Lesson Template Title and Author: Raising Dragons by Jerdine Nolen Grade: Pre-K Lexile Level AD670 Reading Level: Reading Level Grade level Equivalent: 3.5 DRA: 34 Guided Reading: O Key Understanding: Student will understand tier 2 vocabulary and how the author uses them. Student will be able to give a descriptive sequence with prompts. Suggested number of days: ____3_______Common Core ELA Standards: Language Development and Communication Objective 41 Step 1: Answers questions with one of two words Language Development and Communication Objective 42 Step 1: Asks simple questions Language Development and Communication Objective 43 Step 1: Responds to comments and questions from others Literacy Objective 44 Step 1: Listens to stories being read Literacy Objective 47 Step 1: Uses illustrations to guess what the text says IEP Goals lesson addresses By August, Jane will increase her ability to retell a story by being able to identify the characters and setting at the descriptive sequence level without prompts. Baselines Student Jane Doe Vocabulary Student had trouble with tier two vocabulary, but Story Grammar/Comprehension Jane has trouble directly answering questions and Written Language Jane knows her letters and can write her name. seemed to understand once I defined them. needs to be refocused and/or given options to choose from. Materials: Raising Dragons text List of tier 2 words Audio of Raising Dragons Before Reading Cultural Supports, Building Background Talk about farms and what lives and is grown on farms. Discuss her experience of farms. What does she know about dragons? Go over tier 2 words to see which ones she knows. What does it mean to raise something? Do a picture walk of the book. Connecting Activity: (Questions, Conversation about topic): We discuss what we would do if we found a large egg? What might it be? We discuss farms and I fill in information I think will help her with the book. Discuss if she thinks dragons are real. After I read the story to her, we listened to an audio version before she did her retell. Genre Set-Up, Bridging Conversation, Think-Aloud, Setting Purpose (What strategy are you highlighting in your lesson) Fantasy I really want to focus on using prior knowledge to make inferences and predictions. We do a picture walk and discuss what we think is going on in the pictures and what might happen latter on. We make connections and use prior knowledge to figure out the setting and who the main characters might be. After the picture walk I ask her what she thinks the book will be about. Vocabulary Word raised perch Contextualize Word In the story….. “He raised just about everything we needed for life on our farm, but he didn’t know a thing about raising dragons.” “I got out of my bed and climbed out of my window onto the perch Pa had made for me in the oak tree.” Definition ( kid friendly) Example beyond story To take care of as something grows. Children, animals, and crops are something you raise. Something to rest on. The bird sat on its perch looking for food. Bridge to story Picture harvested snout creatures “When Ma harvested her tomatoes, Nancy Akins bought some.” To pick crops. We harvested the wheat in order to grind it into flour. “Growing to be as big as the barn from tail to nose snout.” The pig dove snout first into his supper. “Ma and Pa taught me about caring for living creatures from the day I was born.” Many creatures come out at night. animals Comprehension Strategy Before Reading Make a connection X Self Monitor Identify Important Information Comprehension Strategy Make inferences X Prior Knowledge X Visualize Prediction X Questioning Synthesis Language ( What you say to support, teach the comprehension strategy) Have you ever been on a farm before? Make a connection What do you know about dragons? Prior knowledge What might hatch from an egg? Prediction During Reading Make a connection Self Monitor Identify Important Information Post It # 1 Comprehension or Vocabulary comprehension 2 3 4 5 After Reading Comprehension Questions Make inferences X Prior Knowledge Visualize Prediction X Questioning Synthesis Language you will use to teach, focus or probe for understanding Do you think she will listen to her father? What might have made that cracking noise? Do you think the dragon will be good or bad? What was in the wheelbarrow? Do you think it was rocks? Bloom Taxonomy Question Type Knowledge Question: Have a mix of questions Comprehension What was this story about? Application Why do you think she didn’t listen to her dad? Analysis Do you think the girl did the right thing by helping out the dragon? Was the dragon a good dragon or a bad dragon? Why do you think that? What else could have hatched from the egg? Synthesis Who were the main characters? How did she know the egg hatched? Evaluation What would you do if you found a large egg? Culminating Writing Task Teacher directions and activities to prepare students for writing: In this story the child needed to convince her parents to let her keep her dragon. What pet would you like and how would you convince your parents to let you keep it. Prompt: If you could ask for a pet what pet would you want and why I would want a ________________ because it can _____________________ Scoring notes or Sample response: Picture of a animal Reason for pet Differentiation Options (modify by content, process, and/or final product) English Language Learners (ELL) Language learner disabilities Premade sequence cards Graphic organizer Mini-lesson about doing what you think is right What does this mean? Have you ever done this? Premade sequence cards Picture walk Any visuals or other supporting documents that you feel support this lesson.