Publications by researcher staff with the Bioinformatics Consulting Center <> at Penn State University, for the academic year 2003-2004. This file is temporarily stored at: <> Istvan Albert Reka Albert, Istvan Albert and Gary L. Nakarado. (2004) Structural Vulnerability of the North American Power Grid Physical Review E, 69, 025103(R) Istvan Albert and Reka Albert. (2004) Conserved network motifs allow protein-protein interaction prediction. Bioinformatics, to appear. related website: Stephen Racunas , Nigam Shah, Istvan Albert and Nina Fedoroff (2004). HyBrow - A Prototype System for Computer Aided Hypothesis Evaluation, International Conference for Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, ISMB related website: Naomi Altman Altman, N.S. (2003) Replication, Variation and Normalization in Microarray Experiments (submitted to Applied Bioinformatics) Wang, G., Kong, H., Sun, Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, W., Altman, N.S., Ma, H. (2004) Phylogeny and Expression of Plant Cyclins Walters, E., Altman, N.S., Elnitski, L., (2004) Are Gene Locations Clustered on Chromosomes? (submitted to Journal of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis) Gary Chase Blacker D, Bertram L, Saunders AJ, Moscarillo TJ, Albert MS, Wiener H, Perry RT, Collins JS, Harrell LE, Go RCP, Mahoney A, Beaty T, Fallin MD, Avramopoulos D, Chase GA , Folstein MF, McInnis MG, Bassett SB, Doheny KJ, Pugh EW and Tanzi RE (The NIMH Genetics Initiative Alzheimer's Disease Study Group): Results of a highresolution genome screen of 437 Alzheimer's Disease families. Human Molecular Genetics 12: 23-32, 2003. Rybicki BA, Maliarik MJ, Poisson LM, Sheffer R, Chen KM, Major M, Chase GA, Iannuzzi MC. The major histocompatibility complex gene region and sarcoidosis susceptibility in African Americans. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 167: 444-449, 2003. Poisson LM, Rybicki BA, Coon SW, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Chase GA: Susceptibility scoring in family-based association testing. BMC Genetics 4 (S1): S49, 2003. Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Poisson LM, Coon SW, Chase GA, Rybicki BA: Analysis of gene × environment interactions in sibships using mixed models. BMC Genetics 4 (S1): S18, 2003. Francesca Chiaromonte Schwartz S., Miller W., Chiaromonte F. (2003) Distinguishing regulatory DNA from neutral sites. Genome Research 13: 64-72. M., Kent J.W., Weber R., Elnitski L., Li J., O Connor M., Kolbe D., Schwartz S., Furey T.S., Whelan S., Goldman N., Smit A., Miller W., Chiaromonte F., Haussler D. (2003) Co-variation in frequencies of substitution, deletion, transposition and recombination during eutherian evolution. Genome Research 13: 13-26. Chiaromonte F., Miller W. and Bouhassira E. (2003) Gene length and proximity to neighbors affect genome-wide expression levels. Genome Research 13: 2602-2608. Chiaromonte F., Kolbe D., Wang H., Petrykowska H., Elnitski L., Yang S., Giardine B., Zhang Y., Riemer C., Schwartz S., Haussler D., Roskin K., Weber R., Diekhans M., Kent W.J., Weiss M.J., Welch J. and Miller W. (2004) Global prediction and tests for erythroid regulatory regions. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia in Quantitative Biology: The Genome of Homo Sapiens 68: 335-345. Chiaromonte F., Weber R. J., Roskin K.M., Diekhans M., Kent W.J. and Haussler D. (2004) The share of human genomic DNA under selection estimated from human-mouse genomic alignments. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia in Quantitative Biology: The Genome of Homo Sapien. 68: 245-254. Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution. Nature 428: 493-521. Chiaromonte F. (2004) Insertions and deletions are male-biased too: a whole-genome analysis in rodents. Genome Research 14: 567-573. Chiaromonte F. (2004) Regulatory potential scores from genome-wide 3-way alignments of human, mouse and rat. Genome Research 14: 700-707. Chiaromonte F., Roskin K. M., Haussler D., Miller W. and Hardison R.C. (2004) Patterns of insertions and their covariation with substitutions in the rat, mouse and human genomes. Genome Research 14: 517-527. Wenlei Liu Liu W, Bentley CM, Floros J. Study of human SP-A, SP-B and SP-D loci: allele frequencies, linkage disequilibrium and heterozygosity in different races and ethnic groups. BMC Genetics 4:13, 2003. Liu W, Weir BS. Affected sib pair tests in inbred populations. (submitted to Ann Hum Genet) Liu W, Icitovic N, Shaffer ML, Chase GA. The impact of population heterogeneity on genetic counseling. (Submitted to BMC Medical Genetics) Liu W, Zhao W, Chase GA. Genome scan meta-analysis of Hypertension. (submitted to Am J Hypertens) Izabela Makalowska Veeramachaneni V, Makalowski W, Galdzicki M, Sood R, Makalowska I., (2004) Mammalian overlapping genes: the comparative perspective. Genome Res;14(2):280-6. Cohen-Solal KA, Sood R, Marin Y, Crespo-Carbone SM, Sinsimer D, Martino JJ, Robbins C, Makalowska I, Trent J, Chen S. (2003) Identification and characterization of mouse Rab32 by mRNA and protein expression analysis. Biochim Biophys Acta. 23;1651(1-2):68-75. Sood R, Makalowska I, Galdzicki M, Hu P, Eddings E, Robbins CM, Moses T, Namkoong J, Chen S, Trent JM. (2003) Cloning and characterization of a novel gene, SHPRH, encoding a conserved putative protein with SNF2/helicase and PHD-finger domains from the 6q24 region. Genomics. 2003 Aug;82(2):153-61. Pollock PM, Cohen-Solal K, Sood R, Namkoong J, Martino JJ, Koganti A, Zhu H, Robbins C, Makalowska I, Shin SS, Marin Y, Roberts KG, Yudt LM, Chen A, Cheng J, Incao A, Pinkett HW, Graham CL, Dunn K, Crespo-Carbone SM, Mackason KR, Ryan KB, Sinsimer D, Goydos J, Reuhl KR, Eckhaus M, Meltzer PS, Pavan WJ, Trent JM, Chen S. (2003) Melanoma mouse model implicates metabotropic glutamate signaling in melanocytic neoplasia. Nat Genet ;34(1):108-12. Imanishi T., Itoh T., Suzuki Y., O'Donovan C., Fukuchi S., Koyanagi K, ... Makalowska I., ..., Gojobori T., Sugano S. (2004) Integrative Annotation of 21, 037 human genes validated by full-length cDNA clones. PloS Biology, Apr 20;2(6):E162 Manzoor-Ali P.K. Mohideen, lamason R., Wong A.C., Aros M., Humbert J.E., Humphreville V., Moore J.L., Grunvald D.J., Makalowska I., Mangini N., Ning G., Canfield V., and Cheng K.C. (2004) The zebrafish golden mutation indicates a role for potassium-dependent sodium-calcium exchange in vertebrate pigmentation. Submitted to Current Biology. Geiser D.V., del mar Jimenez-Gasco M., Kang S., Makalowska I., Veeraraghavan N., Ward T.J., Zhang N., Kuldau G.A., and O'Donnell K (2004) FUSARIUM-ID v.1.0: A DNA sequence database for identifying Fusarium. The European Journal of Plant Pathology. In press