Energy Island as a context for science education Willem van Son, M.Sc. Willem Sonneveld, M.Sc. Science Education and Communication, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands Abstract Physics teaching can be made more relevant to 15-18 year-old students by positioning the physics content in a real-life context that pupils can relate to and understand. The module Energy Island is based on a context-concept approach. This paper described the content and evaluated use of the module. Students with sufficient physics knowledge appeared to be successful in applying existing knowledge to a complex realistic new context. Introduction In The Netherlands, secondary education students can opt for a course called NLT (Natuur, Leven en Technologie or Nature, Life and Technology). In English it is sometimes named ASMaT (Advanced Science, Mathematics and Technology). Since 2007, this new interdisciplinary subject is offered to science stream pupils in upper secondary education (age 15-18) in addition to regular subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics. It offers the students the opportunity to widen and deepen their knowledge of science and shows students the relevance of interdisciplinarity. It completes the natural sciences, and is meant as a good preparation for a study in higher education in the field of science and technology (a steppingstone towards science and technology). Currently about 40% of the Dutch schools are offering NLT. One of the aims of the NLT-committee is: “Through the context students are faced with new concepts as well as with applications of familiar concepts in new contexts. In this way the subject can also contribute to a sustained anchoring of disciplinary concepts.” (NLT, 2008). In Table 1, the domains for examination in the NLT programme are presented. Table 1 Domains examination programme of NLT in the pre-university stream (2008) A B C D E F G H I pre-university education Skills The foundations of science and technology Earth and climate Stellar information and processes Biophysics, biochemistry and bioinformatics Biomedical technology and biotechnology (Sustainable) use of raw materials, energy and space Materials, process- and production technology Tools, vehicles and products The programme – based on a context-concept approach – currently consists of a set of over 70 modules that have been developed as teaching material for national use. Some examples of titles are: “Technical design in biomedical technology” and “Driving under influence”. The modules are about the integration of concepts in contexts: both the application of disciplinary concepts and the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. The modules contain a knowledge component and a skill component, integrated as much as possible. The concept-context approach is the most recent development in context-based science education in The Netherlands. Each of the 70 modules for NLT is assigned to one or more of the eight domains of the programme and is developed – most of the time - by a team in which teachers of secondary schools work together with one or more experts on the subject. Most modules are interdisciplinary and deal with topics profoundly. Both now and in the future there is a need for more modules. The modules should fit into one or more of the domains of the NLTexamination programme (see Table 1). The module Energy Island, about which this paper reports, fits especially in domain G ‘(Sustainable) use of raw materials, energy and space’. The module Energy Island At Delft University of Technology, the Science Education & Communication division, a group of student-teacher developed a new module called ‘Energy Island’. The development was supported by the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. The module is mainly assigned to domain G. The context is an idea for a subsurface-lake power station in the North Sea powered by windmills with zero CO2 emission. The lake is created by building a dike in the sea (see also Fig 1.). In case of a surplus of electricity and/or wind, water is going to be pumped out of the lake into the surrounding sea. A shortage causes seawater to flow back, while driving generators (KEMA & Lievense, 2007). Figure 1. An artist’s impression and a scale model made by students of an energy island in the North Sea The module consists of a textbook, a teacher’s manual and a web based management game. Students become more aware of the decreasing fuel stocks and increasing environmental pollution, forcing science to develop methods of energy supply which are more sustainable, efficient and clean. Students deal with electricity supply, storage and transport, windmills and energy, the subsurface-lake concept and the process of making decisions at an administrative level. The module concludes with specific assignments such as designing a battery, building a hydroelectric power unit and an investigation of reducing the electricity consumption at home. In 2010, this new module has been tested and evaluated in a class of 22 secondary school students (group A). This group consists of 16 students with physics as a subject (subgroup A1) and 6 students without physics (subgroup A2). After finishing their special assignments, the students have done a 100-minute test in order to measure the achieved level of knowledge and understanding. After limited rewriting the module has been tested again in February/March 2011 in a class of 30 secondary school students from another school (group B). They filled in a pre-test and a post-test and a questionnaire in order to research their knowledge at several items. Scientific background The NLT programme is based on a context-concept approach. The interpretation of this notion is not the same in all subject areas. Sometimes contexts are considered as means, sometimes as ends. In context-based education, different sorts of situations, applications and contexts play an important role in the realization of meaningful learning. In addition, it emphasizes concepts and the interaction between concepts and contexts, building a coherent conceptual framework and improving (strengthening) the transfer of knowledge and skills. (Whitelegg & Parry, 1999; Goedhart, Kaper, & Joling, 2001; Pilot & Bulte, 2006). In her outline-document, the NLT-committee wrote about the relation between concepts and contexts: “The modules are based on the relation between concept and context. Concepts play an important role, because they offer a framework for the acquisition of knowledge. The establishment of logical connections between concepts will lead to a conceptual network in the pupils’ minds. A student must learn how to extract the underlying concepts from the different contexts and how to use them. A context is taken as a meaningful situation or definition of a problem for the student. One may think of a situation or problem from the real world: the living environment, a profession or science. Contexts can be starting points for the development of concepts. The basic idea is that the use of contexts facilitates the acquisition of new knowledge and improves its anchoring in memory. Contexts give a good picture of the role the natural sciences and technology play in society. The use of contexts can easily elicit amazement, and thus make the subject matter more exciting and challenging.” (NLT, 2008) We would like to know if there is a good transfer of the physics concepts into a difficult context as an energy island. Recent research has led to the insight that it is not easy to learn the concepts at a general, abstract level first and then applying them to different contexts (Westra et al., 2007). Also an approach in which concepts are first learned in a specific context and then transferred to a different context appears to be problematic (Pilot and Bulte, 2006). Recent research indicated that concepts should be learned in a variety of contexts so that generic insights can grow gradually (Westra et al., 2007). For us, ‘transfer’ means to apply a skill or a concept in a new context, with a different format at a different time. In the concept-context approach even the term ‘transfer’ is used with some hesitation. It appears problematic teaching a concept in one context and then transferring that concept to another context. Research methodology Two main issues will be subject to research. The first question is to what extent the module Energy Island has caused more awareness of the importance of sustainable energy (supply). The second question focuses on knowledge. To what extent was it possible for pupils to apply their existing knowledge in a new context? Did the module contribute to the gathering of new knowledge about sustainable energy? In summary, is this module Energy Island useful to: become (more) aware of sustainable energy(supply), apply existing knowledge concepts in a new context, gain new knowledge? In particular we will look at the suitability of the energy island as a possible context for teaching and learning about energy concepts. Current literature suggests that contexts should enable making already learnt knowledge more versatile and also obtaining new knowledge in a meaningful and transferable way. These claims will be tested in our research study. We will answer these questions based on the data we have gathered from: 1. interviews with the students, observations and a questionnaire in both groups, 2. the results of the special assignments, 3. the results of the tests. Ad 1 In the period the module was tested, a researcher of the Master Science Education and Communication has investigated in group A the practical feasibility for the teacher and the feasibility for the pupils in terms of level and time. Part of the qualitative research was a survey wherein the researcher has interviewed a representative delegation consisting of two students with physics as a subject and two students without physics. Furthermore the researcher has written down extensive observations during all lessons. Finally the course has been completed with a questionnaire filled in by the pupils. For the purpose of this paper we will use the interviews, the observations and the results of the questionnaire enabling us to find answers to the mentioned questions. In the next section, we will also make use of the special assignments that have been performed at the end of the course. The interviews were held nearly every week and were applicable to the subsequent chapters of the module. They contained both open ended questions such as: “How interesting was the chapter?” and closed questions for example: “Was the explanation of the law of Betz clear?” It’s obvious that the students also brought in comments from themselves. The observations consist of written reports of what the researcher – being among the students – saw and heard of them. As a result in the observation report the researcher has written down recommendations for improvement parts of the module. Both groups responded to a list of statements in a questionnaire by scoring those on a 1 – 5 scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree) and they were asked to make comments on the statements. Beside the statements there were also a few open questions such as: “Which parts of the module did you like best?” and “Which parts of the module did you learn the most from?” The list of statements is from the NLT-committee and all schools that test a module use the same form. We have chosen only eight relevant statements. For example the statement “It was clear to me how I would be assessed”, is not relevant for our research. (By the way the average score for this item was 4,15.) Ad 2 In order to create a good image to the reader of this paper table 2 shows the different special assignments for the final part of the module. The purpose of the special assignments is twofold. On the one hand the students practice several skills such as doing research, technical design, writing a report, etc. On the other hand the special assignments stimulate the students to deepen the new knowledge gained from the module and to incorporate the concepts into a practical activity. Most of assignments are related to sustainable energy. Table 2 Overview of the special assignments Subject Description Remarks A The earth‘s energy management. An essay about energy from a holistic point of view. For the pupils who like to think about issues, the philosophers. B Reducing and levelling the consumption of electricity. To what extend can the consumption of electricity in a household be reduced and levelled? For the pupils who wish to use energy with more awareness. C Electro chemical cells. Design and build your own battery. For those pupils who enjoy using their hands. D Integrated circuit for windmills. Design an automated system for an energy island. A challenge for analytical pupils. E Hydro power plant. Design and build your own Hydro power plant. For the potential civil engineering student. F Cars driving on electrical power. Desk Study how to promote the use of electrical cars in order to create a future breakthrough. For the potential project manager. G Model of an energy island. Building a scale model. For the creative artists. H Windmill. Building a wind turbine including whips. For the designer. Ad 3 In order to measure the achieved level of knowledge and understanding in group A we summarize the results of the assessment. We distinguish two subgroups: subgroup A1 consists of 16 students with and subgroup A2 consists of 6 students without physics as a subject. The test contains 17 items, in which are 7 assessments items for recall of knowledge (reproduction items) and 10 items to assess application skills and higher order thinking (production items). An example of a reproduction item is: “Name two advantages of decentralized electricity generation”. An example to assess the ability to use learned material in a new situation is an item about a wind farm in the North Sea is: “The energy yield per year is estimated 1,1 PJ. An average household in The Netherlands uses 3,5.103 kWh per year. Calculate how many households could be connected to this wind farm.” In group B the series of lessons starts and concludes only with a test. In these pre- and posttest there were 4 items about existing knowledge and 4 about new knowledge. Some items were multiple-choice questions and some are as ‘mention as much as possible’ items, e.g. “Mention as much as possible different ways to store electric energy”. An example of a multiple choice question about existing knowledge is: “At first an amount of air has a wind speed of 15 km/ h and shortly thereafter 30 km/ h. The kinetic energy is A twice; B four times; C eight times; D sixteen times as large”. An example of a multiple choice question about new knowledge is: “The power P of a windmill is proportional to the wind speed: A v; B v1½; C v2; D v3 ”. Results Ad 1 In the observation reports it is stated that the pupils were enthusiastic about creating a poster with different kinds of storage of energy. They compared pump accumulation systems, compressed air energy storage, flywheels, batteries, uninterruptable power supply and superconducting magnetic energy storage and investigated the advantages and disadvantages. The researcher has written down two interesting quotes in the report: “The pupils were absolutely enthusiastic.” and “The pupils consider Energy Island and sustainable energy as an interesting subject of the current timeframe.” Both the observation and the interview reports provide only little information about to what extend new knowledge was gained and old knowledge was used in a new context. That is to say, it has not explicitly been asked and subsequently answered. In the interview report it is stated that the students of subgroup A1 consider the physics of the fourth chapter – energy island itself – very well feasible, because it contains familiar physics about energy applied in a new context. The observation report mentions some matters about new knowledge such as electromagnetism. It seems clear that the students experience difficulties with understanding such new knowledge. This holds in particular for the students (from subgroup A2) without physics as a subject. The outcomes of the questionnaire are listed in Table 3. Table 3 A part of the list of statements and the mean of both groups Statements Mean A Mean B Mean A+B N = 22 N = 30 N = 52 The module was about subjects that I like and/or are important to me 3,09 3,23 3,17 The module was a challenge to me 3,37 3,20 3,27 The module was about a topical issue 3,94 4,17 4,07 There was enough variety in the module 2,69 3,10 2,92 I often have been active during this module 3,09 3,43 3,29 My existing knowledge was sufficient 3,09 3,47 3,31 During the module I have learned many new things 3,60 3,17 3,35 The module was too easy 1,83 2,10 1,99 Both groups are not large and the number of items is small, so we can only observe some trends from the scores. The questionnaire tells us – as shown in Table 3 – that the majority of the pupils in both groups acknowledge the topicality and the interesting nature of the module. It is noteworthy that group B has a higher score at the statement ‘My existing knowledge was sufficient’ and just a lower score at the statement ’During the module I have learned many new things’. This may be explained by all the students in group B have physics as a subject. It is remarkable that some students say literally in there comments to the questionnaire that they have used existing knowledge into a new context. Also some students write that they already were aware of sustainable energy but this module is very new with lots of practical ideas. Ad 2 With respect to the special assignments a variety of data is available: In the questionnaire: the question “which parts of the module did you like most?” 36 of 52 pupils mentioned the special assignments in the first place. And often the remark: “I have learned the most of the special assignment.” Some quotes from the observation reports: “The pupils get started very well with the special assignments.” and “The special assignments apparently have a stimulating influence on the pupils.” From the interview report: “The special assignments are mostly much more difficult than the exercises and are a real challenge.” and “Everyone is willing to deepen because everyone does what he likes.” Figure 1 and figure 2 show some results of the pupils’ work. Lemon battery Hydro power plant Figure 2. Some results of the special assignments Windmill It is worth mentioning two remarkable results of the special assignments, because it emphasizes once again the increased awareness of sustainable energy and its consumption: Three couples of pupils have chosen for ‘reduction and levelling the consumption of electricity’ focussed on households. Their reports included a written advice addressed to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Three couples have chosen for the special assignment ‘promoting the use of electric cars’. They all designed a video clip based on the ‘better place’ initiative in Israel and composed a publicity campaign. Ad 3 The results of the assessments in group A are listed in Table 4. In group B there was no assessment, but only the pre- and post-tests. The results of these tests are listed in Table 5. Table 4 Results of assessment with a 100-minute test in group A Items group A1 (N = 16) group A2 (N = 6) group A (N = 22) % score % score % score all 17 78 53 71 7 about reproduction 87 84 86 10 about production 72 35 62 5 application 85 45 74 5 analysis 57 24 48 It is clear that both subgroups have the same average score on the reproduction items. Also it is remarkable that there is a big gap between both subgroups on the production items. Table 5 Results of multiple-choice items in the pre- and post-test in group B Items about pre post % score % score existing knowledge 86 87 new knowledge 8 43 Existing knowledge remains, as expected, at the same level and new knowledge is clearly increased. For example in the pre-test did the students know an average of 2,2 different ways to store electric energy and in the post-test an average of 3,9. From detailed analysis of the answers shows that the additional examples all come from the module. The knowledge about this item is clearly increased. Conclusions The pupils’ perception of the module is that Energy Island and sustainable energy are truly considered to be both interesting and an important topic of our time. Most of the special assignments refer to sustainable energy. The pupils worked very hard to complete these assignments and the products they have delivered have a high standard of quality. The assignments were experienced as the most pleasant and meaningful part of the module. Based on the mentioned questionnaire, interviews, observations and products it is justified to conclude that pupils awareness of sustainable energy is increased. In short, the conclusions about knowledge are: the context of energy island is suitable for both teachers and students; students with sufficient physics knowledge are successful in applying existing knowledge to a complex realistic new context; through this module the students successfully gain new scientific knowledge about energy; the module has also contributed to a sustained anchoring of disciplinary concepts. Whereas Goedhart et al (2001) warn that realistic situations in science are often too complex, we found: students with physics as a subject are more successful at applying existing knowledge in the new context and they are able to transfer their knowledge into a new context; for students without physics as a subject it is hard to learn the concepts of energy in the real-life scenario of an energy island, they need much support/coaching. An implication could be to support the students without physics as a subject by an introduction to the basic concepts of energy before starting the module References Goedhart, M., Kaper, W., & Joling, E. (2001). Het gebruik van contexten in het natuurkundeen scheikundeonderwijs. Tijdschrift voor didactiek der bètawetenschappen, 18(2), 111-139. KEMA & Lievense (2007), Energie-eiland, haalbaarheidsstudie fase 1. NLT (2008), Outline of a new subject in the sciences. Pilot, A., & Bulte, A. (2006). The Use of Contexts as a Challenge for the Chemistry Curriculum: Its successes and the need for. International Journal of Science Education, 28. Westra, R., Boersma, K., Waarlo, A. J., & Savelsbergh, E. (2007). Learning and teaching about ecosystems: Systems thinking and modelling in an authentic practice. In R. Pintó & D. Couso (Eds.), Contributions from science education research (pp. 361–374). Dordrecht: Springer. Whitelegg, E., & Parry, M. (1999). Real-life contexts for learning physics: meanings, issues and practice. Physics Education, 34 68.