Una Obra de Carmen Lomas Garza NOMBRE:_________________________________ NOTA:_____________ Criteria Exemplary Proficient Developing Beginning - Demonstration of Content Knowledge Identifies and explains distinguishing and unique characteristics/attributes Thoroughly distinguishes among significant and extraneous details Shows great understanding of artists’s life and times Identifies s a great variety of symbols/significant elements in the painting Students provides thorough and thoughtful answers to questions with great ease Class is fully engaged in the presentation Language and explanations are compelling and original Identifies and states some distinguishing characteristics Generally distinguishes among significant and extraneous details Shows good understanding of artists’s life and times Identifies some different symbols/significant elements in the painting Student is able to effectively respond to questions Identifies and states some of the distinguishing characteristics, but omitting some of great significance Distinguishes among significant and extraneous details with difficulty Shows some understanding of artists’s life and times Identifies few symbols/significant elements in the painting Student has some difficulty providing answers to questions Class is mostly engaged in the presentation Language and explanations are somewhat compelling and original Class is somewhat engaged in the presentation Lack of compelling language, not very original Class is not engaged in the presentation Neither compelling nor original Student has extensively researched vocabulary relevant to the subject. Student’s vocabulary is varied and rich. Student has researched some vocabulary relevant to the subject. Student’s vocabulary is occasionally repetitive. Student has apparently not researched vocabulary relevant to the subject, or has ineffectively researched words (used a noun instead of a verb, etc) Student’s vocabulary is repetitive. Student’s vocabulary is repetitive and basic. Few if any grammatical errors that do not interfere with understanding. Basic agreements (noun-verb, nounadjective, etc) are almost all correct. Grammar, sentence structure and syntax are good but occasionally repetitive and/or predictable. Includes somewhat effective use of Present, Preterite, and Imperfect tenses Student makes repeated errors on basic structures. Student does not show understanding of agreement. Student’s grammar, sentence structure and syntax are incomprehensible. Does not include sufficient demonstration of Present, Preterite, and Imperfect tenses Presentation is logically structured Presentation flows generally smoothly between topics/ideas Presentation meets time requirements Student’s pronunciation is good with one or two patterns or error, which rarely interfere with comprehension. Some minor breaks in fluency/flow. Some searching for words Presentation is mostly clear/easy to understand Tone and intonation are appropriate Student is somewhat connected to audience, somewhat scripted Volume does not detract from understanding/engagement - Engagement and Creativity - Vocabulary - Grammar - Structure and Organization of Presentation - Pronunciation -Fluency - Comprehensibility and Overall Quality of Presentation Student demonstrates excellent command of all simple and some advanced grammar structures All basic agreements (noun-verb, nounadjective, etc) are correct. Grammar, sentence structure, and syntax are rich and varied. Includes effective/correct use of Present, Preterite, and Imperfect tenses Presentation is logically structured, building from general to specific Presentation flows smoothly between topics/ideas Presentation meets time requirements and makes excellent use of time Student does not make any major or repeated pronunciation errors. Easily comprehended Speech flows effortlessly from one idea to the next Presentation is clear/easy to understand Tone and intonation are varied and appropriate Student maintains excellent eye contact and connection to audience Volume of presentation is consistently appropriate Errors in use of basic grammar structures. Student either does not attempt to use advanced structures or does so with repeated errors. These errors hinder understanding. Most basic agreements (noun-verb, nounadjective, etc) are correct. Grammar, sentence structure, and syntax are repetitive. Makes errors using Present, Preterite, and Imperfect tenses Does not identify specific examples of unique attributes Cannot distinguish among significant and extraneous details Shows limited understanding of artists’s life and times Does not identify individual elements of significance. Student cannot effectively respond to questions and/or provide additional information Presentation is somewhat logically structured Presentation’s flow is somewhat disrupted between topics/ideas Presentation does not meet time requirements Student’s pronunciation is weak and can interfere with comprehension. Many breaks in continuity which impede comprehension Presentation has areas that are confusing and/or difficult to follow Tone and intonation are invariable/flat or inappropriate Student appears to be reading and/or disconnected / Inappropriate/inconsistent volume affect comprehensibility Presentation is confusing and/or difficult to understand. Student does not connect with audience Student reads passages Voice is difficult to comprehend Presentation’s structure is illogical or problematic Presentation does not flow well between topics/ideas Presentation does not evidence appropriate use of time Student’s pronunciation is weak and often interferes with comprehension. Extremely fragmented, difficult to follow