Unit 1: Beauty and the Beast–-Evaluation Rubric for Creative Writing Anthology (revised 2012) Knowledge/ Understanding Thinking/ Inquiry Communication Application (of concepts, literary terminology, etc.) Level 1 (50-59%) Below Provincial Standard 11 1+ 52% 55% 59% -demonstrates limited knowl. & und. of difference between prose and poetry -the poems show a limited understanding of the themes -limited understanding of form -poem & prose passage capture both beautiful and beastly qualities of person, place or thing with limited effectiveness -dialogue reflects limited understanding of the characters -reflects limited knowl. and und. of found poetry and poetic devices Level 2 (60-69%) Approaching Provincial Standard 22 2+ 62% 65% 69% -demonstrates some knowl. & und. of difference between prose and poetry -the themes in the poems are moderately clear -uses form to some effect -poem & prose passage capture both beautiful and beastly qualities of person, place, or thing moderately well -dialogue reflects some understanding of the characters and consistency with the text -reflects adequate knowl. and und. of found poetry and poetic devices -uses critical/creative thinking processes to respond to the novel with limited effectiveness -use of poetic devices is limited -paragraphing in prose is inconsistent -diction is limited in effectiveness -introductions provide limited insight into the inspiration behind each piece and its creative process -uses writing conventions with limited effectiveness -uses critical/creative thinking processes to respond to the novel with some effectiveness -some command of a wide variety of poetic devices such as figurative language (similes, metaphors, personification), imagery, alliteration, rhyme, rhythm, euphony, cacophony, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, and symbolism -paragraphing in prose is adequate -diction is adequate -introductions provide some insight into the inspiration behind each piece and its creative process -some effectiveness in the use of writing conventions -applies knowledge and skills in both familiar and new contexts with limited effectiveness -applies knowledge and skills in both familiar and new contexts with some effectiveness Level 3 (70-79%) Meets Provincial Standard 33 3+ 72% 75% 79% -demonstrates considerable knowl. & und. of difference between prose and poetry -poems’ themes are clear, well-developed and interesting -recognizes a clear link between form and content -poem & prose passage capture both beautiful and beastly qualities of person, place, or thing effectively -dialogue reflects considerable understanding of the situation and characters -reflects considerable knowl. & und. of found poetry and poetic devices -uses critical/creative thinking processes to respond to the novel with considerable effectiveness -considerable command of a wide variety of poetic devices such as figurative language (similes, metaphors, personification), imagery, alliteration, rhyme, rhythm, euphony, cacophony, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, and symbolism -paragraphing in prose is considerably effective -diction is effective -introductions provide considerably effective insight into the inspiration behind each piece and its creative process -uses writing conventions with considerable effectiveness -applies knowledge and skills in both familiar and new contexts with considerable effectiveness Level 4 (80-100%) Exceeds Provincial Standard 44 4+ 4++ 4! 82% 85% 89% 95% 100% -demonstrates thorough knowl. & und. of difference between prose and poetry -the poems express a unique and provocative view of the themes -uses form to make meaning and to intensify the impact of the content -poem & prose passage capture both beautiful and beastly qualities of person, place, or thing exceedingly well -dialogue shows an insightful understanding of the situation, the characters, and their motives -reflects thorough knowl. & und. of found poetry and poetic devices -uses critical/creative thinking processes to respond to the novel with a high degree of effectiveness -excellent command of a wide variety of poetic devices such as figurative language (similes, metaphors, personification), imagery, alliteration, rhyme, rhythm, euphony, cacophony, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, and symbolism -paragraphing in prose is highly effective -diction is sophisticated -introductions provide highly effective insight into the inspiration behind each piece and its creative process -skillful use of writing conventions -applies knowledge and skills in both familiar and new contexts with high degree of effectiveness *Note: A student whose achievement is below level 1 (50%), has failed to meet the minimum expectations for this assignment. If any of the pieces of the anthology are missing, the overall mark will be lowered proportionately to reflect that the work is incomplete.