SSLS 738 - Pittsburg State University

College of Education
Department of Special Services and Leadership Studies
On-line Course- ANGEL
Course Number:
SSLS 738
Characteristics of Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Credit Hours:
Martha A. York, Ed.D.
Course Time Schedule:
210 Hughes Hall
Office Hours:
M & W 11-12, 1-5
By Appointment
Office Phone:
(620) 235-4965
Course Description
This course is an introduction to the special education process, designed to provide an
investigation of the characteristics of students with adaptive learning needs in the areas of
emotional/behavioral disorders, learning disabilities, mental retardation, language
disabilities and autism. The etiologies of these disabilities, the learning and behavioral
characteristics of students, and relevant learning theory will be addressed. Understanding
the role and responsibilities of the special educator as instructional leader is also stressed.
This course supports the development of: independent thinking, effective communication,
making relevant judgments, professional collaboration, effective participation in the
educational system, discrimination of values in the educational arena and professional
Purpose of the Course
This course is required for all students pursuing a Master of Science Degree in education
with a major in special education teaching, an undergraduate minor in special education,
or restricted license in special education. The purpose of this course is to provide the
student with basic knowledge about the characteristics of students with adaptive learning
needs and approaches to enhance the professional-student relationship creating an
environment in which the student and teacher will be successful in meeting the individual
student’s least restrictive environment (LRE).
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will:
Describe the foundations and historical implications of students with adaptive
learning needs
Know the definitions of mental retardation, learning disabilities, speech and
language disorders, emotional disturbance and other disabilities specific to
students with adaptive learning needs
Describe the learning and behavioral characteristics of students with
disabilities at the adaptive level
Describe appropriate educational services for students with adaptive learning
needs in regard to least restrictive environment (LRE) and the other
requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Understand the collaborative skills needed to facilitate the appropriate
inclusion of students with adaptive learning needs in general education
Describe the various service delivery options for students with adaptive
learning needs and select the appropriate option for specific students with
adaptive learning needs at various severity levels
Understand the special education processes related to identification, eligibility
and developing Individual Education Programs (IEP’s)
Program Objectives
This course is aligned with the KSDE Adaptive Special Education Teaching Standards,
specifically Standard One.
1. The teacher of students with adaptive learning needs demonstrates an
understanding of philosophical, historical, and legal foundations of education
and special education.
2. The teacher of students with adaptive learning needs demonstrates an
understanding of learner’s diversity and provides support for students’ cognitive,
physical, social, emotional and career development.
3. The teacher of students with adaptive learning needs demonstrates assessment,
diagnosis, and evaluation knowledge and skills.
4. The teacher of students with adaptive learning needs demonstrates knowledge and
skill in planning and implementing effective instruction based upon knowledge of
the subject matter, student, community, and curriculum goals.
5. The teacher of students with adaptive learning needs promotes learning by
providing planned, orderly, supportive environments that encourage participation
of individuals with adaptive learning needs.
6. The teacher of students with adaptive learning needs demonstrates knowledge and
skill in managing behavior, facilitating problem solving, developing social skills,
and promotion self-advocacy of students with adaptive/functional learning needs.
7. The teacher of students with adaptive learning needs demonstrates effective
communication and collaboration skills and knowledge related to individuals with
adaptive learning needs.
8. The teacher of students with adaptive learning needs demonstrates
professionalism and ethical knowledge and skills related to students with
adaptive/functional learning needs.
Instructional Resources
Textbook: Raymond, E. (2008). Learners with mild disabilities. Boston: Allyn and
While there will be other reading assignments, this book is designed to be a reference tool
for course assignments.
The Kansas Special Education Process Handbook is a document that all persons who
work with young people who have disabilities, whether school administrators, general or
special educators, or other service providers, should understand as it provides current
state and federal laws and regulations. The handbook is easily accessible at and will be used as supplemental text
for SSLS 738.
Certain assignments will be assisted by using the professional journals available online
via the Axe Library databases. To use these services, go to the Axe Library homepage at and choose the Library Databases section.
The movie, Benny and Joon will be used as an educational resource for Module 5
Emotional Disturbance. This video can be accessed at most movie rental establishments,
as well as through iTunes.
Throughout this course, computer technology will be used to support learning
experiences. Students need access to a computer with the following capabilities:
 Internet connection
 Internet Explorer
 Microsoft Word
 Microsoft PowerPoint
Students also need an active e-mail pittstate email address. All ANGEL correspondence
will be sent to your GUS email account. Support for ANGEL users is provided through
the Gorilla Geeks at
Teaching Strategies
Course objectives will be delivered through reading, writing and on-line class discussion
boards utilizing ANGEL. Completed assignments will be uploaded to ANGEL drop
boxes and student will be able to access instructor grades and comments in the same
Written Communication Skills
All text submitted should represent the writer’s best writing skills. Spelling, punctuation,
grammar, and sentence structure will be evaluated in each assignment and graded
Course Content
SSLS 738 will include the following modules:
 Module 1- Special Education, history and the law
 Module 2- Mental Retardation
 Module 3- Learning Disabilities
 Module 4- Language Disabilities
 Module 5- Emotional Disturbance
 Module 6- Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Course Requirements
Grades in this course will be based upon the following:
 Discussion board participation
 Weekly online assignments and activities
 Quizzes
 Final disability project
Course Evaluation
Final grade for SSLS 738 will be based on the following criteria:
Discussion forums
Participation Expected
15 weekly assignments
5 quizzes
Disability assignment
500-450 points
449-400 points
399-350 points
349-300 points
299 and below
Assignments are to be submitted through ANGEL; feedback and grades are also posted
using the ANGEL system. Typos, misspellings, and grammar errors will result in a lower
grade. APA format is to be used when preparing and citing materials. Avoid language
that is sexist, culturally biased, reinforcing of stereotypes, or offensive to persons with
Incompletes are discouraged. Students who do request an Incomplete cannot be eligible
for an A as a final grade. Taking an Incomplete will also require the student to submit a
plan of completion which provides a timeline for completion of course requirements.
Submitting Assignments
Submit your assignments using this protocol, lastnameassignment.doc-example
georgesurvey.doc. Your name must be on all documents.
Due Dates
There will be weekly assignments, posted each Monday by 5:00 pm. Completed
assignment will be due at 11:00 pm on Monday of the following week; note- the ANGEL
system WILL NOT accept submissions after 11:00 pm. These are time-sensitive
assignments. Quizzes will also be time-sensitive; you will have one hour to complete the
quiz anytime during the assigned week.
Academic Dishonesty
Students are reminded to be familiar with the ”Dishonesty in Academic Work” policy in
the 2005-07 University Catalog. Students are expected to demonstrate academic integrity
at all times. Violations will be handled as indicated in the written policy.
Respect for the Academic Process
The rights and responsibilities that accompany academic freedom are at the heart of the
intellectual purposes of the university. Our conduct as community members should
protect and promote the university’s pursuit of its academic mission. We are all,
therefore, expected to conduct ourselves with integrity in our learning, teaching and
research, and in ways in which we support those endeavors. Please refer to the catalog for
the university policy on academic dishonesty. You are expected to do and submit your
work and not that of others.
Discussion Board Decorum
The ANGEL discussion board is an important course component that allows students to
discuss issues related to class topics and to develop a community of learners. Posted
comments should always be professional, respectful and appropriate.
Candidate Intervention Plan
A Candidate Intervention Plan is a process available to faculty members to assist students
who lack the background, motivation, or professionalism required of a special educator.
Faculty members meet with candidates and develop a written a plan that outlines the
steps that must be taken. If the outlined plan is not followed or if compliance is
inadequate, the candidate may be asked to leave the special education program.