Document 7395223

Mpati Veterinary Clinic
Dr A.D. (TONY) Grace (B.V.Sc.) DR A. (ASHLEIGH) OWEN (B.V.SC.)
28 Douglas St P.O.Box / Posbus 581 Dundee 3000
Telefax: 0342123466 / 0342181956
Cell: +27 82 567 9104
E-mail / E-pos:
The first 2-3 fleas to infest your pet originate from flea eggs laid 3-8 weeks ago within the environment, and are hardly ever
seen. We usually see the 2nd or 3rd generation of fleas when they begin irritating our pets. Adult fleas (5% of the total flea
population) consume dog and cat blood and begin laying eggs on the pet. Fleas are obligatory parasites and completely host
dependent and can only lay eggs when they are on a host. The eggs (10% of the total flea population) fall off the pet’s coat within
2-3 hours. Larvae (35% of the total flea population) hatch after 12-14 days, and burrow deeper into the carpets, floors and
furniture, and are hard to reach by vacuuming. The larvae pupate into protective cocoons known as pupae (50% of the total flea
population) for up to 6 months, and hatch into adult fleas under favourable circumstances – e.g. increased temperature, carbon
dioxide, vibrations and humidity, which are usually associated with the presence of a host. Apart from the discomfort, fleas are
the cause of skin troubles, the loss of hair and are the intermediate hosts for one species of tapeworm (Dipylidium spp).
Flea Allergy Dermatitis:
Flea allergy dermatitis is the most common allergy in dogs and is caused by flea bites, specifically the saliva of the flea. It is a
very itchy disease and predisposes to the development of secondary skin infections. Oddly enough, most animals with flea allergy
have very few fleas – because they are so itchy, they groom themselves excessively, eliminating any evidence of fleas. However, a
couple of flea bites every two weeks are sufficient to make a flea allergic dog itchy all the time. Any animal can become allergic to
fleas and require veterinary attention.
Products available for animal use:
Frontline spray – for use in dogs and cats and can be used on unweaned puppies and kittens. It kills ticks and fleas on
contact. It has a residual effect of 1 month. Safe in pregnant or lactating animals.
Frontline plus top spot – for use in dogs and cats 8 weeks and older. It kills ticks and fleas within 24 hours and contains
an Insect Growth Regulator which prevents eggs from hatching and kills larvae. It has a residual effect of 1 month
against ticks and 2 months against fleas.
Ultrum original shampoo – for use in dogs and cats and is safe for use in puppies and kittens. It kills ticks and fleas on
contact. There is no residual effect.
Ultrum plus shampoo – for use in dogs only and can be used on puppies. It kills ticks and fleas on contact. There is no
residual effect.
Ultrum tick and flea powder – for use in dogs and cats as well as birds.
Ultrum Ultimate spray – for use in dogs only and can be used in puppies of 7 weeks of age. It kills ticks and fleas on
contact and also contains an Insect Growth Regulator. It has a residual effect of 1 month.
Promeris top spot – for use in cats only 8 weeks and older. It kills fleas only. It has a residual effect of 1 month. Not safe
for pregnant or lactating queens.
Promeris Duo top spot – for use in dogs only 8 weeks and older. It kills ticks and fleas within 24 hours. It has a residual
effect of 1 month. Not safe for pregnant or lactating bitches.
Advantage top spot – for use in kittens and cats only. It kills fleas only within 24 hours of treatment. It has a residual
effect of 1 month.
Advantix top spot – for use in dogs only 7 weeks and older. It kills ticks and fleas. It has a residual effect of 1 month.
Advantix is also effective against mosquitoes and flies.
Revolution top spot – for use in puppies, kittens and cats 6 weeks and older. It kills ticks and fleas. It has a residual
effect of 1 month. It is safe to use in pregnant and lactating animals. It also kills ear mites, Sarcoptic mange, hookworm
and round worm in cats, and round worm in puppies, lice and heartworm.
Capstar tablets – for use in dogs and cats 4 weeks and older. It kills adult fleas only and is effective within 30 minutes
after dosing. It has no residual effect.
Program tablets – for use in dogs and cats 6 weeks and older. It does not kill the adult fleas but is a Flea Growth
Regulator which is taken up by the adult fleas and sterilizes them, thereby preventing the hatch of eggs. It is used
monthly and in conjunction with Capstar.
Products available for environmental use: (remember the 95 %!!)
Ultrum Duration spray – will immediately start killing fleas and continue to kill adult fleas for 2 months and larvae and
eggs for 6 months. Toxic to fish.
Flego spray – kills adult fleas and prevents flea eggs and larvae from developing into adults so that a new generation will
not develop in a treated area. Toxic to fish and birds.
Fleeguard spray – kills adult fleas and stops larval development within 10 days with a long-lasting efficacy of 6 months.
Toxic to fish.
If you have any enquiries please do not hesitate to contact us at the clinic for answers.