9:30 9:45 10:15 10:45 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 2:00 2:15 2:45 3:15 3:45 4:00 4:30 5:00 7:30 Tuesday, August 14 Vegetation Dynamics and Climate Change Session 1 Setting the scene: current conceptual & modelling approaches to the climate-land surface link and Roger Gifford vegetation dynamics (3 hrs) Eva Kowalzyck Land cover coupling to the What attributes of vegetation and soil are being included as feedbacks of (CMAR) climate system terrestrial ecosystems onto the climate system in current generation Australian GCMs? Steve Roxburgh A modelling perspective for How do LPJ and other DGVM approaches simplify the complex reality? Are (UNSW, Bushfire CRC, framing thoughts on vegetation they suitable for Australian ecosystems? Can they assist the management and Ensis’) composition dynamics in relation of Australian vegetation under continuous climatic change? to climate change Morning Tea Break – 15 minutes Mark Westoby The potential utility of, and How can the diversity of species and their responses to climate change (Macquarie developments in, the plant variables be effectively simplified for modelling purposes? University) functional type concept. Dave Hilbert (CSIRO Regional modelling of vegetation What modelling approaches have been adopted for representing Atherton) distribution in Australia. vegetation distribution at a regional level and how can they be used in studies if vegetation-climate change interactions. Gary Richards Next decade research needs for To help position Australian land managers for adapting land based (NCAS, AGO) managing the climate/vegetation systems to climate change impacts, broadly, what areas of information nexus in Australia: An NCAS/AGO and understanding are most required that should dictate research over view. the next decade? General Discussion Lunch – 1 hour Session 2 Taking stock: Processes that shape the nature and distribution of Australian vegetation John Raison communities (3 hours) Robert Hill Climate & atmospheric What has been the role of past climate and atmospheric composition on (University of composition: palaeo-evidence the evolution of the present broad distribution of vegetation communities Adelaide) in Australia? Neil McKenzie (CLW) Soils and Nutrients How important are soil type, nutrient-regime, position in landscape, etc for shaping current vegetation distribution? Ross Bradstock, Fire Is fire more than a response/recovery cycle or do historical patterns, (Bushfire CRC) frequency and intensity of fires shape current vegetation distributions? Afternoon Tea Break – 15 minutes Andrew Sheppard Herbivory How influential are each of native, exotic and domestic-mammal (CSIRO Entomology) herbivory on shaping Australian vegetation distributions? Josh Dorrough Human land management & Beyond the dramatic land cover changes of deforestation and land use (CSIRO) impacts change, are land management activities such as grazing of woodland and rangeland management impacting on vegetation cover? General Discussion Workshop dinner – Theatre Vivaldi, Acton (?) 1 9:00 9:15 9:45 10:15 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 1:00 1:15 1:45 2:15 2:45 3:00 6:00 Wednesday, August 15 Vegetation Dynamics and Climate Change Session 3 Potential futures: Vulnerability of, and change in, vegetation composition and condition and Mark Westoby ecosystem function under climate change (2.5 hours) Graham Farquhar The changing atmosphere What ramifications are being observed and expected for Australian (ANU RSBS) ecosystems from the changes in CO2 concentration, N deposition, dimming, temperature and rainfall? Rod Fensham Impact of climate trends and In a warming and potentially more variable climate, probably with more (Queensland extremes intense extremes, will redistribution of vegetation types occur and over Herbarium) what timescale? Morning Tea Break – 15 minutes TBA Human adaptation of land Are changes in land management practice likely or able to be changed in management ways that will affect changes in vegetation distribution? Geoff Cary (Bushfire Changed fire patterns, frequency Will changes in fire patterns, frequency or intensity likely to be significant CRC) and intensity enough to change vegetation distribution? Andy Pitman (UNSW) Data and research needs for What will be needed, and what needs to be set in place soon to obtain and Jason Beringer validating an Australian DGVM long data runs, for validation of DGVMs? (Monash Univ) Lunch – 1 hour Session 4 Biogeochemical cycles: Potential effects of future vegetation dynamics on carbon and nutrient Andy Pitman cycling in the whole ecosystem, and on hydrology (2 hrs) Roger Gifford and Biomass and soil carbon How will climate change alter the stocks of vegetation carbon? How will John Raison the balance between inputs to soil carbon and losses of soil carbon (soil C turnover) be affected by climate change? Derek Eamus, UTS Hydrology Will changed patterns of rainfall and other plant responses to climate change affect changes in vegetation distribution? Belinda Medlyn Nutrient cycling Will changed vegetation distribution and carbon cycling under climate change effect change in nutrient cycling? Afternoon Tea Break – 15 minutes Session 5 Structured general discussion of the way forwards for a decadal plan. (3 hrs) Will Steffen What is missing, or most needs stronger research emphasis, in current treatments of the land surface-climate coupling that is required for - predicting future climates, - predicting impacts of climate change on vegetation, - managing the adaptation of vegetation-based systems to climate change in the context of other changes? What should be the decadal priorities for research to fill these gaps? What are the short term needs to position us to service those longer term priorities? Should the workshop establish a future specialist reference group on this topic? Workshop ends 2