
TU100 learning outcomes activity template
You can fill in a copy of this template for each part of TU100. Refer to the beginning of each part for the learning outcomes associated with it. The skills you
should develop over the course of your studies are listed at http://www2.open.ac.uk/students/careers/about-you/pdp-skill-development.
Block: 1
Part: 2
Learning outcome
How far achieved?
Examples of TU100 activities?
How to progress?
List some milestones in the history
of computing, including that of the
personal computer.
Activity 7, 8 and 9 has allowed me
to gain a basic understanding of the
milestones within the generations of
computing and the personal
I believe the material will reference
the history of computing in more
detailing when introducing new
Reading Effectiveness.
Describe some of the characteristics
of the four generations of computers.
Activity 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 has assisted
me in the understanding of the four
generations of computing and I
should be able to identify which
generation a computer is from.
I am certain the material will
reference the history of computers
again help my understanding on
modern concepts and techniques.
Reading Effectiveness.
Knowledge and understanding
Explain the concepts of ubiquitous
Working through activities 22 and
computing and cloud computing, and 23 has helped my understanding of
identify their ethical dimensions.
the different types of technology,
ubiquitous embedded devices, cloud
computing and ethical dimensions.
Next parts will continue to build on
the basic foundation which has been
described here.
Identify potential devices in which
computers might be embedded.
Section 4 has opened my eyes to all
sorts of embedded devices that I
never really considered to be a
computer before.
Working through TU100 we will get
to use the sense board which gives
me a better understanding of what
embedded devices are capable of.
Reading Effectiveness.
Describe how the physical world can
be represented in digital form.
Activities 27 and 28 has taught me
how the physical world can be
represented in a digital formate with
discrete conversion.
As TU100 is about understanding a
digital life, this is the purpose of the
module to understand how the world
is becoming more digitalised.
Explain the concept of a number
After working through the activities
in section 5 and 6 I now have a good
understanding of number bases e.g
base 10 (decimal) base 2 (binary)
base 8 (octal).
I expect that we will be using
number bases quite frequently in the
TU100 module as binary base 2 is a
huge part of understanding how
computers and memory works.
Describe how binary numbers are
stored in a computer.
Section 5 explained how binary
numbers are stored within computers
, especially activities 24, 25 and 30.
Binary numbers will be used further
in TU100.
Explain the concept of exponential
In section 3, activities 12, 13, 14, 15
and 16 have helped increase my
understanding of Exponential
Growth and I feel confident in
explaining the concept to other
The study material has mentioned
this will be useful for future
Convert between decimal numbers
and binary numbers.
Activities 32 and 35 has allowed me
to learn techniques to convert
decimal to binary and vice versa.
I imagine these skills will come in
useful for future parts on memory
Contrast analogue and digital
Activities 27 and 28 in section 5 of
I think the material might cover this
Cognitive skills
quantities and representations.
the material has gave me the
knowledge to determine a analogue
value from a discrete value.
again at some point.
Key skills
Take notes as an aid to learning
Activity 2 has increased my
I will continue to make notes using
knowledge of methods of note taking various techniques as I continue
by introducing a method called spray through the TU100 material.
diagrams or mind maps.
Reading Effectiveness.
Read actively as an aid to learning.
I actively read the material ahead to
see what was approaching and made
notes as I went.
This skill is useful in all new
sections of the material and I will
continue to use it along side my note
Reading Effectiveness.
Perform simple calculations related
to energy consumption.
Activity 5 asked how the ENIAC
was equivalent to 85 electric fires.
As the material provided simple
calculations on energy consumption
I would assume this skill is needed
in future sections.
Perform simple calculations relating
to computer memory.
Activity 41 has introduced me to
calculations involving memory
Work with number bases.
In sections 5 and 6 is has shown me
how number bases work and more
specifically how binary is used
within a computer.
Work with exponential notation in
simple contexts, and with prefixes
for large numbers such as kilo,
Working through section 3 and the
activities has helped me understand
exponential notation and the prefixes
The course material will cover this
in the next section when moving
mega,and giga.
associated with larger numbers that a
multiples of 10.
onto memory.
Keep a learning journal.
I have kept a learning journal in the
form of an online blog.
I have found that keeping a blog
online is an excellent way for me to
reflect on my progress and quickly
refer to anything I think is important.
Writing skills.
Activity 39 got me to run a simple
sense program which outputs various
binary numbers using the coloured
The future material will cover more
sense programs and allow us to
create our own. This is also part of
the TMA01.
ICT Skills.
Practical and professional skills
Run a simple sense program.