Ocean Grove Primary School Pedagogy and Philosophy Learning Environment (Looks like/sounds like/ feels like) Resources (What resources do we need that best support the learning?) Teacher Content Knowledge (What we need to know to be effective teachers of literacy.) E5 Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate Assessment and Reporting (What do students and teachers know and what do they need to know next? Feed back and reflection.) (How do we cater for the needs of each child?) ‘Soundwaves’ spelling program including posters, CDs and designated spelling books. ‘Making Connections’ as the comprehension resource to support reading strategies. ICT programs such as Sunshine books and IWB resources to support learning. Seven Steps writing program and PROBE comprehension resources. Word walls, dictionaries, thesauruses, text types posters and other applicable resources. The Scope and Sequences for Text types, Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, Dictionary skills and Reading, Writing, Speaking&Listening and Text Types Information resources. Link to English focus statements - http://www.education.vic.gov.au/studentlearning/teachingresources/english/englishcontinuum/iopoverviews.htm Teachers will : Have an understanding of the contents of VELS English Domain – learning focus statements and standards before and after teaching level – VELS English Domain. Have knowledge of English Developmental Curriculum P-10- ENGLISH Progression Points. Establish a common shared literacy language across the school- e.g text types. Attend regular Literacy Professional Learning sessions. Have a knowledge of the Key Characteristics of Effective Literacy Teaching P-6 , the Literacy & Numeracy 18 month Strategy and Literacy Paper No.9. Teachers will : Work in teams to develop planners that clearly identify the literacy focus. Use Ocean Grove Scope and Sequences to plan units of work. Use the E5 instructional model to guide the teaching of literacy. Ensure that each lesson will have explicit learning and assessment intentions that are clear, use effective questioning and plan for reflection and sharing. ‘We are learning to.....’ and ‘This will help us........’ and ‘Success Criteria’ displayed. Cards Develop plans emphasising literacy teaching strategies (shared reading/ modelled writing/ interactive writing) including the development of speaking and listening skills. *Literacy Professional Learning Resource pdf *English Domain Resource Site Teachers will: Learners at the Centre Plan for a minimum of 11 hours of explicit literacy teaching per week. This time will be allocated as follows: - 1 hour of explicit teaching of reading and comprehension per day / 1 hour of explicit teaching of writing per day / 10-15 mins of explicit teaching of spelling per day. Ensure that each lesson has a planned and communicated explicit learning focus. Use data informed learning and teaching plans to develop differentiated, learning challenges for all students. Identify and provide early intervention and monitoring of students performing below expected VELS level. Ensure the classroom allows for flexible groups/seating/learning styles for effective instruction. E5 groupings Ensure Literacy sessions are engaging, open-ended and are at an appropriate level of challenge. Teach explicit strategies so children can understand and apply literacy processes. Be involved in regular literacy coaching. Display literacy rich environments in their classrooms, which are well resourced and celebrate the student’s achievements. Teachers will use: Teacher Planning and Instruction, Whole School Literacy Plan Whole School Teachers will: Follow the Ocean Grove Assessment Schedule and enter data electronically onto student PLPs. Access and analyse school level and student level data to inform their teaching. Identify children who are working above or below the expected VELS level and implement strategies to assist them in their growth(in PRP process). Assist students to engage in self and peer reflection of goal setting. Regularly observe students reading, writing, speaking and listening within the class context, particularly during independent reading and writing, and document progress using the Indicators of progress from the English Continuum. Make a balanced judgement against VELS English standards using; as, for and of assessment, to inform student reports. Pre and post test to group students and direct teaching practices. Provide assessment tools and strategies for student self assessment eg. Rubrics and graphic organisers. *Writing progression point rubric Teachers will: Develop a quality, differentiated curriculum catering for all students. Plan lessons that encourage risk taking, authentic tasks, making literacy fun and linked to student interests. Support all students to set personal learning goals and reflections. Ocean Grove Primary School Junior Learning Community Year Prep Literacy Plan Pedagogy and Philosophy Learning Environment (Looks like/sounds like/ feels like) Resources (What resources do we need that best support the learning?) Prep level Teachers will: Use the Early Years whole-small-whole approach for reading. Use the Early Years whole-small-whole approach for writing. Extend students’ capabilities in all areas of literacy. Plan for students to demonstrate their literacy skills and understanding. Adopt an evidence based, data focussed approach to guide and measure literacy. Display literacy rich environments in their classrooms, which are well resourced and celebrate the student’s achievements. Teachers will use: Sunshine Online Literacy programs and IWB to support learning. Modelled reading books. Selections of levelled guided reading books. Sound Waves spelling program. Victorian Cursive handwriting books. Word walls, dictionaries, thesauruses, text types posters and other applicable resources. Teacher Content Knowledge (What we need to know to be effective teachers of literacy) Teacher Planning and Instruction, E5 Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate Assessment and Reporting (What do students know and what do they need to know next? Feed back and reflection.) Learners at the Centre (How do we cater for the needs of each child?) The Scope and Sequences for Text types, Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, Dictionary skills and Reading, Writing, Speaking&Listening and Text Types Information resources. Teachers will use: Prep- Level 1 VELS English The English Developmental Continuum for Reading, Writing, Speaking&Listening to understand the continuity of learning in literacy and to plan and program literacy teaching. Knowledge of the – English Progression Points for relevant level 1 & 2. Knowledge of Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. Knowledge of key Literacy concepts in levels 1–2 of the English Developmental Overviews. Reading Writing Speaking&Listening Characteristics of Effective Literacy Teaching p 3-4. Literacy & Numeracy 18 month Strategy Teachers will: Plan in teams to refine term planner. Develop plans emphasising literacy teaching strategies (shared reading/ modelled writing/ interactive writing) including the development of speaking and listening skills. Use data to inform literacy goals. Ensure clear learning and assessment intentions are articulated to students. - ‘We are learning to.....’ and ‘This will help us........’ and ‘Success Criteria’ displayed. Cards Use open ended questions. Use common literacy language. Plan lessons that allow for individual styles and needs. Teachers will: Assess the literacy skills of students on entry to school by conducting the English Online Interview in February/March. Carry out roving conferences and teacher observations based on current goals. Provide students time to reflect on their learning. Identify children, during the PRP process, who are working above or below the expected VELS level and implement strategies to assist them in their growth. Follow the Ocean Grove Assessment & Reporting Schedule. Make consistent judgements by using a variety of data. Identify students who need additional assistance and refer them for in-school language support programs. Teachers will: Ensure individual goals are set in February and reflected upon at 3 way interviews in June. Use small group and individual instruction. Devise open ended and differentiated learning tasks. Ocean Grove Primary School Pedagogy and Philosophy Learning Environment (Looks like/sounds like/ feels like) Resources (What resources do we need that best support the learning?) Teacher Content Knowledge (What we need to know to be effective teachers of literacy) Teacher Planning and Instruction E5 Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate Assessment and Reporting (What do students know and what do they need to know next? Feed back and reflection.) Learners at the Centre (How do we cater for the needs of each child?) Junior Learning Community Year 1 and 2 Literacy Plan Year 1 and 2 Teachers will: Use the Early Years whole-small-whole approach for reading and writing. Include teaching approaches for reading – reading to, modelled, shared, independent and guided. Include teaching approaches for writing – modelled, shared, interactive and guided. Extend students’ capabilities in all areas of literacy. Plan for students to demonstrate their literacy skills and understanding. Adopt an evidence based, data focussed approach to guide and measure literacy. Display literacy rich environments in their classrooms, which are well resourced and celebrate the student’s achievements. Teachers will use: ‘Making Connections’ reading & comprehension program (Year 1-2). Sunshine Online Literacy programs and IWB to support learning. Modelled reading books. Seven Steps writing program and PROBE comprehension resources. Selection of levelled guided reading books. ‘Sound Waves’ spelling program. Victorian Cursive handwriting books. Word walls, dictionaries, thesauruses, text types posters and other applicable resources. The Scope and Sequences for Text types, Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, Dictionary skills and Reading, Writing, Speaking&Listening and Text Types Information resources. Teachers will use: Year 1 and 2 - Level 2 VELS English. The English Developmental Continuum for Reading, Writing, Speaking&Listening to understand the continuity of learning in literacy and to plan and program literacy teaching. Knowledge of the – English Progression Points for relevant levels 1,2 and 3. Knowledge of Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. Knowledge of key literacy concepts in levels 1–2 of the English Developmental Overviews. Reading Writing Speaking&Listening Characteristics of Effective Literacy Teaching p 6-9 Literacy & Numeracy 18 month Strategy Teachers will: Plan in teams to refine term planner. Develop plans emphasising literacy teaching strategies (shared reading/ modelled writing/ interactive writing) including the development of speaking and listening skills. Use data to inform literacy goals. Ensure clear learning and assessment intentions are articulated to students. - ‘We are learning to.....’ and ‘This will help us........’ and ‘Success Criteria’ displayed. Cards Use open ended questions. Use common literacy language. Plan lessons that allow for individual styles and needs. Teachers will: Conduct the English Online Interview in February/March. Carry out roving conferences and teacher observations based on current goals. Provide students time to reflect on their learning. Identify students, during the PRP process, who are working above or below the expected VELS level and implement strategies to assist them in their growth. Follow the Ocean Grove Assessment & Reporting Schedule. Make consistent judgements by using a variety of data. Identify students who need additional assistance and refer them for in-school language support programs (Reading Recovery program). Provide assessment tools and strategies for student self assessment eg. Rubrics and graphic organisers. *Writing progression point rubric Teachers will: Ensure individual goals are set in February and reflected upon at 3 way interviews in June. Use small group and individual instruction. Devise open ended and differentiated learning tasks. Ocean Grove Primary School Pedagogy and Philosophy Learning Environment (Looks like/sounds like/ feels like) Resources (What resources do we need that best support the learning?) Teacher Content Knowledge (What we need to know to be effective teachers of literacy) Teacher Planning and Instruction E5 Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate Assessment and Reporting (What do students know and what do they need to know next? Feed back and reflection.) Learners at the Centre (How do we cater for the needs of each child?) Middle Learning Community Year 3 and 4 Literacy Plan Year 3 and 4 Teachers will: Use teaching approaches for reading – reading to, modelled, shared, guided and reciprocal. Use teaching approaches for writing – modelled, shared, interactive and guided. Extend students’ capabilities in all areas of literacy. Plan for students to demonstrate their literacy skills and understanding. Adopt an evidence based, data focussed approach to guide and measure literacy. Display literacy rich environments in their classrooms, which are well resourced and celebrate the student’s achievements. Teachers will use: ‘Making Connections’ reading & comprehension program (Year 3-4). Sunshine Online Literacy programs and IWB to support learning. Sunshine ‘Intervention Works’ for students who need additional assistance. Modelled reading books. Selection of levelled guided reading books. Sound Waves spelling program. Victorian cursive handwriting books. Word walls, dictionaries, thesauruses and text types posters and other applicable resources. Seven Steps writing program and PROBE comprehension resources. The Scope and Sequences for Text types, Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, Dictionary skills and Reading, Writing, Speaking&Listening and Text Types Information resources. Teachers will use: Year 3 and 4 - Level 3 VELS English. The English Developmental Continuum for Reading, Writing, Speaking&Listening to understand the continuity of learning in literacy and to plan and program literacy teaching. Knowledge of the - English Progression Points for levels 3 & 4. Knowledge of key English concepts in levels 3 - 4 of the English Developmental Overviews. Reading Writing Speaking&Listening Characteristics of Effective Literacy Teaching p9 - p13. Literacy & Numeracy 18 month Strategy Teachers will: Plan in teams to refine term planner. Develop plans emphasising literacy teaching strategies (shared reading/ modelled writing/ interactive writing) including the development of speaking and listening skills. Use data to inform literacy goals. Ensure clear learning and assessment intentions are articulated to students. - ‘We are learning to.....’ and ‘This will help us........’ and ‘Success Criteria’ displayed. Cards Use open ended questions. Use common literacy language. Plan lessons that allow for individual styles and needs. Teachers will: Assess children using NAPLAN (grade3). Assess children using On Demand adaptive literacy tests. Follow the Ocean Grove Assessment & Reporting Schedule. Make consistent judgements by using a variety of data. Identify students, during the PRP process, who are working above or below the expected VELS level and implement strategies to assist them in their growth. Provide assessment tools and strategies for student self assessment eg. Rubrics and graphic organisers. *Writing progression point rubric Teachers will: Ensure individual goals are set in February and reflected upon at 3 way interviews in June. Use small group and individual instruction. Devise open ended and differentiated learning tasks. Ocean Grove Primary School Pedagogy and Philosophy Learning Environment (Looks like/sounds like/ feels like) Resources (What resources do we need that best support the learning?) Teacher Content Knowledge (What we need to know to be effective teachers of literacy) Teacher Planning and Instruction E5 Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate Assessment and Reporting (What do students & teachers know and what do they need to know next? Feed back and reflection.) Learners at the Centre (How do we cater for the needs of each child?) Senior Learning Community Year 5 and 6 Literacy Plan Year 5 and 6 Teachers will: Use teaching approaches for reading – reading to, modelled, shared, guided and reciprocal. Use teaching approaches for writing – modelled, shared, interactive and guided. Extend students’ capabilities in all areas of literacy. Plan for students to demonstrate their literacy skills and understanding. Adopt an evidence based, data focussed approach to guide and measure literacy. Display literacy rich environments in their classrooms, which are well resourced and celebrate the student’s achievements. Teachers will use: ‘Making Connections’ reading & comprehension program (Year 5-6). Sunshine Online Literacy programs and IWB to support learning. Sunshine ‘Intervention Works’ for students who need additional assistance. Modelled reading books. Selection of levelled guided reading books. Sound Waves spelling program. Word walls, dictionaries, thesauruses and text types posters and other applicable resources. Seven Steps writing program and PROBE comprehension resources. The Scope and Sequences for Text types, Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, Dictionary skills and Reading, Writing, Speaking&Listening and Text Types Information resources. Teachers will use: Year 5 and 6 - Level 4 VELS English. The English Developmental Continuum for Reading, Writing, Speaking&Listening to understand the continuity of learning in literacy and to plan and program literacy teaching. Knowledge of the English Progression Points for levels 5 & 6. Knowledge of key literacy concepts in levels 5 – 6 of the English Developmental Overviews. Reading Writing Speaking&Listening Characteristics of Effective Literacy Teaching p13-16. Literacy & Numeracy 18 month Strategy Teachers will: Plan in teams to refine term planner. Develop plans emphasising literacy teaching strategies (shared reading/ modelled writing/ interactive writing) including the development of speaking and listening skills. Develop student speaking and listening skills during reading and writing activities and teach the skills of debating. Use data to inform literacy goals. Ensure clear learning and assessment intentions are articulated to students. - ‘We are learning to.....’ and ‘This will help us........’ and ‘Success Criteria’ displayed. Cards Use open ended questions. Use common literacy language. Plan lessons that allow for individual styles and needs. Teachers will: Assess children using NAPLAN (grade 5). Assess children using On Demand adaptive literacy tests. Follow the Ocean Grove Assessment & Reporting Schedule. Make consistent judgements by using a variety of data. Identify students, during the PRP process, who are working above or below the expected VELS level and implement strategies to assist them in their growth. Provide assessment tools and strategies for student self assessment eg. Rubrics and graphic organisers. *Writing progression point rubric Teachers will: Ensure individual goals are set in February and reflected upon at 3 way interviews in June. Use small group and individual instruction. Devise open ended and differentiated learning tasks.