TOWARDS A UML EXTENSION FOR HLA FEDERATION DESIGN Okan Topçu, Halit Oğuztüzün Department of Computer Engineering Middle East Technical University 06531 Ankara, Turkey, Keywords: Distributed Simulation, Federation Design and Development, HLA, FEDEP, UML, OMT ABSTRACT This paper presents a metamodel extension/profile to UML (Unified Modeling Language) for HLA (High Level Architecture) object model design. This is regarded an initial step to lay the semantic groundwork for a visual notation for federation design and development. The overall objective is to provide well-founded tool support for all aspects of federation design and development, including the HLA Interface Specification areas. 1. INTRODUCTION Guidance in the process of developing HLA federations is provided by the Federation Development and Execution Process (FEDEP) model (DMSO 1999). The FEDEP model identifies the basic steps in the development of a federation, though it does not prescribe a single way of constructing an HLA federation. FEDEP is decomposed into six primary process areas: federation objective definition, conceptual model development, federation design, federation development, federation integration and test, and execution and preparation of results. By the end of the development phase, the FOMs (Federation Object Models) and SOMs (Simulation Object Models) are documented by using OMT components in tabular form. Understanding and communicating the architecture of a federation by using tables or text can be difficult. There is a need to depict the federation design graphically, which will aid easier comprehension for complex federations. In this regard, UML provides a sound basis for specifying, constructing, visualizing and documenting all the artifacts of a softwareintensive system. UML is chosen for the visual representation of federation design because it is generic and extensible, so it can be tailored to the needs of a particular application domain. The envisioned extension for UML addresses key activities in the federation design and development stages of FEDEP. A seamless integration of a federation conceptual model into these subsequent steps is also a part of the vision. Constructing the Conceptual Model of Mission Space (CMMS) by using UML seems a viable choice as this activity essentially consists in object modeling. This should facilitate continuity in FEDEP by utilizing the power of UML. A notation based on UML would form a sound basis for tool construction. This paper starts laying the groundwork to realize this vision by proposing a UML profile for HLA object model design. The usage of the term federation design in this paper is meant to cover both federation design and federation development in the sense of the FEDEP model. 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR A UML EXTENSION/PROFILE FOR HLA OBJECT MODEL DESIGN For building a distributed simulation system, the analysis and design of individual simulations (federates) is only part of the issue. The design of virtual environment (federation), which is shared and maintained by these federates, should also be considered carefully. In fact, FEDEP addresses specifically the latter issue. Therefore designing a distributed simulation application starts at the architectural level; in HLA domain, this is part of Conference on Simulation Methods and Applications, Orlando, 2000 the federation design. Although the proposed and envisioned extensions particularly address the design and development steps of a federation, it is worth noting that the prior step, namely, Federation Conceptual Model development can also take advantage of UML. Two steps need to be taken in object model design: 1. Constructing federation design diagrams based on the federation conceptual model. 2. Mapping design diagrams into OMT tables. Although the first step needs ingenuity by the designer, the second step can be fully automated. Federation design diagrams can be constructed in a UML extension for HLA federation design. Such an extension must address the following issues in regards to object model design. Differences between the notion of an object in the Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) paradigm and that in the HLA object model should be accommodated. In the OOAD literature, an object is defined as a software encapsulation of data (state) and behavior (methods) with an identity. In HLA, objects are defined by characteristics that are exchanged between federates (the visible portion of state) during execution. Behavior is generated by the federates rather than directly by objects. HLA has two types of classes: object-classes, which are comprised of attributes of simulation entities, and interaction classes which are comprised of parameters related to interactions (analogous to events in the sense of discrete event simulation). accuracy, accuracy condition, and routing space. P/S (Publish/Subscribe) characteristics of HLA classes should be designated (related to Data Declaration Management). In federation design, it is essential to make the interests and capabilities of a federate known to the other federates in a federation. The publish/subscribe pattern forms the basis of the model of communication proposed by HLA. Therefore it is useful to express the interests and capabilities of the federates by using UML diagrams. These diagrams should also cover the following points. Routing space definitions should be handled (related to Data Distribution Management). The differences between FOM and SOM should be accounted for. FOM has certain constraints in addition to the SOM wellformedness rules as defined by OMT specification. User defined data types (e.g., enumerated and complex (record) types) should be supported. Federation design process can be supported by a CASE tool based on a well-founded modeling language, such as UML. Figure 2 depicts federation design from a tool-oriented view. The tool should facilitate for designers to sketch the federation design diagrams using the UML extension and produce data in Data Interchange Format (DIF) defined by DMSO (DoD 1998). Characteristics of object-classes should be designated, e.g., whether they are (P) Publishable or (S) Subscribable or (N) Neither. Characteristics of interaction-classes should be designated. Possibilities are: (I) Initiates, (S) Senses, (R) Reacts, (N) Neither initiates nor senses or reacts. Attribute characteristics should be designated: cardinality, units, resolution, accuracy, accuracy condition, routing space, update type, update condition, (U) Updateable or (R) Reflectable. Parameter characteristics should be designated: cardinality, units, resolution, Figure-2 Tools in Federation Design. Conference on Simulation Methods and Applications, Orlando, 2000 3. UML EXTENSION/PROFILE FOR HLA FEDERATION DESIGN 3.1 Introduction A UML profile provides mechanisms for applying and specializing the standard UML Metamodel for a particular environment or domain. A UML Profile consists of a predefined set of Stereotypes, Tagged Values, Constraints, and notation icons (OMG 1999). This section introduces a UML Profile for HLA federation design, defined in terms of the UML’s extensibility mechanisms, particularly Stereotypes and Constraints, to lay the semantic groundwork for a visual notation for HLA federation design. Federation design is based on a representation of the real world domain of interest in terms of the HLA object model. A visual notation and associated tools for federation design as a whole, and for OMT components, in particular, should facilitate tractability and understandability for complex and large-scale federation designs. To this end, a UML profile for HLA federation design is developed, specifically addressing HLA Object Model Template. Some other design issues Metamodel Class Model Model Package Model Model Package Classifier HLAClass HLAClass Component Association Association Association Attribute HLAAttribute HLAAttribute Enumerated Enumerated Enumerated Enumerated Enumerated related to HLA Interface Specification (RTI services) are also mentioned. The proposed extension to UML is not meant to supplant the standard tabular format of HLA OMT. On the contrary, OMT provides a semantic basis for the extensions. In fact, the aim in this section is to define a visual layer on top of OMT and to support tool development for HLA federation design. The UML profile presented in this paper covers the OMT Core Package. It handles the contents of the following OMT components: Object Class Structure Table, Interaction Class Structure Table, Attribute Table and Parameter Table. The OMT components which specifically serve documentation purposes, namely, the Object Model Identification Table and FOM/SOM Lexicon are omitted from this presentation, as their treatment is straightforward. As Data Distribution Management issues are not addressed in this paper, Routing Space Table is also left out. The style of presentation is adopted from the UML Specification (OMG 1999). 3.2 Summary Of Profile Table 1 lists the stereotypes defined by this profile. Table-1 Stereotypes Stereotype Name Federation Design (FD) Model Object Model Services FOM SOM OMT Core HLAClass ObjectClass InteractionClass Federate Mask Publish Subscribe HLAAttribute ObjectAttribute InteractionParameter PSKind ISRKind URKind TAKind UpdateKind Conference on Simulation Methods and Applications, Orlando, 2000 3.2.1 Tagged Values: This profile does not introduce any new tagged values 3.2.3 Prerequisite Profiles: This profile requires no other profiles to the UML for its definition. 3.2.2 Constraints: When OMT Core Package is in the SOM model no constraints other than package constraints are imposed. However when OMT Core Package is in the FOM model, FOM constraints also apply. Elementary constraints can be formally expressed in Object Constraint Language (OCL) for the sake of precision. 3.3 Stereotypes And Notation 3.3.1 Model and Package Stereotypes: UML profile for HLA federation design comprises several related models. The complexity of the UML profile is managed by organizing it into sub-models and packages as depicted in the Figure3. Figure-3 Models and packages of UML extension for HLA federation design Federation Design (FD) Model Federation Design Model contains the elements to define a visual layer on top of HLA OMT and to form a basis for tool development for HLA federation design. FD Model contains Object Model and Services stereotypes. they are included in the OMTCore Package for the completeness of presentation. Object Model Object Model represents the HLA OMT. It includes the FOM and SOM sub-models. Services Model FOM Contains the models for HLA federation design pertaining to HLA interface specification and related management services of RTI, namely, Federation Management, Data Declaration Management, Object Management, Time Management, Ownership Management and Data Distribution Management. The Services is not covered in this paper. The publish and subscribe associations could be part of the Services as well; FOM is a model to describe of all shared information between federates essential to a particular federation. It includes the OMTCore package. SOM Describes the capabilities of a federate that can be offered to potential federations. It includes the OMT Core Package. Conference on Simulation Methods and Applications, Orlando, 2000 OMT Core Contains the base elements defined in the HLA Object Model Template specification, namely, HLAClass, ObjectClass, InteractionClass, federate, Mask, ObjectAttribute, InteractionParameter, PSKind, ISRKind, URKind, TAKind, UpdateKind stereotypes. 3.3.2 Classifier, Attribute, and Component Stereotypes: The abstract syntax for the base stereotypes for the UML profile for HLA federation design, namely, HLAClass, ObjectClass, InteractionClass, HLAAttribute, ObjectAttribute and InteractionParameter, is described in graphical notation in the figure 4. For detailed explanation of possible attribute values the reader should consult (DoD 1998). Figure-4 Base stereotypes for the UML profile HLAClass ObjectClass An HLAClass is a base class for HLA objects that are defined entirely by the identifying characteristics (attributes) that can be exchanged between federates during execution, while the behaviors and operations that affect the values of HLA object attributes are kept resident in the federates. It is an abstract class and no graphical icon is needed. Object classes generally describe the physical things that are going to be simulated (e.g., tanks, ships, etc.). Attributes: introduced. No additional attributes are Attributes: PS specifies information on publication and subscription capabilities of object classes. The type of the PS attribute is PSKind, which is also introduced by this profile. Possibilities: Publishable (P). Subscribable (S). Both publishable and subscribable (PS). Neither publishable nor subscribable (N) Conference on Simulation Methods and Applications, Orlando, 2000 sequences. Cardinalities of multi-dimensional arrays shall include the sizes of every dimension listed. Notation: units the unit (e.g., m, km, kg) used for the attribute values. resolution the smallest resolvable value separating attribute values that can be discriminated. Figure-5 ObjectClass notation InteractionClass An interaction class is a type of interactions, which represent transitory exchange of information among federates. Interaction instances can be specific events, such as communications, collisions. Attributes: ISR Four basic categories shall be used to indicate capabilities with respect to a given type of interaction: Initiates (I). Senses (S). Reacts (R). Neither initiates, senses, or reacts (N). The other values are combinations, namely IS, IR. The type of the attribute is ISRKind. accuracy the maximum deviation of the attribute value from its intended value in the federate or federation. accuracyCondition conditions required for the given accuracy to hold in a given federation execution. routingSpace the routing space name for the attributes. Associations: type the classifier whose instances are possible values of the attribute. Must be a Class (userdefined datatype) or Datatype. ObjectAttribute Each class of simulation domain objects shall be characterized by a fixed set of attributes. Notation: Attributes: updateType the update policy for the attribute. The type of the updateType stereotype is UpdateKind. Its possible values are static, periodic, and conditional. Figure-6 InteractionClass Notation HLAAttribute HLAAttribute stereotype is an abstract class for ObjectAttribute and InteractionParameter classes. It serves classification purposes. Attributes: cardinality the size of an array or sequence. A designation of 1+ allow for unbounded updateCondition The condition for attribute updates (see the well-formedness rules). TA whether the attribute is transferable or acceptable. The values (type is TAKind): Transferable (T). Acceptable (A). Both transferable and acceptable (TA). Not transferable or acceptable (N). Conference on Simulation Methods and Applications, Orlando, 2000 UR whether the attribute is updateable or reflectable. Possible values: Updateable (U). Reflectable (R). Both updateable and reflectable (UR). Syntax and Notation: The syntax used for describing the ObjectAttribute stereotype takes the form: [UR][TA] Attribute_name: Attribute_Type [updateType,updateCondition][other attributes] In practice, for the sake of simplicity the diagrams can hide the attribute information by using the notation: “ “, called attribute information icon. The tools can be configured to show the attribute information while navigating over this icon as shown in the figure 7. Figure-7 ObjectAttribute stereotype syntax and notation InteractionParameter InteractionParameter is a named datum associated with a class of interactions. Most interaction classes will be characterized according to a list of one or more InteractionParameters. Attributes: No additional attributes are introduced. Syntax and Notation: The syntax used for describing the ObjectAttribute stereotype takes the form: Parameter_name : [other attributes] Parameter_Type Regarding the utility of “ “, parameter information icon, shown in figure 8, the same remarks as in figure 7 apply. Figure-8 InteractionParameter syntax and notation Federate Federate is a member of an HLA federation. It is a binary software code (executable) that simulates an entity, e.g., a vehicle. Multiplicity can be applied to the federate stereotype. Notation: The recurring oval shapes describe multiplicity information that specifies the number of federates that participates in federation. Figure-9 Federate stereotype Conference on Simulation Methods and Applications, Orlando, 2000 about when an instance of this class or one of its subclasses is generated or updated during federation execution. 3.3.3 Association Stereotypes: Mask A Mask association is used to mask the attributes that are irrelevant in the derived class. All the base class methods will be also masked. Notation: Attributes: attribute_list_of_base_class the list of attributes that will not be inherited from the base class. Notation: Figure-11 Subscribe stereotype 3.3.5 Data Type Stereotypes: PSKind Figure-10 Mask stereotype Publish A publish association between HLAClass and federate stereotypes indicates that the federate is capable of generating of the instances of the HLAClass. Publish association is a one-way relation. Attributes: attribute_list the list of attributes, which will be generated and updated during federation execution. An enumeration that denotes the information on publication and subscription capabilities of an object class. Its enumerands are P, S, PS, and N (explained in ObjectClass stereotype). ISRKind An enumeration that indicates the type of interaction. Its enumerands are I, S, R, IS, IR, N (explained in InteractionClass stereotype). URKind An enumeration to identify the permissions for a federate in terms of attribute updating and reflection. Its enumerands are U, R, and UR (explained in ObjectAttribute stereotype). Notation: TAKind An enumeration that identifies the transfer characteristics of an attribute. Its enumerands are T, A, TA, N (explained in ObjectAttribute stereotype). updateKind Figure-11 Publish stereotype An enumeration that identifies the update policies for an attribute. Its enumerands are static, periodic and conditional. Subscribe Subscribe is a one-way relation from HLAClass to federate and it is used for declaring the federate interests in the HLAClass. Attributes: attribute_list the list of attributes that a subscriber federate will be notified 3.4 Well-Formedness Rules The set of rules presented here is not meant to be complete. In particular, the constraints related to DIF meta-data consistency (DoD 1998) have not been formalized in OCL. Conference on Simulation Methods and Applications, Orlando, 2000 HLAClass [1] The value of the visibility attribute, derived from the Feature element, is fixed as PUBLIC. Context HLAClass inv: self.visibility = #PUBLIC [2] The hierarchy between HLAClasses (objectClass or InteractionClass) shall be represented by single inheritance. (Multiple inheritance is not allowed). HLAClass.supertypes->size=1 HLAAttribute [1] User-defined attribute names should be different from those of the base attribute types. userType.allsupertypes -> includes (HLAClass) implies userType.allsupertypes -> forall (q | q.attributes -> intersection (userType.attributes).empty) InteractionParameter [1] All the InteractionParameters that reside in the same InteractionClass shall have the same routingSpace value. InteractionClass.attributes -> forall (a1,a2| a1.routingSpace = a2.routingSpace), = ‘Fd’ Publish/Subscribe See Table 2 for valid association stereotype combinations. FOM [1] The PS attribute designations for an ObjectClass in a FOM shall be taken from the restricted set {S, PS, N}. context FOM::ObjectClass inv:self.PS <> #P [2] InteractionClass specified in a FOM may choose appropriate ISR attribute designations with the exception of the singular {I} value. context FOM::InteractionClass inv: self.ISR <> #I [3] All attributes of an ObjectClass in a FOM should be both updateable and reflectable. (In other words, the value of an UR attribute of an ObjectClass must be {UR}). FOM::UserType.allsupertypes -> includes (ObjectClass) implies FOM::UserType.attributes -> forall (a | a.UR = #UR) [4] In a FOM, the valid values for TA attribute of an ObjectClass are from the set {TA, N}. Federate [1] Federate names shall be ended with the “Fd” suffix (e.g., shipFd, restaurantFd). context FOM::ObjectClass inv: Set {#TA,#N} -> includes (self.ISR). context fd: Federate inv: Table-2 Valid Relation Combinations 4. CONCLUSIONS Motivated by the need for a well-founded visual notation for federation design, this paper presents a roadmap for a UML extension to support HLA federation design and development, and takes the initial step by providing a visual notation for HLA object model design. The proposed extension to UML is not meant to supplant the tabular format of Conference on Simulation Methods and Applications, Orlando, 2000 HLA OMT; on the contrary, the OMT standard constitutes a semantic basis for the proposed profile. The aim is to define a visual layer on top of OMT and to guide tool development for HLA federation design. Future Work: The specification and development of a UML extension for federation design including the six management areas of HLA Interface Specification. The design and implementation of a CASE tool for supporting the design and mapping process that can be used in conjunction with Object Model Development Tool (OMDT) or a similar tool. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to thank Ilkay Altıntaş for her help with OCL. REFERENCES Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO). 1999. “HLA Federation Development and Execution Process (FEDEP) Model, version 1.5”, 8 December 1999 Object Management Group (OMG). 1999. “OMG Unified Modeling Language Specification, version 1.3”, June 1999 U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). 1998. “Draft Standard for Modeling & Simulation High Level Architecture-Object Model Template”, IEEE P1516.2, February 1998 AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES Ltjg. Okan Topçu is a Navy officer in Turkish Navy and He is pursuing a PhD. degree in Computer Engineering from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Topcu graduated from Turkish Naval Academy in 1993 in Computer Engineering Department and he received M.S. degree in Computer Engineering from METU in 1999. His last assignment is in the Turkish General Staff as a network administrator. Halit Oğuztüzün is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Engineering of the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. He received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Engineering from METU in 1982 and 1984, and PhD in Computer Science from the University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA in 1991. He is also affiliated with the Modeling and Simulation Laboratory (MODSIMLAB) at METU. Conference on Simulation Methods and Applications, Orlando, 2000