Guidelines for anemia in H/D patients Vs 林信昌 R4 曾黃泱 Guideline 1 Targets: Target Hematocrit for EPO Therapy: The target for hematocrit is 33~34% Target Iron Level: TSAT 30% Ferritin level 300 ng/mL TSAT >50% and/or ferritin level >500 ng/ml Stop iron administration Guideline 2 When to initiation of iron supplementation: If TSAT is >30% and the serum Ferritin is >300 ng/mL and Hct <33% 800mg IV iron given over 10 weeks. no increase in Hct and no increase in serum ferritin and TSAT level at the same dose of EPO, a second course of IV iron should be tried. no increase in Hct, but either the TSAT or serum ferritin level increases, then the weekly dose of IV iron should be reduced to the lowest amount to maintain the TSAT >30% and serum ferritin at >300 ng/mL. If increase in Hct at a constant dose of EPO, or a stable Hct at a decreased dose of EPO, Administering 800mg of iron IV over 8 to 10 weeks again to achieve and maintain the Hct 33%. Guideline 3 Monitoring Iron Status: A. In the initiation of EPO therapy and adjusting the EPO dose, the TSAT and Ferritin should be checked every 3 months until target Hct is reached. B. Following attainment of the target Hct, TSAT and serum ferritin should be determined every 3 months. Guideline 4 Intravenous iron given schedules: If the TSAT remains <30% and/or ferritin <300 ng/mL, IV iron with 80mg per week for 8 to 10 wks. Once the patient’s TSAT is >30% and ferritin is >300 ng/mL(Target), IV iron with 40mg once per week. In patients in whom TSAT is >50% and/or ferritin is >500 ng/mL, IV iron held for 3 months and the iron parameters should be re-measured before IV iron is resumed. The maintenance iron status: measuring the TSAT and ferritin every 3 month. Guideline 5 Intravenous EPO given schedules: Guideline 6 RBC Transfusions in H/D Patients: RBC transfusions are indicated in: A. Hct < 20% B. Hct < 24% + Recognized symptoms or signs due to anemia. C. The Epoetin-resistant patient who has chronic blood loss