Princess Anne Middle School - PAMS-Marx

Princess Anne Middle School
2014-2015 Course Expectations
Teacher Janet Marx
Class Algebra Honors
School Telephone Number: 648-4950
Email address: (preferred contact)
Ms. Cathy Peterson, the Gifted Resource Teacher, will be working with the gifted cluster classes. She can be reached by email
( or phone (648-4950 x62028). Email is the preferred and most efficient contact method. Please
allow 24 hours for a response.
Course Description: Algebra I Honors is designed to prepare students for Scientific, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) fields. The course focuses on the development of problem-solving skills and the acquisition of
mathematical vocabulary and symbols. The active engagement of students along with the use of manipulatives and
technology, such as calculators and computers, will allow students to develop an understanding of the mathematical
principles they are learning. Facility in the use of technology will not be a substitute for students’ understanding of
quantitative concepts and proficiency in computations. Topics include variables and expressions; solving equations and
inequalities; linear, quadratic and exponential functions; graphing and writing linear equations; systems of equations and
inequalities; polynomials; factoring; statistics; and rational expressions. Students in Algebra I Honors will focus on both
the abstract, theoretical explorations of the concepts along with their applications in a STEM environment. Students will
engage in mathematical discourse with the teacher and other students.
Course Objectives: All of the mathematics SOL’s for the Commonwealth of Virginia are included in the Virginia Beach
City Public School’s mathematics curriculum. A detailed listing of the objectives for Algebra Honors and their correlation
to the SOL’s can be found on the VBCPS website. Students mastering the material will be prepared to pass the Algebra I
end-of-course test and will have a strong foundation for future Mathematics exploration.
Course Scope and Sequence: The following units will be covered: Unit 1: Variables & Expressions, Unit 2: Solving
Equations, Unit 3: Linear Functions, Unit 4: Graphing & Writing Linear Equations, Unit 5: Solving Inequalities in One
Variable, Unit 6: Solving Systems of Equations, Unit 7: Laws of Exponents & Polynomials, Unit 8: Factoring & Solving
Quadratic Equations, Unit 9: Quadratic Functions & Curve Fitting, Unit 10: Statistics, Unit 11: Rational Expressions &
Texts and Materials: The textbook is Algebra 1 by Glencoe. Individual Textbooks will not be issued unless access to a
computer is conflicting. All students are to access the online textbook at: with their
unique username and password. The following supplies should be brought to class every day: Binder, #2 pencils, loose
leaf paper, Ti-84 Plus graphing calculator (issued by the school and kept in a zippered pouch or pocket in binder), spiral
notebook and agenda. All Math work must be done in pencil.
Assessment Measures and Grading Procedures and Policies: Please sign up for Parent Portal. Grades will be
updated at least once a week. A blank means the grade has not yet been entered or your child is missing that
assignment due to an absence. Please discuss your child’s grades periodically. A student’s grade on any assignment
exclusively reflects and communicates the level of learning the student has demonstrated relative to clearly defined
learning targets or standards. Students not turning in assignments will be assigned academic detention for the following
Wednesday. Prior to Wednesday’s detention, if an assignment is completed and submitted to me then the detention is
The math grade will consist of 90% from test, quizzes and classwork. The other 10% will be a homework average. All
homework must be completed in a spiral notebook and will be graded for completion.
 Classwork grades will count once
 Quizzes count twice the value of a daily grade
 Tests/ Projects/ Performance Tasks count four times the value of a classwork grade
P. A. Middle- a school where every child achieves
The school system grading scale is: A 93-100, A- 90-92, B+ 87-89, B 83-86, B- 80-82, C+ 77-79, C 73-76, C- 7072, D+ 67-69, D 64-66, E 0-64.
Students absent from class will need to check with their teacher upon their return to school during PAMS Time to make
up any class assignments as well as missed tests or quizzes. Absence over three days will require special arrangements.
Assignment Information: Subscribe to Explorers’ My School Mail through PAMS website. General information can also
be found on my Wikispace which can be accessed through the PAMS website or at
Help Sessions: With prior approval, extra help will be available for students in the mornings. A signed agenda by the
teacher is required. It is the responsibility of the parent to provide transportation to school. In addition, the Homework
Center and tutoring is available before and after school.
Procedures for conferences, parental contacts: Communication is vital to the success of every child. Do not
hesitate to discuss any concerns or questions you have with me. If you have any concerns, e-mail is the best tool for
communication to ensure a quicker response time. If you need to schedule a conference, please contact the guidance
office at extension 84961. Conferences will take place from 8:40-9:00 AM.
Citizenship Expectations: The Princess Anne Middle Disciplinary guidelines will be followed in this class. All students
are expected to be respectful to the teacher and each other at all times. Students who harm the learning environment of
this class through disruptive behavior will be subject to disciplinary action. Disciplinary action may include a teacher
conference, phone contact with parent, detention, or a referral to the office. In addition, our school has an Honor Code
policy in effect, and cheating in any form will not be tolerated.
Attendance Information: Algebra Honors is a High School Credit class, so this class applies to your child’s high school
GPA, and the high school attendance policies outlined in your child’s Agenda also apply. Therefore, it is imperative that
your child attends class as regularly as possible. When scheduling appointments, please try to avoid having your child
miss Algebra Honors, if possible.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Algebra 1 Honors Course Expectations
Please return by Friday, September 5th, 2014
I have read the class expectation sheet and reviewed it with my child and will support the teacher’s efforts to meet the
goals listed therein.
Parent Signature _________________________________________
Student Signature ________________________________________
Home Phone ______________________
Work/Cell Phones ______________________________________
E-Mail Address (please print legibly)
Additional Information ______________________________________________________________________________
P. A. Middle- a school where every child achieves