Additional file 8 - Overlap of HDIs and LDIs to candidate regions for selection identified in previous studies Number of candidate regions for selection detected by previous studies that overlap with the 625 HDIs and 197 LDIs identified in this study. Italic p-values indicate that there is less overlap than expected by chance. Study Sabeti et al. [1] positive selection Huttley et al. [2] Wang et al. [3] Voight et al. [4] Frazer et al. [5] Sabeti et al. [6] Tang et al. [7] Pickrell et al. [8] iHS Pickrell et al. [8] XP-EHH Carlson et al. [9] Williamson et al. [10] Hellmann et al. [11] positive selection Nielsen et al. [12] MWU-high Nielsen et al. [12] MWU-low Altshuler et al. [13] Nielsen et al. [12] G2D Chen et al. [14] Grossman et al. [15] Akey et al. [16] positive selection Oleksyk et al. [17] Nielsen et al. [12] FST Mikkelsen et al. [18] Bustamante et al. [19] positive selection Green et al. [20] Sabeti et al. [1] balancing selection Hellmann et al. [11] balancing selection Akey et al. [16] balancing selection Andres et al. [21] Bustamante et al. [19] balancing selection Method used to detect selection in other studies Total No. of regions No. of overlapping regions Overlap Overlap with with HDIs p-value LDIs p-value Candidate genes Linkage Disequilibrium Linkage Disequilibrium Linkage Disequilibrium Linkage Disequilibrium Linkage Disequilibrium Linkage Disequilibrium 63 10 87 714 213 42 808 17 7 14 141 56 20 232 0.003 0.433 0.344 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 2 2 3 12 6 0 20 0.551 0.485 0.446 0.020 0.119 0.155 <0.001 Linkage Disequilibrium 1979 623 <0.001 88 0.314 Linkage Disequilibrium Site Frequency Spectrum Site Frequency Spectrum 1886 59 180 542 34 74 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 4 0 2 <0.001 0.043 0.046 Site Frequency Spectrum 737 134 <0.001 15 0.043 Site Frequency Spectrum 524 67 0.209 15 0.244 Site Frequency Spectrum Site Frequency Spectrum / Population differentiation Site Frequency Spectrum / Population differentiation Site Frequency Spectrum / Population differentiation Linkage Disequilibrium / Population differentiation 565 69 0.315 13 0.110 19 11 0.003 0 0.167 287 28 0.251 7 0.195 80 58 <0.001 0 0.035 178 52 <0.001 2 0.064 Population differentiation Population differentiation 140 179 45 55 <0.001 <0.001 1 5 0.025 0.114 Population differentiation Ratio of polymorphism to divergence Ratio of polymorphism to divergence Ratio of polymorphism to divergence 398 116 <0.001 6 0.035 15 5 0.432 0 0.161 294 47 0.015 6 0.119 212 42 0.036 4 0.050 Candidate genes 21 2 0.613 0 0.396 Site Frequency Spectrum 1313 109 <0.001 29 0.038 Population differentiation Ratio of polymorphism to divergence Ratio of polymorphism to divergence 17 1 0.3725 0 0.512 56 5 0.419 1 0.443 776 84 0.330 19 0.109 -1- References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 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