Nutrition In Pregnancy: The Basics

Nutrition In Pregnancy: The Basics
Congratulations!! Now that you are pregnant you want to eat right for you and your
baby; but there is so much information out there! What are the most important
things to know? The following is a guide to some of the basic questions you may find
yourself asking.
How much weight should I gain?
 Recommendations are based on a woman’s pre-pregnancy weight for height, or
Body Mass Index (BMI).
 For a healthy pre-pregnancy BMI: recommended weight gain is 25-35# total by
40 weeks. (Recommended rate of 1#/wk throughout the second and third
 Twin pregnancy: overall weight gain of 37-54# is recommended. (Recommended
rate of 1.5#/wk throughout the second and third trimesters).
What are my energy requirements?
 NRC recommends +300 calories/day throughout the second and third trimesters.
 For twin pregnancy: +150 calories/day above the needs of a singleton pregnancy.
(Or 450-500 extra calories/day).
Since the calorie needs don’t go up THAT much, WHAT you eat becomes more
important than simply HOW MUCH.
What are my protein requirements?
 +10 g/day above regular needs (or minimum of 71g/day).
 This equates to 3-4 servings/day
 A serving is:
o 3 oz meat/fish/poultry
o 1 cup dried beans
o 3-4 T nuts or peanut butter
o 2 eggs
o 4-6 oz tofu or soy protein
o ½ cup cottage cheese
It’s a good idea to sprinkle a little protein into each meal and snack. (Every 3-4 hours or
so). In this way, you will meet your protein needs without ever having to eat a very large
portion at one time. It can also help keep your energy level stable, and reduce the risk of
heartburn! A few ways to add protein rich snacks to your day:
Make a trail mix out of your favorite cereal and dry roasted nuts or seeds
Carry individually wrapped cheese sticks to have along with fruit or crackers
Dip raw carrot sticks or apple slices into peanut butter or cottage cheese
Spread pita wedges or whole grain crackers with a bean dip or hummus.
What are my vitamin and mineral requirements?
 Calcium
o Daily Reference Intake (DRI): 1000 mg/day.
o This equates to 3-4 servings/day
o A serving is:
 1 cup milk or calcium fortified juice or soy milk
 1.5-2 oz hard cheese
 1 cup yogurt
 1-1.5 cups pudding or ice cream
 Calcium from vegetables is harder to absorb.
 Folic Acid
o The Institute of Medicine recommends all women capable of becoming
pregnant should consume a supplement containing 400 mcg of folic acid
in addition to folate found in foods.
o DRI: 600 mcg/day
o Food sources of folate:
 Fortified cereals
 Legumes
 Orange juice
 Spinach
 Asparagus
 Iron
o DRI: 27 mg/day
o The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) recommends a supplement
with 30 mg/day after 12th week for most people. (Ask your OB)
o Iron content of foods:
 > 5 mg/serving: 3 oz liver*, 1 oz fortified cereals w/> 45% Daily
 3-5 mg/serving: 3 oz beef, 1 cup legumes
 1-3 mg/serving: 4-5 pieces dried fruit, 1 egg yolk, 3 oz
* Liver is very rich in Vitamin A so it is recommended to limit the
amount of liver to occasional use only. Keep the amount of
Vitamin A from supplements and fortified foods to a maximum of
5000 IU/day. It is ok to eat beta-carotene, the form of Vitamin A
from fruits and vegetables, in unlimited amounts, as the body will
convert it only as needed. Choose a variety of brightly colored
fruits and vegetables!
While eating nutritious foods is important during pregnancy, it is equally important
to protect yourself from harmful bacteria and pathogens that can make you or your
baby sick.
What are the food safety basics?
 Wash your hands before preparing food, before meals and after handling raw
meats or using the bathroom.
 Cook meat and poultry until well done.
 Reheat leftovers and Ready To Eat foods like deli meats and hot dogs.
 Wash fruits and vegetable under running water.
 Avoid cheeses and other products made from unpasteurized milk. Ask in
restaurants if you are not sure. Some potentially unpasteurized cheeses: feta, blueveined cheeses, Brie and Camembert. Avoid unpasteurized juices as well such as
freshly squeezed apple cider.
 Avoid raw eggs and raw egg products. (Raw cookie dough or cake batter, double
check Caesar salad dressings)
 Store and maintain foods properly; refrigerate promptly, follow expiration dates.
What about fish?
Fish and seafood are excellent low-fat sources of many nutrients including protein,
omega-3 fatty acids and minerals such as calcium and zinc. There are a few types of fish,
however, that pregnant and breastfeeding women should not eat due to their potential
higher content of 2 pollutants: methyl mercury and PCB’s (polychlorinated biphenyls).
What to avoid?
 Shark, Swordfish, King Mackerel, Tilefish, and Tuna Steak. These long-lived fish
contain the highest levels of methyl mercury, which may harm an unborn baby’s
developing nervous system.
 Freshwater fish (trout, for example) caught in local ponds, rivers, and streams.
 Limit the use of canned tuna. While it is below the limit for mercury, to be safe
use on occasion, and choose chunk light vs. white albacore for the lowest levels.
It is safe to select a variety of other types of fish: well-cooked shellfish, smaller ocean
fish or farm raised fish. It is safe to eat 12 ounces of cooked fish/week, with a typical
serving size being 3-6 ounces.
Those are the basics for a healthy, safe and nutritious pregnancy! For more
information individually tailored to you, consult your OB and Registered Dietitian!
SN MGH Nutrition Services updated 7/09