May - Alamo PC Organization, Inc.

South Texas
Volume 5, Number 5
May 2007
November 2006
Inside This Issue
News and Calendar
New Books
Note: the South Texas Researcher is also now available on the San
Antonio Public Library’s web site ( under “News &
Events” then “News & Newsletters.”
Please remember that the purpose of this newsletter is to keep librarians,
historians, archivists, genealogists, archaeologists, educators at all levels, and
those in other allied fields informed of what is going on that may be helpful in
these fields so they may pass this information on to other interested parties in their
South Texas is being broadly
defined as beginning in Val Verde
County in the west; moving east
to Austin (Travis County); and
then southeast through Caldwell,
Lavaca, Jackson, and Calhoun
counties to the Gulf of Mexico.
I am willing to include important events or acquisitions from other areas, in some
instances, if they may be of particular usefulness to those in our area. News from
our neighboring Mexican states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, and Coahuila would
also be welcome.
If you have items you or your organization would like others to know about, please email the address at the end of this newsletter.
Feel free to forward this communication to anyone who might be interested.
Thank you!
News and Calendar of Events
German Genealogical Research Seminar
Featuring Larry Jensen, A.G.
Saturday, April 28, 2007 —
2 :30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
LDS Church in Windcrest, 8801 Midcrown, San Antonio, Texas
Corner Midcrown and Crestway; use Crestway parking lot and building entrance
Cosponsored by San Antonio Genealogical and Historical Society
2:30-3:30 A-B-Cs of German Genealogical Research
Basic principles and procedures; essential research steps to follow;
historical and cultural aspects of German research
3:45-4:45 German Jurisdictions and Their Records
Using German reference tools to identify nobility, government and other
record jurisdictions, as well as German cultural areas with their records
5:00-6:00 Reference Tools: Maps, Atlases, Encyclopedias
Using maps, atlases, encyclopedias, dictionaries and other research tools
to determine places of origin, locate records and resolve research
6:15-7:15 Using Periodicals and Other Printed Resources
Using printed sources to identify and locate published records to
assist in identifying families and extending pedigree lines.
Larry Jensen, Accredited Genealogist, is Manager of the International Reference
Unit at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. He has over 35 years
of experience in German genealogical research and has lectured extensively on
German family research throughout the United States and Canada. He is the
author of A Genealogical Handbook of German Research, Volumes I and II, and
Maps of the German Empire of 1871, as well as numerous articles in German
Genealogical Digest.
There is no admission charge, but registration is requested to ensure adequate seating
and handouts. Then, please call or email if you must cancel.
Call (210) 344-7229 or email and indicate the number who will
attend and which sessions you plan to attend.
Texana/Genealogy Class Schedule
San Antonio Public Library
All classes are on Saturdays from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m.
Programs are free and held at the San Antonio Central Library,
600 Soledad, San Antonio, Texas, 78205.
To register (so we have enough handouts) or for information please
call the Texana/Genealogy Department at (210) 207-2500 (ask for
Texana) or E-mail:
5 May
Researching Female Ancestors
2 June
Beginning Genealogy
No classes
4 August
Preserving Family Treasures
All programming is subject to change — Please call ahead to register and verify
dates and times.
San Antonio Genealogical & Historical Society
When: Saturday, May 19, 10 am, at the LDS Church in Windcrest, corner of Midcrown
and Crestway.
Free and open to the public
Speaker: David Haynes, Photographer
Topic: Dating Old Photographs.
Attendees are encouraged to bring a photo or 2 of uncertain vintage for dating.
News and Calendar of Events (cont.)
Texana/Genealogy Department Internet Classes
All classes are on Mondays from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m.
Programs are free and held at the San Antonio Central Library,
600 Soledad, San Antonio, Texas, 78205.
To register (so we have enough handouts) or for information
please call the Texana/Genealogy Department at (210) 207-2500
(ask for Texana) or E-mail:
7 May
Putting Together a Family Website
11 June
Beginning Genealogy: the Internet as a
Source for Genealogical Research
No classes
6 August
Genealogy Software
Los Bexareños Genealogy Society
The Bexareños will meet at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, 5 May, in the Central Library
News and Calendar of Events (cont.)
Beethoven Maennerchor
Where: Beethoven Halle und Garten 422 Pereida Street, San Antonio, Texas
April 6
April 25-27
April 28
May 4
Southtown First Friday (open to the public)
Fiesta Gartenfest (open to the public)
King William Fair 10 am – 6 pm (open to the public)
Beethoven will be at Beethoven Halle und Garten
Southtown First Friday (open to the public)
Additional information: 210-222-1521 or
Transcribers Needed
Volunteers are needed to help transcribe oral histories recorded
as part of Tejano Heritage Month and received on other occasions.
Please contact Frank Faulkner at for more
Early Texas Art – Ongoing
Austin, "Frank Reaugh On the Plains with Pastels, Pencils and Paints" - an
exhibition organized by the Capitol Visitors Center; Features 18 works, 11 small
and seven major, including "Challenge", "Prophets Ford" and a version of
"Margaret's Peak". Also in the exhibition are Reaugh artifacts. Through May 28,
112 E. 11th Street
Austin, Texas 78701
Austin "Art Seen: Circa 1961"- A year-long show, featuring leading Texas artists
prominent on the Austin scene during the height of the Texas Modernist Movement.
Through September 23, 2007.
Austin Museum of Art at Laguna Gloria
700 Congress Ave
Austin, TX 78701
(512) 458-8191
News and Calendar of Events (cont.)
San Antonio Museum of Art
2 December-15 May
A Noble Pastime: Hunting Pictures from the
Collection of the Sarah Campbell Blaffer Foundation
200 West Jones Ave
San Antonio, TX 78215
(210) 978-8100
Witte Museum
Gems of the Collection: Community as Curator, through 29 July
80 Years of Fiesta Tradition, 18 April - 7 October 2007
Return of the Dinosaurs: Extreme Makeover, 5 May – 3 Sept. 1007
3801 Broadway
San Antonio, Texas 78209
(210) 357-1900
McNay Art Museum
Artmatters11: Lynda Benglis, 2 May – 29 July 2007
Madame Butterfly: From Puccini to Miss Saigon, 16 May – 29 July 2007
6000 North New Braunfels
San Antonio, Texas 78209
(210) 824-5368
New Books in our Collection
The Texas Biographical Gazetteer—The Texas 200
The Texas Biographical Gazetteer—The Texas 200 indexes two hundred books
with biographical sketches or biographical information on people with a Texas
connection. The books were published between the early 1900s and 2004. While
general titles are predominate, there are topical works in the arts, law, medicine,
women, ethnic groups, and more.
Between 1985 and 1987 W. M. Morrison published a limited number of copies of
his Biographical Gazetteer of Texas, indexing 194 books generally published in
the late 1800s and early 1900s with biographical sketches of Texans. The current
work updates Mr. Morrison’s with selections from the collection of the
Texana/Genealogy Department of the San Antonio Public Library.
This work will be useful in all schools and libraries where biographical
information on Texans is needed.
Price: $ 50.00 (Sold as a two-volume set only) + Postage: $ 4.00
A List and Description of Deserters from the United States Army
During the Mexican American War, 1846-1848
The Mexican-American War, 1846-1848, is not well known to most people, but
its consequences are many and felt even today. After the signing of the Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo, ending the war, the land area of the United States increased
about 25 percent, while Mexico lost about one-half of its geographical area.
This publication has been extracted and reformatted from a list of U. S. (Regular)
Army deserters found in the microfilm edition of The National Police Gazette.
First issued 13 September 1845, The National Police Gazette featured a series of
criminal biographies with the hope of making it “impossible for them to ply their
trades of swindling and thievery.”
The current publication is based on the microfilm edition produced by University
Microfilms International. It includes desertions listed from 25 April 1846—4
Sept. 1847, 28 Oct 1848 and 2 Nov. 1850.
Price: $ 20.00 + Postage: $ 2.00
New Books in our Collection (continued)
1895 San Antonio Voter Registration List
The 1895 voter registration lists published here are only for the 1895 city election
for the mayor, aldermen and a few city offices. This was a hotly contested
election between Bryan Callaghan and Henry Elmendorf. Callaghan was a
larger-than-life, notorious politician with a political machine to rival those in New
York or Chicago.
This volume is a reformatting of voter registration lists published in the San
Antonio Daily Light from 2 January through 24 January 1895. The total number
of registered voters was 10,587. The 1890 Federal Census gave the population of
San Antonio as 37,673.
The lists were compared to the city directories of 1894, 1895-96, 1897 and 189798 for accuracy.
One voter, Augustine Chavez, registered to vote on 10 January 1895, but had died
(according to the city directory) before December 1894. It is not known how he
registered, or if and how he voted.
Price: $ 35.00 + Postage: $ 2.25
Order from:
P. O. BOX 1935,SAN A NTONIO, TEXAS 78297
Newly Received Jewish Genealogy Titles
Cullman, Peter. History of the Jewish Community of Schneidemuhl: 1641 to the
Holocaust. [943.8 Cullman]
Leivers, Dorothy. Jews of Kopcheve. [947.93 Leivers]
Sachs, Arline. The Diaries of Bernhard Cahn: a Man of His Time, Life in
Nineteenth Century Germany. [943.00492 Cahn]
Segal, Joshua. A Field Guide to Visiting a Jewish Cemetery. [929.1 Segal]
Wunder, Meir. Grandeur and Glory (of Galicia). [943.86 Wunder]
Journal Articles of Interest
“Which Poor Man’s Fight? Immigrants and the Federal Conscription of 1863.”
Civil War History, 52:4 (Dec. 2006), 344-372.
“ ‘Knowledge necessary to a soldier…’, The Continental Officer’s Military
Reading List, 1775-1778.” Military Collector & Historian, 59:1 (Spring 2007), 65-71.
“Reinventing the First Amendment in Wartime Philadelphia.” [World War I]
The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 131:1 (January 2007), 33-80.
“Free to Enslave: Politics and the Escalation of Britain’s Transatlantic Slave
Trade, 1688-1714.” William and Mary Quarterly, 64:1 (January 2007), 3-38.
“After the Mourning Wars: the Iroquois as Allies in Colonial North American
Campaigns, 1676-1760.” William and Mary Quarterly, 64:1 (January 2007), 39-82
Web Sites of Interest . Arkansas Genealogical Society E-zine.
Keep informed about publications, activities and web links related to
Arkansas genealogy. “The Inflation Calculator” If you are doing genealogy in
England, here are some useful leaflets from the Society of Genealogists.
Published by: Texana/Genealogy Department
San Antonio Public Library
600 Soledad
San Antonio, Texas 78205 210-207-2500
Please submit information and articles to the above e-mail.
For the June 2007 issue by 15 May
July 2007 issue by 15 June
August 2007 issue by 15 July