Anil Agiral PERSONAL Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Citizenship: Marital Status: Home Address: Office Address: e-mail: phone: 08/12/1980 Ordu , TURKEY TURKEY Single Bilkent University, 18. Lojman Daire 28, TR-06800, Ankara TURKEY Bilkent University, Department of Chemistry TR-06800,Ankara TURKEY +90 535 550 36 40 +90 312 290 19 79 EDUCATION Sept. 2003-Present: Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, Master of Science, Department of Chemistry. Sept. 1999-May 2003: Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, Bachelor of Science, Department of Chemistry. Sept. 1998-May 1999: Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, School of English Language. Sept. 1994-May 1998: Bandirma S.M.G. High School, Bandirma, Turkey. According to ISI Citation Indexes, Bilkent continues to be first in Turkey in number of published papers per faculty member and ranks high internationally. The medium of instruction in the University is English EXPERIENCE Sept. 2003-Present: Teaching and Research Assistantship at Chemistry Dept., Bilkent University. Sept.2003-Present: Msc Thesis: In-situ FT-IR Spectroscopic Investigation of NOx + CH4 Surface Reactions on Palladium Promoted WO3/TiO2-ZrO2 Mixed Oxides Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Margarita Kantcheva June 2003-Sept.2003: Summer Training at Inorganic Chemistry Dept. in Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany. Project : Preparation of Fe and/or Mn promoted Sulfated Zirconia Catalysts by Coprecipitation for nbutane isomerization January 2003-June 2003: Undergraduate Senior Project: Identification of NOx Species Adsorbed on Fe and Mn supported Sulfated Zirconia Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Margarita Kantcheva Project: Identification of NOx Species Adsorbed on LaMnAl11O19 by FT-IR Spectroscopy (In cooperation with the German Aerospace Center) Sept 2002-January 2003: Undergraduate Senior Project: FT-IR Spectroscopic Characterization of Hydrogen Bonding (OH---OMO3) on Sulfated and Tungstated Zirconias [M= S6+ or W6+] Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Margarita Kantcheva August 2002-Sept 2002: Summer Training at DYO Paint and Varnish Factories, Izmir, Turkey. Quality Control and Development Laboratory SKILLS Programming Languages: Applications: Software Environments: Operating Systems: Language: Personal: Hobbies: JAVA, HTML, MATLAB MS Office, MS Origin, ChemDraw Symantec Visual Café DOS, Win 98, WinXP, Red Hat Linux English (Fluent), Turkish (Native), German (Basic) Creative intelligence, analytical thinking and problem solving skills, very good in teamwork . Soccer, Basketball, Amateur Photography, Ballroom Dancing, Cinema, Music ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Sept. 2003 - Jan. 2004 : Inorganic Chemistry I Teaching Assistant at Bilkent University Jan. 2004 - June. 2004: Inorganic Chemistry II Teaching Assistant at Bilkent University Sept. 2004 - Jan. 2005 : Inorganic Chemistry I Teaching Assistant at Bilkent University Jan. 2005 - June. 2005: Inorganic Chemistry II Teaching Assistant at Bilkent University PUBLICATIONS Characterization of LaMnAl11O19 by FT-IR Spectroscopy of Adsorbed NO and NO/O2, M.Kantcheva, A.Agiral, O. Samarskaya, M.Stranzenbach, B.Saruhan. (Accepted in Applied Surface Science) CHEMISTRY COURSES Graduate: Surface Chemistry, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I-II (Organometallics and Solid State), Molecular Spectroscopy, Environmental Radiochemistry, Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Special Topics in Physical Chemistry I-II(Electrochemical Methods), Supramolecular Chemistry, Statistical Thermodynamics, Applied Quantum Chemistry, Biomolecules and Other Advanced Topics, Polymer Chemistry. Undergraduate: Organic Chemistry I-II, Inorganic Chemistry I-II, Analytical Chemistry I-II, Quantum Mechanics I-II, Physical Chemistry I-II, Materials Science and Technology AWARDS & HONORS Sept 2003: Full Graduate Scholarship by Bilkent University, including tuition waiver and full stipend September 1998: Full Undergraduate Scholarship by Bilkent University, including tuition waiver and full stipend June 1998: May 1996: Ranked in the first 0.1 % in the 1998 nation-wide central University Placement Examination (among 1.5 million examinees). Ranked 6th in 1996 nation-wide Scholarship Examination (among 24000 examinees). HISTORY of MY WORK In my senior year, in first semester, I started to work with Dr. Kantcheva. Title of my senior project FT-IR Spectroscopic Characterization of Hydrogen Bonding (OH---OMO3) on Sulfated and Tungstated Zirconias [M= S6+ or W6+]. I deuteroxylated the samples and characterized the hydrogen bonding region from the shift of the bands. We reinterpreted a band assuming its formation by Fermi Resonance. In second semester, I investigated NOx species adsorbed on Fe-and Mn- promoted sulfated zirconia catalyst by in-situ IR spectroscopy. I wrote reports and presented these works in our department and in Zirconia Day in Fritz Haber Institute. In my senior year I also involved in a cooperation project with German Aerospace Center. The catalyst (LaMnAl11O19 ) was prepared and sent to us and I performed the in-situ FT-IR Spectroscopic experiments of adsorbed NO and NO/O2 and their reactivity towards methane. This work was submitted to Applied Surface Science. In the summer of 2003, I worked in the Inorganic Chemistry Department of Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society in Berlin. I prepared several Fe and/or Mn promoted sulfated zirconia catalysts by coprecipitation (of promoters with zirconia) with changing parameters like calcination temperature, promoter content and type of starting materials. I characterize the samples by N2 adsorption (BET), X-Ray Diffraction, TG-DSC, XRF and n-butane isomerization reaction. We tried to understand the effect of incorporation of the promoters into the support and its relation with the activity. I wrote a report and presented this work in group meeting. In my Msc study, I synthesized Pd promoted tungstated titania/zirconia mixed oxide catalyst. I am studying selective catalytic reduction of NO x species in the presence of methane by in-situ IR spectroscopy. The other techniques I am using are X-Ray diffraction, Diffuse Reflectance UV-Vis and XPS. Up to now, catalyst is shown to be very active and also more active than Pd promoted WO3/ZrO2 We are trying to find surface intermediates and a possible reaction mechanism.