Center for Behavioral Neuroscience

Georgia State / Georgia Tech
Center for Advanced Brain Imaging
2009-2010 Seed Grant Instructions (version 7/2009)
CABI Seed Grants promote research by supporting scanning at the Center for Advanced Brain
Imaging. Seed Grants are in amounts up to $10,000 for one calendar year. This support can only be
used for scanning time at the CABI (i.e. these funds can not be used to reimburse participants or
purchase additional equipment). The PI must be a faculty member of Georgia State or Georgia Tech.
Seed grants are designed to allow new, exploratory research. Seed grants are not typically awarded
to scientists with startup funds, nor can seed grants be used to support externally funded research
(although an investigator can apply for seed grant funds for research not supported by external or
internal funding).
The Seed Grant Application consists of the following:
1. The project title.
2. The team members (PI, co-PI, other collaborators, postdocs, students).
3. An abstract (in lay terms) of the project (<250 words) explicitly stating the broad impact of the
4. A project description (≤4 pages) that includes:
A statement of the scientific question or problem.
A paragraph describing the background of the question or problem and its significance.
The specific aims of the project.
Methodological approaches to those aims.
Any collaboratory aspects of the project.
NOTE: Project description should be written in such a manner that reviewers outside of
the applicants’ primary discipline will be able to comprehend it. Project descriptions that
are not readily understandable by the reviewers will not be scored.
5. A budget description that itemizes the number of scanning hours required.
6. Permissions/approvals for the care and use of vertebrate non-human animals, or human
7. For previous seed grant recipients, please list publications, presentations and/or grants that
were generated from these funds.
8. List of all publications and grants in the past 5 years.
Applications will be electronically submitted to Chris Rorden ( Applications
are accepted on a rolling basis. Each application will receive peer-review, followed by a
decision regarding funding by the CABI operations committee
Obligations for those receiving support:
1. Within one year of the end of a Seed Grant, PIs and co-PIs will prepare a final report that
describes any research accomplishments that resulted from project support and were not
described in the most recent project report.
2. Successful PIs and co-PIs agree to act as reviewers for future seed grant applications.
3. Scans are expected to be completed within one year of approval. Extensions must be
CABI Seed Grant Application
approved by the operations committee.
4. Funds can only be used for scanning. Seed fund scanning can only be booked one week
in advance (allowing funded grants to have booking priority), unless a longer lead-time
is explicitly justified in the seed grant application.
Review Criteria:
1. Scientific Merit: the importance of the project’s aims for neuroscience and the likelihood that
those aims can be achieved in a timely fashion with center support.
2. ‘Seed’ capability: The degree to which the proposed research will facilitate future extramural
3. Accomplishments achieved under earlier Seed Grant support. Applicants must have project
reports for previous Seed Grants submitted before this proposal will be considered.
4. Productivity of PIs’ within the past 5 years (grants, publications only).
CABI Seed Grant Application
2009-2010 Seed Grant Application
1 & 2. Project title and team members
Principle Investigator:
Department & Campus Address:
Campus Telephone:
Title of Project:
Amount Requested:
PI Signature & Date:
Team Members (PI, co-PI, collaborators, postdocs, students):
Name & Position
Email address
CABI Seed Grant Application
3. Abstract (250 words Max)
4. Project description (4 pages Max)
CABI Seed Grant Application
5. Budget Description
Scanning hours (estimate with $500/hour)
Hours #
6. Permissions/approvals
Research Materials and Subjects:
No Regulatory approval (approval date, pending, or N/A)
Human subjects
Radiation Safety
Note: If regulatory approval has been granted, please submit a copy of the approval statement along
with this application. If approval is pending, a copy of the approval MUST be received by the Program
Administrator before funding can be dispersed.
7. Previous Publications/Grants/Presentations generated from previous seed grant support (if
8. List of all Publications and Grants in the past 5 years