
Gateside Early Years Class Outline Plan
Observations: Children have started to mention
what they want for Christmas
Children’s Plans
Context: Christmas
Mind Map yes/no
Health and Wellbeing-
I understand that my feelings and reactions can change
depending upon what is happening within and around me. This
helps me to understand my own behavior and the way others
behave 0-04a
Representing my class, school and/or wider community
encourages my self-worth and confidence and allows me to
contribute and to participate in society 0-12a
Session 2014-2015 Date 24th Nov- 19th Dec 2014
Key Questions-
Why is Xmas special to Christians?
What does Xmas mean to me?
Skills/Dispositions: Communication
Problem solving
I enjoy exploring and playing with the patterns and sounds of
language and can use what I learn 0-20a
I explore sounds, letters and words, discovering how they
work together, and I can use what I learn to help me as I
read or write. 0-21a
I am developing a sense of size and amount
by observing, exploring, using and communicating
with others about things in the world around me.
MNU 0-01a
Other Learning-
RME -As I explore Christian stories, images, music and poems, I am becoming familiar with some
beliefs Christian people have about God and Jesus 0-01a
RME- I am becoming aware of the importance of celebrations, festivals and customs in relation to religious peoples life
Wk 3 – knowledge of Christmas
Successful Learners
Children will learn to use estimating
language and problem solving to
create junk models and wrap
presents. They will work together in
small groups to develop their skills in
turn taking and sharing. Children will
take part in celebrating Christmas
through a variety of activities
Confident Individuals
Effective Contributors
They will become more confident working Children will work together in small
together in group situations. The children will
groups or pairs in various activities. They
will use a selection of writing materials to will experiment with writing letters to
express their feelings and ideas. They will Santa. They will be encouraged to talk
talk about the Christmas story and what
with each other when problem solving
Christmas means to them. They will build building junk models. Children will be
their confidence on how to behave during encouraged to contribute their ideas on
the visit to watch the school’s Christmas
what to have for our Christmas display.
show and trip to Christmas shop.
Responsible Citizens
Children will learn that Christians believe
that Jesus was born at Christmas. They
will develop an awareness on how
different people celebrate Christmas in
different ways through books, and songs
They will be encouraged to listen to each
others thoughts and views. Children will
show respect towards others on trips out.
Main Evaluative Points
Areas for Developments
Other Points
Other Points