PhD student in quantum optics/quantum information Kungliga

PhD student in quantum optics/quantum information
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, KTH Teknikvetenskap
KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is the largest and oldest technical university in Sweden.
No less than one-third of Sweden’s technical research and engineering education capacity at university
level is provided by KTH. Education and research spans from natural sciences to all branches of
engineering and includes architecture, industrial management and urban planning. There are a total of
almost 11,500 first and second level students and almost 1,900 doctoral students. KTH has 4,900
KTH Engineering Sciences carries out a wide range of research at the international front line, from
fundamental disciplines such as Physics and Mathematics, to Engineering Mechanics with applications
such as Aeronautics and Vehicle Engineering. We also offer university degree programs in Engineering
Physics, Vehicle Engineering, and 'Open entrance', as well as a number of international masters
The Quantum Electronics and quantum Optics group (QEO) has been pioneering quantum optics and
quantum information research in Sweden, with a history going back to 1985. The group’s research has
spanned from fundamental issues such as uncertainty limits, quantum erasure and delayed choice
experiments, quantum non-locality, quantum teleportation, and mutually unbiased bases, to more
applied topics such as quantum coding, quantum interferometry, single photon sources, and quantum
cryptography. The group is both theoretical and experimental. From July 1, 2011 the group will change
host school from the KTH Information and Communication Technology at Kista, to the KTH Engineering
Sciences at AlbaNova where the position is going to be placed.
Job description
The description of polarization in optics goes back to pioneering research by G. G. Stokes, published in
1852. The current description in classical optics has not changed much since his days. However, with the
ability to generate tailor-made quantum states of light, the classical description is failing. An example
that fall outside the realm of the conventional description are states with “hidden polarization”, i.e.,
states that appear unpolarized when their Stokes parameters are measured, but that have definite
polarization structure that can be unveiled when higher order polarization moments are measured. It is
clear that as the majority of the current protocols and experiments in quantum information assume that
the qubits are coded onto the states’ polarization, an adequate description of polarization, that includes
quantum effects such as entanglement, is needed. You may be the one that extend our understanding
and description of polarization into the quantum regime.
A suitable background for this position would be a Master of Science in Physics or Electrical Engineering
with a specialization in optics, photonics, laser physics or quantum mechanics. In addition to the
traditional academic merits, a relevant degree project, international experience, and language skills are
regarded as advantageous qualifications.
Applicants must be strongly motivated for doctoral studies, possess the ability to work independently
and perform critical analysis as well as possessing good levels of cooperative and communicative
Prof. Gunnar Björk
Phone: +46 8 790 4080
Trade union representative
You'll find contact information to trade union representatives at KTH:s webbpage.
Log into KTH's recruitment system in order to apply to this position. You are the main responsible to
ensure that your application is complete according to the ad. Your complete application must be
received at KTH no later than the last day of application.
The application must contain the following documents in PDF format.
Statement of professional interest
Transcripts from university/university college
Example of technical writing, e. g., thesis, essay, course report or scientific paper
We firmly decline all contact with staffing and recruitment agencies and job ad salespersons.
Type of employment: Temporary position longer than 6 months
Working hours: Full time
Access: Enligt överenskommelse
Salary: Lön med utgångspunkt från KTHs avtal för doktorandanställning.
Number of positions: 1
Working hours: 100%
City: Stockholm
County: Stockholms län
Country: Sweden
Reference number: S-2014-1383
Björn Önfelt, universitetslektor, E-post: