1 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: Ecology, Environmental Sciences Large Seasonal Swings in Leaf Area of Amazon Rainforests Ranga B. Myneni*, Wenze Yang*, Ramakrishna R. Nemani‡, Alfredo R. Huete§, Robert E. Dickinson¶†, Yuri Knyazikhin*, Kamel Didan§, Rong Fu¶, Robinson I. Negrón Juárez¶, Sasan S. Saatchi║, Hirofumi Hashimoto**, Kazuhito Ichii††, Nikolay V. Shabanov*, Bin Tan*, Piyachat Ratana§, Jeffrey L. Privette‡‡, Jeffrey T. Morisette§§, Eric F. Vermote¶¶,‡‡, David P. Roy║║, Robert E. Wolfe***, Mark A. Friedl*, Steve W. Running†††, Petr Votava**, Nazmi El-Saleous‡‡‡, Sadashiva Devadiga‡‡‡, Yin Su*, Vincent V. Salomonson§§§ * Department of Geography and Environment, Boston University, 675 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA. ‡ Ecosystem Science and Technology Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Mail Stop 242-4, Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA. § Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA. ¶ School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, 311 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA. ║ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA. ** California State University at Monterey Bay and Ecosystem Science and Technology Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Mail Stop 242-4, Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA. †† San Jose State University and Ecosystem Science and Technology Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Mail Stop 242-4, Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA. ‡‡ Biospheric Sciences Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 8600 Greenbelt Road, Mail Code 614.4, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA. §§ Terrestrial Information Systems Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 8600 Greenbelt Road, Mail Code 614.5, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA. 2 ¶¶ Department of Geography, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA. ║║ Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence, South Dakota State University, Wecota Hall, Box 506B, Brookings, SD 57007, USA. *** Raytheon TSC at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 8600 Greenbelt Road, Mail Code 614.5, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA. ††† School of Forestry, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA. ‡‡‡ Science Systems and Applications Inc., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 8600 Greenbelt Road, Mail Code 614.5, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA. §§§ Senior Scientist (Emeritus) of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and Research Professor, Department of Geography and Meteorology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0110. † To whom correspondence should be addressed. Robert E. Dickinson, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, 311 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA; Telephone: 404-385-1509; Fax: 404-385-1510; E-mail: robted@eas.gatech.edu. This manuscript has 12 pages and 3 figures. The abstract contains 183 words, and the manuscript contains 14,365 characters (without space, and not including supporting information). Supporting information has 18 pages, 1 table, and 4 figures. The supporting text contains 25,691 characters (without space). Abbreviations: MODIS, moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer; LAI, leaf area index; CERES, Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System; GOES, Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite; TRMM, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission. . 3 Despite early speculation to the contrary, all tropical forests studied to date display seasonal variations in the presence of new leaves, flowers and fruits. These past studies were focused on the timing of phenological events and their cues, but not on the accompanying changes in leaf area which regulate vegetation-atmosphere exchanges of energy, momentum and mass. Here we report, from analysis of five years of recent satellite data, seasonal swings in green leaf area of about 25% in a majority of the Amazon rainforests. That is, leaf area equivalent to nearly 28% the size of South America appears and disappears each year in the Amazon. This seasonal cycle is timed to the seasonality of solar radiation in a manner that is suggestive of anticipatory and opportunistic patterns of net leaf flushing during the light rich dry season and net leaf abscission during the cloudy wet season. These heretofore unknown seasonal swings in leaf area are critical to initiation of the transition from dry to wet season, seasonal carbon balance between photosynthetic gains and respiratory losses, and litterfall nutrient cycling in moist tropical forests. 4 The trees of tropical rainforests are known to exhibit a range of phenological behavior, from episodes of ephemeral leaf bursts followed by long quiescent periods to continuous leafing, and from complete intraspecific synchrony to complete asynchrony (1). Several agents - herbivory, water stress, day length, light intensity, mineral nutrition, flood pulse, etc. - have been identified as proximate cues for leafing and abscission in these communities (1-8) These studies were focused on the timing of phenological events but not on the accompanying changes in leaf area. Leaves selectively absorb solar radiation, emit longwave radiation and volatile organic compounds, and facilitate growth by regulating carbon dioxide influx and water vapor efflux from stomates. Therefore, leaf area dynamics are relevant to studies of climate, hydrological and biogeochemical cycles. The sheer size and diversity of rainforests preclude a synoptic view of leaf area changes from ground sampling. We therefore used data on green leaf area of the Amazon basin (approximately 7.2 106 km2) derived from measurements of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Terra satellite (9, 10). These data were expressed as one-sided green leaf area per unit ground area (leaf area index, LAI). Results Seasonality in Leaf Area Index Time Series. Leaf area data of the Amazon rainforests exhibit notable seasonality, with an amplitude (peak to trough difference) that is 25% of the average annual LAI of 4.7 (Fig. 1A). This average amplitude of 1.2 LAI is about twice the error of a single estimate of MODIS LAI and thus is not an artifact of remote 5 observation or data processing (Supporting Text, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). The aggregate phenological cycle appears timed to the seasonality of solar radiation in a manner that is suggestive of anticipatory and opportunistic patterns of leaf flushing and abscission. These patterns result in leaf area leading solar radiation during the entire seasonal cycle, higher leaf area during the shorter dry season when solar radiation loads are high, and lower leaf area during the longer wet season when radiation loads decline significantly. This seasonality is roughly consistent with the hypothesis that in moist tropical forests, where rainfall is abundant and herbivore pressures are modest, seasonal increase in solar radiation during the dry season might act as a proximate cue for leaf production (1, 2, 4). In a community dominated by leaf-exchanging (11) evergreen trees, leaf area can increase if some of the older leaves that are photosynthetically less efficient because of epiphylls and poor stomatal control are exchanged for more numerous new leaves. Leaf area can decrease if the new leaves are less numerous than the older ones that are dropped. If such exchanges are staggered in time amongst the individuals over a large area, for example due to asynchrony (7), they can result in a gradually increasing spatially averaged leaf area over a period of several months during the ascending phase of the seasonal cycle, and a gradually decreasing leaf area during the descending phase, while maintaining the evergreen character of the rainforest (Fig. 1A). These patterns of net leaf flushing and abscission also generate higher leaf litterfall in the dry season relative to the wet season, as reported (12-14). Such a leaf strategy will enhance photosynthetic gain 6 during the light rich dry season (15-20), provided the trees are well hydrated (2), and reduces respiratory burden during the cloudy wet season. Leaf area changes in the adjacent grasslands and savannas in Brazil are concordant with rainfall data (Fig. 1B) - higher leaf area in the wet season and lower leaf area in the dry season. This expected behavior imbues confidence in the opposing seasonality of deep rooted and generally well hydrated (2), but light limited (2, 4, 18, 19), rainforests inferred from the same LAI data set. Geographic Details of Leaf Area Changes. The satellite data provide geographic details of leaf area changes in the Amazon (Fig. 2A). The region with a distinct seasonality of leaf area spans a broad contiguous swath of land that is anchored to the Amazon river, from its mouth in the east to its western-most reaches in Peru, in the heart of the basin. This pattern is notable for at least two reasons. First, for its homogeneity – a higher dry season leaf area relative to the wet season is observed in about 58% of all rainforest occupied pixels, while only 3% show the opposite change (Fig. 2B). Second, the homogeneous region roughly overlies the precipitation gradient (21) in the basin (Supporting Text and Fig. 4C, which are published as supporting information on the PNAS web site), suggesting that the amplitude is, to a first approximation, independent of the duration and intensity of the dry season. For example, an amplitude of about one LAI unit is observed in areas with two to five dry months in a year. Ostensibly, these forests maintain high leaf area (20, 22) and remain well hydrated during the dry season in nondrought years (Supporting Text and Fig. 6, which are published as supporting information 7 on the PNAS web site) via their deep root systems (2, 23) and/or through hydraulic redistribution (24, 25). Similar changes are not seen in about 40% of the rainforest pixels, some of which are transitional and drier rainforests to the south and east. Correlation among Changes in Leaf Area, Solar Radiation and Precipitation. To associate quantitatively the changes in leaf area, solar radiation and precipitation, we correlated successive monthly differences of these variables, first using the spatially averaged data shown in Fig. 1A, and second, using pixel level data. Changes in LAI are both positively correlated with changes in solar radiation (p<0.0001) and negatively correlated with precipitation changes (p<0.0001), but the correlations between leaf area and radiation changes are larger and at the pixel level more numerous (Fig. 3 and Fig. 7, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). The negative correlations between LAI and precipitation are likely an indirect effect of the changes in cloudiness and radiation associated with precipitation changes (18). These results, together with the past phenological studies, support the idea of an evolved pattern of endogenously controlled vegetative phenology that is timed to the seasonality of solar radiation (2, 11). Discussion The consistency between leaf area, solar radiation and precipitation data from different satellite instruments is especially noteworthy. However, the strong seasonality in cloud cover and tropospheric aerosol loading may introduce seasonally opposing artifacts in MODIS leaf area. To minimize the impact of significant wet season cloud cover in the 8 Amazon, we used a coarse resolution – eight kilometer and monthly - data set that was derived by averaging the best quality LAI values from the standard one kilometer, eight day MODIS data set (Supporting Text, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). Although some of the coarse resolution LAI values were based on fewer high quality estimates in the wet season, this did not bias the inferred seasonal LAI amplitudes. The high aerosol content in the dry season, from biomass burning, natural biogenic emissions, and soil dust re-suspension (26) can result in artificially low LAI values, unless the reflectance data are corrected for aerosol effects. The MODIS processing system was found to correct well for such effects (Supporting Text, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). The LAI values may have been underestimated by about 5% from any residual aerosol effects. This effect is small and of opposite timing relative to the observed seasonality. Other possible sources of bias, such as reflectance saturation at high leaf area and changes in light scattering and absorption properties of leaves due to aging and epiphylls (27), were found to be small, and with the wrong timing, to significantly alter our estimates of the amplitude of LAI seasonality (Supporting Text, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). The average seasonal range of 1.2 LAI recorded over 4.2 106 km2 (58%) of Amazon rainforests implies a seasonal fluctuation in one-sided green leaf area of about 5.0 106 km2. That is, leaf area equivalent to nearly 28% the size of South America 9 appears and disappears each year in the Amazon. The greener dry season can enhance the buoyancy of surface air, and thus convection, through higher latent heat fluxes, and initiate transition to the wet season (28, see also Supporting Text, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). Also, the seasonal dynamics and interplay between canopy photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration will be altered by this unexpected seasonality in leaf area (12, 15-20, 29), with attendant consequences for litterfall nutrient cycling (30). Therefore, it is important to investigate the significance of these changes for climate, hydrological and biogeochemical cycles, and whether such similar swings in leaf area also exist in the moist forests of Africa and Asia. This work was supported by grants from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to the authors. 10 1. van Schaik, C. P., Terborgh, J. W. & Wright, S. J. (1993) Annu. Rev. Ecol Syst. 24, 353-377. 2. Wright, S. J. (1996) in Tropical Forest Plant Ecophysiology, Eds. Stephen, S. M., Robin, L. C. & Alan, P. S. (Chapman & Hall, New York), pp. 440-460. 3. Morellato, P. C. (2003) in Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science, Ed. Schwartz, M. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands), pp. 75-92. 4. Wright, S. 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(A) Time series of monthly leaf area index from the Terra MODIS instrument (in green), monthly maximum of hourly average surface solar radiation from the Terra CERES and GOES-8 instruments (in red), and monthly merged precipitation from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and other sources (in blue). The time 13 series are data averaged over all Amazon rainforest pixels, as identified in the MODIS landcover map (Fig. 4B, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site), south of the equator. The start of the data record is March 2000 and the end points are September 2005 (leaf area index), May 2005 (solar radiation) and August 2005 (precipitation). The shaded areas denote dry seasons, defined as months with precipitation less than 100 mm or less than one-third the precipitation range [0.33*(maximum-minimum) + minimum]. The solar radiation data are for all sky conditions and include direct and diffuse components. (B) Same as (A) except that the data are from savanna and grassland pixels adjacent to the Amazon basin in Brazil and south of the equator (Fig. 4B, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). The shaded areas denote dry seasons, defined as months with precipitation less than 50 mm. Information on the data can be found in Supporting Text, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site (10). Fig. 2. (A) Color coded map of leaf area index (LAI) amplitudes greater than 0.66 or less than -0.66 – this threshold (|0.66|) is the smallest LAI difference discernable with the MODIS LAI data set (Supporting Text, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). The amplitude, in regions with dry seasons longer than three months, is calculated as the difference between the maximum four-month average LAI in the dry season minus the minimum four-month average LAI in the wet season. Where the dry season is three or fewer months, the amplitude is calculated as the difference between the dry season average LAI and the minimum four-month average LAI in the wet season. The dry and wet seasons are defined based on the precipitation data set at quarter degree 14 spatial resolution (Supporting Text, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). Thus, the seasons vary spatially and inter-annually. (B) The distribution of LAI amplitude for all Amazon rainforest pixels. The color scheme is similar to that in panel (A). Fig. 3. (A) Correlation between first differences of leaf area index (LAI) and solar radiation. The first differences of LAI [LAI(t)] are calculated as LAI(t+1)-LAI(t), where t is months in the timeline March 2000 to May 2005. The number of data points is 62 for each pixel. Correlation coefficients greater than 0.25, or less -0.25, are shown (p<0.05). The analysis was performed for rainforest pixels with LAI amplitudes greater than 0.66 or less than -0.66 - this threshold (|0.66|) is the smallest LAI difference discernable with the MODIS LAI data set (Supporting Text, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). (B) Correlation between first differences of LAI and precipitation. 15 A Leaf Area Index 950 5.0 900 850 4.5 800 4.0 300 Precipitation 750 (mm/mo) 200 Solar Radiation (W/m²) 1000 5.5 100 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 3.0 1000 2.5 900 2.0 800 1.5 300 Precipitation (mm/mo) 200 100 2000 Fig. 1. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 700 Solar Radiation (W/m²) Leaf Area Index B 16 A -1.2 -1.1 -1.0 -0.9 -0.8 -0.66 0 0.66 0.8 0.9 1.0 Seasonal Amplitude of Leaf Area Index 1.2 1.4 B 7 % Forest Area 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 Seasonal Amplitude of Leaf Area Index Fig. 2. 4.0 17 A -0.8 -0.6 -0.325 -0.25 0 0.25 0.325 0.6 Correlation Coefficient for Radiation and LAI 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.325 -0.25 0 0.25 0.325 0.6 0.8 Correlation Coefficient for Precipitation and LAI B Fig. 3. 18 Supporting Text Leaf Area Index Data. We used a continuous record of data on green leaf area from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Terra satellite to track leaf area changes over the Amazon basin, from March 2000 to September 2005. The MODIS instrument measures, amongst others, solar radiation reflected by the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere at different narrow wavelength bands (1). The instrument has an on-board calibrator and a dedicated state-of-the-art processing system that geo-locates the data (2), does cloud filtering (3) and corrects for atmospheric contamination of surface reflectance (4). The surface reflectances are then input to a suite of algorithms for generation of several geophysical data sets, also called products, on an operational basis in near-real time, with explicit pixel level quality flags (5, 6). Green leaf area index (LAI) is defined as the one-sided green leaf area per unit ground area in broadleaf canopies and as half the total needle surface area per unit ground area in coniferous canopies. It is one of the standard operational data sets generated at one kilometer spatial resolution, every day, for nearly the entire land surface of the Earth (7). Not all pixels, however, have values of sufficient quality because of sub-pixel cloud cover, residual atmospheric corruption, algorithm performance, etc. Therefore, the best quality daily retrievals are averaged over an eight day period and distributed from the Earth Resources Observation and (http://edc.usgs.gov/products/satellite/modis.html). Science The MODIS Data data Center have been 19 reprocessed several times, each time applying the latest available version of the science algorithms to the MODIS instrument data and using the best available calibration and geolocation information. The data sets generated during each reprocessing belong to a collection. In this study, the latest collection 4 LAI data set was used. Over five years of Terra MODIS data were acquired, processed and analyzed to obtain the results presented in this paper. During these five years, the MODIS instrument acquired over 125 terabytes of data globally. Almost one petabyte (about 3 million files) of geophysical data, including land surface reflectance, were generated to support production of global LAI products, 4% of which covers the Amazon region. Our research on MODIS LAI spans a 10 year period, starting with the design of the algorithm in the mid-1990s, to its implementation, product quality assessment and validation. The physics of the algorithm and subsequent refinements are described in several articles (8-13). Algorithm performance and quality assessment have also been reported in refereed literature (7, 14-17). The LAI data have been validated through comparisons with field measurements from several sites, representative of major vegetation types, around the world (Table 1). LAI estimates from MODIS data are obtained from either the main or back-up algorithm. The main algorithm is based on a three-dimensional description of radiation transfer and interactions in vegetation canopies, and solves the inverse problem of LAI estimation using Look-Up-Tables (8). When this algorithm fails, a back-up algorithm based on biome-specific NDVI-LAI relations is used. The main algorithm fails in cases 20 of cloud or aerosol contaminated reflectances and thus LAI estimates from back-up algorithm are generally incorrect (17). The five year average success rate of the main algorithm is about 67% globally, but is only 30% over the Amazon basin because of persistent cloud cover (17). We therefore created an eight kilometer monthly data set by averaging the cloud free main algorithm LAI estimates available in the standard one kilometer eight day data set. For each eight kilometer monthly pixel, a quality index was derived as the percentage of cloud free best quality retrievals. For example, if 35% of the one kilometer eight day pixels met these criteria, these were averaged to generate a LAI value with a 35% quality index. About 70% of the eight kilometer monthly pixels had quality indices greater than 50%. This improved, but coarser spatial and temporal resolution, data set was used in this study. The annual average green leaf area index derived from this data set is shown in Fig. 4A. Recently, three research teams collected field measurements suitable for validation of MODIS LAI near the Tapajos FLUXNET site in the Amazon (13). The BigFoot team (18) performed measurements on February 26 in year 2002 over a 7x7 km area near the Tapajos FLUXNET site (center lat=-2.8697450, lon=-54.943550). Huete et al. (19) performed similar measurements in July of year 2000 at several 250 m transects near the KM67 tower at the same site (lat=-2.8566670, lon =-54.9588890). The mean MODIS LAI over the Tapajos site is 5.6 0.9 (late February) and 5.2 1.4 (early July). The corresponding ranges of field measurements are 5.4 to 7.0 and 5.8 to 6.7, respectively. This suggests satisfactory agreement between MODIS LAI and ground measurements at the sampling locations. 21 A third group (20) performed measurements along transects in the Tapajos National Forest (13000 km2, upper-left lat=-2.750 & lon=-55.500, lower-right=-4.000 & lon=-54.900) which included the Tapajos FLUXNET site. They found MODIS LAI values to be large overestimates in relation to their measurements. Some of this discrepancy is due to the comparison of dry season MODIS LAI values with wet season field measurements. The transect measurements (mean LAI of 3.8) also disagreed significantly with field measurements by the other two research teams (mean LAI of 6.2). These disagreements could also be due to differences in the scale of observations, experimental design (plots versus transects), and potential errors in scaling point ground measurements to one km2 area averages. Landcover Data. The landcover map describes global distribution of vegetation classes using the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme’s (IGBP) scheme of landcovers. The map is generated from one year of Terra MODIS data at one km resolution (21). This data set is available from the Earth Resources Observation and Science Data Center (http://edc.usgs.gov/products/satellite/modis.html). We aggregated the IGBP vegetation types to the following four classes - forests, savannas, other vegetation and nonvegetated. The resulting map is shown in Fig. 4B. This data set was used to identify rainforest and savanna pixels in our analysis. All identified classes had a confidence flag (21) value of at least 50%. 22 Precipitation Data. Monthly precipitation data at quarter degree spatial resolution for the period January 1998 to August 2005 were obtained from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (http://lake.nascom.nasa.gov/data/dataset/TRMM/). This data set is a merged quality product generated from instruments of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and other sources (22). The spatial variability of precipitation in the Amazon can be represented (23) as the distribution of areas under different number of dry months (Fig. 4C). Months with precipitation less than 100 mm may be considered dry (23, 24). We used a slightly different definition – months with precipitation less than 100 mm or less than one-third the precipitation range [0.33*(maximum-minimum) + minimum]. This ensured a dry season of at least one month in the more humid regions of western Amazon. Solar Radiation Data. Monthly solar radiation data at one degree spatial resolution for the period March 2000 to May 2005 were obtained from the Langley Atmospheric Sciences Data Center (http://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov/PRODOCS/ceres/table_ceres.php). These Level 3 data (25) are monthly means of hourly downward at-surface solar radiation fluxes. They were generated from the Terra satellite’s Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-8 (GOES) derived broad band fluxes (CERES Product SFC R4V3). The GOES derived fluxes have been normalized to the CERES fluxes to reduce discrepancies. The radiation data used here were derived from observations corresponding to all-sky conditions. When compared to data from 36 global stations, they have a bias of 1.5% and a regional root mean square scatter of 9.6% (Personal Communication by Dr. Doeling of NASA Langley 23 Research Center). The maximum values of the monthly means of hourly solar radiation data were used in this study, given the difficulties associated with precisely estimating surface solar radiation from top-of-the-atmosphere measurements under cloudy conditions in the Amazon. This selection of maximum values resulted in utilization of the best quality data and resolved the seasonal cycle well as ascertained by comparisons to similar data from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (26). Uncertainty Analysis. The MODIS LAI data have been validated against ground measurements of leaf area in a host of vegetation types across the globe (12, 16, 27-32). Table 1 summarizes these validation activities. The following regression is obtained when field measurements from 29 different sites, representative of major vegetation types across different continents, are regressed against the corresponding MODIS LAI values (33), MODIS LAI = 1.12*Field LAI + 0.11 , (1) R2 = 0.87, RMSE = 0.66 LAI, N = 29. (2) In words, the MODIS LAI values may overestimate field measurements by about 12% in dense vegetation. The MODIS values can explain 87% of the variability of LAI between sites, and on average MODIS values will be in error in their estimation by 0.66 LAI. The seasonal leaf area amplitudes reported in this paper are differences between MODIS LAI estimates (dry season maximum LAI and wet season minimum LAI). At 24 any given pixel, we would expect from Eqs. (1) and (2) that on average the MODIS estimation would be in error by 0.66 LAI. If a single independent dry season and wet season estimation are made, their difference would change this error by 21/2 or about 0.84 LAI. However, normally more than one time sample will be available and we are examining many points in space. The overall error given this multiple sampling is difficult to estimate but likely to be around 0.1 to 0.3 LAI However, to be conservative, we use the simple RMS estimate of 0.66 LAI and consider any difference less than this threshold to be within the estimation error of MODIS LAI. Thus, two MODIS LAI values that differ by less than |0.66| LAI are treated as about equal, but differences greater than +0.66 LAI, or less than -0.66 LAI, between two MODIS values are assumed to correspond to a true change in field measured LAI. The amplitude in Fig. 1A is about 1.2 LAI, which is nearly two times the threshold value of |0.66| LAI. Figures 2A and 3 depict results for regions with amplitudes greater than this threshold only. The factor of 1.12 in Eq. (1) is itself uncertain and contributes to the overall uncertainty. Its uncertainty corresponds to 0.66 / N1/2 = 0.11. Thus, the MODIS LAI could be giving little bias in its estimation of leaf area or as much as double that indicated by Eq. (1). Clouds, Aerosols, Reflectance Saturation and Leaf Spectral Effects. A. Clouds: The MODIS data processing system has a well developed cloud screening algorithm that uses 14 of the 36 MODIS spectral bands to maximize the reliability of cloud detection (3). Information on pixel cloud state is contained in the quality flags 25 accompanying the data sets. Globally, about 65 to 75% of the vegetated pixels are cloud free, depending on the time of the year, 10% are partially cloudy and the rest are cloud covered (17). In the Amazon region, however, there is much more cloudiness, and this varies greatly between the wet and dry seasons. This seasonality in cloud cover can bias the results if cloud contaminated retrievals are not screened out from the analysis. Atmospheric water vapor is not a problem as the MODIS channel data that are used for land remote sensing completely avoid the water vapor absorption bands. The percentage of cloud free, partially cloudy and cloud covered pixels in the standard one kilometer eight day LAI data set is about 82, 11 and 7 in the dry season and 32, 17 and 51 in the wet season over the Amazon rainforests. All cloudy retrievals, and some partially cloudy retrievals, are of suspect quality. Therefore, we created an eight kilometer monthly data set by averaging the cloud free main algorithm LAI retrievals available in the standard data set. For each eight kilometer monthly pixel, a quality index was derived as the percentage of best quality cloud free retrievals. For example, if 35% of the one kilometer eight day pixels met these criteria, these were averaged to generate a LAI value with a 35% quality index. In the dry season, about 95% of the pixels had quality indices greater than 50%. In the wet season, only about 45% of the pixels had quality indices greater than 50%, because of enhanced cloud cover. This suggests a higher proportion of pixels with lower quality indices in the wet season. A lower quality index may correspond to a biased coarse resolution LAI value because it is based on fewer higher resolution samples, but 26 not necessarily, given the relative homogeneity of LAI in the rainforests and the random spatial occurrence of clouds. Nevertheless, it is instructive to see the difference in average LAI between pixels of low and high quality indices, in order to ascertain if pixels with lower quality indices do provide a biased estimate of spatially averaged LAI. The average LAI difference between pixels with quality indices greater than 75% (higher quality pixels) and less than 25% (lower quality pixels) is only 0.4 in the wet season and even less (0.16) in the dry season. These differences are less than the smallest true difference between any two MODIS LAI values (|0.66|, cf. described above), and therefore, should be treated as not significantly different than zero. Thus, we conclude that the results derived from the eight kilometer monthly LAI data are not an artifact of cloud seasonality in the Amazon. B. Aerosols: There is considerable variation in tropospheric aerosol loading between the dry and wet seasons in the Amazon. The aerosol optical depth inferred from MODIS data (34) indicates this seasonal difference to be as large as 0.5 (Fig. 5A). The high aerosol loading in the dry season is due to biomass burning, natural biogenic emissions, and soil dust re-suspension (35). A question arises as to how this seasonality in aerosol loading impacts LAI retrievals, and if the inferred LAI seasonality is an artifact of aerosol seasonality. The following analysis was performed to address this question. We focus our investigation on a 1200 x 1200 km region in the Amazon, where 93% of the vegetation is classified as rainforests. The top-of-the-atmosphere MODIS 27 measurements are corrected for atmospheric effects, including aerosol scattering, to derive the surface reflectances used in LAI estimation (4). The efficacy of this correction depends on the amount of aerosol loading. The derived surface reflectances are quality flagged as either residual-aerosol or aerosol-free, that is, reflectances contaminated with residual aerosol effects or free of such effects after the atmospheric correction procedure has been applied. Aerosol scattering tends to enhance reflectance over low reflective surfaces, in both red and near-infrared channels – the two principal inputs to the LAI algorithm (Fig. 5B). However, the difference between aerosol-free and residual-aerosol reflectances does not show a seasonal pattern. Thus, the correction appears not to be biased by the seasonal changes in aerosol optical depth level. The difference in LAI values estimated from these two groups of reflectances, across the year, is quite small, about -5%. Thus, residual aerosol effects may have resulted in an underestimation of LAI, on an average, by 5% and this is likely to happen in the dry season because of high aerosol optical depths (Fig. 5A). This effect is small, and importantly, opposite in direction, when compared to the LAI seasonality reported in the manuscript. Thus, we conclude that the leaf area amplitudes reported in the manuscript are not an artifact of tropospheric aerosol seasonality. C. Reflectance Saturation: In dense vegetation canopies, such as the Amazon rainforests, the reflectances tend to an asymptotic value, that is, they saturate. The MODIS algorithm is designed to identify such conditions and retrieve the threshold LAI value at which reflectances saturate (8). The incidence of reflectance saturation in the rainforest increased, on an average, by 11% in the dry season relative to the wet season. 28 This suggests higher leaf areas in the dry season compared to the wet season, in agreement with the results presented in the manuscript. But because of reflectance saturation, the reported amplitudes are likely underestimates, that is, the actual leaf area difference between the dry and wet seasons could be somewhat larger. D. Changes of Canopy Reflectance from Changing Leaf Optical Properties: The MODIS LAI algorithm estimates LAI by use of red and near-infrared reflectances (7). Leaf optical properties might change either because of changes of the leaf itself or of other materials on top of the leaf. For example, observations by Roberts et al. (36) demonstrated a change of leaf optical properties because of covering by epiphylls. Xiao et al. (37) interpreted the observed dry season increases in canopy reflectance near the Tapajos observational tower to result from the fall of old leaves and the emergence of new leaves with a consequent reduction of such epiphyte cover. In addition, water drops are more likely to remain on leaves during the wet season. The MODIS algorithm assumes all leaves are the same but if actual leaves had properties that differed either with age, water drops and epiphyll cover or location in canopy, the estimated LAI values could be potentially biased. The study by Roberts et al. (36) although in a rainforest area near Manaus was for a forest growing on waterlogged and nutrient poor soil with low species diversity and low biomass, and so was referred to as Caatinga, a form of vegetation adopted to semi-arid conditions and with very long lived leaves. Because no other similar studies have been done, its implications need to be addressed. They observed time history of leaf optical 29 properties over a period of 16 months. New leaves, because of their thinness, had substantially lower reflectances in the near-infrared, initially by about 10% according to their measurements. The reflectance peaked after several months and then began to slowly decline from the gradual development of a coating of epiphytes (in this case primarily large patches of dark fungi). After 2-3 months some of the leaves began to become covered by epiphytes, after 6-9 months the majority of the leaves had a slight covering of epiphytes, with a few classified as moderate or necrotic (near-dead), and by the end of the sample period, few leaves were entirely uncoated. They show in their Fig. 2 that leaf reflectance can change from 10% for moderate to 50% for heavy colonization; the latter condition was apparently uncommon enough not to be reflected in their overall statistics, but after a year up to 20-40% of their leaves could be in the moderate or necrotic category (their Fig. 7). We estimate that the overall average change of the reflectances of the leaves they were sampling would have been about 3% in 6-months and about 5% in a year. While the system they consider may not be entirely unusual, most of the rainforest is different. They assert that “with the higher species diversity of terra firme forest …considerable variation in phenology, leaf turnover and susceptibility to epiphylls, it is unlikely that epiphylls would have the same impact at the canopy scale.” They indeed mention that an examination of leaves at another site of secondary forest found no significant impact of epiphytes. The above study indicates that one year old leaves would have somewhat lower reflectances than six month old leaves. Adding new darker leaves (most exposed to solar irradiation) can only further reduce canopy reflectances. Maximum reflectances would be 30 expected several months later as the new leaves mature and before they are significantly colonized. Adding water drops to a canopy would enhance its reflectance a small amount because of the additional scattering surface exposed. In conclusion, the overall seasonality of leaf reflectances is likely too small, and with the wrong timing, to significantly affect this paper’s estimate of the amplitude of LAI seasonality, but if there is significant seasonality in canopy reflectance, it would probably be such as to lead to an underestimation of the seasonality of LAI. Even if we were to assume that the colonization observed by Roberts et al. (36) after six months goes away by the dry season, and that new leaves are the same as mature leaves, and that all the Amazon has the properties of the observed caatinga forest, the consequent seasonality still appears to be too small to account for the observed seasonality of the near-infrared reflectances from the Amazon forest. Moreover, canopy reflectance is independent of leaf optical properties in the limit leaf albedo is close to unity, and depends only on LAI. This further suggests that the reported changes in near-infrared leaf optical properties are unlikely to be the source of observed seasonal variations in surface reflectances, and therefore LAI. Vegetation Control of Dry to Wet Season Transition. The onset of wet season controls year-to-year changes in Amazon rainfall (38). What drives the onset of wet season, and in particular, whether or not the land surface/vegetation plays an active role in the transition from dry to wet season, is an important question given that Amazon rainfall contributes approximately 20% to global rainfall and river discharge. 31 There is emerging evidence that the rainforest plays a critical role in initiating the onset of wet season over the Amazon. Rainfall begins to increase prior to the reversal of large-scale atmospheric wind (39). The latter brings moisture from the Atlantic Ocean into the Amazon, which further increases the rainfall and leads to wet season onset. Thus, such an increase of rainfall at the end of dry season is essential to the establishment of wet season large-scale atmospheric circulation pattern (40). An increase of surface evapotranspiration (ET) at the end of dry season appears to be the primary cause for increasing the buoyancy of surface air, which consequently increases the probability of atmospheric convection and rainfall (41). Most of the severe delays in onset of wet seasons during the 1980s were traced to a weaker increase of ET at the end of the dry season (42). In situ observations from different parts of the Amazon have consistently shown a higher ET in the forested area during the dry season compared to the wet season (43) (Fig. 6), possibly due to higher dry season leaf area and/or solar radiation load. The 25% increase in LAI over nearly 60% of the Amazon rainforest during the dry season reported in this paper therefore suggests a potentially important vegetation control on the initiation of the wet season. 32 1. Salomonson, V. V., Barnes, W. L., Maymon, P. W., Montgomery, H. E. & Ostrow, H. (1989) IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 27, 145-153. 2. Wolfe, R. 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(2005) Report on the validation of MERIS TOA_VEG land products, INRA, Avignon, France. 36 Table 1. MODIS LAI validation activities. Site Vegetation Type IGBP Kalahari Transect (22) Semiarid woodlands and savannas IGBP Kalahari transect, Mongu, Zambia Woodlands (31) IGBP Kalahari transect (44) Six savanna sites on deep, sandy soils, along a gradient of increasing aridity Ruokolahti, Finland (12) Needle leaf forest mixed with large and small lakes Alpilles, France (30) Agricultural site BOREAS Northern Study Area, Cropland; Prairie grassland; Boreal needle Canada; Harvard Forests, MA, USA; leaf and Temperate mixed forests Konza, KS, USA; Bondville, IL, USA (45) Bondville, IL, USA (16) Agricultural site Senegal, Western Sudano-Sahelian zone Grass-savanna (46) Korea (47) Temperate mixed forests Madhya Pradesh, India (48) Agricultural areas BOREAS (49) Needle leaf forests USDA Agrocultural Research Center, Agricultural area, Boreal forests MD, USA; BOREAS Southern Study Area, Canada (50) EOS Core Sites (32) All biome types VALERIE & AERONET Sites (51) All biome types 37 A B 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.1 2.8 3.4 4.2 4.6 5.0 5.4 7.0 Annual Average Leaf Area Index Forests Other Savannas Non-vegetated C 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 10 11 - 12 Number of Dry Months in a Year Fig. 4. (A) Annual average green leaf area index of the Amazon derived from the Terra MODIS Collection 4 LAI data. (B) Simplified landcover map of the Amazon derived from the Terra MODIS Collection 4 landcover data. (C) Color coded map of the number of dry months in a year. Months with precipitation less than 100 mm or less than one-third the precipitation range [0.33*(maximum-minimum) + minimum] are considered dry. 38 0.7 0.4 B 0.6 Surface Reflectance Aerosol Optical Depth A 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 2000 2001 2002 2003 Year 2004 2005 0.3 Near- infrared Residual aerosol 0.2 Aerosol free Red 0.1 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Month in 2004 Fig. 5. Aerosol effects on remote sensing of leaf area with MODIS data. (A) Time series of aerosol optical depth at 550 nanometers in the Amazon retrieved from observations of the Terra MODIS instrument. (B) Atmosphere corrected surface reflectances, separated by their aerosol quality flags, at red and near-infrared channels from the Terra MODIS instrument in tile h12v09 – this is a 1200 x 1200 km region in the Amazon (0-10oS, 49.9917-60.9256oW). The residual aerosol and aerosol free quality flags indicate whether the reflectances are contaminated with residual aerosol effects or free of such effects after the atmospheric correction procedure has been applied. 39 Fig. 6. Precipitation (Prec) and evapotranspiration (ET) from various flux tower experimental sites in the Amazon Forest (AF). (A) Dry season average values of precipitation and ET. (B) Daily rates of ET during the wet and dry season at various sites. After Negrón Juárez et al. (43). A First Difference of Leaf Area Index 40 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 N = 62 R = 0.56 t = 5.28 P < 0.0001 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 First Difference of Solar Radiation 1.0 First Difference of Leaf Area Index B N = 62 R = -0.63 t = 6.23 P < 0.0001 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 First Difference of Precipitation Fig. 7. Relationship between changes in green Leaf Area Index (LAI), solar radiation and precipitation. (A) Correlation between first differences of LAI and first differences of solar radiation. (B) Correlation between first differences of LAI and first differences of precipitation. To associate quantitatively the degree of association between changes in leaf area, solar radiation and precipitation, we correlated successive monthly differences of these variables, using the spatially averaged data shown in Fig. 1A. For example, successive time differences of LAI, LAI(t), were calculated as LAI(t+1)LAI(t), where t is months in the timeline March 2000 to May 2005. The number of data points (N) in both cases is 62. R is the correlation coefficient. The Student’s t values for the correlation coefficient are significant at probability p shown in the panels.