DIRECTORATE: Planning and Environment SECTION: Environmental (Waste) Management POLICY: Municipal Waste Service and Charge RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Manager Strategy and Advocacy DATE ADOPTED BY COUNCIL: 16th April 2013 REVIEW DATE: July 2016 POLICY OBJECTIVE This policy relates to the levels of municipal waste service provided by the Council and the fees and charges that apply. The objective is to ensure that the waste charge is applied by the Council in an equitable and transparent manner. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Council’s Community Local Law, its financial reserve policy for waste management and any relevant future municipal waste service policies such as municipal waste services to multiunit developments and non-residential properties including commercial, industrial and community, cultural and recreational properties. BACKGROUND The Waste Service The Council’s municipal waste service consists of 120 Litre garbage bin collected weekly, a 240 Litre recycling bin collected fortnightly and a 120 or 240 Litre garden waste bin collected fortnightly and an “at call” hard waste service available once per financial year to a property. Bins provided by the Council are the Council’s property and must be left at the property it was issued to. The Council replaces lost or stolen bins and undertakes bin repairs that were provided by the Council. The Council’s Community Local Law and Waste Service publications establish the requirements for the use of the Council’s municipal waste service. Additional services are available upon request and comprise extra garbage, recycling or garden waste bins at an additional annual fee. Additional hard waste collections are not available. The Waste Charge Municipal waste services are charged for in the annual Rates Assessment as a “Waste Charge”. There are four variations to the base municipal waste service as follows: Waste Charge (A) - A 120 Litre weekly garbage, 240 Litre fortnightly recycling and 240 Litre fortnightly garden waste service Waste Charge (B) - A 120 Litre weekly garbage, 240 Litre fortnightly recycling and 120 Litre fortnightly garden waste service Waste Charge (C) - A 120 Litre weekly garbage, 240 Litre fortnightly recycling and fortnightly garden waste service from a private garden waste bin Waste Charge (D) - A 120 Litre weekly garbage and 240 Litre fortnightly recycling service only Hard waste services are available to properties that pay Waste Charges A, B, C and D. Historically, if a property owner has not elected services applicable to Waste Charge A, B or C, the base level Waste Charge D was applied to all developed rateable properties regardless of use. Policy: Municipal Waste Service and Charge 1 Garden waste services are via application from the property owner and Waste Charges are declared on these forms. Property owners may request a change of garden waste bin or cancel a garden waste service throughout the year and adjustments are made accordingly in the Rates Assessment. Private garden waste bins are the responsibility of the owner/occupier. The Council will not repair or replace private garden waste bins. Additional waste services are available upon application and subject to additional fees (Additional Service fees). These services are as follows: Additional Garbage (E) – an extra weekly garbage collection service from a 120 litre bin Additional Recycle (F) - an extra fortnightly recycling collection service from a 240 litre bin Additional Green Waste (G) - an extra fortnightly garden waste collection service from a 240 litre bin Additional Green Waste (H) - an extra fortnightly garden waste collection service from a privately owned garden waste bin Property owners may apply for an additional municipal waste service. Property owners may also apply to cancel an additional waste service throughout the year and adjustments are made accordingly in the Rates Assessment. Exemptions to Additional Service fees are available for residents with medical conditions that generate additional waste and/or recyclables. Concessions are based on advice from a medical practitioner or hospital that alternative disposal or recycling facilities are not available and where the type of waste being disposed of in the Council’s waste service is appropriate. The Waste Charge is set each financial year having consideration for the direct management, organisational overheads and direct service costs and the Council’s Waste and Litter Management Plan and initiatives and waste and litter behavioural change projects. Services to non-residential properties The service introduced in 2004, was primarily for residential properties. The Council’s Waste and Litter Management Plan 2012-2017 identifies that the Council’s standard level of municipal waste service is limiting and often not appropriate to all non-residential property owners’ or occupiers’ needs. Approximately 35 per cent of non-residential properties do not use the Council’s waste service as it does not accommodate their needs and therefore they have opted for private waste services. Approximately 22 per cent have a combination of municipal and private waste services. With respect to commercial and industrial properties historically they have paid a Waste Charge and have access to the municipal waste service. The Council aims to accommodate requests for municipal waste services from ratepayers of these commercial and industrial properties for residential type waste and quantities. The two major aged care communities, in The Village in Paas Place, Williamstown and Port Phillip retirement village in Stewart Avenue, Altona have aged accommodation that is rated individually and therefore are entitled to individual municipal waste services for each aged care home. In 2004 Port Phillip retirement village chose to share 132 recycling bins amongst the 162 dwellings. The Village too shares approximately 100 recycling bins across 234 dwellings. Other aged care facilities, such as in Mason Street, Newport are rated as one property and therefore entitled to one municipal waste service comprising one garbage bin collected weekly and one recycling bin collected fortnightly. The Mason Street aged care facility use a private service. Other non-residential properties, such as churches, community centres, kindergartens, aged and child care centres, sporting clubs and schools, who used the service prior to 2004 continue to have a need or have requested a service since this time. Where access to recycling bins is feasible, and if requested by a sporting club or school, the Council will provide kerbside recycling services to these properties in the interests of improving community recycling and reducing waste to landfill. Policy: Municipal Waste Service and Charge 2 Schools do not receive the Council’s garbage service as their needs are greater than what the municipal waste service can provide. Also excess 120 Litre garbage bins would have negative amenity impact when placed out for collection. Sporting clubs also do not receive the Council’s garbage service as the Council’s litter collection services provide garbage collection services to these properties. The Council’s litter collection service does not provide recycling services. Often sporting clubs share facilities and will share the municipal recycling service. Sporting clubs that hire or lease agreements with the Council will determine the Waste Services to the clubs and reserves. Churches are non-rateable however, if they use the municipal waste service the Waste Charge is applied. Community services operating from a Council facility have lease agreements with the Council. These are reviewed from time to time to include conditions on the use of the Council’s waste service. Hard waste collection services are accessible to non-residential properties that pay a Waste Charge for residential type hard waste and quantities, described in the Council’s publications. Multiunit developments With respect multiunit developments there has been an increase of predominantly residential type but often mixed use purposes, within the municipality. The Council encourages the use of the Council’s service and has input into the design and operation at planning stages. It is also developing policies and guidelines for waste services to multiunit developments in consultation with other Councils and the Metropolitan Waste Management Group. Often the Council cannot service multiunit developments with its standard service due lack of storage, limited access for the collection vehicle, limited kerbside collection space for a large number of bins and restricted collection frequencies. Developers most often propose private services acknowledging in planning applications that the development must still pay the Waste Charge applicable to each rateable property. It is clear that most of the newer multiunit developments do not use the municipal waste service, and at the time of developing this policy, the number of these types of properties were small. Therefore this policy establishes a Waste Charge for multiunit developments. The Council could continue encouraging more private waste contractors to service a variety of properties. However, this comes with a variety of other potential problems requiring examination prior to the Council establishing a position. A number of smaller sized flats and units have since 2004 shared a recycling bin rather than having excess larger bins on site and most would have individual garbage bins. Waste Charges A, B C or D will apply (depending on the choice made by the ratepayer or body corporate) regardless of the shared recycling bin arrangements. Further research Further research is required and is recommended in the Waste and Litter Management Plan 20122017 as follows: investigating alternative municipal waste services for commercial properties and a waste charge scheme specific to this service (recommendation 10.2) investigating alternative municipal waste services for multiunit developments and a waste charge scheme specific to this service (recommendation 10.3) develop clearer policy and guidelines to demonstrate the Council’s needs to developers (recommendation 10.3) Policy: Municipal Waste Service and Charge 3 Until such time as new municipal waste services are investigated, policy and guidelines, developed approved by the Council and implemented, the following policy and principles apply to municipal waste services and waste charges. This policy identifies how the Waste Charge is calculated and applied to types of properties and the level of service to each type of property. POLICY AND PRINCIPLES 1. The Waste Charge is a charge for the collection and disposal or processing of municipal garbage, recycling, garden waste and hard waste and Waste and Litter Management Plan projects including waste and litter related behavioural change programs. The Waste Charge applies to all rateable properties that use the Waste Service. The Waste Charge applies to non rateable properties that are permitted to use the Waste Service. Allowances for rateable and non-rateable properties are described below: Property type Rates Status Garbage service allowances Recycling service allowances Garden waste service allowances Hard waste service allowances Waste Charge Additional Service fees Residential Rateable 1 1 By application 1 Yes By application Commercial and industrial Rateable 1 1 By application 1 Yes By application Other rateable properties such as private childcare, kindergartens, aged and health care centres Rateable 1 1 By application 1 Yes By application School Nonrateable 0 3 1 0 No Yes if a school uses the municipal waste service and exceeds the allowance Community Centre Nonrateable Council 2 2 1 1 No A lease agreement will determine the waste service allowances before charges apply Community Centre (not for profit) NonRateable 2 2 1 1 No Yes if a community centre uses the municipal waste service and exceeds the allowance Church Nonrateable 1 1 By application 1 Yes if a church uses the Council’s waste service By application Sporting Club (recreational reserve) Nonrateable Council 0 2 0 1 No Hire or lease agreements will determine the waste Policy: Municipal Waste Service and Charge 4 Property type Rates Status Garbage service allowances Recycling service allowances Garden waste service allowances Hard waste service allowances Waste Charge Additional Service fees service allowances before charges apply Kindergarten Nonrateable 2 2 1 1 No Yes if a kindergarten uses the municipal waste service and exceeds the allowance Kindergarten Nonrateable Council 2 2 1 1 No A lease agreement will determine the waste service allowances before charges apply Child care centres Nonrateable Council 2 2 1 1 No A lease agreement will determine the waste service allowances before charges apply Child care centres Nonrateable 2 2 1 1 No Yes if a centre uses the municipal waste service and exceeds the allowance Other nonrateable properties Nonrateable 1 1 By application 1 Yes if a nonrateable property uses the Council’s waste service By application 2. Properties including multiunit developments and non-residential are not charged the Waste Charge or Additional Service fees where there is evidence that a municipal waste services is not provided by the Council in any form. Evidence includes a planning permit, the Council’s bin audit records or inspection by the Council or its representative. Where evidence is not available a Waste Charge or Additional Service fees will apply. PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES 1. Budget and rating strategy determinations shall read “The Waste Charge is a charge for the collection and disposal or processing of municipal garbage, recycling, garden waste and hard waste, Waste and Litter Management Plan projects and waste and litter related behavioural change programs” 2. The Waste Charge will be determined by applying the following: Household Garbage : 100 per cent of annual budget Recycling collection: 100 per cent of annual budget Garden Waste Collection: 100 per cent of annual budget Policy: Municipal Waste Service and Charge 5 Hard Waste Collection: 100 per cent of annual budget Waste and Litter Management Plan and projects: 100 per cent of annual budget Clean Up Australia Day activities: 100 per cent of annual budget Waste Wise Events: 100 per cent of annual budget Direct Management: 100 per cent of Waste and Environmental Services salaries and unit administration annual budget, 25 per cent of the Manager Strategy and Advocacy annual budgeted salary and 9 per cent of the Director Planning and Environment annual budgeted salary Organisational overheads: 6.67 per cent of the Rates Department’s annual budget and 11.22 per cent of Customer Service expenses The Council’s Finance department will establish the Waste Charge each financial year using the Waste Charge Calculator. Annual expenditure budgets will be determined by Strategy and Advocacy. 3. When more revenue from the Waste Charge in any one financial year is accumulated that is more than required to cover the cost of the municipal waste service, the Waste and Litter Management Plan activities and waste and litter related behavioural change programs in that same year, these funds will be deposited into the Waste Management Financial Reserve. 4. The Council will not apply the Waste Charge to multiunit developments or non-residential properties where there is evidence that they are not provided any level of municipal waste services by the Council. Evidence will be a planning permit and/or substantiated by the Council or its representative. This will apply from the commencement of the financial year following a Council resolution on this policy. Where evidence is not available a Waste Charge or Additional Service fees will apply. Where there is a mix of uses of private and the Council’s waste collection services within one development the body corporate will be charged for the number and types of service provided for through the Additional Service Fee. For example where there are no garbage services but six recycling services, six Additional Bin Fees will apply to the body corporate. The Council’s Environmental Management department will advise the Rates department where this is the case. 5. The Council will undertake an audit every four years to determine non-residential properties with or without a municipal waste service, review lease agreements and apply the Waste Charge accordingly. 6. Exemptions to Additional Service fees are given subject to there being an application in writing, support from a medical practitioner or hospital that alternative disposal or recycling facilities are not available and the application approved by the Manager Strategy and Advocacy or his/her nominee. Where approved, the entire Additional Service fee is waived. 7. Additional garbage, recycling and garden waste services will be through application to the Council from the property owner. Property owners may cancel an additional waste service throughout the year and adjustments are made accordingly in the Rates Assessment. This will be via completion of the Council’s Additional Waste Collection Service Form. 8. Garden Waste services will be through application from the property owner. Property owners may apply alter the size of garden waste bins or cancel a garden waste service throughout the year and adjustments are made accordingly in the Rates Assessment. This will be via completion of the Council’s Green Waste Order Form. 9. The Council will review this policy in four years or if new legislation is introduced. Policy: Municipal Waste Service and Charge 6