Year 2 Small Animal Medical Nursing and Fluid Therapy 3 Reports 1 Small Animal Fluid therapy(48) 2 Case reports; Small Animal Medical Nursing (49,50) 8 Worksheets 2 Small Animal Fluid management cases (51-58) 6 Records of Small Animal Medical cases (59-70) Small Animal Surgical Nursing and Anaesthesia 3 Reports 1 Small Animal Anaesthetic equipment (71) 2 Case reports; Small Animal Surgical Nursing (72,73) 8 Worksheets 4 Records of Small Animal Surgical cases (74-81) 1 Small Animal Theatre practice (82,83) 1 Sterilisation using an autoclave (84,85) 2 Small Animal Anaesthetic monitoring charts (86,87) Exotics 2 Worksheets 2 Records of exotic cases (88-91) Structure of the Profession and Ethics 2 Worksheets 1 Specialist areas in the veterinary/veterinary nursing professions (92,93) 1 Procedure in the event of notifiable disease outbreak (94,95) Small Animal Fluid Therapy This report should be approximately 500 words and address issues relating to administration of fluid therapy to small animals as listed below. Assessment of hydration status Reasons for giving fluids Choice of fluid types available Reasons for use of particular fluid types in different situations Possible routes of administration Calculation of volume of fluid needed To correct dehydration deficit Maintenance requirement Ongoing losses Rate of administration Signs of volume overload The report should follow the structure outlined above. 48 Guidelines for Case Reports: Small Animal Medical Nursing Two Case Reports; Case 1 and Case 2 As listed in your portfolio, you have to submit a series of case reports during your training. The aim of these reports is to facilitate more in depth thought and discussion about nursing techniques that were, or could have been, employed in your selected cases. Although it may be necessary to include your observations on the veterinary approach to diagnosis and treatment, these reports should be written from a nursing viewpoint. Selected cases should be followed from admission through to conclusion. If you are not able to be present in each section of the treatment, the information must be obtained from someone who was. You should follow the structure outlined below. Please title your reports Case 1 and Case 2. Case Report Structure 1. Animal profile; breed, sex, age, general condition. 2. Brief information on the presenting problem, case history, preliminary and/or final diagnosis reached. 3. Diagnostic procedures, instructions. surgical procedures and treatment 4. Brief daily hospitalisation record; weight, food and water intake, TPR etc. Include only the details and explanations of any abnormal findings. 5. Preparation for procedures i.e. feeding/starving, clipping, dressings, fluid therapy, premedication, enemas, diagnostic tests etc. 49 6. Concise and clear description of procedures carried out, emphasising nursing procedures; instrumentation, skin preparation, draping, atheterisation etc. 7. Post-procedure management; analgesia, dressings, feeding regime, physiotherapy, medication etc. 8. Conclusion; an opportunity for you to critically appraise the nursing protocols applied in the case and to offer ideas for alternative nursing care that may have been appropriate. Case reports should be approximately 500 words and be clearly presented. 50 Small Animal Fluid Management; Case 1 Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Admitted ______________ Brief clinical history and reasons for fluid therapy Type of fluid given and reasons for choice of fluid Route of fluid administration and reasons for this choice 51 Calculations and total volume of fluid given Rate of administration/drip rate Comment on urine output Fluid monitoring chart included; Yes / No Trainee Signature 52 Daily Fluid Chart Case Details; Intake Date and Time Output Fluid Type Total Intake: Volume Route Additions Date and Time Type and Route Estimated volume Total Output: 53 Notes for use of fluid charts The fluid requirement of a patient is at least 50 ml/Kg/day, plus potassium at 2 mEq/Kg/day. The charts should be used for all patients on fluid therapy for longer than 6-8 hours. If possible use a new chart each day. Total up the intake and output daily so that deficits may be estimated. Each time a new bag of fluids is started enter: date time type of fluid ( LRS, Saline, Haemaccell etc.) route of administration any additions to the fluid (potassium, dextrose etc.) Measure all water by oral route and estimate volume taken in. Record urination, defecation, vomition etc. in output columns. Estimate a loss of 5 ml / Kg per vomit 54 Small Animal Fluid Management; Case 2 Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Admitted ______________ Brief clinical history and reasons for fluid therapy Type of fluid given and reasons for choice of fluid Route of fluid administration and reasons for this choice 55 Calculations and total volume of fluid given Rate of administration/drip rate Comment on urine output Fluid monitoring chart included; Yes / No Trainee Signature 56 Daily Fluid Chart Case Details; Intake Date and Time Output Fluid Type Total Intake: Volume Route Additions Date and Time Type and Route Estimated volume Total Output: 57 Notes for use of fluid charts The fluid requirement of a patient is at least 50 ml/Kg/day, plus potassium at 2 mEq/Kg/day. The charts should be used for all patients on fluid therapy for longer than 6-8 hours. If possible use a new chart each day. Total up the intake and output daily so that deficits may be estimated. Each time a new bag of fluids is started enter: date time type of fluid ( LRS, Saline, Haemaccell etc.) route of administration any additions to the fluid (potassium, dextrose etc.) Measure all water by oral route and estimate volume taken in. Record urination, defecation, vomition etc. in output columns. Estimate a loss of 5 ml / Kg per vomit 58 Small Animal Medical Case Record; Case 1 Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Admitted ______________ Major presenting problem Brief clinical history and reason(s) for hospitalisation Diagnostic tests; procedures, results and significance 59 Details of hospital accommodation (cleaning, bedding etc) Medical nursing To include; medication, fluid therapy, dietary management and general nursing Other nursing information e.g. long term management, discharge advice Trainee Signature 60 Small Animal Medical Case Record; Case 2 Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Admitted ______________ Major presenting problem Brief clinical history and reason(s) for hospitalisation Diagnostic tests; procedures, results and significance 61 Details of hospital accommodation (cleaning, bedding etc) Medical nursing To include; medication, fluid therapy, dietary management and general nursing Other nursing information e.g. long term management, discharge advice Trainee Signature 62 Small Animal Medical Case Record; Case 3 Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Admitted ______________ Major presenting problem Brief clinical history and reason(s) for hospitalisation Diagnostic tests; procedures, results and significance 63 Details of hospital accommodation (cleaning, bedding etc) Medical nursing To include; medication, fluid therapy, dietary management and general nursing Other nursing information e.g. long term management, discharge advice Trainee Signature 64 Small Animal Medical Case Record; Case 4 Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Admitted ______________ Major presenting problem Brief clinical history and reason(s) for hospitalisation Diagnostic tests; procedures, results and significance 65 Details of hospital accommodation (cleaning, bedding etc) Medical nursing To include; medication, fluid therapy, dietary management and general nursing Other nursing information e.g. long term management, discharge advice Trainee Signature 66 Small Animal Medical Case Record; Case 5 Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Admitted ______________ Major presenting problem Brief clinical history and reason(s) for hospitalisation Diagnostic tests; procedures, results and significance 67 Details of hospital accommodation (cleaning, bedding etc) Medical nursing To include; medication, fluid therapy, dietary management and general nursing Other nursing information e.g. long term management, discharge advice Trainee Signature 68 Small Animal Medical Case Record; Case 6 Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Admitted ______________ Major presenting problem Brief clinical history and reason(s) for hospitalisation Diagnostic tests; procedures, results and significance 69 Details of hospital accommodation (cleaning, bedding etc) Medical nursing To include; medication, fluid therapy, dietary management and general nursing Other nursing information e.g. long term management, discharge advice Trainee Signature 70 Small Animal Anaesthetic Equipment This report should be approximately 500 words and address issues relating to anaesthetic equipment as listed below. Equipment to be prepared prior to induction of anaesthesia Equipment required for maintenance of anaesthesia, including a brief outline of different types of circuit available Equipment required for monitoring of anaesthesia Contents of anaesthetic emergency box The report should follow the structure outlined above. 71 Guidelines for Case Reports: Small Animal Surgical Nursing Two Case Reports; Case 1 and Case 2 As listed in your portfolio, you have to submit a series of case reports during your training. The aim of these reports is to facilitate more in depth thought and discussion about nursing techniques that were, or could have been, employed in your selected cases. Although it may be necessary to include your observations on the veterinary approach to diagnosis and treatment, these reports should be written from a nursing viewpoint. Selected cases should be followed from admission through to conclusion. If you are not able to be present in each section of the treatment, the information must be obtained from someone who was. You should follow the structure outlined below. Please title your reports Case 1 and Case 2 Case Report Structure 1. Animal profile; breed, sex, age, general condition. 2. Brief information on the presenting problem, case history, preliminary and/or final diagnosis reached. 3. Diagnostic procedures, surgical procedures and treatment instructions. 4. Brief daily hospitalisation record; weight, food and water intake, TPR etc. Include only the details and explanations of any abnormal findings. 5. Preparation for procedures i.e. feeding/starving, clipping, dressings, fluid therapy, premedication, enemas, diagnostic tests etc. 72 6. Concise and clear description of procedures carried out, emphasising nursing procedures; instrumentation, skin preparation, draping, catheterisation etc. 7. Post-procedure management; analgesia, dressings, feeding regime, physiotherapy, medication etc. 8. Conclusion; an opportunity for you to critically appraise the nursing protocols applied in the case and to offer ideas for alternative nursing care that may have been appropriate. Case reports should be approximately 500 words and be clearly presented. 73 Small Animal Surgical Case Record; Case 1 Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Admitted ______________ Major presenting problem Brief clinical history and reason(s) for surgery Diagnostic tests (if applicable) Patient preparation 74 Surgical nursing To include; medication, fluid therapy, analgesia, anaesthesia used Instrumentation/equipment used Discharge instructions Trainee Signature 75 Small Animal Surgical Case Record; Case 2 Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Admitted ______________ Major presenting problem Brief clinical history and reason(s) for surgery Diagnostic tests (if applicable) Patient preparation 76 Surgical nursing To include; medication, fluid therapy, analgesia, anaesthesia used Instrumentation/equipment used Discharge instructions Trainee Signature 77 Small Animal Surgical Case Record; Case 3 Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Admitted ______________ Major presenting problem Brief clinical history and reason(s) for surgery Diagnostic tests (if applicable) Patient preparation 78 Surgical nursing To include; medication, fluid therapy, analgesia, anaesthesia used Instrumentation/equipment used Discharge instructions Trainee Signature 79 Small Animal Surgical Case Record; Case 4 Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Admitted ______________ Major presenting problem Brief clinical history and reason(s) for surgery Diagnostic tests (if applicable) Patient preparation 80 Surgical nursing To include; medication, fluid therapy, analgesia, anaesthesia used Instrumentation/equipment used Discharge instructions Trainee Signature 81 Small Animal Theatre Practice Trainee Name _______________________ Routine procedures carried out to ensure asepsis in theatre Daily; Weekly; Monthly; 82 Protocol to be adopted during surgery for maintaining sterility Pre-operatively; Intra-operatively; Post-operatively; Trainee Signature 83 Sterilisation Using an Autoclave Trainee Name _______________________ Type of autoclave used Equipment types that can be sterilised using this autoclave Materials used for packaging Exact procedure for operating the autoclave a. item sterilised procedure working pressure temperature sterilising time 84 Exact procedure for operating the autoclave b. item sterilised procedure working pressure temperature sterilising time Two other methods of sterilisation that can also be used for one of the items above Compare these two methods to the autoclave with regard to efficacy, cost, convenience etc Trainee Signature 85 Anaesthetic Monitoring Chart; Small Animal Case 1 Copy of chart as used in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital 86 Anaesthetic Monitoring Chart; Small Animal Case 2 Copy of chart as used in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital 87 Exotic Case Record; Case 1 Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Admitted ______________ Major Presenting Problem Brief Clinical History Details of husbandry at home; diet, housing, ventilation etc 88 Handling techniques Nursing care To include; medication, reduction of stress on the animal, dietary management and general nursing Other Nursing Information e.g. long term management, discharge advice Trainee Signature 89 Exotic Case Record; Case 2 Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Admitted ______________ Major Presenting Problem Brief Clinical History Details of husbandry at home; diet, housing, ventilation etc 90 Handling techniques Nursing care To include; medication, reduction of stress on the animal, dietary management and general nursing Other Nursing Information e.g. long term management, discharge advice Trainee Signature 91 Study of Specialist Areas in the Veterinary and Veterinary Nursing Professions Trainee Name _______________________ Specialist area examined e.g. referral centre, commercial, government offices Brief outline of veterinary involvement in this area Veterinary nursing involvement/potential for involvement in this area 92 Potential career development for veterinary nurses in this area Comparison with role of veterinary nurse in general practice Areas of veterinary nurse training which are particularly helpful in the chosen specialist area Trainee Signature 93 Procedure in the Event of Notifiable Disease Outbreak Trainee Name _______________________ Case Details Species _________________ Breed _________________ Sex __________ Age ___________ Weight ___________ Date Examined ______________ Brief clinical history Samples taken and diagnostic tests performed (if applicable) Isolation procedures for affected animal(s) 94 Health and safety precautions taken Government department informed Action taken Outcome of event Trainee Signature 95