RESEARCH ETHICS BOARD REQUEST FOR INSTITUTIONAL APPROVAL COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION IF YOU ARE AFFILIATED WITH ANOTHER INSTITUTION AND REQUIRE APPROVAL TO CONDUCT RESEARCH INVOLVING NIPISSING UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY MEMBERS OR USING NIPISSING UNIVERSITY FACILITIES. For Administrative Use Only Date Received: Host Institution: Date Approved: Approval # IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: All relevant sections of this form must be completed. Attached documents may not be used instead of the standard form(s). Applications must be submitted by the deadline date noted on the Research Ethics Board website, in order to be reviewed in that month and at least 8 weeks in advance of the project start date. Allow 4 to 6 weeks for the Research Ethics Board to respond. Reviews are conducted according to the principles and spirit of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans. Applicants are advised to familiarize themselves with this document. Any personal information collected on this form will form part of the records held in the Research Services Office and will be used to assist in the administration of your research program. A copy of this form may be reviewed by external parties in order to meet legislative, audit and/or regulatory requirements. If you have any questions or concerns about the information collected, please contact the Ethics Coordinator at 705-474-3450 ext. 4055. 1.0 APPLICANT (Principal Investigator) THE TCPS 2 ONLINE TUTORIAL MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO PROTOCOL SUBMISSION. Please visit Have you completed the TCPS2 tutorial: YES - I have attached my Certificate of Completion Please provide your permanent mailing address (including postal code): Department /Faculty Name: Address: E-mail Address: Telephone Number (daytime): 1.1 Title of Research Project: Proposed Start Date of Research: Proposed End Date of Research: 1.2 NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION Department Co-Investigator(s) Faculty Supervisor (in the case of student research) 1|Page Institutional Authorization Jun2013 RESEARCH ETHICS BOARD REQUEST FOR INSTITUTIONAL APPROVAL COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION IF YOU ARE AFFILIATED WITH ANOTHER INSTITUTION AND REQUIRE APPROVAL TO CONDUCT RESEARCH INVOLVING NIPISSING UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY MEMBERS OR USING NIPISSING UNIVERSITY FACILITIES. Please choose one of the following that pertains to you: Faculty Researcher Administrative Researcher Undergraduate Student Researcher Graduate Student Researcher 2.0 SIGNATURES Principal Investigator Assurance: I certify that the information provided in this protocol is complete and accurate. I understand that I have ultimate responsibility for the conduct of the study, the ethics performance of the project, and the protection of the rights and welfare of research participants. I agree to comply with the Tri-Council Policy Statement and Nipissing University policies and procedures governing the protection of human participants in research. I will not make changes to this protocol without notifying the REB of the proposed changes and seeking its prior approval. Signature of Principal Investigator Date Faculty Supervisor Assurance: For student applications I have read this protocol and deem it to be complete. I understand if this application is incomplete it will be returned to me and I will be responsible for ensuring its completion. The project is valid and worthwhile. I agree to provide the necessary supervision of the student(s) and to make myself available to the student(s) should problems arise during the course of the research. Signature of Faculty Supervisor Date 2|Page Institutional Authorization Jun2013 RESEARCH ETHICS BOARD REQUEST FOR INSTITUTIONAL APPROVAL COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION IF YOU ARE AFFILIATED WITH ANOTHER INSTITUTION AND REQUIRE APPROVAL TO CONDUCT RESEARCH INVOLVING NIPISSING UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY MEMBERS OR USING NIPISSING UNIVERSITY FACILITIES. 3.0 FUNDING STATUS OF PROJECT Unfunded External Agency/Sponsor SSHRC NSERC Period of Funding From: Funded CIHR Applied for Other (please specify): To: Comments (optional): 3.1 OTHER RESEARCH BOARD APPROVAL Research conducted in different research jurisdictions must be reviewed by different bodies when they, or their equivalents, exist. In all cases, review is still required by the REB within the researcher’s home institution. Please provide a copy of the host/home institutions protocol, including all attachments and REB approval(s) received to this application. a) Is this a multi-centred study (more than one institution is involved)? (i) If Yes, name the other institution(s) involved. Yes No b) Is this project under review by any other institutional Ethics Board? (i) If Yes, name the other institution: Yes No PLEASE COMPLETE AND SUBMIT ONE (1) SIGNED ORIGINAL AS WELL AS ONE (1) ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THIS PROTOCOL TO: Ethics Coordinator ROOM F309 Fax: (705) 474-5878 3|Page Institutional Authorization Jun2013