Argomento 1 - AlfaCert e

Argomento 1
Section_ A_ Reading comprehension
Direction: Read the following extract and match with the number below which ….
A. We are going to spend this week talking about cognitive psychology. Like the other
theories of psychology we’ve covered so far, cognitive psychology studies the mental
processes that drive behavior . This behavior includes thinking, reasoning, decision making,
and even emotion and motivation.
B. In 1967, a psychologist by the name of Ulric Neisser published a book called Cognitive
Psychology. In it, he talked about how our minds—our cognition, our thinking—are part of
everything a human being might possibly do. In short, according to Neisser’s definition,
every psychological phenomenon is a cognitive phenomenon.
C. Cognitive psychology is significantly different from other schools of thought in the field of
psychology in two important ways. Uh, first, cognitive psychologists accept and make use
of the scientific method. Like other areas of science, cognitive psychologists believe that
phenomenon can be observed, hypotheses can be formed about them, and predictions can
be made using experiments. Cognitive psychologists don’t believe that introspection is a
valid method of scientific study, such as the methods used in Freudian psychology.
D. A second key way that cognitive science differs from previous psychological approaches is
that it acknowledges the existence of internal mental states such as beliefs, desires, and
motivations. This is in stark contrast to the view taken by behaviorist psychology.
E. We’re out of time for today. Be sure to read Chapter 4 in your textbook and come to class
Friday ready to discuss it. That’s all for today
Introduction <cmb "/A/B/C/D/E/Blank",1,"A">
Summary <cmb "/A/B/C/D/E/Blank",1,"Blank">
Class instructions <cmb "/A/B/C/D/E/Blank",1,"E">
School of thought <cmb "/A/B/C/D/E/Blank",1,"B">
Epistemic methodology <cmb "/A/B/C/D/E/Blank",1,"C">
Significant difference of cognitive psychology <cmb "/A/B/C/D/E/Blank",1,"D">
7. Introduction [A]
Direction: Read the following extract from a lecture and answer to the questions
Section_ B_ Reading comprehension
Length :240 parole
We are going to spend this week talking about cognitive psychology. Like the other theories of
psychology we’ve covered so far, cognitive psychology studies the mental processes that drive
behavior . This behavior includes thinking, reasoning, decision making, and even emotion and
In 1967, a psychologist by the name of Ulric Neisser published a book called Cognitive
Psychology. In it, he talked about how our minds—our cognition, our thinking—are part of
everything a human being might possibly do. In short, according to Neisser’s definition, every
psychological phenomenon is a cognitive phenomenon.
Cognitive psychology is significantly different from other schools of thought in the field of
psychology in two important ways. Uh, first, cognitive psychologists accept and make use of the
scientific method. Like other areas of science, cognitive psychologists believe that phenomenon
can be observed, hypotheses can be formed about them, and predictions can be made using
experiments. Cognitive psychologists don’t believe that introspection is a valid method of scientific
study, such as the methods used in Freudian psychology.
A second key way that cognitive science differs from previous psychological approaches is that it
acknowledges the existence of internal mental states such as beliefs, desires, and motivations. This
is in stark contrast to the view taken by behaviorist psychology.
We’re out of time for today. Be sure to read Chapter 4 in your textbook and come to class Friday
ready to discuss it. That’s all for today
1.According to Ulric Nesser what is the relation between cognition and behaviour?
a) Cognition controls human behaviour
b) Behaviour and cognition are both predictable
c) Behaviour is the opposite of cognition
d) Cognition is different in mental health state from cognition
cambiare con
2.The phrase “school of thought” is related to:
a) Cognitive psychology
b) Scientific method
c) Observations and hypothesis
d) Instrospection
3.In which way Cognitive psychology differs from the other schools of thought ?
a) it is the belief that both introspection and the scientific method are important
b) it uses the scientific method and recognizes beliefs, desires and motivations equally
c) it is based on the epistemic method and recognizes the importance of internal
mental states
d) It uses the scientific method and recognizes the existence of mental introspection
4.The phrase ‘ in stark contrast to’ is closest in meaning to?
a) slightly different
b) very similar
c) very different from
d) a bit different from
5.What would be the best title for this lecture?
a) Article on cognitive psychology and its mental processes
b) Initial lecture on Cognitive psychology
c) Latest on Cognitive psychology today
d) Cognitive psychology and the other schools of thought