Words: Vocabulary Workshop Words, Words, Words Janet Allen © Mary Barrett Mayo High School 1420 SE 11th Ave. Rochester, MN 55904 mabarrett@rochester.k12.mn.us These materials may be duplicated for non-profit, educational use. Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 1 Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 2 Using Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes Description: Can you figure out what this word means? pneumoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis If you use your knowledge of prefixes and suffixes, you could break it down into the following parts: pneumo (air, wind) ultra (beyond the normal) micro (small) scopic (to see) silico (hard stone) volcano (fire) coni (dust) osis (disease) You read Latin from right to left, so literally this word means the dust from burning a hard stone and that is too small to see in the air. This is the longest word in the dictionary, and it is a term for black lung disease. (Miners breathed in a very fine coal dust that coated their lungs and made it difficult for the miners to breathe. Many coal miners died of black lung disease.) Not only could you figure out this word if you had some knowledge of Greek and Latin prefixes, roots, and suffixes, you could also pronounce it! A college dictionary will give you the etymology of the word, including its roots and their meanings. Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 3 Why 99% Accuracy? The man leaned against the current as he waded, waist-deep, upstream. His hands steadied either end of the FURNWUNCH balanced across his shoulders. He had moved about 90 yards from the DNUP where he had entered the stream. A few yards ahead, a part of the wooded bank had been replaced by an ACNRID FRUD. He came abreast of it, and with effort, pressed the FURNWUNCH up and over his head, and then set it on top of the FRUD. He placed his hands on his hips, pulled his elbows back, and arched his back in an attempt to stretch out muscles that were knotted from long exertion. He relaxed somewhat and began a visual inspection of the FRUD. He moved closer to it and reached under the water to explore its surface. Moving slowly, he started the search from the downstream end. At about the RONDTIP he stopped and probed one area intently. Satisfied that he had located a GRUNDLE, he continued to the upstream end. There was only one GRUNDLE to contend with. He retrieved the FURNWUNCH and cradled the heavy implement as he made his way back to the RONDTIP. He gingerly lowered the FURNWUNCH, holding it perpendicular to the FRUD. When it reached the GRUNDLE, he slid it in its full length. He held it in place with one hand and turned the expansion lock handle until the instrument was seated tightly in place. His mission accomplished, he was clearly relieved. He waded easily downstream to the DNUP. From: Harris, C. H. Curriculum Based Assessment: A Primer 297 Words/ 6.4 GE Flesch-Kincaid Why 99% accuracy? This passage has 16 occurrences of six unknown words, or 93% known words, making it impossible to comprehend. Pre-teach vocabulary words that are essential to comprehension before students read! Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 4 Words, Words, Words – By Janet Allen Teaching Vocabulary in Grades 4-12 Text Notes “The amount of time spent reading is the best predictor of vocabulary growth.” Janet Allen Words, Words, Words (Based on research from Anderson and Nagy 1991; Baumann and Kameenui 1991) **And this means fiction and nonfiction! Mary Barrett Stages of vocabulary knowledge: 1. First Exposure = partially known 2. Repeated Exposures = understanding 3. Literacy Maturity = concept fleshed out 3 Approaches to Vocabulary Instruction: 1. Incidental 2. Mediated support 3. Direct Instruction Vocabulary vs. Concept Teaching vocabulary is teaching new labels for familiar concepts. Ex. Knowledge of Fair/Unfair can lead to understanding of the vocabulary terms bias, discrimination, stereotyping. Teaching a new concept requires more time. Ex. The concept Faithfulness would require several reading, writing, thinking, and exploring activities. Once the concept is in place, students can generalize to loyalty, steadfastness, and commitment as vocabulary terms. Concept instruction has the most lasting effect. 5 Reasons Supporting Direct Instruction of Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Increase reading comprehension Develop knowledge of new concepts Improve range and specificity in writing Help student communicate more effectively Develop deeper understanding of words and concepts of which students are only partially aware Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 5 3 Key Characteristics of Good Vocabulary Instruction 1. Integration Vocabulary instruction is part of your everyday lesson, not an add-on that separates the vocabulary from the text. 2. Repetition Students need to have multiple encounters with a word before it enters their speaking, listening, and writing vocabulary. Students need to see the words in varied contexts. 3. Meaningful Use Multiple and meaningful exposures to words might occur when the teacher describes words; supports words with visuals; connects words to students’ lives; extends words with anecdotes; makes associations; gives definitions; compares and contrasts; questions; charts characteristics; rephrases sentences; analyzes word structure; provides tactile examples; and/or gives examples of correct and incorrect usage. DO NOT simply give students word lists and tell them to look up words in the dictionary. Definitions may not have enough information, may not make sense if applied literally, or may be inappropriate for idiomatic usage. Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 6 2 TYPES OF CONTEXT 1. Semantic/Syntactic cause/effect compare/contrast sequence examples (“such as”) direct explanation (“in other words” sentence structure 2. Typographical charts pictures glossary words parenthetical definitions text features (bold, italics, etc.) BRING VOCABULARY TO A CONSCIOUS LEVEL Model using context to figure out meanings. Demonstrate how to use dictionaries, thesauruses, and other resources. Highlight the importance of specialized vocabulary. Connect individual words to a larger concept. Show why some words require deeper understanding than other words. Create visuals, webs, or organizers to develop memory links for words. Extend student knowledge by pointing out multiple meanings of words. Show students how you learn incidental words. Help students discriminate between common knowledge and specialized vocabulary. Reading fiction and nonfiction takes different skills and strategies. Tailor your strategies to the content of the text. Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 7 POSSIBLE STRATEGIES #1 Access Prior Knowledge LIST – GROUP – LABEL 1. List all the words you can think of related to . (the major concept that you are introducing) 2. Group the words that you have listed by looking for words that have something in common. 3. Once the words are grouped, decide on a label for each group. WORDSTORMING 1. Write down all the words students can think of related to a given concept, theme, or target word. 2. When students have exhausted their contributions, help them add to their individual lists by giving some specific directions: a. Can you think of words that describe someone without ? b. Can you think of words that would show what someone might see, hear, feel, touch, smell in a situation filled with ? c. What are other words made from this root word? 3. Ask the students to group and label their words. 4. Introduce any words you think should be included and ask students to put them in the correct group. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose words that you know may present difficulty in the text. Copy the word and its sentence onto an overhead. Read the sentence, containing the word in context, aloud to students. Give the students a KWL-style form to assess what they already know about the word. Students will record the word in the appropriate column as the teacher reads each sentence. (See p. 10) 5. Words that most students place in the first two columns will need to be explicitly taught; words in the second two columns may be addressed in context. Here is a sample of what the form’s columns might be: Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 8 Geometry: Word Sort Try to find the 4 headings among the words in the following list. One of the columns contains two subheadings under it. Then sort the words into columns that fit the headings. Parts of Shapes Measures Relations Shapes points vertices parallel parallelogram length edges triangle pyramid volume perimeter square hexagon Solid Figures rhombus perpendicular Plane Figures radius circle circumference prism Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 similar intersecting angles congruent opposite cylinder points square diagonals bisector adjacent rays symmetry cube sphere cone 9 Totally new Heard before but unsure of meaning Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 Know one definition Know several ways to the use word 10 #2 MAKE WORD LEARNING MEANINGFUL CONCEPT ATTAINMENT Concept Characteristics Non-examples Definition of Concept Examples Words that Connect EXAMPLE: Concept Attainment Concept Direct vocabulary instruction Characteristics Non-examples Definition of Concept Examples Words that Connect multiple exposures/ integrate into lesson multiple strategies meaningful use new concept generate word lists look up words in dictionary and copy definition Good vocabulary instruction is based on integration into a lesson, learning the word in context, and meaningful exposures to the word multiple times. Metacognition about Context Clues Analyzing prefixes, roots, and suffixes Presenting words in sentences from text Strategic Instruction Scaffolding multiple experiences with increasing student accountability Word Diary Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 11 CONCEPT LADDER Concept: What does it look like? What is it used for? What are its parts? What is it made of? What did it replace or what has replaced it? It is a kind of It might also be called Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 12 MAKING CONNECTIONS Connected Concept/ Example Connected Concept/ Example CONCEPT Connected Concept/ Example Connected Concept/ Example EXAMPLE: Making Connections Conductor/ Orchestra Manager/ Retail Store Teacher/Classroom Coach/ Sports Team Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 Leader/ Youth Group 13 KNOWLEDGE CHART Lee Corey Word/Concept: Prior Knowledge about Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 New Knowledge about 14 COMPARE/CONTRAST Word: Definition: Compare to: Contrast With: Examples: EXAMPLE: Compare/Contrast Word: Democracy Definition: Form of government in which all people of voting age in the country have an equal voice in how decisions are made and how laws are determined. Compare to: Contrast with: family meeting Monarchy co-operative groups Communism food co-op Socialism Examples: ancient Greece United States of America (representative democracy) Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 15 ROOTS AND CONTEXT Target Word in Context: Word part(s) I recognize: Meaning(s) of word part(s): Other words I know with the word part(s): Definition by analysis: Target Word in Context: Word part(s) I recognize: Meaning(s) of word part(s): Other words I know with the word part(s): Definition by analysis: Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 16 DIRECT INSTRUCTION WITH CONTEXT Adams and Cerqui (1989) Sentence that uses the target word in context: is not: New Word is: is not: is: is not: is: Example: Example: Example: EXAMPLE: Direct Instruction with Context Sentence that uses the target word in context: The whole situation when the principal accused the student of theft was PREPOSTEROUS since it was obvious that the student was incapable of stealing anything. is not: realistic is not: serious is: crazy New Word: Preposterous is not: defensible Ex.: Dennis Rodman is: ridiculous is: silly Ex: “Can we have more homework?” Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 Ex: I just love being tired and hungry! 17 SENSORY LANGUAGE CHART Word/Phrase in context: What does the word make you: See? Hear? Smell? Feel/Touch? Taste? EXAMPLE: Sensory Language Chart Word/Phrase in context: “She frowned so hard her face could not unfrown itself.” What does the word make you: crabby, angry woman SEE wrinkles wild hair HEAR Grrrrr yelling “You did WHAT?!?!” SMELL fear wall behind my back FEEL/TOUCH angry breath on my face anger TASTE Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 pursed lips hands on hips pointing finger 18 UNDERSTAND WORDS AS CHARACTER TRAITS Text Title/Author: Trait Character Character Character Character 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EXAMPLE: Understanding Words as Character Traits Text Title/Author: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Scout Atticus Jem TRAIT 1 honest Boo Radley 2 reliable 3 mysterious 4 noble 5 selfless 6 stern 7 imaginative 8 optimistic Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 19 #3 MAKE WORD LEARNING FUN WORD WALLS J. Green The most important thing about a word wall seems to be to keep the walls accessible and organized! 1. Cut out the letters of the alphabet to head columns of words. You can also create word walls by using themes or concepts. 2. Separate columns with narrow strips of construction paper on which students can write words. 3. Put new vocabulary on the wall (initially by the teacher, ultimately by the students). 4. Change the words on the wall as you enter a new unit or topic. You may want to archive the words for future reference. Encourage student use of the word wall. o Require word use in student writing. o Give extra credit for student use of words in writing. o Play a game with a Nerf ball in which the person throwing the ball has to ask a question about words (What two words describe ?) The person catching the ball has to answer the question and then generate the next question or task as s/he throws the Nerf ball. o Have “Word Bees” with meanings or synonyms or antonyms. o I have used word walls with homophones, giving each class one section of the bulletin board and making the gathering into a contest. The Civil War and Reconstruction Slavery abolition Freedman’s Bureau Black Codes suffrage Politics Lincoln impeach radical republicans Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 Economics plantation boycott scalawags carptebaggers sharecroppers 20 WORD JARS Allen and Gonzalez 1998 The purpose here is to get students to pay attention to words that they have read, seen, or heard. 1. On slips of paper, students write down a word and indicate where they read/saw/heard the word. 2. The slips of paper go into a large jar (such as a pickle jar from the cafeteria. 3. Each day, the teacher pulls a word or two from the word jar. 4. The class discusses the meaning of the word and how it was used. Variation: Create several word jars that represent categories from a novel or poem, historical era, math concept, etc. Collect words in each category. Put the words into categories on the Word Wall when it is time to discuss them. Have students use the words in writing about the topic. LA Ex: Words that describe a character Words that expressed a character’s emotions Words that describe the setting Words that evoke sensory images Words that represent themes in the novel or poem Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 Soc. St. Ex: Words related to war Words related to peace Words related to battles Words related to soldiers Words related to weapons 21 EXAMPLE: Word Jar Geometry Words Shapes Parts of Shapes diagonals vertices edges lines points rays angles Measures length perimeter volume circumference radius area Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 Plane Figures -triangle -square -circle -hexagon -parallelogram -rhombus Solid Figures -sphere -cube -prism -cone -cylinder -pyramid Relations parallel perpendicular adjacent opposite symmetry intersecting congruent bisector similar 22 CREATING SLANG DICTIONARIES Margaret Meek 1988 “Slang is language that rolls up its sleeves, spits on its hands, and gets to work.” Carl Sandburg This strategy can be used in two ways. First of all, it allows students to bring their own language into the classroom, empowering them as sophisticated users of vocabulary. Secondly it allows the teacher to focus on formal language and discuss the times and places where slang and formal language are appropriate. Here is how it works: 1. Write the slang word. 2. Write the definition for the slang word. 3. Use the slang word in a sentence. 4. Write a formal language synonym for the word. 5. Give the history of the slang (if applicable). Slang Word Definition: Sentence: Formal Language Synonym Word History EXAMPLE: Slang Dictionary Slang Word Flapper Definition: A young woman in the 1920s who wore short skirts, wore make-up, cut her hair, and defied society’s rules. Sentence Formal Language Synonym Word History With short hair and a short skirt, with turned-down hose and powdered knees – the flapper must have seemed to her mother (the gentle Gibson girl) like a rebel. brazen hussy rebel flirt FLAP – slang for a “loose or flighty girl” Flapper – British slang for a “very young female prostitute” Text notes from Janet Allen’s Words, Words, Words Stenhouse Publishers ISBN 1-57110-085-7 © 1999 23 Semantic Map for Plane Figures Concept Vocabulary Plane Figures Point Line Segment Angle Polygons Other Ray Acute Obtuse Right Convex Triangle Regular n-gon Concave Circle Ellipse Concept for Plane Figures: McRel Teaching Reading in Mathematics 2nd Edition ©2002 (page 20) 24 Word Diary Date Name Unfamiliar Word Hour Dates: to Context: Sentence in which you found the word Guess 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Your grade depends on the following: 1) The word is spelled correctly; 2) the word is used in the sentence in which you found it; 3) the word is highlighted or underlined within the sentence; 4) your handwriting is legible; and 5) your guess makes sense when it is substituted for the new word in the context of the sentence. Your Word Diary is due after each 10 diary entries. Thanks! Due Date: Words Vocabulary Workshop 25 prescription inscription inscribe prescribe scribble description scrib, scrip to write describe scribe subscription scrip subscribe subscript superscript Words Vocabulary Workshops script 26 Monarchy Oligarchy Archetype Archrival Anarchy Archenemy Patriarchy arch, archae, arche first, chief, ruler, ancient, primitive Architect Matriarchy Archeologist Words Vocabulary Workshop Archive Archaic Archdeacon Archangel 27 VOCABULARY FRAMES Vocabulary frames are a flash card method of learning new vocabulary. You DO NOT use vocabulary frames for every vocabulary word you encounter. Some words are explanations of a totally new concept; you put those words on a vocabulary frame flash card. Look Backwards look forward, foretelling PRE DICT ION speak (noun) Dictator Napoleon looked ahead by gazing into a crystal ball. Top Right Corner: Write the word's definition. Top Left Corner: Write the word's opposite and cross it out. Lower Left Corner: Write a silly sentence that uses the definition of the word. Lower Right Corner: Draw a graphic to help you visualize the concept. In the Center: Isolate any prefixes. Isolate the root. Note the meaning of the root. Isolate any suffixes. Label the part of speech in parenthesis. Words Vocabulary Workshop 28 equilateral triangle Front of Card Obtuse triangle a triangle that has three sides of equal length 4” 4” 4” If you combine four triangles that have sides of equal lengths, you will get a square! Back of Card Words Vocabulary Workshop 29 Word Games in the Classroom1 Balderdash Produced by Gameworks Creations, Inc. through Western Publishing Company, Inc., Racine, WI 53404. distributed by Games Gang Ltd., New York, NY 10010 Played like the parlor game dictionary. Players create phoney but believable definitions for given words and earn points for selecting the correct definition or if their “bluff” definition is selected. Great for assessing suffix, prefix, and root word knowledge. Bingo Bingo is one of the most popular of all games. It can be used on a regular basis to reinforce both sightword identification and phonic analysis. Bingo can also be used to reinforce the specialized vocabulary contained in the various content fields. It is a very relaxing, "fun" activity for students and gives them a change of pace. Boggle Produced by Parker Brothers, P.O. Box 1012, Beverly, MA 01915 The “three-minute word game” in which players decipher words from a sixteen-letter cube tray, spelling any word diagonally, horizontally, vertically, or snakily formed in the tray. If the letters are connected, they will spell—longer words are rewarded with more points. This game has the advantage of being quick and allowing everyone to play at once. Charades Produced perhaps in some royal parlor and maybe even some fire-lit cave. Get that kinesthetic energy and dramatic expression working in your vocabulary favor! Use vocab words, history terms, geometric shapes, famous names, places, or things—words from any content area can be used in this improvisational technique. Find the Difference Game (from Gibbons, Scaffolding Language Scaffolding Learning: Teaching Second Langauge Learners in the Mainstream Classroom, Heinemann, 2002) This is a barrier game in which pairs of students have two similar but not identical pictures, words (synonyms), concepts; they must find the differences by questioning each other and/or describing the picture, word, or concept. KOOSH Ball Game (Miller, Wilma H. (1997), Ready-Use Activities & Materials for Improving Content Reading Skills) Throwing and catching a koosh ball for lots of different purposes is a popular classroom game. Teachers might use it on a regular basis with their students to reinforce the specialized vocabulary contained in the various content fields or words from stories they have read in class. It is a quick, fun activity for students which can be played during short down times before, during, and after break or when students are waiting to be called to lunch or to an assembly. It's another way to reinforce vocabulary. 1 Allen, Janet, Words, Words, Words: Teaching Vocabulary in Grades 4-12, Stenhouse Publishers, 1999, pp. 117120. Words Vocabulary Workshop 30 Here are the steps in playing: 1. Have each student think about the vocabulary words you have been working with. It helps to have a list of the words on the board or on a chart so that students can see them. 2. The first student says a word from the vocabulary list, then tosses the koosh ball to another student who gives a definition or uses the word in a sentence. The answering student then tosses to the next student who calls out another word and tosses it to a different student who supplies the definition or uses it in a sentence. 3. Have a student monitor check the definitions from 3" x 5" cards to check answers. This step not only keeps students honest but also serves as review. Ideas for using: Prefix or Suffix meaning: Have students play the same game using common prefixes and suffixes you would like students to learn. Spelling: Have students use spelling words. One calls the word and another spells it. Listen Up! Produced by The Game Works, Inc. under license from Steven Stroh, Inventor. “Say what you see, draw what you hear.” You’ve seen this premise before—you see a collection of lines, angles, and arcs on a card and must describe verbally what you see accurately enough for your partner to duplicate your words in picture. Great for math and science vocab—shapes, angular degrees, and fun. Outburst Produced by Parker Brothers, a division of Tonka Corporation, Beverly, MA 01915, under license from Hersch and Company. Players are given a topic, such as “commands you give your dog” and then have sixty seconds to identify the ten listed on the playing card. This “game of verbal explosions” is played in teams. Oodles Produced by Milton Bradley Company, Springfield, MA 01101, a division of Hasbro, Inc. Teams of players try to guess words beginning with a given letter, based on catchy clues. For example, the letter is B –“tiny mistake, or Yogi’s buddy” (Boo Boo), “the deer politicians love to pass” (buck). Password Produced by Milton Bradley Company, Springfield, MA 01101. Played like the old TV game show, players give one-word clues to guide their partners to the target word Great for antonym and synonym play, also to assess vocabulary comprehension. Pictionary Produced by Western Publishing Company, Inc., Racine, WI 53404, distributed by the Games Gang, Ltd., New York, NY 10010. Pictionary is literally charades on paper. Players identify unknown words through sketches. A one-minute time limit and a race around the board make for great word play through tactile translations, the “game of quick draw.” Words Vocabulary Workshop 31 Probe Produced by Parker Brothers, a division of General Mills Fun Group, Inc. Played much like hangman, players choose a word, record it on a word tray, and expose letters as they are guessed, ultimately attempting to guess the word. Great for phun with fonemic awareness. Scattergories Produced by Milton Bradley Company, Springfield, MA 01101, a division of Hasbro, Inc. This “fast-thinking categories game” combines the critical thinking strategy of categorization with word knowledge and beginning sounds. Players list words beginning with a specific letter in a given category. Points are earned only for those words no one else lists. Scrabble Manufactured by Selchow and Righter Company, Bay Shore, NY 11706. If you don’t know this one, ask your grandma. It’s been on the market since 1948 and continues to make word play popular and fun. Taboo Produced by Milton Bradley Company, Springfield, MA 01101, a division of Hasbro, Inc. Played in teams; players try to get their team to say the secret word, but there is a list of words that are taboo and cannot be spoken in the attempt. Great way to encourage your students to become on-the-spot thesauruses. Win, Lose, or Draw Produced by Milton Bradley Company, Springfield, MA 01101, a division of Hasbro, Inc. Played just like Pictionary, only with familiar phrases instead of individual words. Based on the TV game show. Word Yahtzee Produced by E. S. Lowe, a Milton Bradley Company, Springfield, MA 01101. Played like the popular numbers game, only with letters. “Roll the dice, build words and score big!” Words Vocabulary Workshop 32