Unit Plan for Science Grade 5 Title of Unit Curriculum Area Developed By Big Idea FOSS Landforms Grade Level 5 Time Frame Science Three Weeks K. Manzo, C. Kovac, K. Kramer Landforms are the result of a combination of destructive forces, such as erosion, and constructive forces, such as deposition of sediments. The surface of the earth changes. Some changes are due to slow processes and others are due to rapid processes. Stage 1: Identify Desired Results Established Goals Standard: 5.1 (Science Practices) All students will understand that science is both a body of knowledge and an evidence-based, model-building enterprise that continually extends, refines, and revises knowledge.5.1.A; 5.1.B; 5.1.C; 5.1.D Standard: 5.2 (Physical Science) All students will understand that physical science principles, including fundamental ideas about matter, energy, and motion, are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of phenomena in physical, living, and Earth systems science. 5.2.E Standard: 5.4 (Earth Systems Science) All students will understand that Earth operates as a set of complex, dynamic, and interconnected systems, and is a part of the all-encompassing system of the universe. 5.4.B; 5.4.C; 5.4.D; 5.4F; 5.4G Understandings Students will understand … 1. a model can represent landforms and human structures. 2. a map can represent landforms and human structures. 3. a cartographer is a person who makes maps. 4. maps and models represent features of the earth at a manageable scale. 5. a landform is a shape of the earth’s surface. 6. erosion has two main components: weathering, the breaking apart of rock structures, and transport, the movement of materials to new locations . Essential Questions Overarching Guiding 1. When do changes on earth take place? 1. How is a model used to represent something in the real world? 2. How do things on earth change? 2. How is a model like the real thing and how is it different? 3. How do we explain landforms? 3. How is a map like a model? 4. How is a map different from a model? 5. How can you change the size of a map without changing the information given? 6. How does the slope of the stream table affect erosion and deposition? 7. deposition is the process by which eroded earth materials settle out in a basin. 8. water flows downhill. 7. How does the amount of water that flows through a stream affect erosion and deposition? 9. the direction water flows in a stream depends on the barriers along its course. 8. What variable can you test to find out more about stream processes? 10. the steepness of a slope of the earth’s surface affects the amount of erosion and deposition by a stream. 9. How can we make a map that depicts different elevations of a mountain? 11. the quantity of water flowing through a stream channel affects the amount of erosion and deposition. 10. How can we draw the profile of a mountain from a topographic map? 12. humans can make changes to streams and stream channels that affect the amount of erosion and deposition. 11. What information can we get from a topographic map? 13. a topographic map uses contour lines to show the shape and elevation of the land. 12. How do you read a topographic map? 14. the elevation interval between two contour lines is always the same. 13. What do the symbols, colors, and textures on a topographic map mean? 15. the closer the contour lines, the steeper the slope and vice versa. 16. symbols on topographic maps represent a number of landforms and other natural and human-made features. 17. a topographic map uses contour lines to show the shape and elevation of the land. 18. symbols, colors, and textures represent different features and landforms on a topographic map. 19. aerial photographs display information about landforms and other features of the earth’s surface. 20. aerial photographs can be used to create maps. 14. What are the similarities and differences between a topographic map and an aerial photo of the same area? 15. Can you make a map from an aerial photograph? Knowledge Skills Students will know… Students will be able to… 1. a model can represent landforms and human structures. 2. maps can be generated from models. 3. a map can represent landforms and human structures. 4. a cartographer is a person who constructs maps. 5. maps can be transferred from one scale to another. 6. maps have certain advantages over models, for example, they are much more portable. 7. a landform is a shape of the land. 1. create a three-dimensional model of their school area. 2. experience how maps can be generated from models. 3. learn that models and maps are ways of representing landforms and human structures. 4. observe and compare features on models and corresponding maps. 5. use scientific thinking processes to conduct investigations and build explanations: observing, communicating, comparing, organizing, and relating. 8. erosion involves two processes: weathering & transport. 6. investigate water flow over earth materials in a stream table. 9. deposition is the process by which eroded earth materials settle out in another place. 7. observe the processes of erosion, deposition, and stream flow. 10. the flow of water in a stream is affected by barriers in its path caused erosion and deposition. 8. relate the processes they observe in the stream table to the processes that created the Grand Canyon. 11. steeper slopes result in faster flowing water, which has more energy and can carry larger loads of material, increasing in the amount of erosion and deposition. 9. investigate how slope of the land affects erosion and deposition. 12. during a flood, the stream’s velocity increases dramatically, increasing in erosion and deposition. 13. apply content introduced in previous parts. 14. a topographic map uses contour lines to show the shape and elevation of the land. 15. the change in elevation between two adjacent contour lines is always uniform. 16. the closer the contour lines, the steeper the slope and vice versa. 17. a profile is a side view or cross-section of a landform. 18. a profile can be drawn from information given on a topographic map. 19. all topographic maps use contour lines to show the shape and elevation of the land. 10. investigate how a flood flow affects erosion and deposition. 11. design and conduct investigations to discover how changes humans make to stream channels affect stream processes. 12. build a foam mountain and compare it to a real mountain. 13. draw a topographic map and a profile of the model. mountain 14. relate topographic features to symbolic representations on maps. 15. observe and describe the types of information on a topographic map. 16. compare the Mt. Shasta foam model to the U.S. Geological Survey topographic map of Mt. Shasta. 17. interpret images on an aerial photograph and compare them to landforms found on a map. 20. most topographic maps use the same types of symbols to represent landforms and other human-made and natural features. 21. a topographic map uses contour lines to show the shape and elevation of the land. 22. many symbols are used on topographic maps to provide important information. 23. photographs and topographic maps are two ways to represent a real place. 24. photographs and topographic maps provide information about the area they represent. 25. maps can be drawn from aerial photographs. 26. a photograph does not give enough information to make a complete topographic map. 27. apply concepts concerning landforms and topographic maps 18. create a map of an area using an aerial photograph and a grid. Stage 2: Assessment Evidence Performance Task Description Formative Assessment 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) teacher observation student sheets response sheets performance assessment projects class discussion/participation Summative Assessment 1) end-of-module assessment 2) portfolio assessment 3) scoring assessment (rubric) 4) teacher-created tests and quizzes Stage 3: Learning Plan Activities 1. Create a model of school site 2. Trace the locations of landforms and structures on schoolyard model 3. Transfer information to a different scale on paper map grids and create a map key 4. Setup stream tables with earth material 5. Observe the process of erosion 6. Observe the process of deposition 7. Investigate how slope of land affects erosion and deposition 8. Test the effects of different amounts of flowing water 9. Discover how human modifications influence stream processes 10. Present results of #9 to the class 11. Build a model mountain 12. Create a topographic map of the mountain 13. Produce two-dimensional profiles of the foam mountains 14. Interpret a topographic map 15. Read a map’s symbols and language 16. Compare aerial photos to topographic maps and foam mountains 17. Create landform maps using aerial photos 18. Present a topic of study of landforms and topographic maps Materials 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) FOSS Landforms Kit newspaper* paper towels* tissues* transparent tape* 6) colored pencils* 7) dustpan and broom* 8) notebook paper* 9) flip chart* 10) map of the western U.S. or the U.S* 11) clock with a second hand* 12) scratch paper* 13) bleach (optional)* 14) aluminum foil (optional)* 15) permanent marker, fine tip* 16) overhead projector (optional)* 17) transparencies* 18) rulers, 30-cm* 19) paper clips (optional)* 20) transparency pens (optional)* 21) poster board (optional)* * materials not supplied by Landforms Kit (teacher provided) Cross – Curricular Learning Activities 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Make proportional drawings/maps using a scale (Math/Art) Pretend there are tiny travelers walking around in the stream table. Describe the landforms and other sights they see. (Language Arts) Discuss landform expressions. ex. Make a mountain out of a molehill. (Language Arts) Research big rivers around the world. Discover information about the rivers’ headwaters, mouths, countries they flow through, lengths, navigability, and uses. (Social Studies) Write a stream haiku. (Language Arts) Draw people profiles. (Art) Invite a surveyor to the classroom. (Social Studies) Design a national-park tour package. (Language Arts, Computers)