The Devon Karst Research Society. THE CATTEDOWN BONE CAVES, Cattedown, Plymouth, Devonshire, UK. Section 4.0. CATALOGUES OF “THE ROBERT BURNARD COLLECTION”. of the Fossil Bones originating from Excavations in Worth's Cattedown Bone Cave donated on 06 February 1899 to the Plymouth City Museum by Mr Robert Burnard, Managing Director of the Chemical Manure Works, who acquired the adjacent Cattedown Quarry for their building extension. The pages in Section 4. list the surviving fossil bones of the collection donated by Mr Robert Burnard to the Plymouth City Museum on 06 February 1899. The Museum provided us with 2 lists of this fossil material in 1981 without restrictions as to their use. Both lists incorporated the Cattedown Fossil material from both the "Lewis Sparrow Collection" (originating from Burnard's Cattedown Cave) and the "Robert Burnard Collection" (originating from Worth's Cattedown Bone Cave), without discriminating between the two separate Collections and their separate origins. Whilst reproducing the lists in the original format as given to us, for the purposes of enhancing clarity, we have edited out the data relating to the fossil material originating from the "Lewis Sparrow Collection" (Burnard's Cattedown Bone Cave), ie. Accession Numbers 1346 to 1356 inclusive. The 1st catalogue version (originally 2 pages of A4 paper) is unattributed and undated but the 2nd and more detailed catalogue version (originally 9 pages of A4 paper) is attributed to a Mrs P.J. Shaw of Sheffield and is dated January 1978. In the 2nd catalogue version, we have added details of the provenance of the material as recorded in the Museum’s Accession Card Records. The 2nd version offers greater details of the fossil specimens than does the 1st version and is the most detailed, known written record of Worth's non-hominid finds. The link between the two catalogue lists is with the matching Accession Numbers but beware! .... the 2nd catalogue version omits the point or dot included in the Accession Numbers of the 1st catalogue version! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 4. CATALOGUE 1. [All Accession Numbers, descriptions and storage locations are from the original typescript catalogue.] PART CATALOGUE OF BONES ORIGINATING FROM WORTH'S CATTEDOWN BONE CAVE AND DONATED ON 6th February 1899 TO THE PLYMOUTH INSTITUTE BY Mr. ROBERT BURNARD, THE THEN MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE MANURE WORKS AND WHO ACQUIRED CATTEDOWN QUARRY FOR THEIR EXTENSION TO THE ADJOINING MANURE WORKS. [PLYMOUTH CITY MUSEUM ACCESSION Nos. 127.2 to 134.5.] Storage Box Identification Accession Number. Descripton of Storage Box Contents Origin in Worth's Excavation. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HOG Box 2 127.6 128.1 129.1 3 teeth 11 teeth 10 teeth between North / South Chasms South Chasm Middle Chasm OX Box 1. 128.5 128.9 1 tooth 4 teeth South Chasm Middle Chasm HOG Box 1. 130.0 132.3 4 teeth 13 teeth Section 4. CATALOGUE 1. (continued) .... Storage Box Identification Accession Number. Descripton of Storage Box Contents Origin in Worth's Excavation. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BIRD Box 1. 132.5 3 vertebrae 7 long bones 5 small fragments DEER Box 2. 132.6 133.3 11 teeth 2 bones DEER Box 3. 127.3 128.3 128.4 129.0 130.4 130.9 132.4 5 teeth 1 tooth 3 teeth 8 teeth 1 tooth 1 tooth 19 teeth DEER Box 4. 130.1 131.3 133.4 4 teeth 13 teeth 9 teeth HYAENA Box 1. 129.1 133.2 3 teeth 8 teeth BISON Box 2. 130.7 1 tooth DOG, WOLF, FOX Box 1. 127.8 128.6 130.3 130.3A 131.2 131.7 131.8 2 bones, Wolf 5 teeth 1 tooth, Wolf 1 tooth, Wolf or Hyaena 1 tooth, Wolf 2 teeth, Dog 4 teeth, Wolf or Fox HARE, RABBIT, WATER VOLE Box 1. 124.5 127.7 129.6 3 pieces bone & jaw, Water Vole. 2 bones, Hare or Rabbit 1 bone, Hare VOLES, SHREWS, & BATS Box 1. 134.2 various small bones mounted on card. 127.5 128.2 129.2 130.2 131.1 2 teeth, Sheep or Goat 3 teeth, Sheep or Goat 1 tooth, Sheep or Goat 6 teeth, Sheep or Goat 1 tooth, Sheep or Goat 130.5 131.0 131.4 132.1 132.2 132.9 133.0 133.1 133.5 133.9 134.0 1 bone (unidentified) 2 jaw fragments, Wolf 10 teeth, Wolf 1 jaw, 3 teeth, Wolf 4 teeth, Bison 1 bone (unidentified) 1 bone (unidentified) 1 bone (unidentified) 1 bone (unidentified) 1 bone (unidentified) 4 bones (unidentified) SHEEP or GOAT Box 1. Large Box between North / South Chasms South Chasm Middle Chasm Middle Chasm between North / South Chasms South Chasm between North / South Chasms between North / South Chasms South Chasm Middle Chasm Middle Chasm Section 4. CATALOGUE 1. (continued) .... Storage Box Identification Accession Number. Descripton of Storage Box Contents Origin in Worth's Excavation. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bone Breccia Box 1. (continued) .... 134.3 134.4 134.5 specimen of bone breccia specimen of bone breccia specimen of bone breccia HUMAN Box 1. 127.2 129.7 130.8 131A 131.5 132.0 1 skull, Frog 1 bone 15 teeth 1 skull, Frog 3 small bones 15 teeth between North / South Chasms [end of unattributed and undated Plymouth City Museum List 1.] _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 4. CATALOGUE 2. [All Accession Nos. and descriptions are from the original 9 sheets of the handwritten catalogue. We have adjusted the presentational layout of the information to provide greater clarity and added additional text on bone descr iption, wherever possible. In most cases, the Accession Numbers are given in numerical order.] PART CATALOGUE OF BONES ORIGINATING FROM WORTH'S CATTEDOWN BONE CAVE AND DONATED ON 6th February 1899 TO THE PLYMOUTH INSTITUTE BY Mr. ROBERT BURNARD, THE THEN MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE MANURE WORKS AND WHO ACQUIRED CATTEDOWN QUARRY FOR THEIR EXTENSION TO THE ADJOINING MANURE WORKS. KEY : R = right side. L = left side. M = Molar tooth. DM = Deciduous Molar tooth. PM = Pre-molar tooth. I = Incisor Tooth. C = Canine tooth. The protocol for annotating the position, type and the number of the tooth in the upper or lower jaw is given in the Section providing a Glossary of Terminology. [PLYMOUTH CITY MUSEUM ACCESSION Nos. 1272 to 1345.] Species Identification. Accession Number. Shaw's Descripton of / Notes about the Fossil Bone or Other Material. Species / Bone Identification according to Accession Card. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HUMAN [Homo sapiens] 1272 Skull fragment. [Parietal fragment]. Acc No. 1272 = Homo. Fragment of Human Skull. RED DEER 1273 1273 Tooth, L. I1. Tooth, R. PM4. Acc No. 1273 = Cervus. 5 Teeth of Deer. HARE or RABBIT PIG 1277 1277 Tooth, Incisor. Tooth, Incisor, fragment. Rabbit 2 ... Acc No. 1277 = Lepus. Hare or [nothing else written]. WOLF [Canis lupus] 1278 1st Phalange. Acc No. 1278 = Canis lupus Wolf. RED DEER 1283 Tooth, R. M3. (slight wear). Acc No. 1283 = Cervus elaphus Red Deer - 1 Tooth. RED DEER 1284 Tooth, Upper Canine. Acc No. 1284 = Cervus. 3 Teeth. BOVID 1285 Tooth, L. M1. Acc No. 1285 = Bos. Small Ox. WOLF [Canis lupus] 1286 1286 1286 Tooth, L. PM2. Tooth, R. PM4. Tooth, L. PM Upper?, (worn). BOVID 1289 1289 1289 1289 Tooth, L. Tooth, L. Tooth, R. Tooth, R. PM4. M1 / 2. M3. PM4. 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 Tooth, L. Tooth, L. Tooth, R. Tooth, R. Tooth, R. Tooth, R. Tooth, L. Tooth, L. C 1. M1. (well worn). M3. fragment. I 1. C1. PM4. M1. M2. MICROTUS 1293 Mandible, left. Acc No. 1293 = Mus. Water Rat or Vole. LEPUS 1296 Innominate, right. Acc No. 1296 = Lepus. Hare / side of Pelvis. HUMAN 1297 Radius, proximal, left. Acc No. 1297 = Homo. ?Human. RED DEER 1301 1301 1301 Tooth, L. M3. Tooth, R. M3 ? broken. Tooth, L. PM4. Acc No. 1301 = Cervus. Red Deer. 3 Teeth. RED DEER ROE DEER ? (said to be BOS.) (said to be BOS.) (said to be BOS.) Acc No. 1286 = Canis. Dog 5 Teeth. Acc No. 1289 = Bos. 3 Teeth. (said to be BOS.) (said to be BOS.) Acc No. 1290 = Cervus. Deer 8 Teeth. Section 4. CATALOGUE 2. (continued) ...... Species Identification. Accession Number. Shaw's Descripton of / Notes about the Fossil Bone or Other Material. Species / Bone Identification according to Accession Card. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WOLF WOLF ? 1303 1303a Tooth, L. M. very fresh. Tooth, L. Lower Incisor. Acc No. 1303 = Canis. Wolf or Hyaena and Wolf. ROE DEER 1304 Tooth, R. DM2. Acc No. 1304 = Cervus. Small Deer. 1306 1306 1306 1306 Tooth, L. Tooth, L. Tooth, L. Tooth, L. BOVID 1307 Tooth, L. M1 /2. (said to be BISON.) Acc No. 1307 = Bos. 1 Tooth. HUMAN 1308 Teeth x 15. (probably more than one individual). Acc No. 1308 = Homo. Human Teeth 15. BONE BRECCIA : ________________________________________________________ BOVID M1. M2. M1 / 2. M2. Acc No. 1306 = 4 Teeth. RED DEER 1309 Maxilla, left, fragment + Teeth, M1. and M2. Acc No. 1309 = Cervus. Deer. 2 Teeth in fragment of the Jaw. WOLF 1310 1310 Mandible, left + Tooth, M2. {from different Mandible, right + Tooth, M2. {animals Acc No. 1310 = Canis lupus. Wolf. 2 fragments of Jaw. WOLF 1312 Mandible, right, fragment + Teeth, M1. and M2. unworn. Acc No. 1312 = Canis lupus. Wolf. Portion of Jaw embedded in stalagmite. WOLF 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 Tooth, L. M1. Tooth, L. M2. Tooth, L. PM3. Tooth, L. PM2 / 3. Tooth, ? PM3. Tooth, L. I3. Tooth, R PM2. Tooth, R. I1 / 2. Tooth, Upper Canine. Acc No. 1314 = Canis lupus. Wolf. 10 Teeth. WOLF RED DEER ? 1317 1317 Tooth, L. PM2 / 3. Tooth, R. PM2. Acc No. 1317 = Canis. Dog. 2 Teeth. WOLF Tooth, R. Tooth, L. Tooth, R. Tooth, R. Acc No. 1318 = Canis. Dog. 4 Teeth. WOLF ? 1318 1318 1318 1318 HUMAN 1319 Skull, fragment. Acc No. 1319 = Homo. Portion of Human Skull. HUMAN 1320 Teeth x 15 + Bone fragments Acc No. 1320 = Homo. Human Teeth 16. M1. PM4. Upper Canine. Upper Incisor. (probably more than one individual). FOX 1321 1321 1321 1321 Mandible, left + Tooth M2. Tooth, Upper Canine. Tooth, R. PM4. Tooth, R. Incisor. BOVID (said to be Bison). 1322 1322 1322 1322 Tooth, L. Tooth, R. Tooth, R. Tooth, R. RED DEER 1324 1324 1324 Tooth, L. I1. Tooth, L. I2. Tooth, L. I3. WOLF CERVID M1. M1. M2. M3. (moderate wear). Acc No. 1321 = Vulpes. Wolf. Portion of Jaw with 1 Tooth and 3 detached. Acc No. 1322 = Bos. 4 Teeth. (well worn). (moderate wear). (slight wear). Acc No. 1324 = Cervus. Deer. 20. Section 4. CATALOGUE 2. (continued) ....... Species Identification. Accession Number. Shaw's Descripton of / Notes about the Fossil Bone or Other Material. Species / Bone Identification according to Accession Card. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RED DEER 1324 1324 1324 1324 1324 1324 1324 1324 1324 1324 1324 1324 Tooth, ? I2. Tooth, ? I4. Tooth, R. I1. Tooth, R. PM3. Tooth, Upper Canine. Tooth, L. I2. Tooth, R. I2. Tooth, L. I1. Tooth, L. I2. Tooth, L. I / C. Teeth, R. I / C x 2. Teeth, R. Lower Canine x 2. 1326 1326 1326 Tooth, L. I1. Tooth, L. I2. Tooth, L. I3. 1326 1326 1326 1326 Tooth, R. I3. Tooth, L. I2. Tooth, L. Upper Canine. Tooth, fragment. WOLF 1330 Maxilla, left + Teeth, PM4. and M2. Acc No. 1330 = Carnivore. Portion of Jaw and Carnassial Tooth. RED DEER 1331 Mandible, left + Tooth, M3. Acc No. 1331 = Portion of Jaw with Molar Tooth. [LEPUS 1205 Mandible, left + 4 isolated tooth gaps. not part of this Collection ! ] RED DEER 1333 1333 Antler, fragment, (Cast). 1st Phalange. Acc No. 1333 = Cervus. Base of Antler. RED DEER 1334 Tooth, L. PM4., (slight wear). Acc No. 1334 = Cervus. Red Deer. 9. 1334 1334 Tooth, L. M1., Tooth, L. M2. 1334 1334 1334 Tooth, L. M3., fragment. Tooth, R. M1 / 2., (slight wear). Tooth, R. PM4. RED DEER 1335 Mandible, right + Teeth, DM2., DM3., DM4. and M1. Acc No. 1335 = Portion of Lower Jaw. WOLF 1339 Mandible, right, with no teeth. Acc No. 1339 = Portion of Jaw. FOX 1340 1340 1340 1340 Femur, right. Tibia, right, gnawed proximally. Tibia, left. Rib, fragment. Acc No. 1340 = Various. 11 bones. VOLES, SHREWS and BATS 1342 (could be looked at further). Acc No. 1342 = Various. Very large number of small bones. Vole, Shrew and Bat. UNIDENTIFIED 1344 Scapula, fragment. Acc No. 1344 = Bone Breccia. 1 lump bone breccia. CERVID 1345 Calcaneum, right + probable portion of Astragalus. Acc No. 1345 = Bone Breccia. 6 pieces of bone breccia. (continued) .... BOVID ROE or FALLOW DEER ? RED DEER FOX ? {probably not {same {animal. Acc No. 1326 = Cervus. Deer. 11 Small Teeth. (moderate wear). {same {animal? Section 4. CATALOGUE 2. (continued) ....... Species Identification. Accession Number. Shaw's Descripton of / Notes about the Fossil Bone or Other Material. Species / Bone Identification according to Accession Card. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PIG ? UNIDENTIFIED 1345 1345 Tooth. unidentifiable mass of bones. The following note is then written :"All the above were what I looked at in Plymouth. The following are the ones I took to Sheffield and are dealt with by Box." The list now reverts back to cataloguing firstly by the "Boxes" as identified in Catalogue 1. above and then continues to use the same Acc. Numbers (with the point / dot continuing to be omitted), contained in each Box. UNIDENTIFIED Box 1. ___________________________________________________ PIG Teeth, Incisors x 3. Tooth, Premolar. Tooth, R. M2. Acc No. 1280 = 12 Teeth. Identity uncertain. FALLOW DEER ? 1280 1280 1280 BADGER 1287 Mandible, left + Teeth, PM2, PM3, PM4. and M1. Acc No. 1287 = Meles. Badger. FOX 1288 1288 Tooth, L., Lower Canine. Tooth, R. PM4. Acc No. 1288 = Meles or Putorius. Badger or Polecat. 2 Teeth. FOX PIG 1299 1299 1299 Tooth, Canine. Tooth, Incisor. Teeth, Premolar x 2. Acc No. 1299 = 4 Teeth. Identity uncertain. BADGER 1316 Metapodia x 2. Acc No. 1316 = Meles. Badger. 2 Bones. WOLF 1328 Maxilla, right + Teeth, PM4 and M2. Acc No. 1328 = Carnivore. Portion of Jaw and Carnassial Tooth. RED DEER 1341 3rd Phalange. Acc No. 1341 = Ungulate. 2 Hoofs and 1 Tooth. PIG 1341 1341 Tooth, R. M2. 3rd Phalange. RABBIT / HARE uncatalogued Ulna, fragments x 2. ---------- WOLF uncatalogued Tooth, I3. ---------- 1291 1291 1291 Tooth, L. Lower Canine. Tooth, L. M1. Tooth, Incisor. Acc No. 1291 = Hyaena. Hyaena. 3 Teeth. 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 Tooth, L. I3. Tooth, R. Lower Canine. Tooth, R. M1. Tooth, R. PM4. Teeth, R. Incisors x 3. Maxilla, right + Tooth, PM4. Acc No. 1332 = Hyaena. 9. 1338 1338 1338 Ribs, fragments x 2. Vertebra. Metapodial, distal. Acc No. 1338 = Various. 14 Bones. HYAENA Box 1. _______________________________ WOLF (Mis-labelled as Hyaena). UNIDENTIFIED Box 5. __________________________________________________ UNIDENTIFIED CERVID or SHEEP ? Section 4. CATALOGUE 2. (continued) ....... Species Identification. Accession Number. Shaw's Descripton of / Notes about the Fossil Bone or Other Material. Species / Bone Identification according to Accession Card. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ UNIDENTIFIED Box 7. __________________________________________________ UNIDENTIFIED UNIDENTIFIED CANID HYAENA ? 1338 1338 1338 1338 Vertebrae, Caudal x 2. Long bone. Metapodia x 4. Metapodia x 2. (one is complete; one is proximal end only). ROE DEER ? SMALL CERVID CANID UNIDENTIFIED 1340 1340 1340 1340 1340 Radius, right, distal. Metacarpal, right, immature. Metapodial, fragment. Long bone fragments x 2. Vertebra. Acc No. 1340 = Various. 11 Bones. [CERVID 1224 Teeth, Incisors x 5. not part of this Collection]. CERVID [Cervus elaphus] 1273 Tooth, Upper Molar. Acc No. 1273 = Cervus. 5 Teeth of Deer. OVICAPRID 1273 1273 1273 2nd Phalange. Tooth, L. M3. Tooth, Molar. CERVID PIG 1284 1284 Tooth, R. PM2. Tooth, Lower Premolar. Acc No. 1284 = Cervus. Deer. 3 Teeth. CANID 1286 Teeth, Incisors x 2. Acc No. 1286 = Canis. Dog. 5 Teeth. CERVID 1305 Accessory Metapodial. Acc No. 1305 = Identity uncertain. Teeth. RED DEER Tooth, L. PM3. Tooth, R. DM4. Teeth, mixed size x 11. Acc No. 1313 = Cervus. Roe Deer. 13 Teeth. ROE or RED DEER 1313 1313 1313 OVICAPRID CANID 1315 1315 1st Phalanges x 2. 1st Phalange. Acc No. 1315 = Homo. 3 Phalanges. ?Human. DOG-LIKE 1329 Metapodial. (very large; can't identify it with Acc No. 1329 = Radial Bone. CERVID Box. _______________________________________________________ anything here at Sheffield; looks dog-like, but very big). CERVID ? 1333 Tooth. Acc No. 1333 = Cervus. Base of Antler. CERVID (small not Red Deer) 1334 Teeth, L. M3. and M4. Acc No. 1334 = Cervus. Red Deer. 9. OVICAPRID 1275 1275 Tooth, L. Molar. Tooth, R. M3. Acc No. 1275 = Ovis. Sheep or Goat. 2 Teeth. OVICAPRID Mandible, left + Teeth, DM4. and M1. Tooth, R. M3. Teeth, L. DM3. and DM4. Acc No. 1282 = Ovis. Goat or Shhep. 3 Teeth PIG 1282 1282 1282 OVICAPRID 1292 Tooth, L. M1. Acc No. 1292 = Ovis. Sheep or Goat. SHEEP / GOAT Box 1. ______________________________________________________ Section 4. CATALOGUE 2. (continued) ....... Species Identification. Accession Number. Shaw's Descripton of / Notes about the Fossil Bone or Other Material. Species / Bone Identification according to Accession Card. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OVICAPRID 1302 1302 1302 1302 Tooth, L. Tooth, L. Tooth, L. Tooth, R. BOVID 1302 1302 Tooth, L. PM1. {different Tooth, R. PM1. {animals. OVICAPRID 1311 Mandible, right + Teeth, DM4. and broken M1. Acc No. 1311 =Ovis. Sheep or Goat. Portion of Jaw. 1300 1300 1300 1300 Tooth, R. M3. Tooth, Lower Incisor. Tooth, Molar, fragment. Tooth, Milk. Acc No. 1300 = Sus. Hog. 4 Teeth. 1323 1323 1323 1323 1323 1323 Tooth, L. M3. Tooth, R. M3. Teeth, Upper Incisors x 3. Teeth, Lower Incisors x 3. Teeth, Canines x 2. Teeth, Milk Incisors x 3. Acc No. 1323 = Sus. Hog. 13 Teeth. 1327 1327 1327 1327 1327 1327 1327 1327 1327 Mandible, left + Teeth, DM3. and DM4. Teeth, Canines x 2. Teeth, Lower Incisors x 2. Tooth, Milk Molar. Tooth, Lower Premolar. 3rd Phalanges x 4. Metapodial. Metapodial. Unidentifiable fragment. Acc No. 1327 = Various. 13 Bones and Teeth. 1336 1336 1336 1336 1336 1336 1336 1336 Metapodial, immature. unidentifiable fragments x 2. Metapodial Condyle, distal. 1st Phalanges x 2. 2nd Phalange. Metacarpals x 2. 2nd Phalange, immature. Astragalus, right. Acc No. 1336 = Various. 10 foot bones. 1337 1337 1337 1337 1337 1337 1337 1337 1337 1337 1337 Metapodial. Phalanges x 7. Metapodial, distal. Astragalus. Vertebra. Patella, small. Ist Phalange, proximal Epiphysis. Carpals x 6. 1st Phalange, immature. Radius, distal Epiphysis. Fragments, unidentifiable x 2. Acc No. 1337 = Various. 23 Bones; Ox, Badger, Dog, Human, some uncertain. (continued) .... M1. M2. M3. M1. Acc No. 1302 = Ovis. Goat or Sheep. 6 Teeth. HOG Box 1. _________________________________________ PIG PIG ? PIG UNIDENTIFIED Box 3. __________________________________________________ ROE DEER ? PIG CANID RABBIT or HARE UNIDENTIFIED UNIDENTIFIED Box 4. __________________________________________________ PIG UNIDENTIFIED CERVID ? CERVID BOVID CANID UNIDENTIFIED Box 2. __________________________________________________ RABBIT or HARE RABBIT RABBIT ? CERVID Small CERVID ? UNIDENTIFIED Section 4. CATALOGUE 2. (continued) ....... Species Identification. Accession Number. Shaw's Descripton of / Notes about the Fossil Bone or Other Material. Species / Bone Identification according to Accession Card. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HOG Box 2. _______________________________________ PIG [Sus scrofa] 1276 Teeth, fragments x 3. Acc No. 1276 = Sus. Hog. 3 Teeth. PIG 1281 1281 1281 1281 1281 1281 Tooth, Upper Incisor. Tooth, Canine. Tooth, Milk. Teeth, Upper Premolars x 2. Teeth, L. M3. x 2. Teeth, Molars x 4. Acc No. 1281 = Sus. Hog. 11 Teeth. PIG 1294 1294 1294 1294 1294 Teeth, Lower Incisors x 5. Tooth, Upper Incisor. Tooth, Lower Premolar. Teeth, Incisors x 2. Tooth, Milk Molar. Acc No. 1294 = Sus. Hog. 10 Teeth. 1325 1325 1325 1325 1325 1325 1325 1325 1325 Unidentifiable fragments x 3. Astragalus x 2. Tibia, left x 2. Tibia, right x 2. Humerus, left. Humerus, right. Femur, right. Atlas. Vertebrae x 2. Acc No. 1325 = Avis. Bones of Bird. 13. Humerus, left, distal. Calcaneum, left. Scapula articulation joint, right. Tibia, right, distal. Tooth, L. M1. Long bone fragments x 4. ------------------------------------------------------- Mainly fragments of cervid Phalanges. Acc No. 1343 = Bone Breccia. 1 large lump of breccia. GLASS Box. ________________________________________ UNIDENTIFIED RABBIT CERVID CERVID ? CEMENTED BONE : ________________________________________________________________ RED DEER uncatalogued uncatalogued uncatalogued uncatalogued uncatalogued uncatalogued MASS OF CEMENTED BONE. _________________________________________________________________ CERVID 1343 [end of Museum List 2. attributed to P J Shaw and dated January 1978.] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ General Notes and Remarks : 1. MISSING SPECIMENS from the P J Shaw List (by Accession No.). The following Specimens are missing from the above list by P.J. Shaw :1274 = Tooth of BISON. 1279 = HYAENA. (unspecified on the Accession Card). 1295 = HARE or RABBIT. (unspecified on the Accession Card). 1298 = Ulna bone fragment (unspecified species). 2. MISSING SPECIMENS from the Collection in the Pymouth City Museum, as of December 2003. [To be addressed in the near future]. 3. There is a third such Catalogue, again issued to us by the Plymouth City Museum in 1981, which is titled :"Catalogue of the bone fragments rescued from the fire at the Plymouth Athenaeum during the Second World War. At that time the building housed most of the excavated bone material from the caves in the Cattedown, Oreston, Stonehouse areas during the late 19th Century." Although this is a very interesting list compiled again by Mrs P J Shaw in January 1978., its title is grossly incorrect in the statement that the Plymouth Athenaeum contained most of the excavated material alluded to. The Athenaeum only ever contained a small fraction of the total - the rest was sold by the excavators to Museums all over the U.K. This further Catalogue may be viewed in Section 3. of these Webpages as the second of the three Catalogues given in that Section regarding Worth's excavated material. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MS Word97 doc.Link attachment for Website / Bone Caves of the Plymouth District / Cattedown Bone Caves. The Devon Karst Research Society. Text Revised 02 May 2003.