calving Season (spring/fall):
Average Beginning Calving Date:
Average Length of Calving Season in days:
Average bull turn out date for cows: ____________for heifers: _____________________
What criteria do you use in selecting bulls?
Do you pregnancy test? _______________
Calving assistance required last year: # of cows__________ # of heifers _____________
How are the calves marketed:
____________% Feeders
_____________% Finished
____________% Female Breeding Stock __________% Bulls
Bull Info
Number of bulls used: ________________
Bull breed type(s): __________________________
If AI is used, who selects the sires? ________________________
Are bulls fertility tested prior to use? ____________
Health Program
What is the most troublesome disease you encounter?
What are you doing currently to control it?
What is your vaccination program for cows and calves?
Do you deworm cows and calves? ___________ If yes, when and what product is used?
What controls for flies, lice and grubs are utilized?
Forage Resources
Total number of acres farmed: _________________ Acres of pasture: _______________
Acres of hay ground: ______________ Acres and types of silage: __________________
Number of soil samples taken last year: __________
How is hay fed? __________________________________________________________
List the forage species and the % of each species in pasture and hay stands:
(ex: pasture 1: 70% fescue, 20% red clover, 10% white clover)
Pasture 1:
Pasture 2:
Hay 1:
Hay 2:
Do you quality test your hay? ___________ silage? _______________
Describe your grazing system:
Are crop residues (stalks, etc) utilized for feed?
Do you creep feed? _________ If so, starting about what age?______________________
Return to:
Danielle Glynn
Lynn 625 Harrison
W. Lafayette, IN 47907
(765) 494-9234