Paediatric Kidney Team Publications Kidney Transplantation and Dialysis Al-Khoury S. Shah N. Afzali B. Covic A. Taylor J. Goldsmith D (2006). Posttransplantation anaemia in adult and paediatric renal allograft recipientsGuy's Hospital experience. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 21(7):1974-80 Clark G, Walsh G, Deshpande P, Koffman G (2002) Basiliximab – improved graft function over polyclonal antibody, Nephrology Dialysis & Transplantation, 17(7) p1304-9 Good L, Hartman J, Ryan W, Walsh G (2002) Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation - Pittsburgh, International Transplant Nursing Society Hussain F, Castledine C, Schalkwyk DV, Sinha MD, Lewis MA, Inward C (2010) UK Renal Registry 12th Annual Report: Chapter 15 Clinical, Haematological and Biochemical Parameters in Patients receiving Renal Replacement Therapy in Paediatric Centres in the UK in 2008: national and centre-specific analyses. Nephron Clin Pract; 115(suppl1): c289– c308. DOI: 0.1159/000301238. Johnson J. Kerecuk L. Harrison M. Taylor J. Odell E (2007). Epstein-Barr virusassociated lymphoproliferative disease in oral cavity in a renal transplant recipient: a case report. Pediatric Transplantation, 11(3):340-4 Kerecuk L, Horsfield C, Taylor J (2009) Improved long-term graft function in pediatric transplant renal recipients with chronic allograft nephropathy. Pediatr Transplantation: 13: 324–331. Kerecuk L, Clark G, Taylor J (2005) Chronic allograft nephropathy and mycophenolate mofetil introduction in paediatric renal recipients. Pediatric Nephrology. 20(11):1630-5 Krischock, Beach R, Taylor J (2010). Sirolimus and tuberous sclerosisassociated renal angiomyolipomas. Arch Dis Child; 95:391–392. Lewis MA, Shaw J, Sinha M, Adalat S, Hussain F, Inward C (2009).UK Renal Registry 11th Annual Report, Chapter 13 - Demography of the UK paediatric Renal Replacement Therapy population. Nephron Clin Pract 111(suppl 1); c257–c267: DOI: 10.1159/000210002. Kidney Transplantation and Dialysis Lewis MA, Shaw J, Sinha MD, Adalat S, Hussain F, Castledine C, Schalkwyk DV, Inward C 2010). UK Renal Registry 12th Annual Report: Chapter 14 Demography of the UK Paediatric Renal Replacement Therapy population in 2008 Nephron Clin Pract; 115 (suppl1):c279–c288. DOI: 10.1159/000301237. Lewis M, Castledine C, van Schalwyk D, Sinha MD, Inward C (2011) UK Renal Registry 13th Annual Report: Chapter 12 - Clinical, haematological and biochemical parameters in UK Paediatric Renal Replacement Therapy population in 2009. Nephrol Clin Pract; 119 (Suppl. 2):c225- c237. Pruthi R, Sinha MD, Casula A, Tse Y, Maxwell H, O’Brien C, Lewis M, Inward C (2012). UK Renal Registry 14th Annual Report: Chapter 5 - Demography of the UK Paediatric Renal Replacement Therapy population in 2010. Nephron Clin Prac; 120(suppl 1):c93–c103; DOI: 10.1159/000342847. Pruthi R, Maxwell H, Casula A, Tse Y, Sinha MD, O’Brien C, Lewis M, Inward C (2012) UK Renal Registry 14th Annual Report: Chapter 11 - Clinical, Haematological and Biochemical Parameters in Patients receiving Renal Replacement Therapy in Paediatric Centres in the UK in 2010: National and Centre-Specific Analyses. Nephron Clin Prac; 120(suppl 1): c219– c232; DOI: 10.1159/000342855. Sinha MD, Castledine C, van Schalwyk D, Hussain F, Lewis M, Inward C (2011) UK Renal Registry 13th Annual Report: Chapter 5 -Demography of the UK Paediatric Renal Replacement Therapy population in 2009. Nephrol Clin Pract; 119 (Suppl. 2):c97-c106. Walsh G, Gamston F, Roberts D (2011) Returning to School following a Kidney Transplant: Practical Advice, Journal of Renal Nursing, 3 (6) p240-243 Wise B & Walsh G (2007) Paediatric Transplantation Chapter in International Transplant Nurses Society, Core Curriculum for Transplant Nurses, Elsevier Chronic Kidney Disease Ibrahim N, Wong ICK, Patey S, Tomlin S, Sinha MD, Jani Y (2012) Drugrelated problems in children with chronic kidney disease. Pediatr Nephrol; DOI 10.1007/s00467-012-2149-1 Jones H, Sinha MD (2011) Cardiovascular risk in chronic kidney disease. Journal of Renal Nursing; 3 (2): 64-69. Kerecuk L. Sajoo A. McGregor L. Berg J. Haq MR. Sebire NJ. Bingham C. Edghill EL. Ellard S. Taylor J. Rigden S. Flinter FA. Woolf AS. (2007) Autosomal dominant inheritance of non-syndromic renal hypoplasia and dysplasia: dramatic variation in clinical severity in a single kindred. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 22(1):259-63 Kim JJ, Booth CJ, Waller S, Rasmussen P, Reid CJD, Sinha MD (2013) The demographic characteristics of children with chronic kidney disease stages 3-5 in the South East of England over a 5 year period Arch Dis Childhood [In press]. Muorah M, Sinha MD, Horsfield C, O’Donnell PJ (2009). C1q nephropathy: a true immune complex disease or an immunologic Epiphenomenon? Nephrol Dial Transplant Plus; doi: 10.1093/ndtplus/sfp055 Reid C J (2011) Treating anaemia in children with chronic kidney disease, Journal of Renal Nursing, Vol 3, 1 p10-14 Sebesta I, Stiburkova B, Bartl J, Ichida K, Hosoyamada M, Taylor J, Marinaki A (2011). Nucleosides Diagnostic tests for primary renal hypouricemia. Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids 30(12):1112-6 Blood Pressure Clothier JC, Rigby E, Sinha MD (2012) Home Doppler blood pressure monitoring in infants and children: a pilot study of its feasibility and clinical utility, Arch Dis Child. Aug; 97(8): 704-8. Day E, Stephens S, Rigden SPA, Reidy J, Sinha MD (2011) Malignant hypertension secondary to reno-vascular disease during infancy - an unusual cause of failure to thrive. Nephrol Dial Transplant; doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfr523. Blood Pressure Jones H, Sinha MD (2011) Misclassification of measurements during ABPM introduces significant errors in its interpretation.. Pediatr Nephrol [In press) Killian L, Simpson JM, Savis A, Rawlins D, Sinha MD (2010) Electrocardiography is a poor screening test for left ventricular hypertrophy in Children Arch Dis Child published online July 23, 2010. doi: 10.1136/adc.2009.168377. Shah AN, Jones HE, Sinha MD, Morrison D A (2011) Hypertensive chorioretinopathy with Elschnig spots in a 3-year-old child. Eye; doi:10.1038/eye.2010.207 Simpson JM, Savis A, Rawlins D, Qureshi S, Sinha MD (2010) Incidence of left ventricular hypertrophy in children with kidney disease: impact of method of indexation of left ventricular mass Eur J Echocard ; 11(3): 271-7. Simpson JM, Rawlins D, Mathur S, Chubb H, Sinha MD. 2012 [In press]. Abnormalities of systolic and diastolic ventricular function assessed by Tissue Doppler Imaging in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease. Echocardiography Sinha MD, Kerecuk L, Gilg J, Reid CJ; on behalf of the British Association for Paediatric Nephrology (2012). Systemic arterial hypertension in children following renal transplantation: prevalence and risk factors, Nephrol Dial Transplant; doi:10.1093/ndt/gfr804 Sinha MD, Reid CJD (2009). At what level of blood pressure should hypertension be defined in children? Cardiol Young; 19: 428-30 Sinha MD, Reid CJD (2009) At what blood pressure level should hypertension be defined in children? Cardiol in Young; 29: 1-3. Sinha MD, Reid CJD (2009) Systemic Hypertension In: Paediatric Cardiology 3rd Edition Anderson, Baker, Penny, Redington, Rigby & Wernovsky (eds) . Elsevier publications. [Book Chapter] Sinha MD, Booth CJ, Reid C J D(2011) Factors affecting success of blood pressure measurements during ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in children with renal disease. Cardiology in the Young [In press] Williams K, Shah AN, Morrison D, Sinha MD (2013) Hypertensive retinopathy in children: demographic, clinical and ophthalmoscopic findings from a 30year British cohort. Submitted to JPOS [In press]. Blood Pressure Sinha MD, Tibby SM, Rasmussen P, Rawlins D, Turner C, Dalton N, Reid CJD, Rigden SPA, Booth CJB, Simpson JM (2011) Blood pressure control and left ventricular mass in children with chronic kidney disease, Clin J Am Soc Nephrol; 6: doi:10.2215/CJN.04690510 Sinha MD, Gilg J, Kerecuk L, Reid CJ (2012) Progression to systolic hypertension in non-hypertensive children following renal transplantation’; on behalf of the British Association for Paediatric Nephrology Nephrol Dial Transplant; doi:10.1093/ndt/gfr784. Sinha, MD, Gilg JA, Kerecuk, L, Reid, CJD (2012) Systemic arterial hypertension in children following renal transplantation: prevalence and risk factors Nephrol Dial Transplant; 0: doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfr804 Sinha, MD, Gilg JA, Kerecuk, L, Reid, CJD (2012) Progression to hypertension in non-hypertensive children following renal transplantation, Nephrol Dial Transplant; 0: 1–7 doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfr784 Bladder Issues Clayden G, Wright A (2007) Constipation and incontinence in childhood: two sides of the same coin? Arch Dis Child 92:472-474 Wright A (2008) Evidence-based assessment and management of childhood enuresis. Pediatrics Child Health; 18:561-567. Wright A (2008) Toilet training. Chapter Fifteen in Finnie’s Handling the Young Child with Cerebral Palsy at Home. Bower E (edit), Elsevier. Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE; lupus) Watson L, Leone V, Pilkington C, Tullus K, Satyapal R, McDonagh J, GardnerMedwin J, Wilkinson N, Riley P, Tizard J, Armon K, Sinha MD, Ioannou J, Archer N, Bailey K, Davidson J, Baildam EM, Cleary AG, McCann LJ, Beresford MW, on behalf of the UK JSLE Study Group (2012) .Juvenileonset SLE; disease activity, severity and damage - The UK JSLE Cohort Study Arthritis and Rheumatism; DOI: 10.1002 /art.34410. Acute Kidney Injury Das K, Sinha R, Horsfield C, Sinha MD (2010) An unusual case of gross hematuria with acute renal failure: question. Pediatr Nephrol; DOI 10.1007/s00467-010-1464-7. Das K, Sinha R, Horsfield C, Sinha MD (2010) An unusual case of gross haematuria with acute renal failure: answer. Pediatr Nephrol; DOI 10.1007/s00467-010-1460-7. Kim JJ, Waller SC, Reid, CJD (2012) Eculizumab in atypical haemolyticuraemic syndrome allows cessation of plasma exchange and dialysis. Clin Kidney J; doi: 10.1093/ndtplus/sfr174 Stiburkova B. Taylor J. Marinaki A M. Sebesta I (2012) Acute kidney injury in two children caused by renal hypouricaemia type 2. Pediatric Nephrology, 27(8):1411-5 Nephrotic Syndrome Kshirsagar A, Reid CJD, Alamelu J, Sinha MD An unusual cause of severe persistent neutropenia in a child with nephrotic syndrome’.. BMJ Case Reports [In press]. McCarthy HJ, Bierzynska A, Wherlock M, Ognjanovic M, Kerecuk L, Hegde S, Feather S, Gilbert R, Krischock L, Jones C, Sinha MD, Webb N, Christian M, Marks S, Koziell A, Welsh GI, Saleem MA on behalf of RADAR and the UK SRNS study group. CJASN [In press] ‘Simultaneous sequencing of the exome of 24 genes associated with steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome in a national cohort using next generation sequencing’. Sinha MD, Macleod R, Rigby E, Clark AG (2006) Treatment of severe steroiddependent nephrotic syndrome (SDNS) in children with Tacrolimus Nephrol Dial Transplant; 21(7): 1848-54 Taylor J, Thorner P.Geary DF. Baumal R, Balfe JW (1986) Nephrotic syndrome and hypertension in two children with Hurler syndrome. Journal of Pediatrics, 108(5 Pt 1):726-9 Metabolic Disease Footitt EJ, Sinha MD, Raiman J A J, Moganasundram S, Champion M (2008) General Anaesthesia in children with Mitochondrial Cytopathy. British Journal of Anaesthesia; 100(4):436-41. Sinha MD, Horsfield C, Komaromy D, Booth CJ, Champion MP (2009) Congenital disorders of glycosylation: a rare cause of nephrotic Syndrome. Nephrol Dial Transplant; doi: 0.1093/ndt/gfp226. Williams EL, Bockenhauer D, van’t Hoff WG, Johri N, Laing C, Sinha MD, Unwin R, Viljoen A, Rumsby G (2012) The enzyme 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase is deficient in primary hyperoxaluria type 3 Nephrol Dial Transplant; doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfs039. Transition to Adult Care Harden PN, Walsh G, Bandler N, Bradley S, Lonsdale D, Taylor J, Marks S D (2012) Bridging the gap: an integrated paediatric to adult clinical service for young adults with kidney failure BMJ 344:e3718 doi: 10.1136/ bmj.e3718 Walsh G, Bandler N (2009) Adolescent Health Transition, An Overview in Renal Transplantation, Journal of Renal Nursing, 1, 2 p67-70 Webb N, Harden P, Lewis C, Tizard S, Walsh G, Wray J, Watson A (2010) Building consensus on transition of transplant patients from paediatric to adult healthcare, Arch Dis Child.; 95(8):606-11. doi: 10.1136/ adc.2009.176255. Epub . General Issues Harries A D. Taylor J (1986) Erythema nodosum associated with invasive amoebiasis and giardiasis. British Journal of Dermatology, 114(3):394, White E (2011) The Paediatric Renal Staff Nurse, Care co-ordinator within the renal team, Journal of Renal Nursing, 3, 3