Federation of Lakes of VDM Meeting Highlights, 8 March 2005 Pesticides and Fertilizers Banned Federation of Lakes of Val-des-Monts held it’s regular meeting at the Municipal Building March 8th. Highlight of the evening was news from Mayor, Marc Carrière that effective immediately, the use of pesticides and fertilizers is banned in Valdes-Monts. This new bylaw was passed at the regular municipal council meeting, March 7th. This was exciting news for the Federation. At it’s last meeting, January 11 th, the Federation passed a motion asking the municipality to pass a bylaw banning the use of pesticides and fertilizers in the municipality as soon as possible. For full details regarding the pesticide bylaw visit the municipality website. Door to Door Recycling Scheduled for September Marc Carrière reported that the MRC recycling depot is up and running. Located in Chelsea, this depot will service the region de MRC. Every residence in the municipality of Val-des-Monts will be supplied with a 260 litre bin at a cost of $70 per bin. This cost will recouped over 5 year period with a special tax levy of $14. Door-to-door pickup will begin by September. Programme de sesurage des Boues et Inspection des Systèmes Septiques This program will recommence in May. This year, Lacs Scattergood, Bonin, McGregor and Grand are the focus. Along with the 2004 follow-up this translates into 584 septic systems inspections for 2005. Water Quality Testing to Begin Again Testing for total phosphorus is the best indicator of water quality. Testing for total phosphorus will be conducted by member lakes of the Federation within one week of ice out. Water clarity will be tested at the same time. Results from all the lakes are send to Henri Fournier, Ministère de l’environnement du Québec, for analysis and interpretation. These results assist Henri in monitoring water quality and clarity in the water basin of Val-des-Monts. Suzanne Tachereau and Maria Galpin will be heading out by canoe on Lac Brassard to conduct the tests on our lake. Water clarity will be tested each month of the open water season. Testing for ecoli will conducted in the heat of the summer where people swim. Federation Action Plan Chair of the Federation, Tom Barber, (Grand Lake), introduced the Federation Action Plan and structure. The chairpersons will form the executive of the Federation. Bernard Lamontagne from Lac St-Pierre chairs Public Affairs. Public Affairs’ major role is to liaison with the Mayor’s office, keeping abreast of Council and other municipal meetings where appropriate. Duncan Campbell, (Lac St-Germain), heads the Membership and Finance committee. Membership and Finance takes care of membership fees and renewals. It also manages the membership data base. Grant Walsh from Lac St-Pierre is responsible for Communications. Communications handles the production and publication of 2 Federation newsletters. The municipality will mail these newsletters to every property owner in Val-des-Monts not just waterfront property owners. All property owners impact our water basin. A Federation website is also in the works. Communications will also coordinate the annual water quality day in collaboration with the municipality. Sylvie Mercier, (Lac McGlashen), chairs the Environment Committee. Environment covers a wide range of environmental issues. Most important is the water testing program. Shoreline management, deforestation, clear cutting, weed control, noise pollution, government sponsored/subsidized projects are other areas of concern. Tom Barber pointed out that these committees require volunteers from all lake associations to be effective and encouraged Federation members to get involved. Please contact either Joyce Harpell at 671-5949 or Denyse Rachel Beauchesne at 671-1477 if you’re interested in learning more about these committees or are willing to serve.