APPENDIX 9. Correlation and discrepancy between the predicted number of fossiliferous lissamphibian localities according to various models and the observed number of localities. All calculations use the exposure area of rocks of the various periods and assume an exponential diversification model, except the last two columns, where only the rock exposure is used (no model of standing lissamphibian biodiversity is incorporated), or where the observed number of localities is given. Four settings differ by the assumed percentage of species extinction in three biological crises. The first two columns represent values that seem plausible to us; the third column uses the values reported by Hallam and Wignall (1997:table 1.1). The fourth column assumes that biological crises had only minimal impact on lissamphibians. The two columns to the right correspond to a model incorporating an exponential diversification but no extinctions (fifth column) or a model based only on exposure area of sedimentary rocks (sixth column). The correlation was tested using a linear regression with permutations (9999 replicates) on log-transformed number of localities. The probability reported is that a R2 at least as high arises by chance (the original, unpermuted values are incorporated into the results, which makes the test conservative). The D statistic used by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to assess discrepancy is also given; here, lower values are better because this statistic reflects a discrepancy in fit. P(D) was computed using equation (5). Abbreviations: d, time necessary for doubling the number of species. Predicted Observed number of number of localities localities P/Tr 0.9; P/Tr 0.9; P/Tr 0.95; P/Tr 0.8; Exponential Surface of Periods or Tr/J 0.5; Tr/J 0.6; Tr/J 0.8; Tr/J 0.5; growth (no exposures stages K/Pg 0.8 K/Pg 0.8 K/Pg 0.76 K/Pg 0.2 extinctions) only (d 18.53 (d 18.21 (d 16.65 (d 25.20 Ma) Ma) Ma) Ma) Triassic 0.27 0.29 0.23 0.25 0.48 47.15 2 Jurassic 3.10 2.81 1.37 2.12 5.40 149.83 18 16.32 15.23 8.79 8.29 14.74 127.12 23 Cretaceous 54.43 51.91 33.71 22.81 33.08 94.44 35 Paleocene 14.75 14.29 12.06 21.17 30.58 63.62 15 Eocene 61.49 60.23 54.06 79.50 101.37 143.63 56 Oligocene 55.16 54.58 51.72 64.86 73.6 71.29 66 Miocene 154.97 154.86 154.78 166.29 168.97 116.07 210 Pliocene 45.12 45.38 46.94 45.59 43.00 23.12 96 718.79 724.15 756.13 714.49 660.77 333.67 466 82.59 83.26 87.21 81.65 75.00 37.07 220 Early Cretaceous Late Pleistocene Holocene R2(log-transformed) 0.892 0.894 0.897 0.882 0.865 0.058 P(log-transformed) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.4746 D 0.1138 0.1133 0.1304 0.1146 0.1201 3.36 E5.17 E-14 7.00 E-14 3.06 E-18 P(D) 0.3994 1.18 E- 1.48 E-15 14 167 METHODOLOGICAL NOTE The map uses a coarse geological scale (i.e. “Upper Paleozoic” or “Jurassic and Cretaceous”). To maximize the power of our statistical tests for verifying that the assumptions required by the method (Marshall, 1997) were met, we thought that it was preferable to estimate the area covered by sediments for shorter periods. Thus, we assumed that the amount of sediment covered by any period was proportional to its duration. For instance, the Paleocene lasted 9.7 Ma and the “Tertiary” lasted 63.7 Ma, so we inferred that the area of Paleocene sediments equaled 0.152 times the area covered by the “Tertiary” (0.152 = 9.7 Ma/63.7 Ma). The only exception is for the “Quaternary”; instead of giving the Holocene a minute proportion of the “Quaternary” (0.0115 Ma/1.806 Ma = 0.0064), we arbitrarily assigned it 0.1 of the “Quaternary” record, to compensate for the much greater sampling effort that results from the archaeozoological research on historic, protohistoric and late prehistoric sites. This procedure cannot have reduced the power of the test because the KolmogorovSmirnov goodness-of-fit test uses the maximal observed difference between predicted and observed values (here, the cumulated number of fossiliferous localities at various periods, starting in the Triassic), and our method does not affect this difference for any of the times for which it can be unambiguously established using the geological map (at the end of the Triassic, at the end of the Cretaceous, and at the end of the Pliocene). The only partial exception is for the end of the Pliocene because part of the Cenozoic sediments are identified only as undifferentiated Cenozoic, so we had to assume that part of this was from the Pleistocene and Holocene. Thus, our interpolation of the area covered by sediments for shorter periods can only increase the power of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test; it cannot have adverse effects on any other calculations. This procedure also enables us to assess better the quality of the fit of our recovery potential function using linear regressions. The proportions of lissamphibians becoming extinct in the three great biological crises are based on statistics that reflect mostly marine metazoans. It might be objected that the extinction levels of lissamphibians many not have been comparable to those of marine metazoans, which have been most intensively studied (Hallam and Wignall, 1997), but this matters little because we only need to get a good match between the expected and observed number of localities, and we have tested the quality of this fit (see below). The proportion of species-level extinction reported for metazoans yields plausible potential recovery curves and is incorporated into our models. The resulting potential recovery values can also be divided by the duration of a given geological period as a proxy of average standing lissamphibian biodiversity. This approach seems more appropriate than directly using the fossil recovery potential calculated for a period based on the exponential diversification model because the latter would result in a high potential if a period were very long. In fact, the length of the period is irrelevant; what matters is the abundance of lissamphibians in the former biological communities, and the area of exposed fossiliferous rocks. Whether these rocks represent e.g. 1 Ma or 10 Ma should have no impact on the recovery potential. The estimated average biodiversity in each period can be multiplied by the area of exposures of rocks of various periods on the continents to yield the potential recovery curve; this is the method that was adopted here. With this model, we should be able to determine if the fossil record of lissamphibians is consistent with our starting assumption of lissamphibian origin (i.e. the timing suggested by Zhang et al., 2005) and diversification. We have found that our recovery potential function is adequate using a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of goodness of fit for continuous distributions. The exact probability for the values of D at such our high sample size (n = 1207) is not reported in Zar (1984), but it can be computed by isolating α (the probability threshold) in the formula used when n is large: Dα n = ([-ln(α/2)]2n)-1/2 (4) This equation becomes: 2 α = 2ε-2nD In this case, what is computed is a probability (α = p). (5) We have also tested the correlation between the observed number of localities and the predicted number of localities using our recovery potential functions using a simple linear regression in Statview (Caldarola et al., 1998) and using a regression with permutations in Permute (Casgrain, 2005). We tested normality using Progiciel R (Casgrain et al., 2004). Since the distribution of the localities in the various periods was log-normal rather than normal, the values were log-transformed. Extinctions in the recovery potential curve.—Incorporation of extinction events into the models is supported to an extent by the literature and by our new analyses. Among taxa that have been interpreted as stem-amphibians, temnospondyls suffered a great reduction in biodiversity towards the end of the Permian, although their record is not good enough to determine if this was a slow decline or a result of the end-Permian crisis (Milner, 1990, 1991). The “lepospondyls” also declined steadily in diversity in the Permian, but in their case, the extinctions seem to have occurred well before the end of the Permian (contra Zhang et al., 2005:fig. 2, 3) because only a few species persist into the Middle to Late Permian (Carroll, 2000). Less is known about how lissamphibians fared in times of biological crises. Aquatic vertebrates, especially those living in fresh water, may have been little affected by the K/Pg boundary event (Clemens, 1982; Fara, 2000); however, this conclusion is based mostly on turtles and crocodilians, which have a much better fossil record. REFERENCES Caldarola, J., J. Gagnon, K. Haycock, J. Roth, C. Soper, and E. Wasserman. 1998. Statview, version 5.0. SAS Institute. Carroll, R. L. 2000. Lepospondyls. Pages 1198–1269 in Amphibian Biology (H. Heatwole, and R. L. Carroll, eds.). Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton. Casgrain, P. 2005. Permute!, version 3.4 alpha. Available at Casgrain, P., P. Legendre, and A. Vaudor. 2004. The R Package for multidimensional and spatial analysis. Available at Clemens, W. A. 1982. Patterns of extinction and survival of the terrestrial biota during the Cretaceous/Tertiary transition. Pages 407–413 in Geological Implications of Impacts of Large Asteroids and Comets on the Earth (L. T. Silver, and P. H. Schultz, eds.). 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