Peace Lutheran Congregation


The Prints of Peace

October 2014

A periodical newspaper for and by the people

of Peace Lutheran Congregation,

Vernon, BC.

A M e s s a g e

From the Pastor

“Death and Thanksgiving”

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted.”

(Ecclesiastes 3: 1-2 NRSV)

It has been a challenging week to say the least! One of those times when one experiences the full gamut of emotions, sometimes within the period of one hour! A time in which the joys and sorrows of ministry are wound together so tightly that they are almost indistinguishable.

As I write this article, I remember that it was one week ago at this moment that Vern

Krienke came into my office and said, “Pastor, you can take my name off the prayer list. I

haven’t felt this good in years!” Then he took me out for lunch and introduced me to

Japanese food. It was a great day indeed! After journeying with Vern through many health challenges, it was so good to celebrate with him.

The very next evening at 11:30 pm I got called to the hospital because Vern had died.

How could this be? He looked and sounded so good just twenty-four hours ago. Shock and disbelief descended as I waited for his daughter to arrive from Penticton. I quickly needed to set my emotions aside so that I could be present for those who were now encompassed with grief.

As the rest of the week unfolded I fluctuated between what can only be described as death and Thanksgiving as I not only prepared for a funeral but I looked forward to the celebration of Thanksgiving Sunday. The whole week has been one of bouncing between joy and sorrow, sadness and celebration, tears and laughter, strength and weakness. The events of the week included the ELW Fall event, the Church Golf Tournament, Sunday Worship, Visit with Vern’s family, Heron Grove worship, a family visit all of which suddenly became a living

example of Scripture. The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a season and a time for everything under heaven!

There is no question that when death comes into our midst it seems as though time is momentarily frozen. Our emotions are rolled into one and it can be difficult to think at times.

Then almost as quickly we are taken to the good times and the celebrations that we were blessed to be a part of. Death and thanksgiving are intricately woven together to form the fabric of our lives.

I suddenly realized this week that when we truly believe that there is a season for everything, when we not only speak these words with our lips but believe them in our hearts, a whole new world opens before us. Death and thanksgiving co-exist at every time of the year. Because we do not grieve like those who have no faith we are able to be present in the midst of the joys and sorrows. Because we believe in the resurrection we trust that our grief is for a ‘time’ and that we can celebrate the events we have shared with our loved one.

Because we believe that we are a blessed people our Thanksgiving is not just one day a year but for the ways in which God has blessed us every day of our lives.

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. In the midst of our Thanksgiving Day celebrations we grieve and in the midst of our grief we give thanks. Because our God has promised to be with us always, there is never a ‘time’ that we are left to our own devices. God’s hand is in all things that we encounter and God will always give us the ‘time’ we need at every season of our lives.

God’s peace,

Pastor Rick

A M e s s a g e

F r o m

T h e E L W

The 2014 Fall Event of the BC Synod’s Southern Interior Conference Lutheran Women “Pearls of Life – Beads of Prayer” is now a memory, but one we hope will be a long-held one that will bear much fruit in the prayer lives of all who attended. Thank you to all of our ELW women at

Peace who helped us to host this event which was attended by 38 women: 15 from Peace; 12 from Christ, Kelowna; 6 from Deo, Salmon Arm; 3 from Faith, Kelowna; and 2 from Ascension,

Nelson. Most especially I’d like to thank Janice Wettlaufer, our Vice President, and our

Program Committee members, Betty Swanson, Heather Kerr and Elena Walker. Heather and

Elena were called out of town so had to miss the event itself but both did a lot of work prior to the event which helped so much in making it a success. Despite this, we had a lot of help from those of our members who attended and were most grateful for that, especially for Rita

Makasoff and Ridia Wiens from the Altar Guild, Wilma Davis who brought flowers for all the tables, Elaine Sahlstrand who helped so much at the event and so many women who contributed muffins, pies, homemade buns, fruit, cheese, butter and cream and who helped

Betty in the kitchen.

Once again, Robert Hadley stepped to our aid and cooked the rib-sticking, rich beef barley soup that we all enjoyed for lunch. He was ably assisted in the kitchen by Oscar Vigdal and

John Polnik with set up, serving and clean up. A very special thank you to all three of you,

Robert, Oscar and John. It is nice to have husbands we can count on!

Our day began with an introduction to the Pearls of Life that I had been working on and adapting from material I found on-line from a Church of Sweden website. This Lutheran prayer bracelet was developed by a former bishop of the Church of Sweden. His explanation of how he came to develop the string of prayer beads (called in Swedish Frälsarkransen literally, “lifebuoy” or Wreath of Christ and now known in English mostly as the Pearls of Life) were read to us by Pastor Rick. I was aided in the introduction by Judy Garlick and by Janice who operated the projector so that we could have illustrations of the individual beads,

Bishop Lönnebo and the sequence of beads. Thanks also to Robert Wettlaufer who loaned his laptop computer and got the power point presentation set up correctly. We appreciated Jan

Schultz securing us the loan of the projector. It would be wonderful if we at Peace could have both a laptop and a power point projector as part of our church’s equipment available to any group needing its use in our church’s worship and study.

Included here are some of the photos taken during the day. We felt blessed to be able to share this inspiring prayer aid with others and felt a bit sad taking down all the 10 stations that had been set up for the prayer walk. Our apologies to others in the congregation who may have been inconvenienced by our rearranging some of the rooms while setting up the stations – especially the counting and Sunday school rooms off the Fellowship Hall.

We all appreciated Janice’s efforts in leading the afternoon workshop whereby attendees could put together their own Pearls of Life prayer bracelets with beads they had gathered at the appropriate stations on the prayer walk. They included one large gold Pearl representing

God at Station 1 (chancel); six oblong Silence Pearls at Station 2 (sacristy); one small “I” or

“Me” Pearl at Station 3 (counting room); one white Baptism Pearl at Station 4 (baptismal font); one sand-coloured Desert Pearl at Station 5 (narthex); one blue Serenity Pearl at

Station 6 (nursery); two red Love Pearls (for Love Received and Love Given) at Station 7

(piano in Fellowship Hall); 3 small Mystery Pearls at Station 8 (Sunday school room); one black Night Pearl in Station 9 (Fireside Room) and one white Resurrection Pearl in Station 10

(sanctuary balcony). The ELW bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall has a display of pictures from the event. Please check it out.

Comments made after the event were unanimous in appreciation for the prayer walk, beading workshop and especially for the very meaningful closing worship service of prayer and Holy Communion, movingly led by Pastor Patricia Giannelia of Christ Lutheran in

Kelowna. We were also grateful for Adele Steinke’s piano accompaniment for all of our hymn singing, both at the morning opening and at the worship service.

Our offering, designated to be divided between the North Okanagan Family Resource Centre and Canadian Lutheran World Relief totalled over $1000.00, with contributions from each women’s group as well as our individual offerings! During a presentation by Jan Schulz,

Executive Director of NOFRC, we were apprised of the good work done in our community and their ongoing need for financial support. Thanks Jan for joining us and making this presentation. Janice Wettlaufer outlined some of the concerns most pressing at Canadian

Lutheran World Relief. We all are very familiar with the wonderful development work that

CLWR does around the world so there was never a question about the need of money to support their mission. Thanks to all who helped out and participated in our event. May your prayer lives be enriched as a result. Thanks be to God!

Respectfully submitted,

Gayle Moore-Morrans, ELW president

M e s s a g e s

From the Community

The venture out to embrace our neighbours through the love of Christ is wonderful , we have tried in numerous ways as a youth, canvassing the city inviting folks to celebrations , to worship and upholding the needy . Wondering whether it wasn’t God who requested of

Solomon to construct a temple wherein to house the Ark of the covenant and Jesus, Mary and Joseph journeying to the Temple? Perhaps we should have more celebrations in order to make folks aware of what the church and congregational worship means to us. Somewhere we have lost the continuity through some of our public school teachers that teach the country is becoming over populated, telling 7th graders which condoms are preferred. Two and 3 dogs as well as other pets are the family now. That Heaven is only a fairy tale, when one dies one is dead. Sadly, not referring to anyone else’s children but our own as well as grandchildren, what might the answer be? Living here, gives me many an opportunity to listen to folks’ yearning for Peace and compassion, sharing what has been my sustenance throughout my life. Praying that each one may have the blessings that only our Lord can give. Sharing my faith and praying can be the only way I know how to reach out.

Thank you for your thoughts as well. Sincerely, Polly


The North Okanagan Valley Gleaners is requiring volunteers at many levels. At the Gleaners

Plant, the Gleaners Store, and for picking produce at designated times. A 4 hour shift is all that is required at the plant or the store. If you feel you could give a little time it would be much appreciated. There is much work and at times it falls on few hands. It is a great way to participate in feeding the hungry of the world. If you require further information, please call either the Plant 250-558-5872 or the Store at 250-549-1123.

Thanks very much,

Eileen Nogue, on behalf of North Okanagan Valley Gleaners Society



In ancient Israel…. it came to pass that a trader by the name of Abraham Com did take unto himself a healthy young wife by the name of Dorothy.

Dot Com was a comely woman, broad of shoulder and long of leg. Indeed, she was often called Amazon Dot Com.


And she said unto Abraham, her husband, "Why dost thou travel so far from town to town with thy goods when thou canst trade without ever leaving thy tent?" 
 Abraham did look at her as though she were several saddle bags short of a camel load, but simply said, "How, dear?" 

Dot replied, "I will place drums in all the towns and drums in between to send messages saying what you have for sale, and they will reply telling you who hath the best price. The sale can be made on the drums and delivery made by Uriah's Pony Stable (UPS)." 
 Abraham thought long and decided he would let Dot have her way with the drums. 

The drums rang out and were an immediate success. Abraham sold all the goods he had at the top price, without ever having to move from his tent.


To prevent neighboring countries from overhearing what the drums were saying, Dot devised a system that only she and the drummers knew. It was known as Must Send Drum Over

Sound (MSDOS), and she also developed a language to transmit ideas and pictures - Hebrew

To The People (HTTP). 

And the young men did take to Dot Com's trading, as doth the greedy horsefly take to camel dung. 
 They were called Nomadic Ecclesiastical Rich Dominican Sybarites, or NERDS. 

And lo, the land was so feverish with joy at the new riches and the deafening sound of drums that no one noticed that the real riches were going to that enterprising drum dealer, Brother

William of Gates, who bought off every drum maker in the land. Indeed he did insist on drums to be made that would work only with Brother Gates' drumheads and drumsticks. 

And Dot did say, "Oh, Abraham, what we have started is being taken over by others." 

Abraham looked out over the Bay of Ezekiel, or eBay as it came to be known.

 He said, "We need a name that reflects what we are." 
 And Dot replied, "Young Ambitious Hebrew

Owner Operators." "YAHOO," said Abraham.

And because it was Dot's idea, they named it YAHOO Dot Com.

 Abraham's cousin, Joshua, being the young Gregarious Energetic Educated Kid (GEEK) that he was, soon started using

Dot's drums to locate things around the countryside.

 It soon became known as God's Own

Official Guide to Locating Everything (GOOGLE).

 That is how it all began.

And that's the truth!


New home for valued youth program thanks to community support

By Charlotte Helston

Renovations to this building, formerly a Lutheran Church, are going along smoothly thanks to the community's generosity.

Image Credit: Contributed

September 15, 2014 - 4:43 PM

VERNON - A former Lutheran Church destined for demolition is instead being reinvented as a residential facility for youth.

Dean Francks, with the North Okanagan Youth and Family Services Society, says the youth program is currently housed in the old pastor's house next to the church. Both buildings were beginning to show their age and the plan was to tear down the church and start fresh.

“Halfway through the process we realized the bones of the (church) building were great,” Francks says. “We started to make a plan to rebuild within those walls.”

The residential program has been serving the community for 40 years. The facility is for children between six and

16 with severe behavioural problems. During their stay, staff also work with the children’s families. The goal is for children to develop the skills needed to handle life at home, at school and in the community.

Coming up with the cash is every non-profit's biggest hurdle, but the community took care of that burden.

“The entire community has been more than generous and essentially made this project a reality. It wouldn’t have happened without them,” Francks says.

Various companies, foundations and community groups infused the project with $150,000. Renovations launched in January, and work is nearing the final stage. The facility will feature eight bedrooms, a recreation area, a large family room, a resource room and an outdoor playground.

“It’s got a really homey feel to it,” Francks says.

A local business is raising money for the final bells and whistles, like the play area. Bean Scene Coffee House is launching a Love Locks fundraiser, inspired by the Ponts des Arts bridge in Paris. Phil Lambert, a long-time supporter of the youth society, saw the bridge on a recent trip and brought the idea home with him. It wasn’t long before he decided to recreate the setting at the back of the Bean Scene, sell locks and give 100 per cent of the proceeds to the North Okanagan Youth and Family Services Society.

“I know they can take the idea and make something bigger out of it than I ever could,” Lambert says. “I believe so much in what they’re doing.”

Participants in the Love Locks fundraiser will affix their lock at the back of the Bean Scene and, for some

Okanagan flair and because there’s no river flowing through downtown Vernon, toss the key into a wine barrel.

Society director Jan Shumay says the community support has been overwhelming.

“We absolutely could not do this without the community. We’re a non-profit and this is only made possible with support from all the people that have been contributing,” Shumay says.

It’s hoped the new facility will open in early October. To donate or get more information, contact Dean Francks at


Instead of being demolished, this old Lutheran Church will see a new chapter added to its history.

Image Credit: Contributed

Special Thank you to those that worked on the quilts Di Koch, Linda wood, Linda Stewart,

Betty Swanson, Mary Kurbis and Karen Vance.


U p c o m i n g E v e n t s

The PLC Crafters will be presenting THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS CRAFT AND BAKE SALE on

Saturday November 8th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church 1204 30th Ave.

Vernon, B.C.

Our volunteer "elves" have been working hard to make all our items for sale. We will have an eclectic mix of all things festive. We have revitalized traditional crafts and given them a recycled twist. There will be live entertainment, a cake walk and a Christmas Cafe where you can relax and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a homemade treat and there will also be delicious baked goods to take home and share with friends and family. We invite you all to bring your neighbors and friends to SHOP, EAT and ENJOY!!! Children are welcome and there is free parking, wheelchair accessible. Donations for the food bank will be gladly accepted and there will be a silent auction for the Movember prostate cancer fund. It will be a fun filled Christmas celebration for the whole community to enjoy!

Now having said all that, we still need help to organize the setup of the church for the event.

Also we would love to give the children something to do while they are there so if anyone wants to help with that we have some ideas. Facepainting could be one of them, having a

Santa would be another. Baking cookies will be done on the 25th of October and we need to have confirmed names of who can be there to help. Decorating the cookies and baking the cupcakes will be done the next week at Peace. If anyone has Christmas decorations for the church that we can borrow to make it festive please contact me. Items can be labeled and returned to you and they can also be picked up for your convenience. Any crafts that you want to donate that are ready made need to be at the church by the end of the month so we can price and organize. I would like to thank everyone who has helped so far and it brings to mind a passage that we are reading at our Renewal and Redevelopment meetings. Luke 10

(1-12) He said to them, "The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few; therefore ask the

Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." Even if you can be there for an hour, it all helps. If you can help in the kitchen on the day or just help where needed, it is all for the good of Peace and our community at large. Thank you again for all your support.

Only 5 weeks left to the event!! My phone number is 250-275-4676 and my email is

. Yours in Service Linda Wood

T h o s e w h o d e s i r e o u r

O n g o i n g P r a y e r s

At home: Jody Aeichele, Weston Beerstra, Jack Edwards, Rainer Heilke, Karen

Lee, Darlene Lenz, Friedel Liefke, Wally Liefke, Ralph Litzenberger, Ian Moore-

Morrans, and Garry Pister. Heron Grove: Maggie Jaeger, Dodie Krusel and Gus

Reich. Polson: Freda Martin. VJH: Erna Redlich California: Regina Spence. Our apologies if we have missed anyone. If you know of someone whose name should be included, please let Pastor or Pam know (250-545-5787).

M e s s a g e

F r o m t h e O f f i c e o

Please forward your submissions for the November newsletter to the church office by Tuesday, November 4

th. o

I have received the renewal for the Canada Lutheran Magazine. The cost is

$17.00 per year. For those that already receive the subscription please let me know (

or 250-545-5787) at your earliest convenience if you would like to continue your subscription and anyone who would like to start I have place the sign up list on the “Sign-Up” Bulletin

Board in the Hall deadline is October 31


. Thank you!


Please start thinking about your Yearend Reports, I would appreciate receiving as many as possible by the end of November. Thank you!

Office Hours: Contact Me:

Tuesday 8:00-12:00

Thursday 8:00-12:00

Friday 9:30 - 1:30

Pam McCreight

Telephone 250-545-5787

