Quick Reference Guide - Eionet

Quick Reference Guide
Air Quality User Interface (AQUI)
(version 2.6)
1. About AQUI
AQUI is the abbreviation of Air Quality User Interface. The software can be used to
exchange Air Quality (AQ) data in the framework of e-Reporting. It is established in:
AQ Directive 2008/50/EC and 2004/107/EC
Commission Implementing Decision 2011/850/EU
Guidance on Commission Implementing Decision 2011/850/EU
version 15 July 2013
AQUI is based on DEM16. Where DEM was used for the former Exchange of
Information, AQUI has been extended to exchange also compliance AQ data, which
previously were delivered by the Questionnaire.
With AQUI 1.0 (released in 2013) the preliminary deliveries of B, C and D as
prognosis for 2014 have been generated.
Medio 2014 AQUI 2.0 as an update of AQUI 1.0 has been released. Together with
the patches AQUI 2.1 until AQUI 2.5 it has been used to support the generation of B,
C, D, E1a and G for the 1 October 2014 deliveries and B, C and D for the prognosis
of 2015.
This AQUI 2.6 has been released as installation version including an updated
AQUI can import, check, update and generate information on:
AQ zones (dataflow B)
Assessment Regimes (dataflow C)
Fixed Assessment Methods (dataflow D)
Primary Observations (dataflow E1a)
Attainments (dataflow G)
It is also possible to generate data flow F with AQUI. However, EEA will not uset his
data flow because, after delivery of data flow E1a, EEA will calculate the aggregated
observations and make the results available. These aggregations can be checked
and compared with the aggregations calculated by the MS. If there are differences,
you can give feedback.
AQUI is preloaded with historical information from AirBase 8.0 and and the October
2014 e_Reporting deliveries B, C and D. So the latest information on zones, links of
sampling points with zones, assessment regimes, networks, stations and sampling
points is available in the database. This can be used to update the information for
this reporting year.
Like the DEM AQUI has the following checking possibilities:
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 Checking the imported data on outliers, on strange calculated annual
values and on missing measurement data.
 Visualization of the imported time series in the form of histograms
and line graphs
 Generating MS Excel files with imported raw data and calculated
statistics and an overview with imported raw data stored in the DEM
 Google Earth KML files with station positions
2. Installation
You can download AQUI 2.6 from the AQPortal:
Note that AQUI 2.6 is not a patch (only executable), but will be installed including a
database. The database has been updated with the last meta information on zones,
assessment regimes and networks/stations/sampling points from the September
2014 data flows B, C and D.
To install AQUI on your PC you have to do the following:
1. Download the self-extracting installation archive (with extension '.exe') to your
local PC in a temporary folder of your local PC;
2. Open Windows Explorer. Go to the temporary folder and double click the selfextracting executable (with extension '.exe') for unpacking the installation files,
and the installation will start;
3. Follow the instructions given by the installation wizard.
NOTE: The set-up program will first ask if the default folder where the installation
files will be unpacked is ok. This is a temporary folder which may be removed after
installation. After unpacking the installation file, the set-up program will ask for the
AQUI destination location.
Note 1: AQUI uses an Access 2007 database. It is important to verify which MS
Access version you are using. If you are still using MS Access versions older than
the 2007 version you have to download and install MS 2007 AccessRuntime from
the Microsoft Website before being able to launch the DEM application properly.
Note 2: AQUI has been developed for Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010. We
cannot guarantee that AQUI will also work for higher version of Windows (Windows
8) and Microsoft Office (Microsoft Office 2013).
Note 3: For the import and export of Excel files in AQUI, you have to use the .xls
format. AQUI doesn’t work with .xlsx files.
Note 4: Especially for users in a Virtual Store Windows Environment.
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Last year we discovered that AQUI users who have installed AQUI under Program
Files in a Windows Vista/Windows7/Windows8 environment, and who do not have
Admin rights, may have problems with the database. The mentioned Window
versions prevents users to write in the Program Files-directory. If applications like
AQUI want to write in this location, Windows creates a 'virtual' environment where
the updates will be performed. This procedure is called 'Virtual Store'.
Due to the Virtual Store procedure, the database located in C:\Program
Files\AQUI2.0 \db\aqui.accdb (created during the AQUI-installation) is not updated!
All the modifications are done in the virtual store (C:\Users\<< user name
>>\AppData\ Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\ AQUI 2.0\ db)! This may cause
confusion or even worse, an unintended loss of data.
So if you are working with AQUI within the environment mentioned above it is
advisable to save your imports/updates frequently which means to backup the
database which is in the virtual store (C:\Users\<< user name >>\AppData\
Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\ AQUI 2.0\ db) in another location by physically
copying the databse (outside AQUI backup function).
This issue with the VirtualStore will not occur if either:
- you have Admin rights; or
- you have installed AQUI on a area other than the C:\Program Files area; or
- your Administrator has disabled the VirtualStore procedure.
So, to be absolutely sure that you don’t lose your database, you have to install AQUI
2.6 on a area other than the C:\Program Files area.
The installation will have (default) the following folder structure:
AQUI executable
Bitmaps of all countries
Location for database AQUI.accdb
Location backups of AQUI.accdb
Default folder for mark files
Default folder for export files for checking
observations and station coordinates
(kml file). It includes also the
Default folder for export files for reporting
Nasa Ames files
Default folder for export files for reporting
XML files
Default folder for export files for updating
networks, stations and sampling points for
export\update\aggregated observations
Default folder for export files for updating
aggregated observations
export\update\primary observations
Default folder for export files for updating
primary observations
export\update\ZoneAssessmentregimeAttainment Default folder for export files for updating
zones, assessment regimes and
Default folder for import files
Location of log files
Location of the manual
Location of the mark files
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During the installation procedure, you will be asked to select your “home country”.
AQUI will be initialised for the country chosen.
Note: You can only modify meta information and import data for your home country.
You can however view meta information from other countries.
Note: To avoid problems with the decimal symbol (also at the installation
process!), please choose the English standard in the "Regional Settings" (Start ->
Settings -> Control Panel -> Regional Options -> format: English). The English
notation is: decimal symbol “.” (point) and digit grouping symbol “,” (comma).
3. How to use AQUI
In the map “manual” you can find the AQUI manual. The chapter numbers
mentioned hereafter refer to the numbers in the manual.
This year (2015) there will be 3 deliveries:
1 Oktober 2015: validated data 2014: dataflows B, C, D, E1a and G with 2014
data (final AQ-report of the assessment results of reference year 2014).
31 December 2015: prognosis zones, assessment regimes and fixed
assessment methods 2016: dataflows B, C and D with 2016 data.
3.1. Delivery 1 October 2015 - Reference year = 2014.
This delivery consists of a final report on zones, assessment regimes and
assessment methods (data flows B, C and D) for reference year 2014 and a final
report of the results of assessment observations performed during reference year
2014 (data flows E1a and G).
This report can be represented as follows:
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The procedure for generating this report is:
Check if zone(s) are changed. If zones are changed, perform steps 1-4, then
go to V.
Check if new zone-classifications are to be used in the current reference year
2014: perform steps 2-4, then go to V.
Check if new sampling points are configured within current reference year
2014: perform steps 3-4; then go to V.
Check if new sampling points are used for assessment within current
reference year 2014: perform step 4
Step 5 import primary observations
Step 6: import attainments
Step 7: Report data flows B, C and D
Step 8: report observations data flows E and G.
The steps are:
Step 1. Update Zones (Dataflow B): export zone information. See chapter 4 in the
Export → For Updating → Zones, Assessment regimes and Attainments → Zones
Select the ‘Reference year’ for extraction of all zones operational during reference
year (2014).
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AQUI is filled with zone information based on the information reported in data flow B
from the last September 2014 e_Reporting deliveries.
After update you import the file into AQUI:
Import → Import from Data file → Addnew → Meta Data
Step 2. Update assessment regime (dataflow C): export assessment regime
information. See chapter 6 in the manual.
Export → For Updating → Zones, Assessment regime and Attainments →
Assessment regime
Select reference year (2014) for which the assessment regime should be defined.
The assessment regimes with the last assessment threshold classification year
(class_year) are exported. The class_year is the start year of a period (mostly 5year) used for the classification of zones in relation to assessment thresholds.
AQUI is filled with assessment regime information based on the information reported
in data flow C from the last September 2014 e_Reporting deliveries.
After update you import the file into AQUI:
Import → Import from Data file → Addnew → Meta Data
Check: If zones/zone_pollutant combinations are missing they have to be
defined in dataflow B (step 1).
Step 3. Update fixed methods used/to be used for assessment: export sampling
points. See chapter 7 in the manual.
The latest sampling points preloaded in the AQUI database are from the last
September 2014 e_Reporting deliveries (meta data until 2013). If sampling points
have been modified and/or installed in 2014, these sampling points have to be
defined in dataflow D.
The update process can be done:
By screen:
Meta Info → Networks
Meta Info → Stations
Meta Info → Sampling Points
Or by import:
Export → For Updating → Networks, Stations and Sampling points (for compliance) → Networks
Export → For Updating → Networks, Stations and Sampling points (for compliance) → Stations
Export → For Updating → Networks, Stations and Sampling points (for compliance) → Sampling Points
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Select option ‘only operational measurements, reference year (2014)’ for which the
networks, stations and sampling points should be defined.
After update
Import → Import from Data file → Addnew → Meta Data
Check station coordinates:
Export → For Checking → Station Coordinates (Google Earth kml file)
Step 4.
Update links of fixed methods used for compliance. Export SPC. In the
export all sampling points (SP) are listed; the SPC have a link to zones/pollutants.
See chapter 5 in the manual.
Export → For Updating → Networks, Stations and Sampling points (for compliance)
→ Sampling Points for Compliance
Select option ‘only operational measurements, reference year (2014)’ for which the
the sampling points for compliance should be defined.
After update
Import → Import from Data file → Addnew → Meta Data
Comment 1: If SP’s are missing they have to be defined in step 3.
Step 5. import primary observation data. See chapter 8 in the manual.
Import the primary observations
Import → Import from Data file → Addnew → Primary Observations
Check the primary observations:
Quality Control:
Quality Control → Check outliers AQ data
Quality Control → Check AQ data with statistics
Quality Control → Check imported AQ data
Visualize → Raw AQ data
Visualize → Statistics
Overviews in Excel:
Export → For Checking → Observations → Raw data → Overview Primary Observations stored in AQUI
Export → For Checking → Observations → Raw data → Export Primary Observations in Excel-format
Export → For Checking → Observations → Raw data → Aggregated Observations calculated from
Primary Observations
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If you want to change only the outlier values:
Quality Control → Check outliers AQ data
Save as AQUI AQ file
After update
Import → Import from Data file → Addnew → Primary Observations
If you want to change the primary Observations:
Export → For Updating → Observations → Primary observations
After update
Import → Import from Data file → Addnew → Primary Observations
Check: If SP’s are missing they have to be defined in dataflow D (step 3)
Step 6. Import attainments. See chapter 10 in the manual.
Export → For Updating → Zones, Assessment regimes and Attainments → Attainments
Select the ‘Reference year’ for extraction of all attainments during reference year
After update
Import → Import from Data file → Addnew → Meta Data
Step 7. Export zones, assessment regimes and fixed assessment methods to XML.
A. Check reference year (2014) (See chapter 3 in the manual).
File → Defaults → Defaults:
->Reference Year
Select ‘Current year of reporting’ for reporting during reference year 2014.
B. Check the defaults and responsible authorities (See chapter 3 in the manual).
File → Defaults → Defaults
Meta Info → Responsible Authorities
C. XML export B, C and D.
Export → For Reporting → XML (for e-reporting) → Dataflow B – zones
Export → For Reporting → XML (for e-reporting) → Dataflow C – assessment regime
Export → For Reporting → XML (for e-reporting) → Dataflow D – fixed assessment methods
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Step 8. Export Observation results to XML
A. Check reference year (2014) (See chapter 3).
File → Defaults → Defaults:
->Reference Year
Select ‘Current year of reporting’ for reporting during the reference year
B. Check the defaults and responsible authorities (See chapter 3 in the
File → Defaults → Defaults
Meta Info → Responsible Authorities
C. XML export data flows E and G.
Export → For Reporting → XML (for e-reporting) → Dataflow E – primary observations
Export → For Reporting → XML (for e-reporting) → Dataflow G – attainments
3.2. Delivery 31 December 2015 - Reference year = 2016.
This delivery consists of a preliminary report on zones, assessment regimes and
assessment methods (data flows B, C and D) for reference year 2016 (prognosis
This report can be represented as follows:
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The procedure for generating this report is:
Step 1: Update zones (data flow B)
Step 2: Update assessment regimen (data flow C)
Step 3: Update fixed methods used/to be used for assessment (data flow D)
Step 4: Update links of fixed methods used for compliance (Sampling Points for
Step 7: report data flows B, C and D
The steps are explained in section 3.1.
4. Help desk
If you experience any problem using the AQUI, help can be found in the software
manual which is installed in the map “manual”
If you have questions and/or remarks and/or have found bugs, please contact:
Wim Mol
RIVM - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
Department for Air and Emissions (MIL/LE)
Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9
3721 MA Bilthoven
the Netherlands
Phone: +31 30 274 2378 (direct), +31 30 274 8562 (secr.)
Fax: +31 30 274 4433
e-mail: wim.mol@rivm.nl
Postal address:
RIVM/CMM (pb24)
P.O.Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, the Netherlands
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