International Pleasure Walking Horse Registry, Inc

International Pleasure Walking Horse Registry, Inc.
619 Raiford Rd – Erwin, NC 28339
"For the Love of the Breed"
Phone: 910-891-5022
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. Q: Why is another TWH registry needed?
A: We should all be aware the TWHBEA is not obviously representative of the
non-showing portion of the membership. They also are not obviously
representative of the sound showing portion of the membership. TWHBEA
appears to have one interest and uses available resources to promote and fund
that one interest - the Big Lick Performance horse. Those resources include
money accumulated and used in ways that violate the spirit if the not the letter
of the law...examples are, selling the membership list to credit card companies
but not allowing their own members reasonable access to those lists, or using
their Breeders' Political Action Committee to influence USDA to "soften" their
enforcement of the Horse Protection Act. These resources also include money
paid by YOU in your dues, registrations, transfers of ownership, bloodtyping,
2. Q: How is the IPWHR better?
A: The IPWHR is a service organization. There are no members so there are no
dues. You pay only for the services rendered. IPWHR can and will be run more
economically because money will not be spent to support showing, inspection
and political agendas.
3. Q: What about the TWHBEA Versatility program? If my horse
doesn't have TWHBEA registration papers I can't participate. Will
IPWHR have a similar awards program?
A: IPWHR is solely a registry so will not be providing any show programs.
FOSH has a versatility program in which IPWHR registered horses may
participate. The results recorded by the show management, and supplied to
IPWHR at the end of the showing season, will be recorded with the horse's show
4.Q: How is IPWHR going to ensure that every horse registered in
this registry is a sound horse?
A: IPWHR CANNOT ensure that every horse registered is a sound horse. We
are not an HIO (Horse Inspection Organization) nor affiliated with an HIO. But
we can cut down on the Bad Image horses by not registering padded horses.
There are penalties in place for the owners of horses registered with IPWHR.
The first is that the owner of any IPWHR registered horse which is exhibited in
padded-up (Big Lick) classes or which receives an "upheld" ticket for an HPA
violation from a VMO or DQP for scar rule, unilateral soring or foreign
substance will have the right to conduct business with IPWHR, as well as all
their horses' registration status, suspended for a period of one year from the time
of acceptance or conviction. (Conducting business meaning but not limited to:
registration of foals, transfer of ownership, filing of stud reports, etc.) Second:
the owner of any IPWHR registered horse which receives an "upheld" ticket for
an HPA violation from a VMO or DQP for bilateral soring or pressure shoeing
will have the right to do business with IPWHR, as well as their all horses'
registration status, revoked for all time from the time of acceptance or
conviction. The only exception to that penalty would be that the violator would
have the right to transfer ownership of that IPWHR registered horse to a new,
non-related, owner of record. The new, non-related, owner of record can then
reinstate the status of registration of that horse upon transferring the horse into
his own name.
5. Q: Aren't flatshod horses also found to be in violation of the
A: IPWHR fully realizes that flat shod horses also are sored and abused (and in
fact, in greater numbers because there are more of them trying to imitate the BL
way of going). Any owner of a flatshod horse that is found in violation of the
HPA as above will lose their business privileges with IPWHR.
6. Q: How will IPWHR determine when a horse is in violation of
these rules?
A: The name of the owner is on the ticket as is the offense. That information is
available to IPWHR as well as anyone else who wants to avail themselves of it.
It is not difficult to identify who is showing in which division. The Walking
Horse world is a very small one, particularly the show ring aspect of it. While
SHO (Sound Horse Organization) has no legal or financial connection to
IPWHR, it does have over one thousand supporters across the country dedicated
to a Sound Horse. SHO is informed on a daily basis by someone, somewhere,
about shows, trainers and/or owners, and who is doing what and where. IPWHR
recognizes that unverified information may not be correct but then IPWHR does
not register or penalize on gossip. There are many ways to verify the status of a
horse, its owner/exhibitor, trainer, training barn, etc.
However, IPWHR does not expect many who are currently choosing that
method of showing or who are choosing to sore and/or abuse their horses, to be
attracted to a Registry that can only cause them problems when they already
have a green light from an established one.
7. Q: If the owner is suspended, how does this affect horses
registered to the owner?
A: It is the owner who is penalized and it affects all his IPWHR registered
horses since the owner cannot do business with IPWHR for as long as he is on
suspension. The records on the horse(s) remain intact but IPWHR registration
status is suspended. Horses with suspended registration status must not be
shown or advertised using their IPWHR name or number and no claims of
IPWHR registration may be made. When the owner's penalty time is over, he
can reinstate the registration status and regain the privilege of using the IPWHR
services by paying a fee to cover the paperwork that would entail. However,
REPEAT violations will cause PERMANENT revocation of that owner's right
to do business with the IPWHR and then only a new, non-related, owner of
record can reinstate that horse(s) registration status. If the horse(s) changes
owner, the new owner would be able to record the transfer, reinstate the status of
registration and then use other IPWHR services.
8. Q. I thought that if the owner's privileges of doing business with
IPWHR were revoked for life, then he could not register foals
because of that lifetime revocation. Isn't that true?
A. That is true as far as IPWHR is concerned. Most of the "show horses" will
also be registered in another registry and through that other registry can continue
to conduct business as usual (since IPWHR is the only registry that penalizes for
showing Big Lick or receiving HPA violations). Once the horse involved, or the
offspring, are sold and transferred in the other registry, then the new owners are
free to reapply to IPWHR for the reinstatement of the horse's registration status
or to apply to IPWHR for registration of the foals resulting from the breeding of
the horse involved in the violation. Ancestors of horses shown in violation of the
rules of the IPWHR will not be excluded from the papers of their offspring.
9. Q: So if a registered horse is shown padded his papers will be
A: His records will not be canceled. The owner will be put on suspension for a
limited time from doing business with IPWHR and the horse's registration status
will be suspended for that same period of time. IPWHR will never cancel a
horse's papers unless they are proven to be false.
10. Q: Can horses which have previously been padded be
registered? How about their offspring?
A: Yes. And yes.
11. Q: If I breed my mare to a Big Lick stallion, I can't register the
foal, right?
A: Of course you can. If both the sire and the dam have current TWHBEA,
CRTWH or IPWHR papers, the offspring can be registered with IPWHR. The
showing division of parents and/or other ancestors, owned by others, and not
part of IPWHR, has no bearing on the registering of offspring.
12.Q: If you grandfather in all horses, how do you prove they are
Walking Horses?
A: No horses will be grandfathered in unless they are already registered with
TWHBEA (but missed the bloodtyping deadline). If the horse itself is not
registered because one or both of the parents missed the bloodtyping deadline,
then they must provide copies of the TWHBEA registration papers on both
parents. All horses being grandfathered in must provide bloodtyping or DNA
test results to IPWHR within the specified period of time.
13. Q: I have a foal that is the offspring of TWHBEA registered
and bloodtyped parents. If I have my foal DNA typed, can he be
parentage verified to the bloodtyped sire and dam?
A: No, DNA typing cannot parentage verify to bloodtyped parents. The foal
would have to be bloodtyped or the parents would both have to be DNA typed.
Bloodtyping can be done on a private basis from an independent lab if the owner
14. Q: Why is IPWHR recommending DNA if it can't be used for
parentage verification with bloodtyped parents?
A: DNA typing from a hair sample is much easier and less expensive for the
owner and it is the best technology for the precise identification of the
individual horse. Some labs have already quit bloodtyping and only do DNA
typing, and the others will surely follow.
15. Q: Won't it be very expensive to switch to DNA on all my
bloodtyped horses?
A: Only those horses used for breeding will need to be DNA typed. Depending
on how many mares are bred each year, the switch over to DNA could be done
gradually. And IPWHR has found the most economical lab to do the DNA
typing. Eventually all breed registries that currently identify and parentage
verify with bloodtyping will have to switch to DNA.
16. Q: How can IPWHR verify offspring of horses not registered
with IPWHR?
A: IPWHR is verifying offspring of TWHBEA registered parents, through
bloodtyping or DNA testing results, as the parents must already be registered. If
the offspring cannot be registered with TWHBEA because either or both parents
is not bloodtyped, then the offspring will be grandfathered in with bloodtyping
or DNA results provided to IPWHR.
17. Q: Do you anticipate this registry having open books?
A: IPWHR is NOT registering any horses which do not have TWHBEA
registration papers or who's parent's do not have TWHBEA papers, so in that
respect the books are closed.
18. Q: How would I track down information on bloodlines or
previous owners on horses I want to buy or breed to?
A: The registration and transfer of ownership records are all on an ACCESS
database and it is very simple to find a horse by name, number, or owner.
IPWHR also has a complete set of TWH foundation (and later) breeding
19. Q: As far as I can see, the only benefit this new registry offers is
another piece of paper.
A: This piece of paper says that your horse is not being shown padded and is not
getting tickets for HPA violations. This piece of paper also tells the world that
you do not support the status quo in Tennessee that has refused to listen to the
large majority of dues paying members.
20. Q: What is the money used for if all we basically would be
getting is another set of registration papers?
A: You are not simply getting another set of papers. IPWHR will provide all of
the same registry services that you now get from TWHBEA, which includes
keeping up-to-date records of identification, bloodlines and owners, as well as
all the paperwork involved. All this will be done at more reasonable rates
because there are no showing or political agendas to pay for.
21. Q: How is IPWHR supporting sound horses?
A: Each horse that is registered with IPWHR is not being shown padded and
chained and is not being shown so sore that it is being ticketed for HPA
violations. That HAS TO BE A HELP! Each owner who elects to pay no more
dues to TWHBEA is cutting down on the amount of funding that TWHBEA can
contribute to NHSC (National Horse Show Commission), Political Action
Committees, lobbyists, and all of those who choose to support the sored horse
venues. That IS supporting Sound Horses!
22. Q: In an organization like this, one with no members and no
voting, how are things changed? Who decides to change them?
A: Changes can and will be made by the IPWHR Board of Directors. IPWHR
requirements are worded as simply as possible with the fewest guidelines
possible and still allow for restrictions and penalties to protect the HORSES. All
suggestions are welcomed and will be taken into consideration by the BOD. But
the only promise made here is that the best interests of the horses registered with
IPWHR will come first and foremost. IPWHR has studied the errors made by
other breed associations and will try not to make the same errors.
IPWHR does have a 5 member Active Board of Directors and a 5 member
Advisory Board. The By-Laws call for two meetings a year (though it can have
more if necessary) and while the Advisory Board cannot vote, it is there to
advise and is made up of people in a knowledgeable position to do so.
23. Q: Who are the members of the Board of Directors?
A: The IPWHR Board of Directors consists of 5 individuals who have expertise
in the business of a registry and in the technical end of record keeping, as well
as knowledge of breeding and showing.
1. Bonnie A. Yeager, as the Incorporator of the Registry, provides knowledge of
breeding and genetics and a knack for leadership.
2. Jaretha Dunavant offers experience in showing as well as breeding.
3. Grace Larson, as owner of the Part Walking Horse Registry, offers the
business knowledge and the years of experience in setting up and maintaining a
4. Frederic W. Yeager provides the technical expertise needed for the creation of
the database, forms and applications, etc.
5.Trina Balleck recently of HSUS in Washington, DC and now head of the
AHDF org. will provide legal and political expertise.
The first BOD came from necessity, appointment and by request. When it is
time for a second or when the IPWHR is up and running smoothly and some
want to step aside then the vacancies will be filled by a vote of the BOD from a
roster of nominated candidates.
24. Q: How can the fees generated be sufficient to put the entire
operation on a sound, financial footing?
A: IPWHR is a "pay as you go" Registry. When you register your horse you get
a Certificate of Registration and that's where the money goes. If you want to
transfer ownership, you get a recorded transfer and that's it. IPWHR can afford
to have lower costs and no dues because they are not paying anyone else's bills,
shortfalls, lobbyist's costs, attorney's fees, megaton screens, etc.
25. Q: How long will it last? Publications
A: As long as the Pleasure Walking Horse breed itself!