LAKE FOREST HIGH SCHOOL 5407 KILLENS POND ROAD, FELTON, DE 19943 OFFICE ..........................................................(302) 284-9291 OFFICE FAX .................................................(302) 284-5833 AGRISCIENCE DEPARTMENT .................(302) 284-9291 X276 AQUATICS ...................................................(302) 284-9816 ATHLETIC DIRECTOR ...............................(302) 284-9291 X531 ATHLETIC TRAINER ..................................(302) 284-9291 X534 GREENHOUSE .............................................(302) 284-3434 GUIDANCE ...................................................(302) 284-5834 NURSE ..........................................................(302) 284-3550 SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER ................(302) 284-9291 X609 WELLNESS CENTER ..................................(302) 284-3800 This handbook is designed to guide and assist students and parents alike. The handbook outlines many of our school procedures and contains the Lake Forest School District 2015 - 2016 calendar. Replacement cost for a handbook is $10.00. A student is not permitted to use another student’s handbook. It is hoped that both students and parents will find the handbook to be useful and serve as a basis of cooperation for all involved in the education of a student. The handbook is not all inclusive of every policy, procedure or practice of Lake Forest High School. Lake Forest School District Policies can be found at or in a separate publication, the Lake Forest High School Policies Manual, which has been made available to all Lake Forest High School students and their families. 1 LAKE FOREST NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: Lake Forest School District does not discriminate in employment or in educational programs, services or activities based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in accordance with state and federal laws. Inquiries should be directed to the Assistant for Administrative Services or the Supervisor of Federal Programs at the Lake Forest Central Business Office, 5423 Killens Pond Road, Felton, DE 19943. Phone 302-284-3020. Persons with disabilities or other special needs are encouraged to make contact as soon as possible, in order that reasonable accommodations can be made. SEXUAL HARRASSMENT: Sexual Harassment contact persons are: Personnel Supervisor and Transportation Supervisor. Title IX Coordinator: Personnel Supervisor 302-284-3020, Ext. - 123 Transportation Supervisor: Mr. John Barr 302-284-3020, Ext. - 125 2 3 Lake Forest High School Alma Mater Lake Forest High, your fields and trees are golden From sun and smiles of dreams and plans of youth Your sons and daughters hold you dear as memories Begin to grow and flourish with God’s truth Our lives are rich because of your sweet guidance Our lives enriched because of your sound plea That we grow strong and wise, more noble on our way, ‘Tis here, ‘tis here, Lake Forest, here our hearts will be. 4 5 2015 – 2016 A/B CALENDAR 6 2015 - 2016 Bell Schedules 7 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 Student Vehicles/Driving Chapter 1 – HEALTH and Privileges ..................................................................... 13 SAFETY Athletic Trainer ……… Dress Code................................................................... 14 School Nurse .............................................................. Discipline 8 Policy.......................................................... 14 Wellness Center ......................................................... Search and 8 Seizure....................................................... 14 School Resource Officer ............................................. School Lockers 8 ............................................................ 14 Emergency School Closings ...................................... Student Vehicles 8 on School Property ....................................................................... 14 SRO Involvement in school ......................................... 14 Chapter 2 – EXPECTATIONS Drug and Alcohol Policy ............................................. 15 and RESPONSIBILITIES Code of Conduct ........................................................ Communication 8 Device Policy .................................... 15 Reporting to Parents ................................................... Trespassing 9 .................................................................. 15 Visiting Your Schools ................................................. Assemblies 9 ................................................................... 15 Resolving Problems .................................................... Hall Passes 9 ................................................................... 15 Student Grievance ....................................................... 9 Chapter 6 – ACTIVITIES and Chapter 3 – GUIDANCE and ATHLETICS Clubs/Activities ........................................................... 15 ACADEMICS Guidance Department ................................................. Athletic Code 9 of Conduct ............................................ 16 School Counselors....................................................... Athletics10 ....................................................................... 16 Student Success Plan (SSP) ........................................ 10 Student Scheduling ..................................................... Chapter 10 7 – POSITIVE Student Initiated Changes ........................................... 10 SUPPORT (PBS) BEHAVIOR Partial Credit ............................................................... DE-PBS 10 at LFHS ......................................................... 16 Pathways ..................................................................... 2014 – 2015 10 PBS Events/Dates ................................... 17 Grading ....................................................................... LFHS PBS 10 Behavior Expectation Graduation Requirements ........................................... Matrix .......................................................................... 11 18 Honor Roll .................................................................. 11 Academic Awards ....................................................... Chapter 11 8 – OTHER Summer School Child Nutrition Services .............................................. 19 Eligibility/Requirements ............................................. Recycling11Program ...................................................... 19 Credit Recovery .......................................................... Debt Procedures 11 ........................................................... 19 Academic Eligibility for ExtraFERPA......................................................................... 20 curricular ..................................................................... PPRA ........................................................................... 12 20 Internet Policy ............................................................. Compliance 12 with Asbestos Hazard Library/Media Center .................................................. Emergency 12 Response Act ............................................ 22 Closing Statement ........................................................ 22 Chapter 4 - ATTENDANCE Student Attendance Policy .......................................... 12 Types of Absences ...................................................... 12 Chapter 5 – BUS, DRESS, and DISCIPLINE Student Conduct on Buses .......................................... 13 10 CHAPTER 1 HEALTH AND SAFETY ATHLETIC TRAINER: The athletic trainer is able to serve those students with sports-related injuries. Athletes with injuries are to report to the Trainer’s office after school. Any athlete seeking medical attention for any reason must bring in medical clearance from the treating physician before the athlete will be permitted to return to the sport. This form must be provided to the athletic trainer upon return from the physician. (302) 284-9291, Extension 534 SCHOOL NURSE: A full-time nurse is provided to care for emergency health needs, insure that all students have physical exams, assist in audiological exams, eye exams, and other related needs. The nurse is prohibited by law to dispense any medicine without parent approval. Each student must have an emergency card on file. Students must have a pass from their teacher to go to the nurse. Students who become ill may not leave the building without authorization. Should the nurse be unavailable, any student who is sent home ill must be signed out through an administrator. (302) 284-9291, extension 630 WELLNESS CENTER: The Wellness Center at Lake Forest High School is open to all students attending Lake Forest High School. Parents and students must complete a registration packet prior to accessing any services at the Wellness Center. The Wellness Center is staffed by a nurse practitioner, mental health counselor, registered dietitian and administrative secretary. All students must have a signed teacher pass in order to go to the Wellness Center and appointments are scheduled. The Wellness Center provides a variety of services including sports physicals; treatment for minor acute illnesses and injuries (sore throats, ear aches); stress management; counseling services; healthy diet and nutrition counseling; sports nutrition; and a variety of other services. The operating hours are 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. daily when school is in session. (302) 284-9291, extension 627 11 SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER: The SRO is a Delaware State Police Officer assigned to the Lake Forest School District. The officer serves as a liaison between the district and the Delaware State Police. The officer assists with matters related to discipline, driver’s education and law enforcement awareness. (302) 284-9291, Extension 609 EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSINGS: When schools must be closed, opened later than usual, or closed early because of weather or other emergency conditions, an announcement will be made over WDOV 1410 AM, WSCL 89.5, WDSD 92.9 and WAFL FM 97.7 as well as The Superintendent may utilize an automated calling system for these announcements as well. CHAPTER 2 EXPECTATIONS AND RESPONSIBILTIES LAKE FOREST STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT (Policy: JIC) All Lake Forest students shall behave in a manner that promotes a school environment that is nurturing, orderly, safe and conducive to learning and personal/social development. 1. Students will help create an atmosphere free from bullying, intimidation and harassment. 2. Students will demonstrate honesty and trustworthiness. 12 3. Students will treat others with respect, deal peacefully with anger, use good manners and be considerate of the feelings of others. 4. Students will demonstrate responsibility, such as using selfcontrol and self-discipline. 5. Students will demonstrate fairness, such as playing by the rules, and will not take advantage of others. 6. Students will demonstrate compassion and caring. 7. Students will demonstrate good citizenship by obeying laws and rules, respecting authority, and by cooperating with others. 8. Students will attend school faithfully, complete assignments on time, and work to full potential. 9. Students are not permitted to possess or use any weapons (instruments capable of inflicting bodily harm); or possess or use or be under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products as defined by Delaware Code. 10. Students will comply with rules and regulations of the Lake Forest Board of Education while attending any activity sponsored by the school. REPORTING TO PARENTS: The schools have a responsibility to keep parents informed of the educational process of their children. This is accomplished through a variety of ways – through notes or telephone calls from teachers, e-mails, through interim notices midway in each grading period, by report cards issued every nine weeks in grades 9-12, and through parent conferences. Students in all grades have the responsibility for taking papers and other reports to their parents; parents have an obligation to indicate to the school their receipt of these papers. Parents may also gain access to student grades through the utilization of the Home Access Center. VISITING YOUR SCHOOL: Visitors are welcome to visit any of the Lake Forest facilities. Parents or other visitors who want to meet with a particular teacher, counselor or the principal, are requested to call 302-284-9291 in advance so that a mutually convenient conference time can be scheduled. Upon entering the building, parents should report directly to the Main Office to sign 13 in; a staff member will be responsible for directing parents to appropriate person(s). RESOLVING PROBLEMS: If you or your child encounters a specific problem or concern during the school year, the following steps should be followed: 1. Contact your child’s teacher or other person with whom the problem was encountered. 2. If the problem was not resolved in step 1, call or make an appointment with the principal. STUDENT GRIEVANCE: A grievance is another name for a complaint. A student grievance may be presented when a student or the student’s parents believe that the student has been treated unfairly. A student or a student’s parent(s) may present a student grievance. A grievance may involve the treatment of a student or relate to the treatment of a group of students. Refer to Lake Forest High School Policies Manual. An all-inclusive version of this policy can be found at Information for this policy pertains to students in grades 9 through 12. CHAPTER 3 GUIDANCE AND ACADEMICS GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT: The Guidance Department’s purpose is to help students have a rewarding high school experience. Increased self-understanding, setting realistic goals, getting along well with others, making wise course selections and career decisions are among the positive outcomes of student growth. The counseling staff works with students in all areas – personal problems, planning educational programs, and decisionmaking. To see a counselor, obtain a pass from your teacher, go to the guidance office, fill out an appointment request and leave the request with the secretary, and your counselor will contact you. If you have an emergency and need to talk to a counselor immediately, let the secretary know and a counselor will see you as soon as possible. 14 SCHOOL COUNSELORS: Mrs. Ivy Truitt A–G Mr. Mike Tyndall Q – Z Mrs. Linda Tjaden H – P STUDENT SUCCESS PLAN (SSP): The Delaware Department of Education requires that all students complete a Student Success Plan (SSP). The SSP is an on-line tool that students can access from home or school. The SSP also identifies the education needed in order to pursue a particular career and is designed to empower students to explore career possibilities, develop a plan and achieve their goals for the future. Students will continue refining this plan through each year while in high school, and will be able to modify it whenever needed. Parents also have a role to play in this process and will have the opportunity to review their child’s interests and potential career selections online at Additional information may be obtained from the Guidance Department. STUDENT SCHEDULING: All students must have a full, 8block schedule. Seniors in good credit standing may also participate in approved internships with local organizations, community service, or employment opportunities to gain additional credits. 15 STUDENT-INITIATED CHANGES: There will be no studentinitiated changes in their elective courses beyond the 8th day of the new school year unless there is an emergency. All emergency changes must be appealed to the building principal following the appeal process under Section VI of the policy. Students are allowed to make level changes in their core courses up until the 5th business day past issuance of the 1st Interim Progress Report. Dropping an Honors or AP level course to a regular course requires a meeting with the principal prior to schedule change. Any student who drops an elective course after the 8th day will receive a withdraw/fail grade of 60% as part of his permanent record and this will be included in the grade point average. PARTIAL CREDIT: Partial credit will be awarded only for students who transfer to or from a school with courses not compatible with our course offerings and/or schedule. PATHWAYS: Academics, Agriscience, Business Education, Family and Consumer Sciences, Jobs for Delaware Graduates (JDG), Technology Education, and Visual and Performing Arts. GRADING: A numerical average for the marking period will be recorded in the teacher’s gradebook and on the report card. The following scale is used: A: 92-100 B: 83-91 C: 76-82 D: 70-75 F: 0-69 To earn credit for a course, a minimum grade of 70 is required for the final grade. This grade is calculated by adding the four marking period grades together. The sum of the four grades is then divided by four for the course average. The grade reached by this mathematical procedure is recorded as the final course average on the report card. Year Long Course Example: MP1 = 80% MP2 = 90% MP3 = 80% 16 MP4 = 90% 340 pts - Divided by 4 Final Grade = 85% - Students are graded according to their ability and achievement, consistent with the purpose and content of the course. High school students receive numerical grades in all courses taken for credit. Pass/Fail grades are awarded for those courses not included in a student’s grade point average (GPA) Report card grades are based on competence as determined by: Tests, exams, teacher evaluation, and by demonstration of meeting performance objectives. Completion of assignments as determined by the quality of work done, the regularity with which they are turned in, and punctuality in performing them. Daily work habits in the classroom. Parents of students who are not making satisfactory progress will receive notice of such midway through each grading period through issuance of an Interim Progress Report. Statements of course objectives/topics are distributed to all students at the beginning of each course. These have been prepared by the school system to reflect the uniform curricula. In addition, each teacher provides students with a statement of the factors to be used in grading that teacher’s course. Report cards are to be distributed based on the District Calendar. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASS OF 2015 AND BEYOND Students planning to attend a 4-year college should take four years of a world language and challenging courses in core areas. COURSE CREDIT REQUIREMENTS required - 27 English 4 Math 4 Science 4 Social Studies 3 Health 0.5 PE 1 Career Pathway 3 17 Total credits World Languages Other Electives Total Credits 2 5.5 27 HONOR ROLL: Earning Honor Roll status is based on a marking period GPA. This is computed at the end of each marking period, and includes any appropriate weighting. Any grade under a 76 will disqualify a student from Honor Roll. ** Weighted GPA per marking period grades. Distinguished High Honors: 96 Average or Higher High Honors: 92 – 95.9 Average Honors: 87 – 91.9 Average ACADEMIC AWARDS: Scholar Letter: Student who earned Distinguished High Honors a minimum of 6 marking periods. Lamp Of Knowledge: Students who earned Distinguished High Honors a minimum of 12 marking periods. Academic Star: Seniors who have earned Distinguished High Honors all 16 marking periods. SUMMER SCHOOL ELIGIBILITY AND REQUIREMENTS: All summer session courses are make-up classes, unless otherwise designated. Students must have taken the course in the regular school year and received a grade of 60-69. Students taking a summer school course for an Honors or AP level course will not receive academic weighting. CREDIT RECOVERY: The Credit Recovery Program offers opportunities for students to continue their education within the Lake Forest School District and earn credits toward graduation. An analysis of student assessments and specific coursework needed by each student will be completed by the guidance counselor. The Internet-based curriculum, GradPoint, offers academic coursework in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Elective coursework is also available with subjects such as Business, Math, Art History, Native American Studies, Career Explorations, etc. Students who have insufficient high school prerequisites have the availability of this after-school coursework 18 to elevate them to the academic level of their projected grade. The goal of this program is to keep students in school, promote the growth of self-esteem by helping students achieve academic success, and instill self-discipline and a sense of responsibility. Program goals include the development of positive behavior patterns and communication skills, with the hope that the student will complete diploma requirements for the purpose of graduating. The program is designed: To decrease drop-out rates and address truancy issues To increase academic credits earned by students To transition a student relocating from another district To provide hope for a student behind grade level and offer a second chance To provide educational services for homebound and/or hospitalized students To increase graduation rate within the four-year period. ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY FOR EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Refer to Lake Forest High School Policies Manual. An allinclusive version of this policy can be found at Information for this policy pertains to students in grades 9 through 12. INTERNET POLICY: All students must abide by the State of Delaware’s Acceptable Use Policy as defined by the Department of Technology and Information. In addition, Lake Forest students’ use of the District’s hardware and software must be in support of instructional learning activities as assigned by Lake Forest staff. LIBRARY/MEDIA CENTER: The Lake Forest High School Library/Media Center serves a population of students that is diverse in age, maturity, values, and beliefs. The library/media center collection reflects the diversity of the students, and indeed, the world around them. Fiction books, reference materials, software, web sites, and all other instructional resources are selected with the intent of enriching the student, assisting teachers as they teach the Delaware State Content Standards, and increasing 19 student achievement. However, the librarian is unable to personally read and evaluate every resource that enters the collection. Parents and guardians must be aware that not every resource will reflect their views or the views of the staff of LFHS. Therefore, parents and staff must work together to teach students to evaluate the worth of all instructional resources. Community involvement is welcomed in the Lake Forest School District. Comments, questions, and suggestions regarding the collection may be submitted to the librarian. (A Collection Development Policy for the Lake Forest High School Library/Media Center is available upon request.) CHAPTER 4 STUDENT ATTENDANCE STUDENT ATTENDANCE: Refer to Lake Forest High School Policies Manual. An allinclusive version of this policy can be found at Information for this policy pertains to students in grades 9 through 12. STUDENT ATTENDANCE 1. General. The laws regarding school attendance in Delaware are contained in Delaware Code/TITLE 14/Chapter 27. This policy supplements state law and is specific to the Lake Forest School District. 2. Types of Absences. a. Excused absences. Absences will be considered excused for the following reasons. 1. Student illness, attested by a physician if necessary. 2. Medical or dental appointment. 3. Contagious disease in the home of the child. 4. Quarantine. 5. Head lice (maximum 2 days per event). 20 6. Death in the immediate family, including grandparents (maximum 2 days unless approved by Principal or designee). 7. Religious holidays. 8. Subpoenaed court appearances. 9. Serious family emergency (Principal’s judgment). 10. Family trip, with prior approval of the Principal. 11. Other legal reasons approved by the Principal. b. Unexcused absences. Absences will be considered unexcused for any reason not listed above. Some examples of unexcused reasons are indifference of parent/guardian or student, uncertified illness, missing a school bus, illegal employment during school hours, and truancy. CHAPTER 5 BUS, DRESS, AND DISCIPLINE STUDENT CONDUCT ON BUSES: Refer to Lake Forest High School Policies Manual. An allinclusive version of this policy can be found at STUDENT VEHICLES/DRIVING PRIVILEGES: Driving to school and parking on school property is a privilege extended to the eligible student body. Students who apply for and receive a parking permit to drive their own private vehicle will be removed from their bus route (per state law Title 14, Chapter 41, §4115). If a temporary situation arises where a student driver may require bus transportation, please contact the transportation office at least two days in advance of the beginning date bus service would be needed. School bus routes will not include stops for students who have been issued driving permits by the school. 21 Temporary conditions such as revocation of driving privileges for poor grades, school disciplinary actions, or disabled car will not constitute a reason to ride a school bus. However, the principal of each school may issue passes for school bus transportation to certain pupils who have chosen to drive a private vehicle, for use on a temporary and emergency basis; and may also set aside a specific number of parking spaces for use on a temporary and emergency basis by pupils who originally chose transportation by school bus. Permanent conditions such as loss of driving license, sale of vehicle, or other permanent reasons for not driving a vehicle may result in a student being placed back on the bus transportation list. Under these conditions, the parent/guardian must contact the district transportation supervisor to make appropriate arrangements. 22 Any student that drives/parks a vehicle on school grounds must register that vehicle with the school and adhere to the rules for driving/parking cars on school grounds. Students are required to sign a contract to park on school grounds listing specific guidelines. Students are only authorized to park registered vehicle in the designated student parking area. Students will have an assigned parking spot and must display their parking tag at all times. Students who violate the above will be issued warnings and fines for not adhering to the requirements. Students who arrive to school tardy will receive a documented warning. After the third occurrence (4th offense), student will be scheduled to serve an after school detention and will be in jeopardy of losing driving privilege. The fifth occurrence will result in the student serving an in-school suspension and loss of driving privileges. Please be advised, any student that loses his/her driving privilege must obtain permission from the transportation supervisor before he/she will be allowed to ride the bus to/from school. Students are not allowed to go to their vehicle/parking lot throughout the school day without permission from an administrator. DRESS CODE: Refer to Lake Forest High School Policies Manual. An allinclusive version of this policy can be found at Student must be in the complete uniform style of dress at 7:10 a.m. and remain in uniform until dismissal. DISCIPLINE POLICY: Refer to Lake Forest High School Policies Manual. An allinclusive version of this policy can be found at SEARCHES AND INTERROGATIONS - PERSONAL STORAGE: SEARCH AND SEIZURE: The Supreme Court of the United States held in New Jersey vs. T.L.O. (1985) that searches and seizures by public officials need not be based upon “probable cause”, the standard required by the fourth amendment, 23 but need to be based upon “reasonable suspicion.” School officials may lawfully search a student and their belongings provided the search is reasonable in inception and reasonable in scope. The Lake Forest School District presumes students possess and are therefore responsible for all items found in or on their clothing, book bags, purses, lockers, or similar containers or bags used to carry or store books or personal property. Students should regularly check the contents of their lockers, book bags, and/or purses. If students fail to lock their lockers or secure their book bags, and/or purses or provide others access to their lockers, book bags, and/or purses, they remain responsible for all items found. The Lake Forest School District presumes students possess and are therefore responsible for all items in their motor vehicles. This presumption applies to any vehicle driven to school without regard to who owns the vehicle. Before students bring vehicles to school or a school activity, they should carefully inspect their vehicles. If students fail to lock their vehicles or permit others access to their vehicles, they remain responsible for all items found. SCHOOL LOCKERS: Lockers are under the joint control of the student and school officials; therefore, the student’s right to privacy is limited. School authorities may periodically search lockers for drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, stolen property or other contraband. Administrators have the right to gain access to lockers when deemed necessary. STUDENT VEHICLES/VEHICLES ON SCHOOL PROPERTY: Any vehicle on school grounds can be searched with reasonable suspicion. In addition, students requesting a parking permit will be required to sign a form stating that any vehicle and its contents brought on school grounds may be searched at any time by school officials, and that students are obligated to cooperate with the administration in this regard. Students may be interviewed by school authorities as needed when investigating a school discipline matter. When appropriate, certain issues will be reported to law enforcement officials for criminal prosecution. 24 SRO INVOLVEMENT IN SCHOOL: Police officers may interview students in the office of the school, when necessary, under the following conditions: 1. The parent should be notified prior to questioning. 2. The student must be advised of the reasons behind the questioning and his/her legal rights. 3. The principal, assistant principal, dean of students or school counselor should be present during questioning. 4. All due process procedures are followed. DRUG and/or ALCOHOL POLICY: Refer to Lake Forest High School Policies Manual. An allinclusive version of this policy can be found at COMMUNICATION DEVICE POLICY: Refer to Lake Forest High School Policies Manual. An allinclusive version of this policy can be found at TRESPASSING: Students who are suspended and are on school grounds for unauthorized reasons risk being arrested and charged with trespassing. Any student on school grounds at unauthorized times faces the same consequence. Trespassers will be given a warning to leave the premises. If the warning is not heeded or if a repeated occurrence, the trespasser will receive punitive action. Legal charges may be filed. Any staff member has the authority and power to arrest the trespasser. Students who are not assigned detention and those who are not participating in school-sponsored extra-curricular activities are to leave the school grounds by the time the last bus leaves; otherwise, they will be dealt with as trespassers. Students are advised that they are to leave Lake Forest School property by the time the last participant leaves the building after an extra-curricular event – basketball, wrestling, etc. Advise your parents of the time the event will be over. Custodians will be closing all doors after the event is over. 25 ASSEMBLIES: Students will sit in their assigned section with their homeroom. Teachers will take roll to verify student attendance. Students who do not report to homeroom before and/or after an assembly after being instructed to do so will be charged with a class cut. Students are expected to act in a courteous manner during assemblies. Students who are uncooperative or cause a disruption will be referred to the administration. HALL PASSES: This student handbook contains hall passes. The 10/10 Rule is enforced throughout the school day in all classes. The 10/10 Rule prohibits a student from leaving the classroom during the first ten minutes of the class period and the last ten minutes of the same class period. Students are not permitted to leave a classroom during school hours without a signed hall pass, except between classes or during emergency drills. CHAPTER 6 STUDENT ACTIVITIES CLUBS and ACTIVITIES: We offer many opportunities for students to be involved in their school setting. The following are some of the organizations that are recognized as official student clubs or activities: Business Professional of America (BPA) Drama Club Family, Career, Community Leaders (FCCLA) Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) FFA Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Marching Band National Honor Society (NHS) Spanish Club Student Government (STUCO) Technology Student Association (TSA) 26 There are many other opportunities for your student to be involved in the high school setting. Encourage your child to listen to the daily announcements for the opportunity to join other clubs/activities. ATHLETIC CODE OF CONDUCT: Refer to Lake Forest High School Policies Manual. An allinclusive version of this policy can be found at ATHLETICS: Lake Forest High School offers the following inter-scholastic athletics under the Delaware Inter-scholastic Athletic Association (DIAA): Boys Varsity & JV Baseball Boys Varsity & JV Basketball Girls Varsity & JV Basketball Fall & Winter Cheerleading Boys & Girls Cross Country Varsity & JV Field Hockey Varsity & JV Football Golf (Coed) Boys Varsity Lacrosse Girls Varsity & JV Softball Boys Soccer Girls Varsity & JV Soccer Boys & Girls Swimming & Diving Boys & Girls Tennis Boys & Girls Track & Field Varsity & JV Volleyball Wrestling CHAPTER 7 POSITIVE BEHAVIORAL SUPPORT (PBS) DE-PBS at LFHS: A General Overview DE-PBS is a collaborative project with the Delaware Department of Education, the University of Delaware Center for Disabilities Studies, and Delaware Public Schools. The main focus of PBS is to provide a clear system for all expected behaviors at Lake Forest High School. At LFHS, our goal is to establish a social culture that optimizes the conditions for student learning. While many faculty and students may have assumptions of what is expected behavior, we cannot assume that everyone’s beliefs are similar. Through PBS, we will work to create and maintain a productive, 27 safe environment in which ALL school community members have clear expectations and understandings of their role in the educational process. What is PBS? PBS is a system approach for establishing the social culture and individualized behavioral supports needed for schools to achieve both social and academic success for all students. School widePBS requires total staff commitment to building strong teacherstudent, student-student, and home-school relationships. Schools that have been successful in building school-wide systems develop procedures to accomplish the following: 1. Behavioral Expectations are defined. A small number of clearly defined behavioral expectations are defined in positive, simple rules. Positive Attitude: approach situations with optimism and confidence Respect: treat others the way you want to be treated Integrity: act according to the values, beliefs, and principles you claim to hold Determination: the power or ability to make decisions for oneself without influence from outside sources Excellence: going above and beyond ordinary standards in your daily actions 2. Behavioral Expectations are taught. The behavioral expectations are taught to all students in the building in real contexts. At LFHS, ALL adults in the building are responsible for teaching students appropriate behaviors. Teaching appropriate behavior involves much more than simply telling students what behaviors they should avoid. The goal of teaching the students is to present the specific behavior, discuss the rationale for the rule, and provide positive examples of the rule in action. During PBS classroom lessons, students will be given the opportunity to practice the “right way” until they demonstrate fluent performance. 28 3. Appropriate Behaviors are acknowledged. Once appropriate behaviors have been defined and taught, they need to be acknowledged on a regular basis. LFHS has designed a formal system that rewards positive behaviors. PBS rewards include monthly rewards and marking period celebrations. 4. Behavioral Errors are corrected proactively. When students violate behavioral expectations, CLEAR procedures are needed for providing information to students that their behavior was unacceptable, and preventing that unacceptable behavior from resulting in inadvertent rewards. 29 Lake Forest High School PBS Behavior Expectation Matrix 30 GPS—GOAL + PLAN = SUCCESS P Positive R Respect I Integrity D Determination E Excellence Classroom Hallway Cafeteria Bathroom Library 1. Use school appropriate language. 2. Believe in yourself. 3. Have a Growth Mindset 1. Be on time. 2. Listen to others. 3. Wait your turn. 4. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. 1. Use school appropriate language. 2. Be courteous. 1. Use school appropriate language. 2. Be courteous. 1. Use school appropriate language. 1. Use school appropriate language. 2. Share resources. 1. Use school appropriate language. 2. Be at the bus stop on time. 1. Use school appropriate language. 1. Use school appropriate language. 2. Share the successes of LFHS students. 1. Respect each other’s personal space. 2. Pass quietly. 1. Clean up after yourself. 2. Use inside voices. 3. Use manners. 4. Wait your turn. 1. Make a mess, clean it up. 2. Flush the toilet. 3. Wash your hands. 1. Keep the library food and drink free. 2. Work quietly. 3. Use materials respectfully. 1. Follow the traffic pattern 2. Listen to directions. 3. Keep the busses clean. 4. Keep distractions to a minimum. 1. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. 2. Drive responsibly. 3. Use facilities and equipment appropriately. 1. Represent yourself and your school with PRIDE. 1. Do your own work. 2. Focus. 3. Be Honest. 4. Follow the dress code. 1. Be prepared for class. 2. Help others. 3. Follow the dress code. 4. Have signed agenda available 1. Keep moving. 2. Walk with a purpose. 1. Pay for all items. 2. Be polite. 3. Follow the dress code. 1. Report problems. 2. Follow the dress code. 3. Have signed agenda available 1. Return materials on time. 2. Follow the dress code. 1. Use your time on the bus wisely. 2. Report problems. 1. Volunteer. 2. Be a good citizen. 3. Spread good news about LFHS. 1. Move through the lunch line efficiently. 2. Find a seat and stay in the designated area. 1. Clean up after yourself and/or others. 2. Stay in assigned area. 1. Be quick and tidy. 1. Keep on task. 2. Stay focused. 3. Help keep materials in the right place. 1. Review and reflect on your school day. 1. Keep it green. 2. Report problems. 3. Be responsible. 4. Follow the dress code. 1. Keep the school beautiful. 2. Place trash in trash cans. 1. Place trash in trash cans. 2. Conserve resources. 3. Report 31spills and accidents. 1. Cooperate with all school staff. 1. Cooperate with the bus driver. 2. Report directly to the busses at dismissal time. 1. Park in assigned areas. 2. Use the main entrance to enter the building. 1. Be a positive role model at all times. 2. Be a leader. 1. Be an active participant. 2. Seek help if needed. 3. Encourage each other. 1. Try your best every day. 2. Support your peers. 3. Keep the classroom clean. 1. Help others. 2. Ensure safe travel. 3. Be aware of your surroundings. Bus School Grounds Community 1. Serve the community. CHAPTER 8 OTHER CHILD NUTRITION SERVICES/SCHOOL LUNCHES The Lake Forest School District Child Nutrition Services Program welcomes your children to the 2015 - 2016 school year. The Lake Forest School District starting this school year will be part of the Community Eligibility Provision. All students will be provided Breakfast and Lunch Meals at no cost. Money will only be needed if the students wants to purchase snacks or an extra meal. The Lake Forest Child Nutrition Services Program uses a computerized program for the management of school meals. Money may be placed in a student’s account in any amount at any time. Money may be placed in student accounts through an on-line payment program called or through the school Child Nutrition Services Program. Lunches provided by the Lake Forest School Child Nutrition Services Program are prepared in compliance with United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Students may bring lunch from home to consume in the cafeteria during their scheduled lunch period however, lunches purchased from outside vendors (McDonalds, Hardees, Subway, Arbys, Royal Farms, etc.) cannot be brought into the building during regular school hours for consumption. RECYCLING PROGRAM As the population on this globe continues to increase, trash becomes an ever-growing problem. Part of the problem comes from a "throw it away" attitude when there are things that still have many uses. To help alleviate this problem, there's no better place to start than here at Lake Forest High School. Staff and students are encouraged to participate in the school’s recycling initiatives by actually recycling as well as spreading awareness. Recycling in the learning environment will help promote recycling in the surrounding neighborhoods and communities. 32 LAKE FOREST HIGH SCHOOL DEBT PROCEDURES 1. Students are required to care for and return in good condition all instructional materials that have been entrusted to them by the District as part of the instructional program. Instructional materials are defined as textbooks, workbooks, calculators, computer hardware and software, and any other school property used in the instructional program. 2. Students are required to care for and return in good condition all extra-curricular materials that have been entrusted to them by the District as part of the extracurricular program. Extra-curricular materials are defined as uniforms, athletic equipment, band equipment, and any other school property used in the extra-curricular program. 3. When instructional materials, extra-curricular materials, and/or class dues are not returned/paid within the time designated by the school, the student (parent/guardian) will be notified and be required to submit payment. Additionally, if materials are returned in an abused condition, the student (parent/guardian) will be required to submit payment for the replacement costs of the materials. 4. If the costs outlined in #3 are not paid, school records such as report cards will be withheld until the parent/guardian has a conference with school representatives regarding the unmet obligation. Also, the student will not be issued any replacement instructional materials nor be eligible to participate in non-academic activities (non-academic field trips, dances, prom, issuance of parking permits, participation in clubs, activities, athletics, etc…) at the school until the obligation is met or arrangements have been agreed upon to meet the obligation. 5. Additionally, any checks that are returned from the bank for “Insufficient Funds”, and/or “Closed Account” will subject the student to be re-instated on the debt list and the student and parent/guardian shall be held to the requirements and responsibilities as mentioned in items 1, 2, 3, and 4 above. The student will be provided the 33 necessary instructional materials during the classroom period. NOTIFICATION OF RIGHTS UNDER FERPA FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS: The Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provide parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are: 1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the school receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the School Principal, or appropriate school official, a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. 2. The rights to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. 3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. 4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Lake Forest to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA are: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-5920 34 PPRA NOTICE AND CONSENT/OPT-OUT FOR SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES: The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), 20 U.S.C. § 1232h, requires Lake Forest School District to notify you and obtain consent or allow you to opt your child out of participating in certain school activities. These activities include a student survey, analysis, or evaluation that concerns one or more of the following eight areas (“protected information surveys”): 1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent; 2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family; 3. Sex behavior or attitudes; 4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior; 5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships; 6. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers; 7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents; or 8. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility. This requirement also applies to the collection, disclosure or use of student information for marketing purposes (“marketing surveys”), and certain physical exams and screenings. Following is a schedule of activities requiring parental notice and consent or optout for the upcoming school year. This list is not exhaustive and, for surveys and activities scheduled after the school year starts, the Lake Forest School District will provide parents, within a reasonable period of time prior to the administration of the surveys and activities, notification of the surveys and activities and be provided an opportunity to opt their child out, as well as an opportunity to review the surveys. (Please note that this notice and consent/opt-out transfers from parents to any student who is 18 years old or an emancipated minor under State law.) 35 Date: 2015 - 2016 School Year Activity: Student Interest Survey Summary: This is a survey used by classroom teachers that asks students questions about their interests and learning styles. Information may be compiled in order to tailor lessons to capture the interests of the students and/or learning styles of the students. Opt-out: Contact Theadora White, Principal, at 284-9291 or no later than September 18, 2015, if you do not want your child to participate in this activity. Date: 2015 - 2016 School Year Activity: School Improvement Survey Summary: This is a survey that asks students questions about various programs at Lake Forest High School that are initiated by the School Improvement Team. Opt-out: Contact Theadora White, Principal, at 284-9291 or no later than September 18, 2015, if you do not want your child to participate in this activity. Date: 2015 - 2016 School Year Activity: The Delaware School Climate Survey Summary: This is an anonymous survey that asks students questions about their opinions and experiences while a student at Lake Forest High School. The survey is developed by the Delaware Positive Behavior Support Initiative (a partnership between the Delaware Department of Education and the Center for Disabilities Studies at the University of Delaware). Completed surveys are sent to the University of Delaware where the information is compiled into a report for our school. Opt-out: Contact Theadora White, Principal, at 284-9291 or no later than September 18, 2015, if you do not want your child to participate in this activity. Date: Fall 2015 Activity: Career Interest Inventory Summary: As part of each student’s Student Success Plan (SSP), he/she will complete a questionnaire to determine possible career options based on his/her interests. 36 Opt-out: Contact Theadora White, Principal, at 284-9291 or no later than September 18, 2015, if you do not want your child to participate in this activity. Date: Spring 2016 Activity: Honors Survey Summary: Students who are currently taking an accelerated course at Lake Forest High School will be asked to complete a survey to share their thoughts about the accelerated program. Opt-out: Contact Theadora White, Principal, at 284-9291 or no later than September 18, 2015, if you do not want your child to participate in this activity. Date: Spring 2016 Activity: Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco Survey Summary: Lake Forest High School in conjunction with the Delaware Department of Education, Department of Health and Social Services and the Department of Children, Youth and their families use this survey to gather information concerning student behavior in regards to drugs, alcohol and tobacco. This is an anonymous survey administered by the University of Delaware Center for Drug and Alcohol Studies. The results of this survey provide useful and important information for school and district planning and evaluation of programs, for the state agencies involved, for legislative initiatives, and for the communities’ statewide dealing with the problems of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use among youth. Opt-out: Contact Theadora White, Principal, at 284-9291 or no later than September 18, 2015, if you do not want your child to participate in this activity. If you wish to review any survey instrument or instructional material used in connection with any protected information or marketing survey, please submit a request to Theadora White, Principal, at 284-9291 or Ms. White will notify you of the time and place where you may review these materials. You have the right to review a survey and/or instructional materials before the survey is administered to a student. 37 COMPLIANCE WITH ASBESTOS HAZARD EMERGENCY RESPONSE ACT: Refer to Lake Forest High School Policies Manual. An allinclusive version of this policy can be found at CLOSING STATEMENT: It is the Lake Forest School District’s intention to provide all students with a safe learning environment that is free of inappropriate behavior as defined in this code of conduct. Lake Forest School District does not discriminate in employment or in educational programs, services or activities based on race, national origin, sex, age, or disability in accordance with state and federal laws. All employees and students are bound to the policies and procedures of the Lake Forest School District. They are also bound to the law of the State of Delaware. All employees and students must follow State laws that regulate the discipline and attendance of students. Copies of these documents are available upon request from the office of the Superintendent, Lake Forest School District. 38 39