Saudi Youth Attitude Towards The Effect Of Globalization Culture On

) ‫رسالة دكتوراه (أثر ثقافة العوملة على القيم احمللية للشباب السعودي دراسة تطبيقية الجتاهات عينة من طلبة وطالبات بعض اجلامعات السعودية‬
Saudi Youth Attitude Towards The Effect Of
Globalization Culture On Local Values
An Applied Study On A Sample Of Some Saudi
University Students
Present day world and its various fields of life encounter
unprecedented developments and changes. Perhaps the most
prominent development is the Globalization Phenomena, which
represent the upshots of media technology, information evolution,
wide spread and availability of information and globalization of
economics, politics and cultures. All these lead to diminish distances
between nations and intermingling the ideas and cultures between
many countries.
The main goal of this study is to know the trends impact of
globalization culture, represent by (space channel programs – use of
the internet), on the values of the sample of the study.
In light of the previously mentioned, the goals of the side study
are identified as follows:
 The trends of changes in the sample of the study as an upshot of
the globalization culture on each social value subjected to this
 Identify the extent of modern communication technologies being
used by the individuals of the community which is the subject of
this study.
 Identification of the most prominent changes that help the
formulization of the globalization values for Saudi youth.
 Determination of the dereference between the youths and girls
in relation to the impact globalization culture.
Question raised by the study
The main goal of this study has raised a group of the following
questions which the study tries to answer:
 To what extent have youth been affected by globalization?
 What is the extent of the relation between globalization and
youth attitudes towards affiliation and citizenship?
) ‫رسالة دكتوراه (أثر ثقافة العوملة على القيم احمللية للشباب السعودي دراسة تطبيقية الجتاهات عينة من طلبة وطالبات بعض اجلامعات السعودية‬
 What is the extent of the relation between globalization and
youth attitudes towards parents authority?
 What is the extent of the relation between globalization and
youth attitudes towards consumption trends?
 What is the extent of the relation between globalization and
youth attitudes towards kinship relation?
 What is the extent of the relation between globalization and
youth attitudes towards woman’s rights and status?
 What is the extent of the relation between globalization and
youth attitudes towards individualism?
 What is the extent of the relation between globalization and
youth attitudes towards future ambitions and aspiration?
 What is the extent of the relation between globalization and
youth attitudes towards modes of behavior?
This pilot study is based on a social survey methodology by
means of a random sample. It uses questionnaire to collect data. The
researcher has subjected 911 male/female students, from KSU- Riyadh
and KSU-Jeddah to this study.
Accordingly the most important outcomes of the study could be stated
as follows:
First: The attitude of the sample towards the globalization culture:
 The common trend between university students is that they
are affected by globalization.
 The youth pay attention to those programs which discuss
their affairs with a free manner.
 Members of the sample have the conviction that the internet
has a positive impact on youth ideas.
 The majority of the sample members have expressed their
opposition and mistrust of western media and its role in
modernizing Arab communities.
) ‫رسالة دكتوراه (أثر ثقافة العوملة على القيم احمللية للشباب السعودي دراسة تطبيقية الجتاهات عينة من طلبة وطالبات بعض اجلامعات السعودية‬
Second: The attitude towards affiliation and citizenship
 There is a relationship between the impact of globalization
and affiliation and citizenship.
 Members of the sample believe that the ideas spread by space
channel weaken the feelings of affiliation towards homeland.
 Some members of the sample believe that they are associated
with globalization.
 It is noted that the sample members are facing, they feel they
contradiction between what they believe and what they
should do.
Third: The sample attitudes towards parent authority
 There is a relation between the influence of globalization and
youth attitudes towards parent's authority.
 The majority believe that there should be full freedom in the
decision to select their life partners with no interference from
the parents.
 There is a conviction that dialogue programs have a role in
diminishing parent’s authority especially those dealing with
the rights of youths.
 The results of the study indicate that the impact of the serials
they watch on the TV programs releases them from the
authority of their parents.
Fourth: The trend of the samples toward consumption
 There is relation between the impact of globalization and
sample attitudes towards consumption trends.
 Members of the sample believe that possession
commodities and properties increases happiness feeling.
 Some members of the sample support the idea of purchasing
everything new to match others.
 It is clear that the sample members do not give importance to
the shopping advertisement programs on the internet and
space channels.
) ‫رسالة دكتوراه (أثر ثقافة العوملة على القيم احمللية للشباب السعودي دراسة تطبيقية الجتاهات عينة من طلبة وطالبات بعض اجلامعات السعودية‬
Fifth: Attitudes of the sample towards kinship relation.
 There is a relation between the effect of globalization and
kinship relations.
 The majority of the sample members support and give
importance to family ties.
 Till now the majority of the sample members give importance
to care for old people rather than leaving this mission to
social organizations.
Sixth: Attitudes of the sample towards woman’s rights & status.
 There is a relation between the impact of globalization and
the sample attitudes towards woman rights and status.
 The majority of the sample supports women rights to choose
their specialization without family pressure.
 Most members of the sample are on the opinion that women
should have a saying in all matters relating to their families.
 Members of the group agree that family interference is
necessary in controlling women movement.
 The prevailing attitude is still that a woman is a weak
creature that needs control and protection.
 The majority of the sample think that women are illegible to
drive cars.
Seventh: Attitudes of the sample toward individualism
 There is a relation between the effect of globalization and the
sample attitude towards individualism.
 Common trend between members of the sample is that they
agree on fiscal assistance to relatives.
 The majority of the sample seeks assistance to solve their
problems outside the realm of relatives such the banks.
Eight: The sample trend towards future ambitions and aspirations:
 There is a relation between globalization and the sample
attitude towards ambitions and aspirations.
 The majority of the sample agree on the necessity to know
foreign languages in order to know what is going around
them worldwide.
) ‫رسالة دكتوراه (أثر ثقافة العوملة على القيم احمللية للشباب السعودي دراسة تطبيقية الجتاهات عينة من طلبة وطالبات بعض اجلامعات السعودية‬
 The majority of the sample believe that availability of
modern communication technologies provides a feeling of
self-confidence and self-trust.
Ninth: Sample Attitude toward Behavior Mode
 There is a relation between the impact of globalization and
the sample attitude towards behavior modes.
 The majority of the sample agrees that the inclination to
imitate and simulate western communities has changed the
style of the youth dresses.
 The overwhelming majority of the sample incline that
watching space channels has contributed to the increase of
aggressive behavior among the youth.