PBIO 691: Seminar [Plant Cell Walls] (2 credits) Course web page: http://www.ohio.edu/plantbio/staff/showalte/PBIO%20691/ Time & Place: Friday 1:10-3:00 pm (2 hours); Porter 300 Instructor: Allan Showalter Fall 2010 Text: Plant Cell Walls ©2011 by Peter Albersheim, Alan Darvill, Keith Roberts, Ron Sederoff and Andrew Staehelin [OPTIONAL] Carpita, N. and McCann, M. (2000) Cell Walls. Chapter 2. In Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants. Buchanan, BB, Gruissem W, Jones, RL. eds. American Society of Plant Biology, Beltsville, MD. [OPTIONAL] Requirements: Graduate student status Course Description: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the structure and function of plant cell walls as well as the scientific approaches, methods and techniques used to study plant cell walls. Current experimentation and progress in the plant cell wall field, including practical applications (e.g., plant-based biofuel) will be discussed and featured in student presentations. More specifically, each student will be assigned a cell wall molecule (e.g., cellulose) and is expected to: 1) present a review of that cell wall molecule, including the approaches, methods and techniques used to study that molecule and 2) present a recent primary research paper on that cell wall molecule, which is selected in consultation with the instructor. Both of these presentations will be given in front of the entire class within the 2 hour time period. All class members are expected to read all the selected primary research papers prior to the presentations. Students are also expected to provide the instructor with their presentation material (i.e., PowerPoint’s and/or other documents) at least 24 hours in advance of their presentation date so that this information can be posted on the course web page. Grades will be based on the following: 1. Attendance (100 points). 2. Student review presentation (100 points). 3. Student primary research paper presentation (100 points). 4. Weekly quizzes (100 points). Note that failure to provide the presentation material to the instructor 24 hours before assigned presentation will result in an automatic 40 point reduction in the student’s grade. Thus, there are 400 points possible. Typically, 93.3% and above will earn an A, 90-93.3% an A-, 86.7-90% a B+, 83.3-86.7% a B, 80-83.3% a B-, 76.7-80% a C+, 73.3-76.7% a C, 70-73.3% a C-, 66.7-70% a D+, 63.3-66.7% a D, 60-63.3% a D-, and below 60% an F. Quizzes will be based upon material presented in class as well as in the assigned readings. Office Hours: By appointment, Porter Hall-Room 504 (phone number 593-1135 or email showalte@ohio.edu) Academic Conduct: The penalty for course-related academic dishonesty (i.e., cheating on exams, plagiarism, etc.) will be failure of the entire course along with a report of the incident being sent to Judiciaries. Attendance Policy: Attendance is mandatory. Any absences must be well justified and explained to the instructor in advance in order to make up any of the graded material. PBIO 691: Seminar [Plant Cell Walls] Fall 2010-Syllabus Instructor: Dr. Allan Showalter WEEK DATE CHAPTERS* TOPICS 1 Sept. 10 2, 3, 2 Overview of plant cell walls-Allan Showalter 2 Sept. 17 2, 3, 2 Cellulose-Debarti Basu 3 Sept. 24 2, 3, 2 Hemicellulose (Xyloglucan)-Yuning Chen 4 Oct. 1 2, 3, 2 Proline-rich proteins-Nan Jiang 5 Oct. 8 2, 3, 2 Extensins-Richard Wiemels 6 Oct. 15 2, 3, 2 Pectin-Wen Dong 7 Oct. 22 2, 3, 2 Hemicellulose (Xylans)-Xiao Liu 8 Oct. 29 2, 3, 2 Lignin-Dening Ye 9 Nov. 5 2, 3, 2 Arabinogalactan-proteins-Laura Cristea 10 Nov. 12 2, 3, 2 Cutin and Suberin-Yan Liang Nov. 22 (Monday) Final Exam (12:20 PM) No Final Exam will be given, but this time will be used for class evaluations if the class evaluations cannot be completed on the final day of class. * Chapter reading are from your two optional texts, Plant Cell Walls ©2011 by Peter Albersheim, Alan Darvill, Keith Roberts, Ron Sederoff and Andrew Staehelin (chapter numbers in non-boldface type) and Carpita, N. and McCann, M. (2000) Cell Walls. Chapter 2. In Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants. Buchanan, BB, Gruissem W, Jones, RL. eds. American Society of Plant Biology, Beltsville, MD. (chapter numbers in boldface type).