Comparison of WebCT (Blackboard CE Enterprise) functionality and the course delivery component of one45 ________________________________________________ WebCT (recently renamed Blackboard) is a web-based application for course preparation, delivery and management. WebCT allows instructors to provide students with easy access to course materials, to conduct on-line quizzing, to distribute and collect assignments, and to easily manage grades. One45 is a medical education curriculum management tool. One45 provides functionality to manage and monitor curriculum content and objectives across courses. Although one45 is not a full course delivery tool, it does include some functionality for course delivery. The table below contrasts the functionality of WebCT with capabilities of one45 specifically in the area of course delivery. Course Delivery Functionality Calendar Attaching Learning Objects to Courses Assignments WebCT (Blackboard) One45 Student’s WebCT calendar shows all courses he/she is registered in which currently have information in WebCT Student is able to access course information using links within the calendar Student’s one45 calendar shows information for all courses he/she is registered in Student is able to access course, session, and section information using links within the calendar Instructors can create Learning Modules which include sequenced content and activities for courses WebCT also supports the creation of a syllabus, content pages, content folders, media library, web links for each course Students access Learning Objects by opening the course within WebCT Learning Objects can be associated with a Phase (eg. General guidelines), with a Course (eg. Course syllabus), with a Section (eg. Laboratory regulations), with a Session (eg. Lecture notes for today’s class) Learning Objects can either be uploaded into one45, or can be a link (URL) to a resource available on the internet Students access Learning Objects through their calendar view, or from their course list within one45 Assignments can be distributed to students, completed assignments can be collected, and assignment marks can be recorded and delivered to students through WebCT Instructor has the ability to return No functionality for assignments 1 Course Delivery Functionality WebCT (Blackboard) One45 assignments with comments and additional attachments (such as a marked-up version of the original submission) Assignments can be published for viewing by all students in the course Each student sees his/her assignments organized as Submitted, Not Submitted, Graded, Published Quizzes Includes on-line quizzing capability (instructors can create quizzes within WebCT, students can complete quizzes from within WebCT) Accessibility of quizzes can be defined, such that quizzes will open and close at specific times Questions can be set to appear at random Quizzes can be timed Grade-by-Question option allows instructors to see every student response to a particular question simultaneously Instructors can optionally hide student names while grading responses, in order to eliminate any chance of bias based on student identity Grading of several types of quiz questions (multiple choice, fill-in-theblank, true/false etc.) is done automatically. Grades are automatically recorded. Marks can be stored and distributed to students from within WebCT Subjective Evaluations of students No direct functionality for subjective evaluations Course-specific student evaluation forms can be created within one45 Evaluation forms for each student are delivered to instructors who are required to complete them, at the specified time Workflow for completed forms can be defined (eg. Completed forms must be reviewed by course co-ordinator, completed forms are delivered directly to administrator etc.) Completed evaluations can be No functionality for testing 2 Course Delivery Functionality WebCT (Blackboard) One45 released to students and are then available for student viewing through one45 Monitoring Student Performance Performance Dashboard provides the ability for instructors to monitor student performance Instructors can also track the amount of time spent by each student on each section of the course, monitor the times when course content is accessed by each student etc. No specific functionality for monitoring student performance Management of Grades Provides ability for instructors to enter and view student grades, in a spreadsheet-style gradebook Grades are automatically entered for any testing done through WebCT Weightings can be assigned to marks for each test, assignment etc. Final grades can be automatically calculated based on the marks entered and corresponding weightings Grades can be released to students for viewing through WebCT Statistics are available for each graded item (column in gradebook), including mean, median, maximum, minimum and standard deviation Instructors have the ability to override any grades in the gradebook including grades which were automatically entered (such as quiz grades). An audit history of grade changes is kept. Notes can be added to explain grade changes. Grades can be exported as an Excel spreadsheet. Grades can also be imported from Excel. Course-specific grade sheets can be created and marks entered manually Grades can be released to students for viewing through one45 Grades can be exported as an Excel spreadsheet Discussions Course-specific on-line discussions can be created. Students and instructors can start discussion threads and post responses to discussion topics. Includes ability for instructors to grade each student’s participation in class discussions. Instructor can No functionality for discussions 3 Course Delivery Functionality WebCT (Blackboard) One45 assemble and review a student’s posted messages, review student’s participation rate vs. class average, assign a grade that is then posted to the gradebook Chat and Whiteboard Includes ability to create and manage real-time chats for courses Whiteboard feature provides instructors with full drawing capabilities to enhance explanations offered during a chat. Slides can also be uploaded and saved from Whiteboard. Mail Includes an email system which is internal to WebCT (i.e. email system can be used to contact other users of WebCT only. Messages are delivered and viewable within WebCT only. Messages can also be forwarded to other external email accounts) Provides ability to easily communicate with identified groups (eg. All students registered for a particular course) Users can click on a student’s or faculty member’s name anywhere it appears within WebCT and instantly email this person No email capability is provided to student or faculty members within one45 Contact lists within one45 provide all users (including students and faculty) with easy access to email addresses of students and faculty members. However, these email addresses would have to be copied to an email system external to one45. Announcements Provides ability to easily send email communication to all course or section members Provides ability to instantly display announcements to users when they access a WebCT course Provides ability for administrators to send email communication to all members of defined groups (eg. All students registered in a particular class) Additional Course Tools Includes additional tools, such as a calculator, dictionary, thesaurus, conversion utilities, periodic table etc. Includes plug-ins to support other educational tools (eg. Clickers, portfolios, studymate etc.) No functionality for chats No additional course tools 4 Summary: WebCT is a full functionality course delivery and course management tool One45 is a curriculum management tool. Its functionality for managing individual courses is limited. Instructors should use WebCT for course delivery when they want to … Provide students with easy and organized access to course materials Provide on-line quizzing Distribute, collect, and return assignments on-line Include discussion forums for their class Provide a chat room for course participants Facilitate interactivity Instructors should use one45 for course delivery when they want to … Provide students with easy and organized access to course materials only 5