Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Electrophoresis is the movement of charged particles in solution under the influence of an electric field. In the most common form of electrophoresis, the sample is applied to a stabilizing medium which serves as a matrix for the buffer in which the sample molecules will travel. The agarose gel is a common type of stabilizing medium used for the electrophoretic separation of nucleic acids. A diagram of the essential components of an agarose electrophoretic system is shown below. The agarose gel, containing preformed sample wells, is submerged in buffer within the electrophoretic gel cell. Samples to be separated are then loaded into the sample wells. Current from the power supply travels to the negative electrode (cathode), supplying electrons to the conductive buffer solution, gel and positive electrode (anode), thus completing the circuit. At neutral pH, a molecule of DNA or RNA is negatively charged because of the negative charges on the phosphate backbone. Under these conditions, nucleic acids applied to sample wells at the negative electrode end of the gel migrate within pores of the gel matrix towards the positive electrode. The agarose gel serves as a molecular sieve in that its structure is similar to that of a sponge. Agarose is the neutral fraction of agar, made up of linear molecules consisting of repeating units of the disaccharide agarbiose. Agarose solutions undergo a solution-gel transition at 45ºC or below. This gelling property, as well as the high gel strength obtained at low concentrations, makes the agarose gel a most useful separation medium. The primary mechanism for the formation of agarose gels based on X-ray analysis has been postulated as the formation of double helices. Secondary and tertiary contributions arise from hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions, respectively. The result is a thermally reversible gel which is slightly opaque due to the molecular aggregates or “microcrystallites” which hold the gel together. Resolving power The resolving power of an agarose gel depends on the pore size, which is dictated by the concentration of dissolved agarose. Generally, large molecules move more slowly through the gel than smaller molecules. Thus, the method sorts the molecules according to size, since it relies on the ability of uniformly charged nucleic acids to fit through the pores of the agarose gel matrix. High percentage agarose gels (e.g. 1.5%) are used for the separation of small DNA molecules (100 – 1000 base-pairs in length), while low percentage gels (e.g. 0.6%) are used for large molecules (104 – 105 base-pairs). The following is a table that will help you decide what concentration your gel should be. How to Pour an Agarose Gel In this lab, agarose gels will always be made in 0.04M Tris-Acetate-EDTA, pH 8.3 (1X TAE) buffer. The percentage gel (w/v) will very depending on the size of molecules we are trying to resolve. 1. Weigh out the appropriate amount of agarose (ex. a 1.5% gel would be 1.5g agarose in 100 mL). Usually we will make 40-50 mL of gel solution. Add the appropriate amount of 1X TAE. Make the mixture in a 250 mL flask, cover it with Saran Wrap, and microwave for 1 minute and 20 seconds on high power. 2. Visually check to see that all the agarose has melted. Unmelted agarose looks like tiny refractive lenses floating around. If not completely melted, nuke it a little longer. Try 20 second intervals. 3. Allow the gel to cool a bit (5 minutes on the bench is usually sufficient). If called for, add 0.5 μL of 10 mg/mL ethidium bromide, and then pour the gel into the mold. Pour up to half the height of the teeth on the comb. Chase out any bubbles on the surface with a plastic Pasteur pipet or micropipettor tip. 4. Allow the gel to cool until it turns slightly white. This usually takes at least 20 minutes at room temperature. Remove the comb, and pour enough 1X TAE into the buffer chamber to barely cover the top surface of the gel. The gel may now be loaded with your samples.