Post Title:
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Service Hours:
Managerially Accountable to:
Team Manager / Team Co-ordinator
Professionally accountable to:
Head of Nursing
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Liaises with: -
Other team members, including, where applicable, the
Consultant psychiatrists, psychologists and members of
other disciplines and agencies responsible for a client’s
To provide highly specialist behavioural, cognitive behavioural and other psychological
services to clients of the service team, across all sectors of care; providing highly specialist
psychological assessment and therapy at the same time as offering advice and consultation
on clients’ psychological care to other colleagues and non professional carers, working
autonomously within professional guidelines and the overall framework of the team’s policies
and procedures. To participate in audit, policy and service development and research within
the area served by the team/service. To develop and deliver training programmes to people
within the trust, external organisations and carers. To propose and implement policy changes
within the area served by the team/service.
The post-holder may on a daily basis be exposed to the following:
Risk from service users and their relatives, including verbal and physical aggression
Exposure to bodily fluids (saliva / urine / faeces/ blood / infection)
Prolonged use of VDU
Lone working in community settings
Sitting in cramped position during prolonged assessment and therapy
Frequent driving
To provide specialist psychological assessments of clients referred to the team
based upon the appropriate use, interpretation and integration of complex data
from a variety of sources including self-report measures, rating scales, direct and
indirect structured observations and semi-structured interviews with clients, family
members and others involved in the client’s care.
2. To formulate and implement plans for the formal psychological treatment and/or
management of a client’s mental health problems, based upon an appropriate
conceptual framework of the client’s problems, and employing methods based
upon evidence of efficacy, across the full range of care settings.
To be responsible for implementing a range of psychological interventions for
individuals, carers, families and groups, within and across teams employed
individually and in synthesis, adjusting and refining psychological formulations
drawing upon different explanatory models and maintaining a number of
provisional hypotheses.
To evaluate and make decisions about treatment options taking into account
both theoretical and therapeutic models and highly complex factors concerning
historical and developmental processes that have shaped the individual, family or
To exercise autonomous professional responsibility for the assessment,
treatment and discharge of clients whose problems are managed by
psychologically based care plans, ensuring appropriate assessment, formulation
and interventions, communicating with the referral agent and others involved with
the care on a regular basis.
To provide specialist psychological advice guidance and consultation to other
professionals contributing directly to clients’ formulation, diagnosis and treatment
To contribute directly and indirectly to a psychologically based framework of
understanding and care to the benefit of all clients of the service, across all
settings and agencies serving the client group.
To undertake risk assessment and risk management for individual clients and to
provide advice to other professions on psychological aspects of risk assessment
and risk management.
To act as care coordinator, ensuring the provision of a care package appropriate
for the clients needs, coordinating the work of others involved with care, taking
responsibility for arranging CPA reviews as required and communicating
effectively with the client, his/her family and all others involved in the network of
care, and to monitor progress during the course of multi-disciplinary interventions.
10. To communicate in a skilled and sensitive manner, information concerning the
assessment, formulation and treatment plans of clients under their care and to
monitor progress during the course of both uni- and multi-disciplinary care.
11. To provide expertise, advice and support to facilitate the effective and
appropriate provision of psychological care by all members of the treatment team.
Teaching, training, and supervision
To receive regular clinical professional supervision from a consultant clinical
psychologist, or their delegated representative and, where appropriate, other
senior professional colleagues.
To gain additional highly specialist experience and skills relevant to the role of
clinical nurse specialist and/or the service (as agreed with the professional
psychology manager) up to two sessions per week [pro rata].
To provide direct clinical supervision to student nurses and assistant
psychologists. Providing them with opportunities to work under supervision with
service users and supervising them in the admistration and interpretation of test
To provide advice, consultation and training to staff working with the client group
across a range of agencies and settings, where appropriate.
Management, recruitment, policy and service development
To develop skills in organisational issues and contribute to the development,
evaluation and monitoring of the team’s operational policies and services, through
the deployment of professional skills in research, service evaluation and audit.
2. To advise both service and professional management on those aspects of the
service where psychological and/or organisational matters need addressing.
3. To manage the workloads of assistant psychologists within the framework of the
team/service’s policies and procedures.
4. To be involved, as appropriate, in the short listing and interviewing of assistant
5. To undertake performance reviews for all team members on an annual basis
ensuring feedback on performance is given at regular intervals throughout the
6. To promote the principles of Improving Working Lives amongst your team
ensuring fairness and equity.
7. Communicate effectively with your team on a timely basis ensuring robust
systems exist so that staff feel informed.
8. To have responsibility for risk management and health and safety in the
IT responsibilities
To be fully competent in the use of Information Technology to support client
work, research, service evaluation and audit, including as a minimum the use of
Word and PowerPoint, and to be able to process and manage data and
information effectively.
To be able to communicate effectively using Information Technology.
To be fully competent in using Information Technology to electronically search
and gather relevant information related to psychological assessment and
Research and service evaluation
To utilise theory, evidence-based literature and research to support evidence
based practice in individual work and work with other team members.
To undertake appropriate research and provide research advice to other staff
undertaking research.
To undertake project management, including complex audit and service
evaluation, with colleagues within the service to help develop service provision.
To contribute to the development and maintenance of the highest professional
standards of practice, through active participation in internal and external CPD
training and development programmes, in consultation with the potholder’s
professional and service manager(s).
To contribute to the development and articulation of best practice in psychology
across the service, by continuing to develop the skills of a reflexive and reflective
scientist practitioner, taking part in regular professional supervision and appraisal
and maintaining an active engagement with current developments in the field of
nursing, clinical psychology and related disciplines.
To take part in psychology department meetings and professional activities as a
member of the Clinical Psychology Service.
To maintain the highest standards of clinical record keeping including electronic
data entry and recording, report writing and the responsible exercise of
professional self-governance in accordance with professional codes of practice of
the British Psychological Society, the Royal College of Nursing and Trust policies
and procedures.
To maintain up to date knowledge of legislation, national and local policies and
issues in relation to both the specific client group and mental health.
To fully participate in the Trust’s performance review and personal development
planning process on an annual basis.
Undertake training as necessary in line with the development of the post and as
agreed with line manager as part of the personal development planning process.
To achieve and demonstrate agreed standards of personal and professional
development within agreed timescales.
To contribute positively to the effectiveness and efficiency of the teams in which
he/she works.
To undertake any other duties at the request of the line manager which are
commensurate with the role, including project work, internal job rotation and
absence cover.
10. To contribute to a healthy and safe working environment by adhering to health
and safety regulations and Trust policies.
Agreed by:
Manager………………………………………………… Date ……………………….
Post Holder …………………………………………... Date ……………………….
Job title: - Clinical Nurse Specialist
Registered nurse – Learning disabilities
with Post-graduate MSc level training in
behavioural/ cognitive behavioural
therapies or equivalent qualification as
accredited by the Nursing and
Midwifery Council.
Registered Nurse – Mental
Experience of specialist psychological
assessment and treatment of clients
across the full range of care settings,
including outpatient, community,
primary care and in patient settings.
Experience of teaching,
training and/or supervision.
Application form / CV
/ references
Training and qualifications in
research methodology, staff
training and/or other fields of
applied psychology.
Application form / CV
/ interview /
Experience of the application
of psychological theory in
different cultural contexts.
Experience of working with a wide
variety of client groups, across the
whole life course presenting problems
that reflect the full range of clinical
severity including maintaining a high
degree of professionalism in the face of
highly emotive and distressing
problems, verbal abuse and the threat
of physical abuse.
Demonstrate further specialist
training/experience through having
received a minimum of 50 hours clinical
supervision of working as a Clinical
nurse specialist over a minimum of 18
months, or an alternative agreed by the
Headof Psychology/Team Leader. This
may include supervision in a specific
modality, case presentations, group
supervision and will be supported by
short courses as appropriate.
Assessed at
interview after at
least 18 months in
specialist post and
by supervision
record / CPD log and
Experience of exercising full clinical
responsibility, and accountable for own
professional actions for clients’
psychological care and treatment, both
as a professionally qualified care
coordinator and also within the context
of a multidisciplinary care plan.
Experience of representing Nursing and
psychology within the context of multidisciplinary care.
Experience of undertaking research,
service evaluation and audit and verbal
and written dissemination of findings.
Skills in the use of complex methods of
psychological assessment intervention
and management frequently requiring
sustained and intense concentration.
Well developed skills in the ability to
communicate effectively, orally and in
writing, complex, highly technical and/or
clinically sensitive information to clients,
Knowledge of the theory and
practice of specialised
psychological therapies in
specific difficult to treat groups
(e.g. personality disorder, dual
diagnoses, people with
additional disabilities etc).
High level knowledge of the
Application Form /
CV / Interview /
their families, carers and other
professional colleagues both within and
outside the NHS. This will include the
ability to communicate effectively with
people who are either highly emotional,
antagonistic or who have barriers to
understanding written and verbal
theory and practice of at least
two specialised psychological
Knowledge of legislation in
relation to the client group and
mental health.
Skills in managing and prioritising client
related and service related work.
Skills in providing consultation to other
professional and non-professional
Skills and sensitivity and the ability to
negotiate with clients, relatives and
other professionals where opinions
Post graduate level knowledge of
research methodology, research design
and complex, multivariate data analysis
as practiced within the clinical fields of
Evidence of statutory and mandatory
training as required by the Trust e.g.
dealing with violence and aggression,
CPA, Adult Protection, Child Protection,
Manual Handling.
Evidence of continuing professional
development as recommended by the
Ability to teach and train others, using a
variety of complex multi-media
materials suitable for presentations
within public, professional and
academic settings.
Ability to identify and employ
mechanisms of clinical governance as
appropriate, to support and maintain
clinical practice in the face of regular
exposure to highly emotive material and
challenging behaviour.
Mobility to travel across sites.
Experience of working within a
multicultural framework.