Chase Your Passion - Cambridge Professional Group

Chase Your Passion...Not Your Pay
Statistics tell us that only 19% of the US population love what they do. Twenty five
percent hate it! And the rest could take it or leave it! Unfortunately the people who either
hate or are neutral about their jobs will find it difficult to succeed, regardless how hard
they try or how long they work at it! How do you know whether you should stay in your
current job or switch career
Chase Your Passion… Not Your
Statistics tell us that only 19% of the US population love what they do. Twenty five
percent hate it! And the rest could take it or leave it! Unfortunately the people who
either hate or are neutral about their jobs will find it difficult to succeed, regardless
how hard they try or how long they work at it! How do you know whether you should
stay in your current job or switch careers? Find out by answering the following seven
1. When your opportunity clock rings in the morning, are you anxious to get up
and go to work?
2. Are you excited to be in your current profession?
3. Do you love what you do? (Note I said love not like - there is a big
4. Do you feel privileged to be part of your current company or organization?
5. Does work seem like play to you?
6. Are you wondering why you are being paid for what you do?
7. Are you looking forward to work, at least four out of five days each week
(80% of the time)?
If you answered YES to all seven questions you are in your dream career and are on
your way to the top. If not read on, so you too can find out how to "work" less and
enjoy more.
But first, regarding question number seven. Why not a 100% of the time? Because
there is no perfect job; every job has some aspects that you will not care for. For
example, I am a professional speaker, and love what I do. At times I have so much
fun speaking that I wonder why I am being paid so well for it. It almost seems that I
should be paying the audience. (Pretend you did not read that, especially if you are a
meeting planner!) But there is a down side to professional speaking. It is traveling,
especially airline travel, (I call it cattle herding), and being away from my wife and
my own bed. So, for me, traveling is the other 20 percent. That's the price I happily
pay to do the things I really love to do. (That's why Superwoman, that's my wife of
32 years and business partner, tells prospective clients: "Wolf speaks for free, but he
charges for travel.")
Here is another way that you can find out if you are passionate about what you do.
Imagine that you have just won the BIG ONE. Six million dollars in the Lottery. What
the heck. We're dreaming here, so lets make it 30 million! Assume you take the next
12 months to "get everything you have always wanted to do out of your system."
You buy yourself that dream house, purchase the Rolls Royce, go on several "once in
a life" vacations, set aside enough money for you, every family member, relative and
anyone else who has ever been nice to you. Having put that behind you, ask
yourself: What will I do with the rest of my life? And what ever pops in your head at
the very moment you ask that question, is what you should start pursuing right
Get yourself a temporary job to help pay the bills. Make time to get the skills and the
education you need. Watch less TV, go to fewer ball games so you can go to school
in the evening and study on weekends. Do what ever it takes to prepare yourself for
your dream job. After you have prepared yourself, work part time in your dream job.
Can't get paid for it? Volunteer. Do what ever it takes, pay any price, make any
sacrifice, just do it! Once you are certain that you have found your dream career,
give up that temporary job. Not getting paid as much as in your former job? Not to
worry. Just stay with your dream job. I've finally learned after more than 40 years of
working that overnight success takes a long time. But I've also learned that once you
find what you LOVE to do you will make more money, much more money than you
have ever thought possible. Want proof? Look at the people you admire. People who
have made it to the top in their chosen profession. I bet you that virtually all of
them, love what they do. And by the way, it does not matter what profession they
are in because there is no such thing as a "glamour" profession. A friend of ours lives
in a $1.5 million mansion and has more money than he'll ever be able to use in his
life-time. His profession? He is a plumber! Yes, he owns a plumbing contracting
company, but most importantly he is passionate about what he does. On the other
hand I can introduce you to many a lawyer, physician or others who are in so called
"glamour professions" who do not care for what they do, and who have trouble
paying the mortgage.
In short, finding something that you are passionate about, something that will seem
like play to you will "turn you on," and will enable you to function at full throttle. As a
result you will succeed faster, and live a happier, healthier, and more prosperous
© 1999 Wolf J. Rinke
Source: Wolf J. Rinke, PhD, CSP is a management consultant, professional speaker, and author
of 12 books including The 6 Success Strategies for Winning at Life, Love & Business, Deerfield
Beach, FL: Health Communications, Inc., 1996, $12.95). Available in bookstores, from or by calling (800) 828-9653. Dr. Rinke can be reached at 410-531-9280, e-mail or on the internet at