CALIFORNIA BRIDGES TO YOUTH SELF-SUFFICIENCY (BRIDGES) INFORMED CONSENT AND RELEASE OF INFORMATION Name: ____________________________________ SSN: ____________________ Date of Birth: ____________________ Please check the school district where you receive services: Irvine USD Capistrano USD Vallejo City USD Newport-Mesa USD Riverside COE Whittier UHSD Saddleback Valley USD I understand that the Bridges Project is a five (5) year State of California Department of Rehabilitation (CDOR) and Social Security Administration (SSA) research study testing ways to help youth with disabilities gain access to services and support that are necessary to get and keep a job. I also understand that in order to participate in the Bridges project, I must be an active participant. I hereby authorize the school district checked above, CDOR, and SSA to release/exchange records and information about me for the purpose of the study. Information to be released includes disability, educational/employment, financial, social and health information. I understand that the information the school district checked above, CDOR, and SSA collect about me is confidential and protected under the Privacy Act. SSA will share the information with an evaluation team, in order to learn how well the Bridges Project worked and the best way in which to help youth people with disabilities find and keep work. I understand SSA will share this information with other organizations involved in the Bridges Project and, as required, under the Social Security Act, with State agencies that make disability decisions. I understand this information and my work can affect my application for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits, and/or Supplemental Security Income payments, or my continuing eligibility. I also understand that it is my continuing responsibility to report earnings information, income and other changes (that may effect my benefits) directly to the SSA office. Finally, I know that a school district staff representative will be available to help me understand Social Security benefits and provide resources to help me plan for the future. I know that I do not have to take part in this project. There is no penalty for not volunteering or dropping out whenever I choose. My signature below indicates that I want to be part of the project. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time. If not ended sooner, my authorization to share information shall terminate at the completion of Bridges Project September 30, 2008. ____________________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature ____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian (required for youth under 18) _____________ Date _____________ Date I have read materials to the applicant, and I believe that he/she understands it. ____________________________________________________ School District Representative Bridgesinfchoice.doc 2003 _____________ Date Privacy Act Language – Informed Consent SSA is allowed to collect the information asked for while you participate in the Bridges Project, under section 1110(b) of the Social Security Act (the Act). We use the information to decide what services would best help you. You do not have to give us this information. However, if you do not, we will be unable to offer you services. There are certain situations authorized by Federal law in which SSA may release the information you give us through the Bridges Project. For example, we release the information to a congressional office in response to an inquiry that office may make at your request, or to the national evaluation team hired by SSA to evaluate the all of the states that participate in the Project. Explanations about these and other reasons why information you provide us may be used or given out are available in Social Security Offices. If you want to learn more about this, contact any Social Security Office. Bridgesinfchoice.doc 2003